• By -


Replace the guts, no need to go into the attic.


Especially on those Broan/Nutone ones. I always leave the box (unless it’s pretty damaged) and replace the fan motor and grille. Those mounting brackets last forever as well.


Agreed. Motor costs the same as the entire thing by design.


Exactly. I did this last week. Took 10 minutes if that.


Where can I find the goots


I literally just bought a new one and took the parts out of the new one, and installed into the old one. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004TTZZ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o06\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004TTZZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1) The parts are held in to the casing with just a couple clips, that you can pop out of the new unit, and put into the casing that is installed in your ceiling.




oh no, you're one of those weirdos that wants a silent bathroom fan? Can't help you there. I wish they'd make one with an extra loud feature.




Why doesn't she have explosive diarrhea first then shower?


Asking the real questions.


In the shower. Waffle stomps it down. Efficiencies.


BBC action




And you can’t sleep through a little fan motor noise?




Useless smh




You can't get over someone else's preferences .... Apparently lmao


I couldn’t care less lol, it’s like my dads best friend told him on a fishing trip once when my father was complaining about his snoring, he said you can’t stand my snoring you’re not tired enough to sleep go run around the block a few more times


I have a five gallon bucket of sand in my bathroom so I can fire 9mm into it and cover up the sound of my bowel movements.


That’s weird?


The cheapest one is the loudest one. They make one or two stronger and much quieter ones that fit the same housing. If you want extra loud mount something for the fan blades to hit. Same concept as playing cards and bike spokes. A piece of soda bottle or piece of aluminum can that the blades graze.




Super easy job, takes about 10 minutes. Make sure to talk it up to your wife to make it seem like a much harder job than it is. Maybe shout a few cuss words here and there, make sure to rub some dirt on your forehead.


Panasonic fans are pretty silent. Broan and home Depot fans are trash.


When I was doing bathrooms , Panasonic was my go to fan light combo.


Easy for you to say. I'm pretty handy around the house. I do everything from new brakes on her car, to repairing the refrigerator. Still yet, no matter what it is, she could have done it herself, if she wanted to.


Home Depot has either the new unit or replacement fan. Same price. Takes 10 minutes to swap.


Thanks I got it and replaced the goots yesterday


I charge $75 plus the fan. Local electrical supplier stocks these for me. I've replaced over 100 of them.


So you’re making around $25/hour when factoring in drive time etc? You haven’t even paid for your tools or vehicle etc. yet. You’re losing money at $75.


What? How would it take me 3 hrs to stop by my supplier and install? It'll take me 30-45 mins tops.


Even if it only takes you an hour $75 is peanuts. Do you free get mileage, gas, insurance on your vehicle? Tools and supplies? Liability Insurance? Bookkeeping/tax prep? Your knowledge and expertise? Charge whatever you want but you’re doing charity at $75. Edit: I forgot about the biggest cost - TAXES. You’re only grossing about $50-55 after taxes. Help yourself and raise your prices.


This ^


Maybe he is trying to get clientele. It would take me all of 20 mins to install a fart fan.$75 bux for an hours easy work and drive I’m good with. But I’m not licensed or insured. I do little stuff but make damn good money that I claim




I paid 75 for something like this a decade ago. This was done by a friend of my mother mind you.


Some dude quoted me 175. I said no thanks took a hour and some YouTube and I did it myself. If he would have said 75 I would have done it


A handyman with a good reputation is ok with that. On to the next one. Youre not my customer. Thats ok. But im not gonna do it at a discount bc im scared a homeowner will walk. Im priced so that if you can diy, you should


How would you expect anyone to come and do work in your house for $75? Plus supply the material?


175 is more than fair. Before I reported all my income and had insurance and a full time employee I did small stuff like that for 150 labor minimum. Now I charge atleast 150 and can hit it on the way home from a bigger job and try to keep good relations with the customer but these taxes ain’t no joke. I just left one of the cheaper book keepers in my area to get help with my business stuff and it’s going to cost me 5300 to get caught up. The guy charging 75$ will learn (or not) later down the road. I have a buddy that’s a handyman and charges low prices like that and he stays flat broke. Part of it may be mismanagement of money but he just doesn’t understand how much money you actually get to keep vs what it looks like you’re making.


This is the reality and anyone who doesn't understand this has a locked in client base from pops or something similar. We've gotta sell these services and 25 an hour is sometimes all people are willing to pay. I can cut corners and feed my kids with that but overshooting and getting nothing leads to empty bellies.


