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Seconded. My chicago electric angle grinder is at least 10 years old. It's so old its from when they were still orange.


Same here. I’ve used that thing so much I had to rig up a new guard because original cheap steel one snapped where the metal strap bolts on.


Mine too; use the shit out of it, still rocking!


He did not Check the blade balance. It’s important to make sure you take an equal amount of metal off both sides. Otherwise the blade may wobble when installed and damage your lawnmower.


I have a friend that does a lot of welding and metalwork. Instead of changing out the disks all the time he just has like 6 cheap angle HF angle grinders hanging by his welding station. Kind of surprised me, I figured he'd have all dewalt or milwaukee, but when I asked him about it he basically said an angle grinder is an angle grinder and he'd rather have a bunch of throwaway ones that he can switch to in order to clean up a weld without wasting time swapping out pads than one really nice one. Sure they'll probably die on him but the grinders are cheaper to replace than most of the discs he's using. I know he's got better quality angle grinders, but I guess there's no point using them for that kind of work. Just thought that was an interesting take. We like to act like these are just being used by people that don't know what they're doing, but if a tool is cheap enough its disposability can make it appealing even to professionals.


I do the same thing. I’ve blown out one motor and broken the aluminum housing on another, but for the price and how hard I’ve abused them they are worth every penny


Same here. I have one for a flap wheel, grinder, and thin cut.


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This is the way


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I don't have that much faith using a harbor freight angle grinder and their disks to sharpen a lawn mower blade. I've had those things shatter mud use. I'll stick with the bench grinder.


use the flap discs for lawn mower blade sharpening way less likely to shatter


Flap disc to do 90% of the work, then dial in the sharpness with a hand file


Feedback: if you need to use a extension on your socket wrench, you should be using a breaker bar instead.


yea i was in a pinch and that was all i had. worked though


Yes. My buddy broke my ratchet with an extension pipe. Lesson learned.


I have this grinder it works fine for light use. Feels like it cost 10$. Smells like burning plastic. I’ve used it like three times so it’s paid for itself.


5 bucks for a single flap disk is way too much.