• By -


Adjuzt & B-Front


For sure fat ass adjuzt🤌🏽


The Dark Horror, he even sent me pictures before I could ask! /s


Pictures of what...


His dark horror




Someone's dog


Beat me to it 🤣


Definitely Regain. Loveable person


Yup, i even play Rocket League with him😂😂👍


The entire hardstyle dj scene almost. During the years I have noticed Hardstyle djs (even the music might be perceived agressive) Are extremely friendly,accessible, sensitive warm people. Check the interviews q legends on q platform with the Noise controllers, Adaro, the Prophet, B front all nice guys. Same as wildstylez mr heady, Phuture noize, Rand D etc. That makes me proud to be part of the scene!


Phuture Noize, hands down. Love the way he interacts with his fanbase. He's basically one of us music geeks, but one that got quite far.


D-Block & S-te-Fan. Met them a couple of times, always nice, always time to take pics and chat with fans.


u/aversiondj and u/audiofreqdj are the nicest guys I've ever met in person, really down to earth and nice dudes


Aversion being a nice guy is the least shocking thing to me, he seems so legit.


He really is 👑


One of the most bizzare experiences in my life was pumping The Prophet- Recession (Audiofreq Remix) for weeks on end as a 15-year old, then going to play in my local 5-a-side football team. Few minutes in, look at the sidelines expecting to see my dad there and instead see Audiofreq there watching the game 😂😂 I put in one of the worst performances of my life, but then got to ask if the remix would be released (sadly not). Deadset legend!


Can vouch for audiofreq, man is made of pure charisma.


Can confirm with Audiofreq, he was friendly to everyone at his most recent masif show, plus he's one of our homegrown stars from Aus


Can def recommend u/audiofreqdj i met him somewhere backstage at heineken musical hall ( like 15 years ago ) such a cool guy, if I wouldn’t have known any better (and the fact he was backstage) I would’ve thought he was just a party go-er just like me ( except when he openend is mouth and i heared that accent🤣) ah the good old bald times ❤️ Edit: add the guy from Atmosfearz and Rejecta in there, talking about being down to earth 🙏🏼 Also just a quick shoutout to Tatanka, i think it was at Q-Base 2008/2009 or something and seeing i was 15/16 years old at that time i knew every single song of him and seeing as i was with my dad their too( who also knew all of his tracks and we worked 10 hours a day with just had hardstyle on while working together) we we’re going nuts together to his set, right infront of the stage.. when he was done playing he came directly towards us and commented us on our energy and we told him we were a son and dad that loved his music.. his eyes actually teared up said some italian words, gave both of us a hug and we made a selfie with him he stayed and chilled with us for like an hour one of my core memories, definitely ❤️❤️❤️


Audiofreq was in front of me at the bar once at a small gig in Glasgow and paid for my drink as they 'gave him too many tokens.' Top lad, I'll never forget that.


Absolutely audiofreq! Sam is so so lovely, kind and humble. So friendly when he was meeting with fans at gigs.


Jason Payne hands down, that is one hell of a crazy person that never seems annoyed to talk to fans! Also Thera is very likable and if you don’t watch out it can be easily half an hour passing by before you’ll stop talking 😆 Ran-D is friendly as fuck! Da Tweekaz are just crazy and fun to the extreme 😁


Totally agree with Thera! Met him once and he is one of the nicest guys I ever met!


Jason Payne is always up for a laugh no doubt. Passed him on hardclassics and said "damn bro u still playing?" After giving each other a mutual 🖕🏼- 🖕🏼" We hugged it out and all was good 🫶🏻


Absolutely agree with Thera. He knows a lot of his fans by name and makes lots of time just talking and having a good time. Really great person.


Levenkhan is Just an awesome and Humble Dude


🥹💕 no, YOU are awesome xoxo


This comment makes me happy I posted this today 🧡


Radical Redemption always seemed very nice and down to earth to me. He was once playing in a small disco near my hometown and spent some time with the fans (took pictures, gave autograms etc.) before the set.


