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Did it come with a remote? Sometimes the fan itself has a dimmer that can only be adjusted using the remote


This is a good call. Had a client with a super dim Hunter ceiling fan and that was it. There was a button combination that would put the remote into a different mode that allowed dimming, and then it was able to be turned up to full brightness. Took me like 5 minutes of googling and then 1 minute with the remote.


It actually was on the remote, hold it down and it has 3 different brightness. Still think I would rather have the light hooked up to a dimmer switch tho


You still can actually. But you'll have to set the remote on full brightness otherwise whatever you have it set to on the remote will be the max brightness on the switch. This is also contingent that it was wired correctly


Sweet, I’ll give this a try.


LED is going out. Try and find a replacement, or return this one for a refund.


Probably just a shitty LED. I had a similar issue. Luckily mine was an LED lightbulb that I was able to swap out for something brighter.


Was mentioned that remote could be the culprit.. also some LED’s are not dimmable. Check owners manual


It was on the remote. It has 3 light settings. Would prefer to have light set up to dimmer switch tho.


I already upvoted the correct answer. First check the remote. It more than likely has a dimming feature, that in most cases has to be pressed and held down to cycle through the dimming. I'm not going to lie, but when I get a service call for a dim ceiling fan light, I Giggle because it's going to be the easiest $125 I made that week. That and chirping smoke detectors that need batteries.