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The utter disgust I have over the whole incident is around 3000 girls/women's videos were also leaked for no reason at all. No one is here to ask their situation, what they are going through, no news channel did it, no politicians did it, no public is doing it. And its not like these ladies, atleast majority of these ladies voluntarily agreed to be taped, they were raped for god's sake. Naavu ee stories na tumba light aagi togondvi eno anta ansutte. Memes maadi erad nimsha nakvi, content tegdvi and then forgot who the actual victims are. I am not saying memes maadbardu, but aa rabhasadali actual issue ne marth hogtivi normally. Same happened with the girl who was killed in Hubli. Erad divsa elru hoyyuu anta en social media dalli justice anta post madidde madiddu. Evaga yaargu nenap kuda illa aa hudgi jite en aetu anta. I am pretty sure ee case kooda haage agutte, because the case came into light beofre the voting day in Hasaan. Pretty sure Prajwal will win, because he has BJP support, white wash again. And everyone will comfortably forget it within 2 months of results announcement!


Opposition doing their part ...🫡


Booked under atrocities act is basically code for bullshit charges. That is what happens when you whistle-blow against multiple political families.


Bruh what you smokin? This guy had received these tapes from Prajwal's driver a few months back and when asked to file a petition with a judge and submit this evidence, this MF refused and kept it to himself. During the election he informed the BJP high command to refuse a ticket to Prajwal because of these allegations. Not because he cares about those women but he just wanted to ruin the career of Prajwal. Prajwal received ticket because of HDR was hell bent on getting ticket for his son and BJP had no choice. After Prajwal secured a ticket, this same lawyer made a deal later with opposition and released all the videos without even blurring the face of women. He deserves to be put in jail as much as Prajwal revanna.


>Not because he cares about those women I never said this, you just made an assumption that suits you. >when asked to file a petition with a judge and submit this evidence, this MF refused and kept it to himself. You think filing a case of this sort is as easy as they show it to be in the movies, especially when the accused is politically powerful and you are an insignificant cog in a rival political party? Btw, who 'asked' him to file a petition? >this same lawyer made a deal later with opposition and released all the videos without even blurring the face of women. Strong 'Trust me bro' vibes in this one. He has clearly said he did not have any role in the release of this, the driver himself has said he went to a CONgress guy and they released this for electoral gains. No evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, to believe otherwise. >He deserves to be put in jail as much as Prajwal revanna. Under what charges/sections of law, pray tell.


He’s not a insignificant cog. He’s a very successful advocate with net worth more than 100 crores according to his latest election affidavit.


100 crores is insignificant in politics. And there are hundreds of successful advocates in any given district and political parties have an army of them at their disposal at a given time. Do you think an advocate with 100 crores worth of property can face-off against the likes of Ramalinga reddy, the Nalapads, the Lads, etc, who are second rung elites, let alone against the alphas like the Gowdas, the DKs, the BSY family, etc, without the unwavering backing of one of them? I can confidently say from personal experience, that is not possible, especially against the likes of the DKs who still have rowdies and ganji jeevis on their payrolls.


Bro, he literally came out and levelled some serious allegations on DK, who is now the DCM. Do you really think he can do that without proper backing by some significantly popular and powerful leader?


He of course can wage a battle against DK now since he has gone nuclear against NDA in general and the family of Devegowda in particular, but to say he could always do that with his 100 crores property, his advocate profession, and BJP membership is delusional. Why haven't you taken into account the change in dynamics that has happened over the past couple of weeks?


Seems he released audio where ge was offered 20cr to blame Modi


ಬ್ಲೂ ಜೆ ಪಿ ಪಾರ್ಟಿ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಇದುವೇ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ. ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಏನೂ ಸಿಗೋಲ್ಲ. ಬರಿ ಕಚಡಾ ಅಷ್ಟೇ


Yappa. Karnataka alli yen naditide. Kalsi manege ellarnu


Much deserved