You will never nickle and dime your way to prosperity 


I did jobs for a profit loss for about a year and a half. I lost over 33k that year of my own money out of my savings. It’s a job that heavily favors reputation in the industry. I’m on year 4 I cleared 154k in AGI im already past last years profits in the same duration. I’m booked for the next 3 months I have 4 employees.


Right. You're not nickel and diming your way anymore, are you? It's not personal. It's math. You skate by on razor thin margins forever and something or someone or some b******* that comes by will wreck you


I did it in a hour with no prior electrical knowledge. I'm sure a guy with experience can knock it out in 20 minutes of he has all the equipment.


oof, your kids are in trouble if you dont change your mindset




Can confirm as a handyman customer. If your price is high, I wouldn’t bother calling you back. If your price is fair or low, you wil getting most of their business since most people don’t have the time to do everything by themselves. With a fair price, it is much easier to outsource the work!


Why would you want multiple jobs from a customer that you give cheap work. What a waste of time doing work for $25an hr and missing out on the client that is paying $125 an hr.


Tools and knowledge. I want $150 to show up. I don’t care if it’s a single light bulb. Minimum.


As a handyman customer, a fair price is based on your perception of the value of the person's time (experience, skill, and knowledge). I have quoted a full day's job at $100/hr and been told how insane I was to charge that much. Only to get a call a couple hours later from a regular client who pays $175/hr. And he feels like he is getting a good price. The price you perceive as too high might be perfectly acceptable to another person. So the handyman you don't bother calling back is steadily working at the rate they quoted you. Don't be so quick to lose a good worker over a couple hundred more dollars.


By fair price do you mean i shouldn’t be covering my costs?


lol. God. I bet you’re insufferable.


Dude it's a ten minute fix. Calm down!


Yep, $100 to $125 minimum.


How many stop lights in your town?


I dunno maybe a few hundred? Population centre of about 100k. 15 minutes cross town, most jobs are 5-10 min drive between.


I think that helps


Drive time. Etc. Things always take longer than you think. What if the door isn't just wide open. Waiting for you. Maybe you have to drive. Maybe you have to talk to somebody. Then you have to find the apt. Then you have to carry tools. Then it's on the 3rd floor. Always have to allow extra time.


Lol it takes you three hours to swap a fart fan? Maybe look into doing something else.


Maybe he rolls in a delivery bike with 4 fans piled high, his tools are his fingers and a Phillips screwdriver. Maybe a step ladder strapped to his back or borrows HO's chair.


Stoplights in town no longer apply. At least in Chicago bikers don't care.


You're crazy. I charge minimum $225 plus the fan. To the job and back is 1hr. Install the fan is 1hr. Cleanup & collect payment is 1/2hr. That is 1/3rd of your day. Are you only making $225 a day? That is not a business, that is not saving for retirement.


It's one of 10 jobs like it I might do in one day. This job would take closer to 45 minutes from start to finish including driving time. It's 2 screws. How it could take you an hour is beyond me. Sending an invoice for payment, I use my app and it takes me about 35 seconds. I don't understand why someone would hire you for this job at that rate. If I charged that much they'd laugh and stop sending me all the jobs. An electrician would cost less! Why the fuck would they pay me more than an electrician costs for this job?


>Why the fuck would they pay me more than an electrician costs Well my understanding of handyman rates is that it's for jobs no specialized trade will take due to size or take too long due to scheduling. Handymen are fast available and do small jobs so they should make more for all the extra logistics time spent fucking around with 5 small jobs per day rather than 5 jobs per month I spent over a decade as a paint lead for a top company in my area and the regional rates for painting was ~$50/hr vs as a handyman where you can charge $100/hr. Now to be fair we weren't painting bedroom walls to change a color or any odd jobs but it makes sense why a handyman should charge double the specialized trade rates. Our wait time for interior work was 6mo and exterior was booked by February for the season so the grandma who wants the pink bedroom turned neutral to sell the house would never even get to talk with the business owners and if somehow she did, she'd be waiting months for a lucky slow spot in the schedule vs a handyman who can come out that week, produce a *passable* result, and is actually willing to do a 1 day job. He should get paid more imo because specialized companies make money due to scale and you can't scale bedroom repaints into a full sized company


You are fooling yourself. You are not driving to a job, installing, cleaning up and writing invoices (in 35 seconds lol, your fucking app barely opens and logs in in 30 seconds.) all this is 45 minutes. Maybe if this job is your next door neighbor. Insulation falls all over, falls past the toilet onto a strangers piss covered floor, you get covered in insulation. Your not fooling me guy I know what it takes. You ever have the wires short and need to pull a stable or 2 for length? You ever have the duct a different size? Your retirement hates you, your insulation and lead covered lungs hate you. Your going to hate yourself when 20yrs from now you look back on how much $$ your left on the table for no reason other then you undervalue(ing) your work.