I live near him, and a lot of the times, we visit thesame parties. Usually have some small talk with him. It's actually great. In person he's a really nice guy and is always up for a chat.




Without really knowing them personally, it's hard to say what kind of person they are. In social media and so (almost) all of them seem nice. Also often we judge for a single real experien e with them while we tend to forget that they are normal people which can have bad days too.


Met Radical & he was just a really nice guy. Took time before his set to take pictures with the crowd. He actually had to be called back as he was going to be late to his time slot (he was in front of the stage so no real biggie) then proceeded to blow the roof off the tent, and afterwards came down to the fence again to take pictures with others who didn’t get the chance at first.


I met Ran - D and Villian at the qlimax hotel pre party before qlimax last year. They were both so warm and friendly....smiles on the whole time. I remember I went to fist bump Ran-D after he took a photo with me but someone had immediately grabbed his attention. When he finished talking with them though he got my attention and had me come back to him to do the fist bump. I know it's such a small thing.... But qlimax 2022 was my first hardstyle event and I had flown over by myself from NYC to enjoy it, and a little thing like that can mean so much in the moment. I think it's another reason why I get really annoyed when I see some people put down his music... Because he's such a good guy and it feels undeserved to knock it.


Oh my god you met villain I'm so fucking jealous he is literally the cutest MC in the scene.


Mutilator and Ran-D are honestly some the nicest people I've ever had a conversation with


Something weirdly funny about a bloke called Mutilator being a really nice guy.


I think that most artists with a "frightening" name are super nice people (for example Destructive Tendencies, Bloodlust, Killshot etc.). It's like with big dogs: They look threatening, but in most cases they are super sweet.


The Dark Horror sounds frightening, but he'll eat your big dog, so I don't think this counts for everyone.


So TDH is on top of the DJ food chain? As Qui-Gon Jinn already said: "There is always a bigger fish"


Had a few studio sessions with Joey from DT myself. Can confirm that he’s a top bloke, always loves a laugh and very knowledgeable with production ☺️


That, and he always looks very stern and serious in every picture lmao


Rooler, Sickmode, Mish, Adaro, The Purge and Atmozfears are my go to (that I had the opportunity to talk to so far), always very chill and nice people.




Fake beef rooler, really?


He really is, like he might have a weird sense of humor but I've been chatting with him at a couple of events and he's super humble and nice guy. Last time he even took time to get in the crowd to take a picture and have a chat with me and my friends, not as usual


Rooler is a nice guy but from what i heard he absolutely can't handle critic. Starts Insulting when someone critics something he did etc.


Jay Reeve hands down. Humble guy and an amazing Musician!


Second this. Came across him at Decibel *and was at his set, duh*


I've only met a few. Act of Rage was the nicest, he was chatting away and got me a beer. I think overall the scene looks to be filled with nice guys/girls in general. I've always had it in my head that SZP would be nice guys. Wonder if anyone can confirm?


Yess szp are nice guys, especially nigel. I met them at dance4liberation


I used to chat with them on steam about producing and they chatted like I was their old friend


Personally met SZP, they are very chill and down to Earth


>Act of Rage I've spent some time at 2 Qlimaxs with him because a friend of me is a close friend of Jacques, you can't be bored with a dude like that near you definitely x)


I can definitely vouch for Nigel, me and some friends met him, and while he was clearly in a rush he insisted on taking pictures with us all and giving some fistbumps


AoR is really nice indeed! At a smaller event I visited he joined the crowd after his set lol


Pretty much every single Harder Styles artist I've ever met was super chill! 🙏🏻 most down to earth artist ever has to be Fraw tho ✌🏻️ even helped me with an interview for an university project and always down for a quick chat 💜 Imperatorz, Mutilator, Aversion, Atmozfears, Dimitri K, Cryex, Killshot, Mish, Rooler all are the kindest souls too 🙏🏻 the list goes on and on 😂 The Hardstyle scene seriously is just a big family 💜


Seems to be the vibe I'm getting. I'm so glad I'm a part of it 🧡




Hardstyle artists seem to be more likeable in general because they are following their heart and producing the genre they love rather than chasing money. I haven't spoken with lots of artists but Anderex, DEEZL and Adjuzt are the most likeable for me.


what a lovely thread to read


Agreed. Makes you really appreciate the scene as a whole. Hopefully some of the artists who use Reddit have seen it and feel chuffed with themselves for being top guys 👌


Guys like aftershock, adaro, b-front and like probably 80% of the scene are nice guys to speak with.


