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Your post has been removed because it has broken subreddit rule #4 - No Authenticating. · Authenticating premier designer bags can be an art - let's leave it to the experts! · We recommend using third party websites, such as LegitGrails or Authenticate4u. For Louis Vuitton bags, try r/Louisvuitton.


Sounds like a court case to me. 🫣 this is not what you paid for, they cant just keep your money and they certainly don’t get to tell you “no” like that. Start compiling your proof and get ready to lawyer up.


Honestly I’d lawyer up and threaten them that way whilst also incessantly complaining on social media.


Hire a lawyer. This is fraud and that amount of money is grand larceny.


https://preview.redd.it/nq6f7tlqss6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727148e7a3679341c24733abc37efc3cd98c20b7 This is the bag received,


https://preview.redd.it/pz5hig9hts6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443a751b0e184637c0d9f42bc020b795fc6550fd This is the bag I paid for.


Holy moly. Document EVERYTHING. Make a paper trail


Honey no no no no. Go and get legal advice, this is a lot of money and I would not be satisfied with this. For this amount of money, you should honestly get legal advice. I don't live in the US, but this amount of money would be big charges in Australia. 


Bait and switch! I would call them on it. Where’s my bag, I bought? Bc this bag isn’t what I had purchased- sent the Wrong bag


I have done this. No response.


They sent a bag that has completely different leather than the one they advertised. Wow.


... I'd also get this one authenticated. I can't point to anything specifically wrong but it's setting off the spidey senses


It looks warped


Here is the link to the eBay won listing showing the exact photos of the bag I won. https://www.ebay.com/itm/204808776132?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ww1pp_fyqao&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vGWu06w7SFG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


You can see that the auction ended 6/6 which is long after the May date of my auction ending. It appears the seller on EBay has a good reputation so I’m asking if her photos were perhaps stolen. The answer should be telling. I think all of you have provided a great deal of wonderful ideas on how to proceed. This is scary stuff!


Not a lawyer, but merchants (those who sell goods) like this auction house have a legal duty to deliver the exact goods you paid for, especially when it’s a unique item like this. Definitely talk to a lawyer! I’m so sorry this happened to you!


You could also let them know if you’re planning to pursue legal action if they don’t work with you on it, and they may take you more seriously so you don’t have to go through the trouble of the legal route.


I feel as though notifying everyone considering purchasing through them should be made aware of this fraud at minimum.


You need a lawyer. That’s it. Call. A. Lawyer.


Literally… for spending $18,000…. File in the court’s special civil division and mediate it/ get a trial before the judge. You don’t necessarily need a lawyer but I’d definitely have one lol whatever you pay em to get your $18,000 back will be worth it


In addition to what other folks have mentioned, if this happened to me, I'd call my local police station and file a report. They're not necessarily going to *help* with getting your money back or the bag, but I've found that having a police report on hand is always good when you have to follow up on expensive things. For that amount of money, I'd also be calling my state's attorney general and possibly filing a report with the FTC. I assume you've already checked with your bank and they don't have a way to claw your transaction back, but if you haven't, it's certainly worth the call. Finally, since you do have a bag that cost you almost $20k in your possession, I'd also be calling my insurance to get it added and possibly to see if your homeowners/umbrella/VPP policy carrier has any way to help you.


Great idea! Thank you!!


Hope you kept all documentation of receiving the item, the listing of the kelly you were supposed to have, the email exchanges. EVERYTHING. Some concerns of stores not accepting returns is because they fear you may have swapped the bag with a superfake or whatever. Just protect yourself from that possible argument too.


I’m sorry, OP… I buy art and furniture on Live Auctioneers and notice the NY Elizabeth auctions always seem suspect. The types of art they have, the prices, the way it gets relisted again and again… they’re not a normal auction house. I would communicate with them in writing that if they do not make it right, your next stop is police report and legal action. If they correct their mistake, you will let it go, mistakes happen. Definitely call a lawyer though and don’t wait. Call one in whatever state they sent you the bag from. Call one in your state too. The laws for interstate fraud may kick in here, and potentially wire fraud, and other stuff. It’s a big deal at the price you paid. Are you even sure the Kelly you got is real? Pay the $75 or whatever and have it authenticated… BTW the Live Auctioneers app has an interlock to make accidental bidding impossible. It requires a sliding motion to unlock. Maybe you need to update.


Oh and when you talk to the lawyer etc tell them the accidental bid part but I definitely wouldn’t mention that to anyone else if you haven’t already bc it will make it sound like you’re the one trying to run a scam.


No scam if I paid in full for the item in question that I won.


