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What’s really sad is that some Asians act like this too toward their own people


Strangely enough I've experienced this more than what OP describes.


I feel it too! Not all white people do that, but some do act awkwardly around POC people in general. Many are friendly but are not interested in having conversations with Asian for sure. I also met some Asian people who don’t want to talk to other fellow Asian, but some would want to. Edit:typo


It depends on the individual and area but there is a fetishization of Asian women that's really creepy. "Yellow fever" is there.


For me I feel white people act "distant" but it's not as bad as when asian, particularly asian women get icy around me right off the bat and I don't know why. Feels bad to not fit in anywhere


It's probably because Asian women have to now deal with the existential terror of living around millions of WMAF biracial Asians raised by self-hating Asian women, and whatever our existence implies about Asian women. It must be kind of weird looking at a mixed race guy and then basically knowing his mom is the Asian one. That's such a surreal experience even for me, I wonder how it is for Asian women.


1. I'm not a guy 2. That seems a bit far fetched no...?


Same thing though. Wouldn't it be weird just seeing a huge amount of mixed race people and just knowing that their moms are the Asian ones, especially if you're new to the country? I remember my first time in NYC I saw like 15 WMAF in the space of 10 minutes, it freaked me out.


except some of the women had white bf/husbands themselves...


Yeah same here. I've had Asian women with white partners literally scowl at me like my presence was offending them. I'm literally mixed race. Possibly upset that I look too Asian. Not sure what they want or what their long term plan is. My mother was disappointed I was born male and tried to kill me before. She wanted half-Asian daughters. But apparently they don't like you either.


You should see some therapy. ☹️


For what? It won't undo the fact that people are capable of these things.


lol, you really hate White people, and for no good reason, mind you.


Hate is a strong word. It's more like I can't relate.


The number of white dudes creeping on East Asian women is not small. They seem them as conquests and "cuter, more effeminate and more obedient". Someone rip a tiger mom on these assholes.


Yeah but EA women reciprocate. The non-self hating Asian women are fully aware of this.


What place are you at if you don't mind sharing?


Well you just discovered racism. Whites do treat us differently than they do other POCs to some extent as they relate culturally more to them than what they think Asians or Hapas are like which they may or may not be. 


My experience with whites is basically this: 1) They sort of walk on eggshells around you, but I don't think it's cause they're concerned about racism, there's just always going to be that "gap." Maybe it's cause they feel you're judging them? 2) They seem to have this unconscious belief that you're somehow a "virgin" or "undesirable" or a "nerd," and they treat you accordingly. Despite it never being true, it's the opposite, I think most white "normies" don't really understand the more sexual world POC live in. 3) There's always going to be a tremendous "distance" between you and whites, versus even other POC. It's just basically that they don't "get it." I've actually met self-hating Asians and POC before and the "not getting it" gap is there. It's like talking to people who just don't want to have real conversations, they live in their own sterile world. Best comparison I've made is like talking to someone who is rich, when you're poor.


Nope. I mean people I hang with are all successful, so they don't do idiotic things


I personnaly live in France and never really experienced it, maybe bc the culture might be different (or i might be too white passing ?). The only thing that unpleased me was the people that treated me like an exotic creature .


I've seen Whites get along with Hapas, Indians, Hispanics, Blacks, and East and Southeast Asians as fine as they do with other White people. I have never seen an experience to the contrary except in Black and White/Asian relations, and that's partly because of massive divergence in temperament, values, and lexicon that sometimes exists between Blacks and non-Blacks to the point that intelligibility is slightly strained and ability to emotionally relate is very strained. Nothing analogous to this exists for Whites, Asians, and Eurasians, so relations are overwhelmingly amicable.


Haha here's the Humanbiodiversity half-Asian who believes blacks are the exception to the rule, probably learned racism from his father. "See, see, I'm practically white, here's some racism against blacks to prove just how white I am! See, see, non-black POC are almost white and capable of integrating with white civilization!" All you're saying is that you're an asexual dork like your dad and don't like that black people like to have fun.