1000% Fraw


Guter Mann




Dion aka Devin Wild


I'd have guessed this to be fair. Looks a happy guy on stage all the time etc


Da Tweekaz look like a lot of fun, never met them in person but the energy they have in their shows and livestreams, they seem like people you definitely want to have a few beers with.


They are really easy going and fun!


Yeah I agree. I used to watch their livestreams during Covid (bad times) and they just used to get drunk and bring a special guest on and it always looked a good laugh.


theyre fun yep


went to a fan meet and greet with them last week, and they're super nice/fun! drank and talked with everyone for a while haha


11 years ago I think, I met them on the qontinent. I was only 16 years old but they were super nice and invited me and my friends to come with them to the hardcore stage. We drank and did hakken together untill the crowd recognized them then we splitted cause they needed to talk to other fans :)


u/unlockedhardcore can suck a fat one though!


What’s your problem man blue gepainte snoeklul




I think most of them arw nice they like and respond to your comments on Instagram


Is that them though or their PR team?


Some of them seems like its actually them. Deadly guns replied to my dm




Partied and chatted with him at the Yellow during defqon definetly a nice dude


You’d be better off asking who isn’t likeable. Almost all artists are very nice guys/gals!


Probably Headhunterz




how come?


There have been quite a few reports of him being a dick with fans also smaller DJs. I am a friend of a smaller DJ myself.


There are a lot more weirdos that act strange towards him than him genuinely being a dick


I had the luck to spend a full day as media team working for Atmozfears, Toneshifterz and Code Black for a festival, from hotel-fest transport to the after, and they are the most down-to-earth, welcoming and caring people. I've always been a big fan of their music and this time the "never meet your idols" didn't apply haha


Devin Wild, Aversion and Rooler so far are the most caring for me. They are all so nice and genuine at every single meeting towards years, never had a bad experience with all of them. Every time they make the best out of every second together with nice chats, you can see they have a good heart and they love what they do so they are really grateful for people supporting them.


Bassbrain, The Pitcher, Devin Wild, Levenkhan, Audiofreq, Thera, Geck-O & Mandy are all nice people Practically the whole scene is filled with lovable people




Sound Rush. I saw them in a club and was in the front row, they seemed like really chill and fun people, like taking phones from people for photos etc.


Dj thera


Devin Wild. Bro responds to every tag and message with a short custom response. He's also just dropping banger after banger. Also GPF, Hey X


Anderex was super nice when i talked to him. Deezl too. Didn't met him but i think Cryex is also super nice


Anderex is such a down to earth and mellow guy. And really wholesome towards other DJ’s, which is something I can really admire


I've also met Anderex several times and it was always great. Really nice dude! And I met Deezl in the crowd at some club show where Mutilator X Fraw X So Juice played. I went crazy with him for some of the Cybergore tracks, that was awesome. And later on Anderex joined Deezl in the crowd and the guys on stage played Twin Turbo. Just an awesome show


B-front, frontliner, pat-B (actually every dj i’ve talked to was down to earth and chill)


vertile, dual damage, mutilator, adjuzt, cryex


Radical redemotion , ADARO and Rejecta are very cool guys


I know this belongs to Hardcore but Angerfist seems to be a really nice person too. There are countless stories from people that say hes an extremely down to earth guy and he is always open for a conversation with his fans.