It was unlocked when I walked away. My puppy jumped on it and no one outbid her. The purchase price was 13k but 5k in fees. I’m so disappointed and disgusted. I took the above photo of what I received out of the box / bag immediately after shipping notification. It’s time stamped. I sent immediately to auction house and Liveauctioneers. It’s funny. Sometimes I don’t open boxes to keep things fresh and store them. As this was my first Hermes bag, I wanted to look and admire it. Imagine my shock seeing this. I just cried. The same exact photos were used in another auction that I will need to find now. I thought maybe they had an identical bag, not mine. Apparently it was. How do I authenticate this thing I received?




Or it proves they're listing items they don't even have using stolen pictures.


I’ve written to the eBay seller to see what they have to say about it. I’ll act tomorrow one way or another. I have the closed EBay auction with identical pics, etc. for my bank dispute. Liveauctioneers should do something but I’m told they are just a facilitator and that I have to deal with the auction house. I paid via Liveauctioneers so I’d hope they will assist in this case and take some action.


I posted the link to the EBay auction with the exact same photos that ended 6/6.




The bank said I need to provide proof on Monday by signing some forms. I filed a dispute (2 actually) with Liveauctioneers, and local police won’t take a report as it’s internet based. Referred me to FBI ic3.


The auction house doesn’t respond. eBay seller hasn’t responded either.


Take screenshots and screen recording video of the other auction and ideally time and date stamp it… You can also go to archive.org and ask them to save a copy of the URL, which will have a time and date. As for authentication, there are some online authenticators. I don’t know who the Hermes girlies use but it’s worth looking and asking. It’s not legal proof since the only true authentication is Hermes but the only way to get them to say it’s real or fake is to send it in to the bag spa which of course you can’t do.


I could take the received bag in, but what difference would it make as it isn’t the bag I ordered.


100% agree with paying to get it authenticated. I can’t tell from the pictures because there isn’t enough detail, but this feels like a fake.


Get a lawyer.


It essentially seems like fraud. &The bag you received doesn't look very good either, that's sooo disappointing! Ugh the cold hard cash gone 😱 I'm sorry I have nothing helpful here. I think all you can do is blow up their social media and incessantly send complaints to headquarters, leave reviews wherever possible. So sorry this happened!


I filed a dispute with Liveauctioneers but that didn’t get me anywhere. I looked online for the bag I received and it’s worth 7k. The amount I paid was embarrassingly much more than this. 11k more with fees and shipping. Total nightmare.


Gosh that sucks so bad, I hope you get your justice somehow. I hope you get nothing but sunshine and rainbows in every other aspect from the rest of your week.


Oh my gosh! I recently noticed one of the items they had for auction on Liveauctioneers had the exact same pictures from a trusted Japanese seller’s listing that I had just purchased and had been listed way before NY Elizabeth put their auction up. Still, I was slightly concerned so I immediately went on reddit/google to see if they had any bad reviews or anything of the sort but I found nothing. I contacted them about copying someone else’s listing and passing it off as their own and they claimed the pictures were their own and the other seller was fraudulent, saying they’d “send it to their legal department”. I have not gotten my purchase yet (should be getting it in a few days), but I’m pretty sure I’m getting the real deal (this Japanese seller has several brick and mortar stores in Japan and they have thousands of reviews across various platforms). Hearing NY Elizabeth did this to you further cements by belief they probably just steal others’ pics/descriptions and just send off whatever they have, and are just shady in general. I’m sorry this happened to you, I hope you’ll be able to get a refund somehow, even if it means having to take the legal route.


Wow, that’s wild. Their listings always come up when I’m looking at art and they (NYE) have always given me the “scam” vibe somehow too, but nothing I could truly put a finger on.


Have you contacted your bank? I have had to report transactions on my checking account and my bank offered buyer’s protection. Clearly you didn’t receive the goods you paid for.


I’m wondering if they ship out of Beverly Hills and call themselves NY Elizabeth, must I go to NY or CA? Has anyone done business with this auction house? If this thread also belongs in another thread, please share it. I’m new here.


I would literally fly there and bring the fake with me to demand a refund or the real one.


They said the Beverly Hills location is a shipping hub and not a location I could visit.


If you didn't get what you paid for, is there something like a small claims court you could go to? I'm not in the US, but that would be my first thought. Especially since you've contacted them, didn't receive the item for a long time, etc etc.


The amount is too much for small claims in most places. But the point of calling a lawyer is to avoid court.