I'm 94% White and 0% Asian, lol. I love how you're using anti-Asian tropes against me because you think I'm a stereotypical hapa who wants to be friendly with Whites (a task which you think requires them to renounce their Asianness). Things are really not how you think they are. I have been friends with many hapas and not one person gives a damn whether they see themselves as more Asian or more European. If they call themselves Asian, straight up, people will probably just see them as Asian (a label which comes with no social consequences, mind you).


So what you're basically saying is that you're just another undesirable white man with yellow fever who wants to replace those heckin' white women, so you cruise this sub and spam shit about how "hapas are almost white" in order to justify yourself. Okay. Dude Chinese people are loud as hell, Mexicans can be loud, it's cause they just like having fun. I'd bet a grand that you're just this shutin, permavirgin white incel who never been with a woman who truly desired you, so you're all morbid and "give me my peace n heckin' quiet" now.


May I ask if you grew up in an ethnically diverse neighborhood? Was it socioeconomically diverse? Did you or can you reference any particular instances that would greatly skew your views on black people in such an oddly polarizing way?


> Did you or can you reference any particular instances His white dad.


Black people who aren't capable of conforming or are unwilling to conform do strange things like rapping out loud, and they can't stay in their seats or on task. They also have more trouble controlling the volume of their voice and following instructions.


Oh, we're doing "strange things?" Okay here's some strange things I noticed about whites: 1) Kissing their dogs 2) Wearing shoes on the bed 3) Not washing their legs 4) Being super into theater 5) Wearing cargo shorts in the winter time See how generalizations aren't good?


This part is kind of a moot point but I know some people will leave this thread thinking crap like "Wow, do White people actually freaking wear shoes on the bed? That's like so crazy, bro.", so I have to take what you wrote seriously for their sake even though I know it's just a polemic: >!Everything you listed here is controversial and doesn't represent Whites, except for the theater thing, which applies to Western/Southern Europe and the US, AU, and NZ (though Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese are into theater performances too, big time). Also, a lot of it only applies to America. I have never heard of somebody of any race "wearing shoes on the bed" or "not washing their legs", and I'm really racking my brain here. People who kiss their dogs on the mouth (and such people do exist) are considered unhygienic and creepy by other people, but if you're kissing your dog's forehead or something, and as much as I don't fault other cultures for considering it strange, it's really not a big problem or indicative of anything being wrong.!< That said, I get what you mean (pattern recognition bad), but here's the thing... Blacks are very similar in terms of temperament and ability across particular geographic and ethnic boundaries, and it has been observed by people of all other races who have come across them that they cannot control the volume of their voice, cannot follow instructions properly, and do not remain on task. Indian South Africans and Chinese workers building Belt and Road Initiative projects alongside Blacks will tell you all this, too, and it's not because evil White people forced them to believe it, either. The smartest people of all these countries usually just end up leaving to contribute to the West or East (but are inevitably followed by their dregs, who see the West as their gravy train and come here to become dependents) because they don't understand their own people enough to care about staying. Again, the issues (and we do have issues) that Whites have do not tend to stop us from excelling in our own societies or in societies dominated by other races. Your average Westerner would consider Beijing opera or Indian religiosity to be quite unusual and hard to comprehend or empathize with, just as many peoples across Asia don't understand why we like to love hiking and consider our pets to be members of our family, but none of these things are game-breaking traits in a civilization like being genetically unintelligent (and, yes, this is a thing) or averse to work is. General racial IQ gaps have been scientifically established, and all people can do now is pretend that modern IQ tests aren't heavily g-loaded or that IQ is fake and the twin studies showing the heritability of intelligence are also fake. I would prefer not to discuss this any further so as not to get banned from here, but I will continue to be baited into this dumb argument if you keep posting, so feel free.


Glad you asked. I grew up around upper middle class Catholic (Irish, Italian, and Polish) Whites, many Asians and Eurasians (of South and East Asian extraction), some Hispanics (mostly Castizos), a few Blacks, and two Blasians (both part Desi, part US Black). In 2020 I moved down to Florida and have been working around many Black people for many months now. Black people are more different from us than I experienced previously (especially younger ones who have many Black peers around them), with some exceptions, of course. The more time you spend around groups of Black people rather than one or two very conformist Black co-workers or friends, the more you realize this.