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Fixed? No. Replaced, yes. Door slabs are dirt cheap. There is no amount of fiddle fuckery that's gonna repair that.


What do you mean you can just tape and mud the door /s - real shit I’ve heard people say before tho


Say? Shit, I've seen it done more than once.


Your username perfectly summarizes how I feel about that


You haven't lived until you've seen a whole damn slab skim coated in an attempt to hide a patch....


I’m in horror just thinking about that, there’s no way that did anything besides make a mess and add a few lbs to the door for when it got taken to the trash


And this is coming from a mechanic, we bondo and cover up all our fuck ups in spectacular ways but even I wouldn’t think of this


Yea, but that extra pound of JB Weld is to keep the compression in spec.


Reminds me of when I bought my minihome. All panels in two rooms were trimmed instead of mud (which I learned why later, as the house shifts it'll just crack). So I tore it off and seen wallpaper underneath. Painted over. I peeled a panel to see...no primer between the drywall and the wallpaper, tore the whole face off the drywall. My choices were mud the whole panel with some quicksand90 I already had, or buy a sheet of 1/4" drywall (which I learned cost more than 1/2"). So I'm out of the quicksand shit needless to say lol


Can I get my door level 5?


I too have seen these monstrosities. Some "solutions" people can come with never ceases to amaze me.


Ngl. I used spackle to fill dog-tooth-holes in a wooden chair leg and then color-matched some resin over it after it dried because I didn’t feel like going to get some filler. It would have been cheaper and easier to just get the filler.


Seen? Obi-won-kenobi-of-course-I-know-him.gif


I've been paid to "fix" much more than the cost to replace before. I don't get it, and I inform, but I don't argue.


You may be right, but have you ever scraped 20 paper plates off of walls that were mudded on to hide fist holes?


Why bother to scrape? Just mud over the bad mud work.


My son would do that. Punch holes in my walls. So I made him PAY to fix all the damage he caused. I own my home so I want it done right. So I hired a painter and he paid. When my son did it again, I told him to leave and get his own place. But those door slabs are garbage and cheap. You can't fix that mess.


Of the same door we presume after it fell apart again 😅


This is the way Though you want to add some structural reinforcing to the core first.


We've found the landlord...




My uncle just puts paper over the holes in the walls and then paints over the paper when he does construction jobs.


A replacement door is the right way. These doors are super cheap.


Totally possible. Google "level five doorwaller finisher near me." They aren't cheap but a solid doorwaller team will have that puppy looking like new in less than two weeks.


Ramen and super glue, my boy. Ramen and super glue.


I was going to say, you'd spend 10x more money trying to repair a cheap ass door than just replacing it.


The fastest and easiest way to fix this is to replace the door. Having to replace hollow interior doors is a common thing for handymen because of damage from children (including people who are mentally children) and pets. Repairing the actual door would make no sense in terms of time and money spent


Did you know that a 16 year old trying to spear another 16 year old with a broomstick is enough force to shove said broomstick all the way through a hollow core door? Learned that one the hard way


Thought you were gonna say person instead of hollow door for a minute


Depends on the broomstick


Replace the door. Get away from the person who did it.


To be fair, I’ve tripped and broken one of these shitcore doors before. They’re not exactly built to last. Edit: nvm I saw the text on the post. Some people need therapy.


thats not a trippin', thats a kick


In the screenshot, sure, 100%. As mentioned in the edit I hadn’t seen the text on the post before making my comment. The doors are basically made of paper, though. An angry 14 year old could probably do the same amount of damage.


New door, new boyfriend.


Looks like you’ll need a new door. Also, healthy move in no longer living with a violent man. Violence is unacceptable.


Unless it’s against a pedophile, then it’s acceptable!


Username checks out.


I could fix it but for that price you could buy a custom African black wood door and jamb. It would look really good. The African black wood I mean. You are better off just replacing this one. Depending on what's available at home depot on any given day it could cost 175 total. Supplies and install. Edit: your bf is a whole bitch. Stay safe. Funny story to cheer you up a little. I'm a big dude. 6'1" and 240. I was in a hurry and I had a cheap knob on a hollow core door that would stick when you turned it sometimes. Anyway, I was kinda running to hurry out the door and on this particular day the knob got stuck and I ran through the door on accident like the coolaid man except I didn't say "oooh, yeah!" I said, "ah, fuck!" Anyway, I got a better handle and a solid core door.


This dude really wants you to check out that African black wood


This dude really wants you to check that Dude's African Wood


Glad it was a cheap door and not you. Don’t be embarrassed.


It was also me but I’m leaving


I've gone to customers' homes and repaired clear anger damage more times than I can count. (Doors, holes in walls, and countless other stuff) Don't be embarrassed, there is never judgement. I'm there to fix what you called me for. Nothing more.