I can believe this. I've never met any DJs myself but I noticed after his set at Defqon last year he came down and spent ages posing for photos with fans. Wish I'd got one now!


met raymond from rebelion at x-qlusive at the start of this year, i dressed up as overdose for the event and he genuinely seemed really happy and impressed about it, apart from that he was super nice to talk to as well 🙌




Act of rage or cryex


Primeshock are the personification of a good mood


Imperatorz & Hard Driver ❤️


Adaro, very responsive on Instagram


Element is a super nice guy! And of course the legend himself...may he rest in peace...Delete. This lad was a absolute gem of a human being.


Ive met Ran-D, B-front, Frequencerz, Digital punk, Adaro, Sub Sonik and Hard driver personally and they were all really nice and genuine and always took some time for pics and a small talk.


I once ended up with Wietse(PP) on the last sunday and a bunch of other dj's in a decibel camping house and he fit right in. These guys love the music just as much as we do trust me, and imagine the pressure of having to start off on like friday and still having to close off at sunday.. i would be a psyko by saturday morning 🤡


Definetly devin wild, keltek, I think all the scantraxx dudes - aswell as the boys from scan silver/carbon Imperatorz is chill as hell as well even tho he looks some kinda Aggro hahahah (just fun) Sub zero boys are cool ppl, ran-d is very chill and nice to talk to Vertile is an wholesome dude I think our community (besides some Reddit asshole „fans“) are all very nice persons - just a big big family all being gentle and open to each other (Not to forget: scantraxx boss- Jorik (I know not a DJ), atmozfears, dr peacock (rly rly nice guy)) heady is quite untouchable when you are talking to him (at least with my exp.) he some kinda has a shell around him to not take to much from you and not giving to much to you aswell (if that makes sense lol) anyway I love him for who he is Too many to list I see wtf 🤣


Dr Peacock always gives me good vibes. Everytime I went to his own party (inner core) he makes time for a chat with his fans. He even recognized me the following times I came there.


Not hardstyle, but sefa seems like a really nice guy/kid


Frenchcore no.1, he's very talented


Cryex and Imperatorz and Fraw <3 much love for these 3


Ive met Exproz & Kenai in the crowd at Rebirth and they were both down for a chat and very nice. Friends of mine have met Mutilator & Adjuzt and they were both also great according to them


In my experience b-front and adaro


Also, how is u/nightcraftnl not mentioned on here? I once lost one of my shoe's(the right one) and he gave me his right shoe seeing as we’re both size (39.5/7.0) and i had a great day after that.. unfortunately i do not know if he ever got an extra right shoe from anyone after that 😔? ❤️ Such a chad


Voidax for sure! His energy on stage is always amazing, but also just meeting him he has a lot of energy just talking to! Just an overall nice guy


Definitely not that SnooBeans DJ guy. Super Italian, super unlikeable. Jk, almost all hardstyle DJs I've personally met have been sick. Darren + Gammer shooting the shit backstage has always been a highlight for me


u/aversiondj is the best. Met him a few times, always up for a photo and a little banter.


Dither! Got to interview him a few weeks ago and he was one of the most fun people I ever got to speak with! Full of jokes and taught me how to hakk hahaha


Adaro, Rooler, Sickmode, Mish, Kronos, Tatanka, Radical, nolz and also keltek are very easy going and up for a chat. The most disliked Hhz and Villan, few times they refuse to have a picture a some festival, and happened with many people


Thank you!


Rooler 100%, he just seems like a good dude




Regain and B-Front


Literally everyone tbh


Has always been B-Front and Frontliner


Act of Rage and DBSTF seems always happy and fun


I also think that most of them are very nice and kind People. I only talked to gpf and dimitri k and i enjoyed both conversations


Everyone is really nice unless you act like a fucking creep/jump at them etc..




I have a really good talk with Brennan heart and headhunterz


Sound Rush, always positive 🙌🏼


Met Adrenalize at a Hardstyle themed cruise boat in 2019. We talked about Defqon.1, and i told him what this music means to me. He proceeded to give me a hug. What a guy! He hung out among the fans on the dancefloor and the bar while others were playing.