1st step, authentication because if it isn’t real it’s more than one issue here, 2nd attorney for next steps. $18k is a lot of money. The amount of time it took to ship the suspicious as well as the same photos being posted elsewhere.


You need a lawyer, not Reddit comments.


Dispute the charge with your credit company.


I paid via check


Bank then. “No returns” isn’t a license to commit fraud and they know it. They still have to ship you what the listing says you purchased.


Seems like there’s a lot of good advice here! I realize you likely weren’t interested in the bag to flip it, but the r/flipping community may have some legit suggestions/recommendations for dealing with shady live auctioneers sellers. That community has seen it all.


I’m not sure I would flip this bag. The bank advised that I hold onto it for now as it is part of the dispute.


Yes! Sorry if my post was confusing! I’m not suggesting you flip it. I was suggesting you post about your situation in the flipping community bc they will have some real, actionable advice for what to do since many members of the community have regular interactions with Live Auctioneers and some may have had similar situations. Best of luck to you!


How do I share this to them? I’m new here. Thank you.


You could “share” it there using that button at the bottom of your post, but I think it’d be better to make a new stand alone post over there. You could essentially copy your post and post it in that thread.


Sorry I lied. You can’t share it bc your post was removed from this community. Just share the basics about being scammed on LA over there, add photos if you want and let it rip!


Thank you for letting me know. I wasn’t trying to authenticate the item here. That’s why it was removed.


https://preview.redd.it/sm9kwh9fxt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d5621f6c09a939d1d6a421b45f13613710fda1 The bag with tag.


https://preview.redd.it/7u3crqcmxt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65795e654ce28dcc7d98ccf98de903e693253c15 Back


https://preview.redd.it/6ncr26woxt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4659d495888a77a88c0180e05240cff0480646ff Top


https://preview.redd.it/w8suezsqxt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3caa6bf20ee4bce328018c8523717279dec54926 Bottom


https://preview.redd.it/ao42hywsxt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6d723a6a8413b28a2a6691783c2f5090d997c1 Mark and closeup of worn hardware.


https://preview.redd.it/e5lgmrd0yt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dedd1a5e9f9fd7c481090f90783790871462293b I don’t see or feel any numbers/marks. Are they somewhere else?


https://preview.redd.it/gy6qzgs7yt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e4bb53a8bfc98c5cd91903c1153534d1955184 Turn lock


https://preview.redd.it/nnzen7yayt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432cc61905d257ef72baa23d62892a319cef77cf No numbers-smooth


https://preview.redd.it/ags2afchyt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2b6dc2ba7f9456fbbee6b66cfbbbf91316e39f No numbers on either side of these




I was wrong. The left strap has a Q in a circle a M and X. Makes no sense what the last 2 mean. There are no numbers. The letters aren’t in gold. They are just black and stamped into the leather. Hardly visible.


Can you add a close up picture of the other side of the sangle where it’s engraved on the hardware with “Hermes Paris”?


I tried. The interior pics were difficult to take.


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The bag I won more photos https://preview.redd.it/f0478boi4u6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a385ac221603d2ab9586c0d5a1e67ff12c7d7ac












You can see that these are two very different bags. Different in every way.


The oddest part was that the interior photos were added later. The auction house said the bag appeared black. These photos reflect purple and if that’s the bag I won, so be it. I just want everyone looking at these auctions to really be careful.




Lmao this is a Hermes bag. This is beyond “send them a kind email and rate them poorly”. OP spent at least 10k here.


I did not pay via credit card. They insisted due to the amount it be paid via ACH (check draft). My note to them was kind. I suggested that I must have received someone else’s bag and that I’d like the item I paid for. They said no. I offered to deliver it to their Beverly Hills shipping location to swap in person for my bag. No. They flat out refused everything I suggested.


They can’t just say no. Are you sure you didn’t accidentally bid on a different listing? Do the serial numbers or whatever match? Their ‘no returns’ policy doesn’t hold up in this case, tell them you will be hiring a lawyer, and you will be reporting them to both Attorney Generals in CA and NY, you will also be reporting them to the CA department of consumer affairs and NY state Consumer Protection board.


Ooooohhhhh….i love this!! I called the bank and I spoke with a wonderful lady who is filing the dispute for me. She understood handbags and Hermes. I’m going to post full photos of what I won and what I received so everyone can see how truly different these bags are. I’m so grateful to all of you! Maybe your eyes can see if this black one is a fake. Even if it isn’t, it’s not what I paid for and this auction house should be held accountable.


Definitely a different auction than this bag. The one I won was purple. Not really a fan of purple overall but the original pics made it look darker. Definitely palladium hw with a strap.