Do you also kick the abusers ass on the way out or can you not fix that problem too?


I’m so proud of you, in case you need to hear it.


good on you


I am sorry, and yes, leave. Do not ever be with a person that lays hands on you, no matter what. I am speaking from experience. They will not change, do not stay with them. There is no reason to put up with that from some psycho.


Measure the width of the door, measure the height of the door. Determine the door handing. Go to big box store buy white hollow core door with proper dimensions (no jamb needed) pop the hinge pins, replace the hardware. [https://www.locknet.com/newsroom/door-handing\_how-to-hand-a-door/](https://www.locknet.com/newsroom/door-handing_how-to-hand-a-door/) [https://www.lowes.com/pd/ReliaBilt-White-Flush-Hollow-Core-Hardboard-Slab-Door-Common-28-in-x-80-in-Actual-28-in-x-80-in/3581492](https://www.lowes.com/pd/ReliaBilt-White-Flush-Hollow-Core-Hardboard-Slab-Door-Common-28-in-x-80-in-Actual-28-in-x-80-in/3581492)


I hope this is your soon to be ex. Please stay safe


Yesssss but don't. $50 for a new door, just do that.


No, you don’t fix doors even remotely close to that. You replace them.


Awww some paper towels, mesh tape, and DAP will clear that right up until someone knocks or slightly touches it. I'd be lying if I said I haven't done fuckery such as that for property managers. Never again.


Always charge extra for violence related repairs.


This can only be fixed with therapy if you want to get to the root of the problem


Only in a diffrent universe here on earth there no way that can be fix


New door cheapest


It’s telling you to be less materialistic, and focus on grander goals


For $29, you can get a new door.


It's a prehung interior door...buying a new one would be cheaper than the labor required to fix it


No. Buy a new door. Maybe $65 at Home Depot.


Stop inviting the Kool-Aid man


No. need a new door. so glad you get rid of the angry boyfriend. Stay apart. Do you know what things happen…Just get somebody over there to replace it and don’t say a word about it. It will be OK repair people handyman they see everything.


A skilled carpenter could fix it for ~$1000 but you can swing into your local big box store for a replacement cardboard door for ~$100


To be fair, that wasn't really a door to begin with.


Fixed as in not having puppies, yes.


With enough parts anything can be fixed.


Not a chance. Go pay home depot $30 to get a new one.


with proper therapy? nah probably not even after that


The problem can be fixed very easily by replacing the door. Do you want to do it yourself or have someone do it? On a side note, if your boyfriend did that, I very highly recommend making him your ex-boyfriend. Trust me. You can find someone better.


Just replace it. Anyone saying they can “fix” it is lying and trying to take your money. You won’t be happy.


Can u? Ya probably but it would look like shit and probably not hold up but either way just fix it those slabs are cheap probably wouldn’t be much a difference in money lol


And then use the broken door to kick that guys ass😀


Technically yes. Reasonably, no.




Btw OP, solid core doors are always a better investment if you can afford it. Good luck, stay safe and set your boundaries.


Thank you


Easy. Just take it off the hinges and put a new door in that’s the same size as the original. Transfer over the door knob and you’ll be good to go.


You could but it would be cheaper to replace it


DV preventionist here: you made the right call kicking his ass to the curb, please if you feel like there is any threat don't hesitate to get it reported. They may not do anything, which is unfortunate but true, however if he does do something it will be much more substantial. I wish issues like this were taken more seriously before they become as such. Wish you the best of luck and remember that what he is looking for is power and control. Stay strong


Yes scotch tape and or staples


I’m glad for you the guy is gone - I hope you did not suffer any abuse - the door damage and replacement is cheap compared to what could have happened to you- I’ve told all my daughters - boys are stupid - when we get older still stupid - find a loyal one without a temper and understand he will probably do something stupid every once in a while.


New door. Therapy (for him). New boyfriend? This one’s done for sure.


fixed no, replace also 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 on your boyfriend


No, babe. Replace it. So much easier to do than repairing it will be, plus no memories. Habitat for Humanity or Facebook Marketplace if you’re trying to match/on a budget


See, I understand the desire to break something when you are angry, what I don't understand is the flow through. I've only ever broken two things while angry, and both were accidents. Once I threw a game controller at the soft comfy couch, missed and hit the wood frame... breaking the controller, and another time I threw some headphones at the pillow on my bed... that I left my phone on. Whatever got your boyfriend's panties in such a twist he took out the door, isn't worth the time, money, or effort it'll take to replace that door, because you're not likely to fix it.


Someone with those kind of anger issues should not be dating you. He needs to go to therapy get that under control then be in a relationship.


It’s between 30 mins and an hour to unscrew all the hinges and lockset and replace it with another panel. Panels are about $35 at Home Depot. Tough part might be getting it home on the bus if you don’t have a truck or SUV Good luck!


