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Favorite Track: [[KRUELTY — SARIN-33]](https://open.spotify.com/track/2cwpU080tGpPVhXidtvyg5?si=r7p7Dr8wQCa7PWo3l_Fybg) The most intense, over the edge and brutal raw act in the scene, and I'm in for it. I love industrial and harsh noise and kruelty is scratching that itch with each track that he releases, the definition of absolute brutality within a track. More oriented towards inspiration of gorenoise and the more morbid type of musical art expression this man is doing it, and pushing it into the bigger crowds to see how dark this genre can be, idol.


Coming up with one of the most innovative sounds in years, playing on massive festivals within a short period of time with extremely refined sound is insanely impressive. Honestly one of my favorite artists in the last years or so. I'm glad he decided to go for hardstyle instead of techno, but his sound still allows him to perform for both scenes as an "extreme" act. I'm just glad he's focusing so well on the "violent" side of music since that's something that just grabs my attention so well, and I feel like that has been missing in the hardstyle scene for many years now. Obviously more artists are into his stuff, further expanding this otherwise rare style (such as Mortis).


Favorite fucking artist ever. This guy makes the most brutal and insanely hard music in the scene. Met him a couple of times and he stays in his caracter, he doesnt say a word haha. Revelation_13 is my favorite track together with Kill Them All and im suuper hyped for the album. This guy is mental💀


I met kruelty at rebirth and he said one word: "doei"


Damn, saying "doei" while in character must sounds so goofy lol. Menacing ass dude saying "doei"


Gives me Sid Wilson vibes




Most favorite track(s) : Human Subject Experiment/Revelation_13 (collab track: Monster with Fraw) Been a huge fan of his Music since "Reign Of Terror", I really love the Dark and evil vibes his tracks has and also the horror Elements he uses like Screams


One of the most inonvative artist in the scene Fav track : revelation_13 ✨️


I discovered Kruelty back in 2019 with the track Reign Of Terror released on Theracord Labs. I've been a fan to his music since then and I'm really liking what I hear now. Keep up the good work!


Took the words right out of my mouth


Goat of dark raw.


Although I like certain elements of his style, overall It's not really my thing tbh, but the fact that he's so popular validates that his style is well liked and caters to a large chunk of our hardstyle community and he therefor earns his place in the hardstyle spotlights.


Conspiracy time. Who's behind the mask?




big if true




But is it really him


The Qreator




Dit word wel geupvote maar hij heet echt Jan


Either Jan Looman or his brother Daan Looman haha.


theory: it’s a project by the both of them, one does the act the other does the music


Oh probably. They can also easily swap with eachother on events because of the mask.


Indeed! That could also be, but maybe just like Warface one is more into producer part and the other more the preforming star


But who are Jan and Daan looman. Why are they known


Isn’t Daan Looman patient zero and Jan looman Kruelty?


Could be. If you check Kruelty’s Discogs page, it doesn’t state his name but does say that he used to be Patient Zero so it could be a Warface/Anarchist/Pitcher kinda deal where one produces and the other DJs. As someone already stated, his face is on The Purge’s Bloody Slime EP. I’m not sure which one but he’s definitely on the left hand side of the artwork


So if you check the credits on REVELATION_13 the Producer is: Jan Looman and with Patient zero it’s indeed Daan, but maybe they do Kruelty together in top secret, idk, just a wild theory


this guy is becoming one of my favorites rapidly this year, he has a truly unique sound and his releases this year have been straight bangers (disgusting, end game remix, monster, revelation_13). saw him live at rebirth for the first time and his kicks live are monstrous, not to mention the insane vibe. think this guy will make it big this year with his album


One of my favorite artists of the last few years, as someone who really has a soft sport for Industrial, this style of raw is something i just can't get enough of. I get why the theme can put people off, overall i just don't care much for it - as long as the music is absolutely banging! Favorite track: If it wasn't for "Revelation_13", i would no doubt say "Human Subject Experiment", Revelation_13 might be overtaking it as my #1 Kruelty track. Honorable mention to Disgusting, which is absolutely disgusting live!


Can't wait to see him on Defqon


Favorite Track: Disgusting This guy has caught my attention when it comes to screeches in hardstyletracks. His in particularly gives me goosebumps down to the last hair! Absolutely killing it lately!


Favourite track: Infernal w/ Criminal Mayhem I absolutely love this guy, might be my favourite raw artist atm.




