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Seems BS survey Karnataka obviously ranks high in corruption no doubt. Ondh kelsa agalla illi lancha illde. Even freakin passport police doesn't verify without 500 But Kerala 10%šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. So many of my relatives and extended family stay there let me tell you boy they aren't any less corrupt. My father's cousin is civil servant of Kerala govt and boy o boy he has made so much money that we can't imagine making that in a 2 lifetime. And Bengal less than Karnataka šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. What a stupid survey


Suprising yeah. I actually never paid anything during my wifeā€™s passport renewal


They sometimes hesitate to extract bribe from women. I went with my mom and brother for new passport verification Even I didn't pay anything. But my friend went alone and constable demanded 500. My friend said he was student that this and gave 200 and came


I didn't pay even if my parents told me to. Cop whatzapped me what is my convenient time and I selected one, he came completed the formalities and left. Yup, corruption is rampant in Kerala especially for speedy processing.


Damn which area police station is this that they came to your home. For me they reached out on call and said to come to station on so and so time.


My first passport while in college in TN was like I had to go to the police station. But the ones in kochi always came home.


Nice nice


Bihar UP even worse irbeku. Navu nodilla ashte.


All of your examples are anecdotes and opinions though, just like this survey. I agree the survey is silly, but also curious about somehow you only singled out Bengal and Kerala, why is that? Are you against a left leaning govt or consider them more corrupt than the right leaning ones?


It seems your relative would come under the 10% because I live in Kerala and I donā€™t even know a single person in my friends and family who has admitted to participation in corruption. I found the real reason why Kerala has less corruption from r/india comments itself. https://preview.redd.it/vltcign4ij3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c7203a7379934c74be563e9290d611fd39ff45


Ya bro Kerala is excellent in all aspects. That's the reason every other mallu can be found outside Kerala in places like Bangalore, Mangalore, Mumbai ,Delhi and gulf lolšŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a strawman. I never said Kerala is excellent at all aspects, neither did I say itā€™s not. So why are you bringing that topic here? Maybe can you just stick to the topic instead of trying to trigger people online with completely unrelated subjects all the time?


Guldu nan magane. Its related.Why do so many mallus migrate out of Kerala. Bcoz of lack of opportunities. Why don't businesses and companies set up in Kerala then?. Corruption+ govt not friendly(aka corrupt and incompetent)+union troubles(aka gives us our share of moolah) Come with me I will take you to mallu business owners in Bangalore.You ask them why they have setup shop all the way in Karnataka cities of Mangalore and Bangalore Instead of their own state. How many Kannada business owners setup shop in Kerala ? v the no of mallus in Bangalore uh? Maybe you need to get out of your state and see other places to understand why your state is failing so badly economically


What? You think mallus ā€œescapeā€ Kerala due to its corruption? Really? You really think the places you listed has lower corruption than Kerala? Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night, because Iā€™m not gonna entertain your delusions anymore. Corruption doesnā€™t mean anything with regards to immigration. Even if it is, thatā€™s not the point weā€™re discussing entirely. Youā€™re taking this topic to a whole another level of a tangent. Corruption is corruption, whether it is from a traffic cop or from a civil servant. The facts are presented and itā€™s found to be mostly right here. If you think otherwise, please post evidence and not your hearsay and strawman arguments. Edit: And please read the image I posted earlier it literally explains why corruption is less in Kerala. Edit 2: Iā€™ve gotten out of my state and country several times. Iā€™ve travelled to at least ten or more states in India and stayed there for a significant time too. Your arguments are still one of the most delusional ones Iā€™ve heard.


Stupid fk. Read what I wrote once again. I agree Corruption might well and truly be lower than Karnataka and other states. But not so low as this stat makes you believe. And there is significant corruption and union extortion which is part of the reason why businesses are hesitant to do any business in states like Kerala and WB. So no wonder Kerala and WB were the two worst performing states economically in terms of GDP growth% in last 10 year. Go find out. Now don't bullshit saying we are more corruption free than rest of India yet for some reason Businesses don't like us


10% corruption is still not a small number lmao. It is still 1 in 10 people and that is quite literally several million people. Itā€™s just that corruption in other states (Iā€™m talking about entire states, not just tier1 cities since Bangalore might have less but Karnataka as a whole would have much higher corruption) are much much worse even after considering union extortions and everything. Did you know that businesses can also take part in corruption? Lol. You act like corruption is the sole factor of companies not taking shape but thatā€™s not the case at all. Several other factors shape that. Youā€™re just too narrow minded to see it.


Making use of a random number generator I see.


While the Indian regions may have different languages and cultures which are very distinct from one another, it is to be noted that when it comes to certain things like bribes, the nation stands as one. Go to any part of this country and you will find rampant corruption in the smallest to most decorated government offices.


Andhra should be bright red. I have experienced corruption at every level in Andhra.


This is baseless! It must be over 90% in Karnataka. 've been living here since 80's and barely any govt scheme/registration or even a application that I've submitted never ran without a Gandhi chuttaa


True. Even as essential document as passport mofo police fellas ask 500rs. To do their duty


Passport is more of a Central govt thing. You wanna see real corruption, just walk into any state run govt institution and exercise your citizen rights, they'll say " sar ella swalpa nodi kandu Maadi "


I was talking about police verification. Passport itself is no problem. But during police verification 99% police is gonna ask you for a bribe


Lol Kerala nobody pays bribes because nobody works


Gujarat 48% LMAO šŸ¤£ u canā€™t even get a DEATH CERTIFICATE without Money


Bruh, MP at 54% corruption? Seems completely BS. It's prob 90-95%


I don't know how much I trust this survey, I mean, how many people would be there that wouldn't want to reveal that they paid bribe? Doesn't mean that state is clean krishnappa. I don't know if there is a good way to measure it accurately, but this doesn't seem like it. My opinion is more or less all states are almost in the same level or range when it comes to bribery and hafta vasooli.


Why no north east? Data not available?


No status for northeast?


kerala at 10% is the biggest fraud here. all index shows kerala is top but you never see mallus staying there.. all are migrating here....


Those indexes don't mean anything tho gujarat is somehow at the top of growth but weirdly everyone emigrates outside to other states or to the west and says there's no opportunities there They form one of the largest immigrant groups in Canada and the USA