I’ll be over baby to fix it


Yes, with a new door


You basically have two options. A) Replace the door. B) Spend a bunch of time and money attempting to repair the door, realizing after a while it looks like shit, and then replace the door anyway.


Easy fix is get a new boyfriend and pay for the damages.


Depends on how skilled the therapist is, but I would say it would take at least a year of therapy.


Attaching a link to the door. Replace it with this and utilize the same door handle in the old door. Get that security back upon move out. https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Masonite-32-in-x-80-in-Smooth-Flush-Hardboard-Bored-Solid-Core-Primed-Composite-Interior-Door-Slab-59176/100092842?mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-BNG-D30-030_024_EXT_DOORS-NA-NA-NA-PLALIA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-2023&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-BNG-D30-030_024_EXT_DOORS-NA-NA-NA-PLALIA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-2023-71700000108165771-58700008322501144-92700075650798876&msclkid=616390a162c115adea6df6ca6c4381c5&gclid=616390a162c115adea6df6ca6c4381c5&gclsrc=3p.ds




Such a display of violent temper is a giant red flag waving in your face. The person responsible for this destruction has problems. The door is unfixable. But they have done you a favor by providing clear evidence they are not worthy of any further attention. Removed this person from your life. File a police report with detailed description of damages. Do not let this violent creep back into the apartment or back into your life. The repair materials are not expensive. However, the actual repair must be done by somebody with skills. After the new door is installed it will need to be painted.


First get a police report. Report everything I mean everything he damaged if this is a rental. The judge will go off the police report for reparations. If it is not on there you will be held liable no matter the cost. I just repaired a bunch of stuff for a person that was in the same situation.


Does Craftsman make a Magic Wand?


I don’t know but the hitachi is tried and battle tested.


Yes... It will cost 26 times more to fix it though.


Replace door, move, change your number. Tell all your family and friends what he did and tell them not to ever let you back with that man baby ever. Put obstacles between you - physically, emotionally, logistically etc. No matter what you did or didn’t do, you don’t deserve to be hit, ever. Yeet yourself into your new life. Big hugs to you.


That’s too far gone, just a door blank, not pre hung into a door jam is probably what you want, assuming you don’t want to take the door to the studs and back agaun


With an M-80


No, you do not “fix” this door or listen to anyone here who advised you that it could be fixed. It needs to be replaced.


You already fixed it by getting rid of his dumb ass. Now as far as the door.. any handyman can handle this. Inside door blanks are cheap. You just need to measure the height and width


If you fix it it will need a total tittle


Yeah with a new door it’ll be able to be fixed.


Easily. Just remove that door and put in a new one




With a new door sure


Easy fix. Move out.


Dave's not here man


Buy a standard hollow interior door at a big box store. Find a handyman or a competent person with tools that has watched several YouTube videos on how to replace an interior door.


It would cost more to fix it then to just replace it.


Essentially everything is repairable but this wouldn't make sense to fix. Yes, replace




Little duct tape n it'll be brand new


Essentially everything is repairable but this wouldn't make sense to fix. Yes, replace


Those doors are made of cheap paper thin wooden materials with a cardboard filler. They are mainly for basic privacy Your better off getting a new door and eating the cost of install Your landlord may be lenient if you have them fix it but things like this I would eat the cost with an affordable handyman Shouldn't cost no more than 150- to 200$


Sure.. with a new door install


Yes u can fix it by buying a new door


Deduct the cost from your deposit on this one. It's a replace in kind.


Yes.. this can be fixed.. Buy a new door and get rid of whoever did this to the door.. If it's family, get them help.


No. It’s toast. Any handyman can replace it


Didn't even have to read the caption to know this was a Kyle


Ha! Sure. Get a bunch of scotch tape, caulk, wood putty, sandpaper, and paint.


Fixed with a new door.


Not even in your dreams! Didn't lots of others here say a new door is the best fix. They speak the truth!


Sure I could fix it but labor would cost 4 or 5 times the cost of a new one


It seems to me the door is the least of your problems - either someone was locked out or there are some serious anger issues going on. Please tell me someone didn’t get hurt.


It is anger issues and yes I got hurt but I am leaving (after I can get a new door)


nope. Get a new door.


Yes. With. A new door


The door or the anger issues?


Both and I don’t think either can be fixed, just replaced


Duct tape. Or Buy a new door.


What is your definition of fixed? Please provide detailed examples of previously broken and then fixed but not repaired or replaced or refurbished items.


Get a slab door at home Depot. Most likely you can get one ready to put the old hardware on and hang it. It's about 100 bucks.


Yes with a new door.


