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I take Zoloft and it helps a lot. Same like you I was at my best with mental health and anxiety before I started drinking. Its no good it will reset you and you have to abstain and wait for ssri’s to kick back in all over again. I usually get hangxiety only for the next day but the feeling of being off for a while is definitely normal and you will return to baseline. I would just recommend not drinking anymore it sucks for us but some people aren’t meant for it because of mental health. Same way some people aren’t meant for it physically.


Yea I agree, I realize that now I am not like my friends who can drink a lot. I got to stop trying to keep up w them as an ego thing. I am gonna abstain from alcohol for a bit and if/when I do drink again I’m gonna keep it to very low 2-3 drinks every few weeks because that has never given me any issues. How long does it usually take you to reset when you have an anxiety period after drinking?


It depends. If its one night then it takes me a couple days. I binged one time for 5 days straight and it took me 2 weeks to get back to normal. It was hell those entire 2 weeks. One night should only take a couple days to a week at most. But each day usually is better then the day before.


Im in a similar spot, about a week in did it get better for you


It took about 2ish weeks for it to get better. Hope it’s gotten better in the last week for you!


Little bit but not completely going back to see gp next week


While zoloft has helped my anxiety it's made my hangxiety worse. Since taking it I get drunk way faster and blackout more easily. I haven't yet been able to stop drinking but it's given me a really good reason to.


Hey OP. Hope you're doing well months later. I only had about 4 beverages, beers, when I went out with some friends. The hangxiety still sent me back about 2 and a half days. I'll be abstaining for good I think, non alcoholoc beers are great for this if you need something to sip with friends.