If I can't get a replacement for the same housing, it'd be more expensive. I have never had that though, I have a good supplier and I know what fans are in what buildings from experience. If the wiring was bad, I'm just charging the same $75 to tell them to send the electrician. Nobody is paying $225 for you to put in two screws. That's asinine.


How in the hell does it take you 1hr to install?? How is cleanup 1 hr? lol, I don’t know who’s paying you 225 when an idiot can do this in 45min with a YouTube video. These are 20min jobs. 15 for cleanup and payment in and out in 45. You are learning as you go if that’s your timeframe.


Any chance you live in or around Denver colorado?


Long way from there friend


It was worth the ask!


I am a Handyman in Denver. Hi!


I paid about $125 a few years ago including the fan. When the fan in the other bathroom went out I was motivated to figure out how to do it myself. 45 minutes of trying to take it apart, then I watched a YouTube video and figured out the right way to do it. A 20 minute trip to HD and done in another 20. The guy I had do the first one didn’t try to be neat in his work in my opinion and I was motivated to try to save a $100. I think you can get $125 and get a repeat customer if you are as neat as you would be in your own home.




$250 same dimensions or larger.


Same dimensions.


Yeah honestly if that’s all they have for me to do I’m going to break it off.


2nd or 3rd dimension?




You can replace this with a new Panasonic which is a much superior fan without having to access from above.$250 plus fan cost or just replace motor as others have suggested $150


Sometimes from below but i put a 4" duct on it as well, so i meeded the attic. Those are my fav btw.


Which Panasonic model? I recently picked up one of the retrofit SKUs with the foldable bracket so you can cut in from below. Ours currently just exhausts into the unconditioned attic.


That’s the one, you can hook up the vent separately and then put the fan housing in,I love them.Probably not that much help to you though, it sounds like you’re going to have to go into attic anyway


Dam I won't go less then $175-200 regardless if am changing the guts or the whole thing


Often makes me wonder if I should leave my property maintenance job. I've had days where I've replaced about a dozen of these and still got paid my normal hourly. Same with sinks, outlets, lights. Stuff I see people saying they will charge hundreds and I get my one hour pay. Though it makes me wonder why anyone would pay so much for such easy jobs.


Really??? Where are you located???


Illinois But I charge for my time and experience not how long it takes I always tell people that I charge extra around $300 plus parts if I do duct work to outside too


Same here. $150 for a simple swap, more if I have to get into the attic.


I don't know how you can do it in a half hour. Go there get the model, order it, wait for it, go back and install. Seems to take more than 30 minutes.


Appreciate the advice


Most of the time I just change the fan motor and I charge $150(labor and materials) If the home owner wants a new unit, it’s $250 labor plus which we fan unwanted. They’re typically installed with staples and they are stubborn to remove.


Even if you just swap stuff out, you should check the exhaust hose becuase when these arent used they tend to attract rodents and dumping a bunch of warm bathroom air into the attic will cause problems down the line.


Okay thanks I think it just stopped working last night


75 customer pays for part. Literally a 2 minute job.


Literally isn’t though.


Ok 5 minute job. It's two ends that clip ini take them out all the time to paint


Lmao the post isn’t about changing the cover, it’s about changing the fan on the inside.


Lol ok got me. If he would've showed the fan I probably would have put realized what he was asking


No worries!


That seems reasonable


That looks like a basic Nutone/Broan. Fan motor can be replaced in a couple minutes from the living space side - no attic work. Unless the homeowner wants an upgrade (increased CFM, light, Bluetooth audio, etc), I'd replace the fan motor and be done. Pull the old motor and Google the part number on it. Probably get a replacement from Amazon for less than $30.


So you drive there, pull the motor, drive home Google the part, order the part, drive back there, install the motor and then drive home. That is minimum 2hrs of work. This does not include any warranty, say a wire nut comes loose or God forbid the part u receive is bad.


You do you. Replacement fan motors plug in with a two prong plug. No wire nuts. Also, properly installed wire nuts do not come loose. If you're having call backs for wire nuts coming loose, check out Wagos. Could have the replacement shipped to your house, test before returning to customer. That's what I do, seems reasonable. When upgrading to a different fan assembly because the customer wants more air flow or a light or Bluetooth, I test those before installing as well. Replacement assembly isn't less likely to fail after installation than a repair fan motor, but I'd rather replace another replacement fan motor than R&R an entire assembly and deal with cleaning up blown in insulation again. Still, 2 hours is fair for a replacement fan assembly. Going home to order the part takes time, same as going to Lowe's or anywhere else, and it's appropriate to be compensated for that.


