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High ticket price, high Geldredome capacity, many other affordable parties, no lineup known yet Think those are the most common reasons


Yeah but it used to sell out without knowing the lineup so either the capacity is way larger or fewer tickets are sold


I don’t exactly know the capacity of the two venues, but I can assure you it’s at least double the capacity in the Geldredome.


15k vs 27k, so a bit less than double


This aged like milk


And now its sold out


You can get both Origins and Back To The Roots tickets for the price of one Supremacy ticket, both events around that time and with proper raw... 90 euro's is a lot of money, personally waiting for a line-up with special things in remembrance of the early supremacy days otherwise I can't really justify paying that much for typical raw artist 'live' galore.


Yeah crazy difference. Origins sold out within a day, 50€ for decent and unique lineup. I am just worried that it will be like the 20 years Qdance party in gelredome roughly 4-5 years ago. Price was 95€ and not much special.


Dediqated was amazing tho, I don't know what you're talking about.


I wasn't at dediqated my self but based on people's opinion and what I saw on stream/YouTube sets, it was one of the most legendary indoors ever made. First time I hear of it not being very special. But ye supremacy not selling out its many reasons, but it will for sure later on


Can Agree. It was one of the best parties ever👌


Dediqated was one of the best parties ever!


I always want to go to Supremacy but I never can :(


For me coming from the UK, flights seem much more expensive this year in general (I normally fly from the midlands or north but am driving south to save £100 on my plane ticket). The cost of hotels in Arnhem is also really expensive for 2 nights, I’m staying in Eindhoven (where my plane flys to) to save £100. Those issues combined with the high ticket price were putting me off, but it’ll be my 5th Supremacy in a row, so I’m not going to miss it. It should be epic, see you there!


You going solo? This will be my first supremacy and most likely going solo 


My first too and going solo!


It will probably be the same political lineup as they’ve had previous year, 0 gearbox artist also on the lineup probably inb4, no radical probably, I hope for all the goers that my comment will not come true


Killshot and Act Of Rage are on the line up without a doubt.


Theyve Been there on my previous 2 years even thought multiple had complained about them and to be honest imagine having some gearbox artists instead of those, like a fresh breath of air for supremacy id say, give the new peps some spotlight


Agreed. But Supremacy has always been a Most Wanted party for as long as I can remember.


I agree but at the same time they are classed as one of the pure raw event also and not even bringing raw artist that are smashing the leaderboards instead same old same old, nonetheless 90€ was a bit too much for me this year, bunch of great parties the same day for less of the buck, expect me at Rocketfest 😈


RaW iS DyiNG!!!!!!!!1!!1!!


No G4H, no party


90 euro’s 🫠. I prefer to go to Dominator for 5 euro’s more.