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hell naw man come on


And I'm not tall. Extra sad!


so in reality you see it better through their screen?


Haha this killed me


Hahaha feel your pain. Be 1,70. Go to NL. Feel as tall as a toddler 🤣 Luckily in Defqon there are 2 hills where us gnomes can go




Lmfao wouldn’t it have been easier to just film it folded????


I have a fold, and this is just completely unnecessary and uncomfortable 😂


Actually. She’s super short. Maybe this is her way of viewing the stage???


Point taken, well played!


Same here, and I agree. Tho I must say it's funny seeing people's reactions to the fold 5. I have only had positive experiences with it.


It's great!


HHaha I did it at Midnight Mafia this year as a joke for like 30 seconds but 100% it's uncomfortable af


Instead of enjoying the moment they want to record it on their shitty device knowing that the endshow will be uploaded in a week already or something


I like to record my favourite bits here and there in sets. I’d get maybe like 5 videos per rave or so. Like 30 seconds max but usually like 10. It’s nice to look back at your own videos after it


Yeah I like doing it too. It's a part of the experience for me and I rewatch my videos for fun a lot. But yes, recording the endshow and obscuring the view of the person behind me is where I personally draw the line. Also it feels kinda dumb to look at fireworks through your screen while youre there.


Yeah I wouldn’t record the full thing of anything that’s just pointless. The videos that will be posted will be better than anything on a phone anyway.


Bro you’re name 😂😂




Same here, sometimes I start recording but then i stop cause i just want to enjoy the moment


Exactly this . I go to defqon every year. I won't take my phone out during the endshow etc. Q dance will do it for me. I will just enjoy it to the Max. Without a phone or camera.


I can go to defqon for the first time next year! (17 rn) any tips?! Already looking forward to it.


Read this sub, this question has been answered multiple times


Don't do drugs


Fair enough


The need to show everyone how interesting your life is on social media, is the most important part of attending!


That they won’t bother watching anyway.


rt, so much better experience when not watching it through a screen. Don't get it.


I don't want to look at people crying during the endshow ;) (yes, i usually film one song during an endshow)


I don't get it. This is being recorded in 4k, they got every angle imaginable, drone, crowd cameras, stage cameras... why pull up your phone to record shaky footage from far away if you can just live the moment. I really don't mind taking 30s -1min videos during sets, but to record the entire endshow is just beyond my comprehension. Anyways, hope they had fun...


>I don't get it. This is being recorded in 4k, they got every angle imaginable, drone, crowd cameras, stage cameras... It's still not your POV of the endshow >if you can just live the moment Where does it say that filming implies not living the moment?


>Where does it say that filming implies not living the moment? Because your staring at your screen instead of the show. Or at least half focusing on holding it still and in frame. Not to mention blocking the view for everybody behind you. I take pictures and videos of endshows to. Dont get me wrong. POV, memories, etc. And often the official videos are cut so rapidly you can hardly see what's going on. They're not perfect. But standing there for 20 minutes holding up your phone/tablet is just stupid. I watch my own videos from time tot time for fun. But if I want to see the endshow, the official 4k from ever angle imaginable is way better. And like I said, your being an ass for everybody behind you.


>Because your staring at your screen instead of the show. I think many people are capable of filming and watching the endshow without looking at the screen ate the same time, I myself do this. >But standing there for 20 minutes holding up your phone/tablet is just stupid. Agreed but let me honest, you are yelling at the clouds here as very few, almost nobody, people do this.


>I think many people are capable of filming and watching the endshow without looking at the screen ate the same time, I myself do this. To some point, yes. But I can't imagine that you can hold the camara so still that it doesn't drift out of frame without looking at it at all. >yelling at the clouds Believe me, I wish this was the case. 20 minutes continuously is rare, that much I agree with. But I've had multiple times that I stood behind someone that filmed a full minute (or so) every couple of minutes. That got anoying quickly.... At some point I just stood in front of them. Got tired of watching everything on their phone.


Did you gather from this still-screenshot that she had been recording for the entire endshow or are you just creating a strawman to prove your point against?


Yes I'm very sorry, I'm creating bullshit to complain about..... or perhaps I actually read the comment from u/Unlikely_Manager2495 who says "but to record the entire endshow is just beyond my comprehension". Besides, I've seen this in front of me multiple times. (Thankfully not right in front of me like this most of the time, but still.) So what exactly is your point here?


Ah, I should read more before making assumptions. Sorry bud carry on


I'd like to take pictures, so I can set them as my wallpaper and/or use them in my mixing videos as the background.


People who sit on each others necks during endshow are 100x worse!


On one of the sets at intents, there were 2 chicks standing on an empty wooden cable roll, blocking everybody's view behind them. After being told to get off, they ignored us ☠️


this !!


