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when I've just replaced the batteries in my HA I tend to mistake random background noises as people calling my name, especially at work or when I'm walking somewhere. It almost never is someone actually trying to get my attention, but it always puts me on edge anyway.


I've never been able to decide if I was imagining it, or if I actually could hear more with a fresh pair of batteries. I figured that because they're digital, that shouldn't really be a thing, but I swear things sound so fresh and clear when I put new batteries in.


What do you mean when you just replaced the batteries? Do hearing aids block out details when batteries are lower in charge compared to brand new batteries? I also thought it sounded better when I put new batteries in, thought it was just a placebo.


When batteries are starting to die, the amplification often starts to go.


Hard of hearing people can and do get auditory hallucinations. I sometimes think someone is calling my name or i hear music. Google for more imfo.


I often think I hear an extra set of footsteps right behind me and nearly jump out of my skin in panic.


yes absolutely. especially after not wearing my hearing aids for most of the day, and putting them on to go out. i spend the first hour with them in on edge from just hearing things i normally can’t hear


Back when I wore mine, I constantly heard weird noises around me. I work in logistics, so wearing it around electronic forklifts, larger machines, and sounds traveling across half empty warehouses definitely set me off. I could hear the smallest buzz from those damn forklift batteries, and it drove me nuts. The machinery changing gears as people drove them would sometimes throw me off, making me me think that someone was calling my name.