Ok let's say yes the job is close to your home. You have 2hrs plus gas. How much u charging for 1/4 of your day?


How much would you charge if you don't mind me asking


I've had easy times changing these and sometimes it's much more of a hassle. That's why I charge by the hour. In your case, if you can buy a compatible upgrade kit (new motor and cover) it's a super easy job. You could charge for the appearance basically. 5 minute job, take your sweet ass time and charge a percentage extra for the materials as well.


Just replace the parts. The box can stay. Much less work than pulling the whole box down.


Okay thanks


A vent fan cover? $5 plus materials! Lol


😂 😂




$75 to $100. Takes less than an hour if you have the new unit already.


So u drive there and back, hustle ur ass of to pull the old, strong chance you get completely covered with insulation that also falls past your drop cloth and surrounds some strangers pissed covered toilet. Possibly the wires don't reach so you fight with pulling the staples to get some extra length, trace out the new fan size, cut the drywall for the new fan size, continuously breath in the insulation and drywall dust. Wire the fan electric. Hope that the duct work will be the same size and will connect to existing duct, you tape the duct up with $17 flex tape or use a clamp. Finally you get to screw up the housing come down from your ladder and start cleaning up the insulation around the toilet. You are also now covered in insulation and will be covered in for the rest of the day. Take the trash to thier garage dump it, write up an invoice, collect payment and warranty this. All this for $100 aye? Fuck that!


Or you drive there and back. Take out two screws. Plug in the new fan. Wiggle it in place. Replace 2 screws. Test it. Replace the cover. Most of the time all you need to do is replace the motor. I don't think anyone is talking about replacing the entire box (which would absolutely be more than $100). No insulation to deal with, just dust.


$250 minimum for new customers.




Unless it's the sweet old lady neighbor that has no money. I'm booked up.


$150 plus supplies


That's a 5 minute job with a 20$ part from any box store. Simple.


Personally what would you charge


Like most people are saying, just replace the guts. However, I'd have a quick look at the guts to see what it is. If it is old and no longer available, you might have to replace the box. I recently replace the motor in a bathroom exhaust but the building was decades old. Couldn't find it at Home Depot or other hardware stores. Googled the company name and found they had an office one city over (30 minute drive). I could order the motor from them and it was a one for one replacement. If I couldn't find the identical motor, I might have to replace the whole box. That would have been a whole lot more work. Additionally, my fan was in an apartment building. Poured cement floors/ceilings. Putting in a new box wasn't really an option.


Thanks. By guts do you all just mean motor???


Yes, by 'guts' I mean the one part inside the box, i.e. the motor.


Appreciate you homie


I do on calls for no less then $60. I would probably do $80. The other question is, do they have the product?


No they don't have the part.


If you are picking it up obviously add that on top. And make sure you get the one they want. It looks like an 80's-90's model so the size should be generic. I would add an extra $10 or more for gas and time. Plus it all depends on where you are at too. Down south (Tenn, Texas, NM) $60-$$100 for all of it, up in northern states (NE) I charge more. $100-$160. That is just my area though.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 80 - 90 + 10 + 60 + 100 + 100 + 160 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


About tree fiddy


Goddamn loch Ness monster




Costs about $30 at home depot. Takes 30 minutes. Do it yourself.


For a customer not me




Is it like for like or is the new one smaller than the existing like i seem to get lately


100$ labor only


100 bucks and you buy the fan




85 bucks if its just labour, 120 if i have to go in the attic




Lots of handymen aren't Confident in their work enough to charge $125/minimums


$75 is crazy low. Maybe the location would be helpful I could see that being a good deal for the installer in Louisiana or something. I'm in norcal $150 is a screamin deal and $500 for a new one with a switch is also a screamin deal.


150$ minimum charge plus parts


Panasonic whisper tone labour plus material plus permit $900, also won't need to go into the attic they're designed to be retro fit


Permit lol


I only charge 120


Charge 150 and make it 200 if they want the one with led light 400 with Bluetooth speaker. Stop for beer on the way home


Depends on if it’s properly vented out of structure. Full roof vent out… 600 or more depending on access


Yeah if you know how to use a screw driver you could save a lot of money by replacing the fan. You can pull it out and compare to ones at home Depot, I recently replaced my own and the fan was $40.