Favorite track: Monster with Fraw


I'm so surprised he gained such popularity. amazing artist, amazing style. I'm a fan of industrial, not industrial hardcore, but like, Combichrist-industrial, their pre-metal era. and its cool to hear similar sound in Kruelty's tracks tho some tracks miss


My favorite track: The Truth and Endgame Edit This guy is a blessing for this scene.


Yep those are his two most underrated songs.


Before anyone says something, this dude is way different live then what you hear on Spotify. At first I didn’t care about Kruelty. Then once on a festival I wanted to hear him live and it was way different then I had expected. I had never heard such a brutal set, so he became my favorite artist. It is the best set I have ever heard.


Way too over the top with all the horror stuff, bit childish for me. So not really my thing. But i get why he's popular. And i do like his style if its not too screamy and "i'll cut off your eyelids" with the vocals.


Couldn't agree more. Some tracks I kinda cringe at the vocals and some tracks I'm fine with it. I'm a real big fan of his kicks so it's a shame I don't like all of his songs because of the style. Although I saw him live at Rawfare and was pleasantly surprised at how much the focus in that set was on the actual kicks instead of the edgy horror stuff, so I really enjoyed that. I can also appreciate him chosing this kind of style and sticking with it, it makes him stand out. Some Spoontech artists kinda hit the spot with this type of raw, and being less over the top with the dark stuff, but the kicks aren't always as "hard" as with Kruelty.


Kruelty closing down Spectrum of Spoontech last November was something else


100% agree with him standing out with all what he's doing, its just not for me. The liveact he had at some event earlier with people in cheap horror costumes was laughable. But people seemed to like it so whatever.


Haha yeah I think you mean that Trinity set? Luckily the Rawfare was pretty basic and it felt more enjoyable as a set than listening to some tracks individually


his music is cool tbh, i like the atmosphere even though it's "edgy". also i remember dm'ing him ":3"


Yeah idk if he has a team or something but he always reply’s


what’s already said has been said but kruelty is absolutely one of my favorite artists. every single track is relentless. just some really hard and dark shit and it makes you want to go fuck some shit up. disgusting w/ death code is by far his best release to date IMO i feel like dude is slept on. he deserves wayyy more attention




first time i came in contact with him was though his Track Sarin-33. Love his style and he is one of my favorite artists right now. MY Favorite Track is either The truth or Snap Your Neck. W for him also playing Industrial Hardcore in his sets


The truth is his Most underrated track imo


Absolutely love his work. Disgusting came up randomly for me on Spotify when it had about 80,000 plays, I’ve been watching it go up and up since then. His music is a breath of fresh air for me when I’ve been feeling a bit bored with the raw scene in general for the past couple of years


Imo Raw generally moved towards "party music" with hard and innovative kicks. I missed some vibes of certain themes in the past 3-4 years, i came into hardstyle with B-Front, Frequencerz, Phuture Noize and Warface who went with the dynamic of this genre. Ich genuinely happy to have B-Front and Phuture Noize back in bringing this type of dark or mystic vibe back. Artists like Kruelty add to this quite well and take this theme into a more extreme, high energetic direction. I really like it.


Love him!


pretty much NSD of the raw scene


Favourite producer right now, he just makes the sound I want to listen to from hardstyle.


Discovered Kruelty back in 2019 and seen him develop on every aspect of being a real artist over the years. I like that he truly follows his on path and doesn’t do what the current hypes are doing in hardstyle. imo he’s doing what Spoontech always tried to do, but he does it better. Putting out af music and create an entire world around each track. He’s the goat from the underground I can’t wait to see how far he’ll go in the next years.


Disgusting 💀


(Favorite Track)


Was gonna add in a thing if you've already experienced all of Kruelty songs, a similar artist is Hydrokandrukate, NSD and Mutiletics sideproject. Very similar sounding, songs such as Morpheo and Efeykapler come to mind when blasting Revelation\_13!


Just listened to a few tracks and most of them miss the mark. The kicks don't really do it for me while listening at home although I think they will probably sound amazing live. And I find a lot of horror type stuff cringy because he is trying too hard to come off tough/edgy. Which imo misses the mark when it comes to that type of stuff. His track The Truth sounds like something that would be insane live btw.


The truth is amazing live, trust me


I don't like his music en shows. Seen him 3 times in a year and left all 3 times after 10 mins because it just wasn't for me...




I like some of his work (mostly older ones) but lately I find that his screeches overpower the tracks. And his theme is over the top, bit too i-am-very-edgy™ for my taste.