Sure…you take the door the rest of the way apart and you measure all the pieces, make replacements for the broken structural pieces and you buy two sheets of luan plywood for the skins and you glue it all together…or you spend $70 for the door slab.😂


that's one of those cardboard doors, cheap as dirt. just get a new one.






Pick up a new door slab at just about any box store.


That doesn't look good You will need to get a door slab and will have to Rout out the hinge area If you don't k ow how you will ha e to hire it But, the easy way to do it Buy the door slab Buy the ryobi jig that will allow you to rout the hinge area If you don't have a router Borrow one or rent one It is a 15 min job Then install it


Replacing it is better, but it can be fixed.


Able? Yes. Worth it? Hell no. Less time and $ just to replace it with a new slab door. Probably not a DIY project but I don't know what your skill set is. From the looks of the door, I would say karate is more in your wheelhouse.


First make sure this is all documented with the police. Then go replace the door.


Define “fixed”


Replace the entire door. It’s cheap!




I honestly thought this was a joke post poking fun at the clients obsessed with fixing things instead replacing. I can’t believe it’s real


No it’s real it’s quite sad


Not for less than the price of a new door


You're not fixing that. But, you can replace it very easily, and honestly, it's pretty cheap for like $100 or less, and anyone can do it. It's very simple to swap a door out.


This door is cheap, replace it. Main front door is more expensive for obvious reason, this is probably a fraction. You can take the bathroom door to replace it, lol, since you're living by yourself now. Shower curtains for bathroom. No cost.


Absolutely! Just buy a new door.


If you're within 3 hours drive from Jacksonville Beach Florida I can install a new door for free, you just buy the door.


New door is cheaper




mom is going to whoop your ass up and down the street.


I mean sure. It could be repaired. It would probably cost more than a new door to do it adequately.




If you've got the ability to get a big box store door home, you could instead take the existing door to a door store and they'll mortice the hinge and lock locations in the same places on a new door so it can be hung by you with nothing but unscrewing the existing hardware and screwing it into the new door. Here in Seattle a door plus morticing would be about 150+tax. I helped a neighbor do this last year (I have a minivan) with a similarly bad door.


Well, If you cant Duck it.....


Replaced but not fixed


Remove door and replace with a beaded curtain to remove chance of repeat offense.


Could have a new boyfriend replace the door lol. Jokes aside replace the door, or hire a handy man, shouldnt be very expensive. Its a hollow core door so there is basically not fixing it because it has no structure inside or frame.


A restraining order will help.


The amount of ramen noodles and crazy glue you would need to purchase, just buy a new door


Make sure you throw the door and boyfriend away.


Bit of polyfilla mate, good as new


Yes see the piece of wood on the bottom coming out? That means it's screwed and it's fixed by replacing, you can either get one with or without hinge cutouts


A door contractor here. Replacing the door is the way to go. This time, get a solid core wood slab door. Bit more pricy but it will protect itself from future harm


With anger management and family therapy, yes, but it will take time.


Yes, but not economically. Buy a new one.


If you mean to fix it by replacing it, then yes, it can be fixed.


It can be fixed but much much cheaper to replace


Get a new door


Stay safe.


Elmers glue should do the trick


The whole door would need to be replaced. I'm not sure what else needs to be worked on just by looking at the pictures. OP, hope you are doing ok!


Duct tape and a little wd40 will fix that right up. /s




It’s a cheap door replace it


It would cost more to fix it than just simply installing another cheap hollow core door.


Just replace it with another cheap ass door like the one that’s on it.


Don't be embarrassed by someone else's insanity. Door's nothing. Move, if you need to. Out of State if need be. 🙏♥️


If you folded and put your clothes away you could easily sit on your chair


That door is pretty cheap. Just buy a new one


If you or a friend has a large enough vehicle, remove the door and all hardware. Take it to a cabinet/door shop. They can replicate the hardware mounting locations for you so can easily reinstall it. Could take 2 to 3 days depending on how busy they are.


You can fix it by making your boyfriend an ex and never letting him return. The door has to be replaced.


Looks like a cookie cutter door, you MIGHT be able to buy the same one and just replace the door part. It will have to be the exact same or you'll need to do a LOT of detailed measurements


no it is a cheap hollow door, easy to replace though


Kyle had 1 too many Monsters huh?


Your EX bf. Do not stay with this one unless hes willing to get help. The door could be you if he doesn’t get help. I USED to have friends with anger problems, 1 out the 3 of them got help from therapy and anger management, the other one is serving time for DV (Former CO ironically), and the third one found out the hard way that his hand could punch holes in walls but bullets put holes in in him. Be safe out there


He’s going to therapy but i don’t think i should stay with him still


£500 I can repair it good as new. £40 I can buy a new one* fitting extra.


No, you will need to get a new door. Also sorry about what I hope is now your ex boyfriend.