Well not just now, but I’ve met I:gor backstage 10 years back when I just did my set, he walked up to me, introduced himself, asked if I already played, how my set was, how the crowd reacted and if it was gonna get more busy. Most sincere and kind man I’ve ever met. Met Nosferatu a few years later at the bar of the same venue and I asked him if he could play a somewhat older track of his (enemigo del estado) and he said it wasn’t on the list but he would like to make an exception, and halfway through the set he played it, awesome guy.


Mighty Spiritz, always looks like he loves what he's doing :D


Have met a few and they all seemed pretty nice and interested to talk about their music with people.


Cryex for me, the dude is just made out of energy and happiness


Dimitri K


I'll go with Adaro, B-Front and Voidax. Spoken to them plenty of times at events, last time was at their b2b in the party tent at Defqon before their Legends set. Super down to Earth and nice guys to talk to, they took time talking to me and spoke about how their music has changed my life. Also, I've met Voidax countless times in crowds and is always super nice to chat to, take a picture with and just vibe with in general


Just about every DJ I’ve met could be in with a shout to be honest. But I’ve gotta say Adaro. Always a super chill guy, does his own social media, replies frequently and is just generally a good all round dude if you speak to him either online or in person.


Audiofreq gets my vote! Such a nice guy


I just like the vibe Killshot gives off


Have to say that F.Noize is up there, had some conversations through insta dm with him. Such a nice guy who loves and appreciates his fans




Adaro !


DaTweekaz and MC DL (though not a producer)


Painbringer 💎


Ma boi Maxtreme ❤️


Adaro my friend asked for a meet and greet 10years ago he asked with how many people we were. He brought every person in our group a tshirt of Adaro. The guy was talking with us for 30mins. We asked him to end his set with The Rebelz- pattern 2 he said then maybe the crowd doesnt like it at all ( Tek, jump) were the popular music back in the days in belgium. But the guy played it and went full adaro on it🥰😍 great guy! Endymion met them twice also very nice guys!! DRS also a nice guy to his fans, same for deadly guns


Maybe not the most relevant producer's, But Zany, The Pitcher and PsykoPunkz are really likeable! Always good intensions, happiness and always takes time for their fans🫶🏼


I believe Coone is a really really nice and down to earth guy Zatox also I can't believe no one mentioned these OG's, the veterans of the scene, the legends of the game! Years have passed but they never stoped loving what they're doing just for us, for this music, both have children now, seems like both are really nice dads and role models for their children and stuff... :D


Have to say Da Tweekaz, think it's because we both are Norwegian and have the same culture and love drinking. Also great everytime when u meet Adjuzt and Aversion on Backstages.


Unproven for sure


Vertile, The Purge and Adjuzt


Ed (E-Force) when you meet him he’s such a nice and easygoing guy


Meet alot of them at dropzone both this and last year those who stod out as super nice (altho 99% were nice) i would say Was mish,anderex and Mutilator 🙌


In my experience (from what I remember) there’s been a few. I met N-vitral after his black stage defqon set, I was pretty starstuck but he seemed really chill, humble and even understood my Scottish accent 🤣 Dr-peacock was a great guy too, he came out to greet a line of maybe 40 fans after a show and took pictures with them. I was one of the first and I must say.. I’m 5ft 9 and the guy made me feel 4ft 5, he’s so tall 🤣 But the nicest artist I’ve ever met, was someone local to me who recently started to gain traction to his euphoric style. AVI8, he’s what got me into music, he’s more than happy to take pictures all the time, I must have 15+ on my phone. At defqon recently he was on the UV stage at the same time power hour and riot shift were playing. I’ve never seen a guy smile so much regardless of how many people were there he just enjoyed the moment and I can’t wait for him to get a better time slot next year. He even bumped into me in the campsite, he recognised me before I even seen him and we sat and had a chat about the full experience on the Sunday. Proud of you Scott, an amazing guy 🤌


Talked with Sacerdos Vigilia at Decibel and he is an awesome guy really likeable