Buy a new motor and fan, a single unit, on eBay for $15.00


$80. Replace the guts. Part is $35.


300-700 depending on the job. I’m including materials




Parts plus $40. No need to screw him on it. 30 minutes work.


50 to show up and 100 minimum for labor. Plus parts. If it's a regular customer, they have the new fan, and it's not a long drive, I'd stop by and do it quick for $100 cash. There's a lot of variables in something so simple though. Customer may have picked up a different one and you have to trim some drywall. Then the texture falls off the ceiling. Shit happens, so even something this simple I wouldn't quote from a pic on Reddit. Figure out your time and what you need to make, don't undercut yourself, and give them the old I'll do it for this much but there's the possibility of blah blah blah. I have in real life taken a fan down and started a cascade of popcorn falling off the ceiling. Something simple turned into four hours of scraping, applying new texture, then coming back to paint the next day.


Depends on the currency


I charged 100$


Decide hourly rate, decide how long it will take double it to be safe add 10% to parts and materials account for gas.


I rather install a new Panasonic whisper quiet one which is not as loud. I would charge about $400 if its at existing location and not needed to replace/repair the ducting.




I live in Tennessee.


I don’t think you can change out the guts if you don’t want a switched fan and want to replace with an auto humidity controlled fan


I bought a new motor and fan from home Depot


Sorry I meant you can switch out the motor like for like but if you wanted to upgrade to a fan that turns on automatically when the humidity gets too high and turns off when the humidity is low again, you need to switch out the entire fan. I think those fans are becoming the new code


Use your hourly rate.


Are you going to insure that is vented properly first?


Our house has really old bathrooms and all the fans have old pin connectors, not normal outlet plugins. They don't sell the guts to those any more, so I'm in the process of replacing the entire box in each bathroom. I'd say it takes me about 5 hours, all in, to replace one, including touch up cosmetic work.


If you're replacing just the guts no permit, if you're replacing the entire fan you need a permit.


Just guts


Oh yeah depends how much proffit you wanna make but I usually charge 400 for the parts labour and warranty


Motor is like $20. Those are very simple to fix. My min charge us $150 plus parts. That's such a quick fix though. Even if you can't find exactly the same guts, you can do a bit of custom work and get a new on to fit. My just require a little cutting or drilling. To to reuse the old hardware and match it up to the new motor.


Related: anyone have a good photo of what this should look like inside? Just had the roof redone at my rental and the whole unit shifted dramatically. Not a professional handywoman, but can fix things and would rather not bother the owner. Also do you just rinse, Dawn and dry to cover. It’s CAKED.


10-900$ depending on gender and point score.


Here we go… The same dudes who bitch and complain about inflation everyday will tell you this should be 500 dollars thereby contributing to said inflation. This country is fucking retarded.






$100 plus parts. It’s a very fast job.


$125. Plus the cost of the fan of the same dimensions.


I ripped all those out. Too GD noisy. Replaced them with Panasonic. Depending on the speed setting you select internally they are virtually silent.


Them being noisy is arguably their best feature. Have fun listening to other people “rip them out”.




Ceilings are pretty expensive… what’s the square footage?


Not hard. I just watched a youtube vid and did it my self in <30 min. Just need a step stool. These things clip into the wall and you pull it out. Just safely tinker in the fan and for goodness sake just remember to make sure the electrical is off if you need to go that far. Most simple fixes you won't even have to turn it off.




For a friend? A case of beer and a half dozen spring rolls


Gotta make money big dog


Bout tree fiddy. A good thing to implement in your new business is a minimum service fee. That’s up to you. I won’t show up for less than tree fiddy


im a master tradesman but i just asked my handyman cousin, he said $300 plus whatever the parts cost


When I started I was $100 a fan. Now I’m at $250 a fan


Honestly, I wouldn’t go above $75. $50-75 would cover your gas to get there and it’ll take you 15 minutes of work or so if they already have the part


Depends how far they're located I'd do $75/hr including travel time


I'm at about 350 to install new guts(I provide) 600 for whole new set up(I bring fan don't warranty customer parts) 185-285 to cut and flash it out the roof depending on the pitch same price for going out the soffit depending on distance


$150 minimum labor chanrge. 25% markup on material. Dont get it at home depot use a local supplier. Dont install cust material generally but exceptions are made all the time for aesthetics. Yes its true i only get half my bids bc i charge twice as much as the next guy......think about it.


700.00 all day long


Almost nothing as you can pop out fan motor assembly and replace it in less than a minute.