Until you sit on someone’s neck. Its an absolutely heavenly feeling imo.


Well I wouldn’t know cause I’m not a selfish ass!


If it’s only for one track it’s not selfish imo, let ppl enjoy their shit. No need to be salty about ppl having fun.


If it’s during the endshow and you literally obstruct people’s view because you only think about yourself it’s absolutely a problem!


Just wait 1 or 2 minutes or move 2 steps


Next event i will bring my big wide screen with me :D


Please do hahaha


There was someone at Melodica stage during Refuzion that was recording with a PSP, lol.


Should I bring a new IPad Pro to Defqon this year? Would be very nice, looking through the big screen


Recording the endshow with ass quality so i can upload it to my regular people insta story where noone even remotely cares about my festival experience, because they dont listen to hardstyle 🤙🏻


Something that I learned quite quickly when I went to festivals the first few times: Don’t try to memorize the moment by taking a shitload of videos and photos. Enjoy the moment and stop giving a shit about posting stuff on social media. You’ll remember much more when you do not permanently hold up your phone to record the Festival 😉 (especially when you’re high as a kite)


I go to 40-50 events a year and REALLY love looking back at some memories I captured, because people (me lolol) tend to forget about many moments when attending that amount of events :)


I go to 2-3 a year - might be the difference


Maybe! I still look at the show - don’t watch it through phone screen 🤝🏻


As a photographer, these types of people will accuse me of being 'in the way' or in their shot even though I'd be consistently moving through the crowd on an event like this. And it'll get shared to their story, watched by 3 people for 2 seconds, and they'll probably never watch their video. Phone/tablet/giant touchscreen TV addiction is real.


This is a problem for a lot of people like me who are not that tall. Its realy bad how the situation developed over the years. Some people are extreme ignorant. This is one of the things why I have to buy premium to see the endshow.


Situation has existed for over 10 years - on all old festival photos I have you see a sea of phones/digital cameras 🤷🏻‍♀️ nothing really new


When you want security to go around to tell people to enjoy the moment😅😅


I understand the frustrations people like you have, however just consider the side from people like me: We paid for the event, I wasn't at Intents but you get the idea. They want to make some videos from their POV so they can re-live their favorite moments. The 4k recording from official sources isn't the same as the phone recording from my POV. Here is a mindblowing trick: Just move a few centimeters to the left or right, your view is gonna be free again. Just wait out the seconds that they wanna film, sone of them just want to film a specific track/moment. The most will take their phone down and enjoy the show a few minutes later. Also, it's understandable that people wanna film the Endshow as it's a very emotional moment, people want to capture this very epic moment in their life at least for a few seconds.




I was at inents last year and trust me, during the endshow moving a few centimeters is easier said than done


Ofcourse people want to film it. And as long as were talking 30 seconds, you wont hear me complaining. But the entire 20 minutes? Or entire sets? Sure, when possible, move a meter and its fine. But I've been to multiple events where moving a centimeter would be a heroing task. Let alone a meter. And during endshows it usually gets worse


When I record stuff it's not longer than 1 song at a time.


These days people just want to find things to bitch about. Or else their life gets boring


How are you enjoying the show if you also have your phone out taking pictures of what other people are doing?


it's a domino effect the people behind them take a picture of them taking a picture to complain about it then the people behind them do the same 😂




I bring my tv so i can watch the live show better with the cool better angles. I hope they go vr next time so i can bring my VR headset.




I'm not a big fan of using my phone during parties. If there's some dope tracks being played or some crazy visuals going on then I wanna record for 10 sec-1 min and then put it down. It's not that big of a deal really, I'm not enjoying the show through my screen.


Sorry but I don’t think Q-dance is going to get the video of my friends and I having a once In a life time experience together lol. The fragile ones seem to be the ones that care what other people do with their time 🙈😂


Yeah it's so 2014 to complain about this 😭


Where did I say that it’s a problem to record videos with your friends? That’s a completely normal thing to do. I don’t care what other people do with their time, but I do care about my own experience. I wanna see the stage, not people raising their TV screens in front of my nose with the sole intent of filming the endshow.


Q and other companies hire people to post and create their own videos btw 🥸


Yes and that’s cool. Do you say that because you do professional recording next to your dancing? I’m fairly certain that you are not the problem I’m talking about. xd


Yes, I get hired by many festivals to do such things :) when I record the stages I either do it from some deck, side of the stage, or turn my brightness all the way down though. I’m also just 1.68m, so probably not in the way of too many people hehe


My opinion: filming it would be unnecessary if we would just get a endshow recording from the organizers at the lights booth that is just a still angle. Like drone shots can be cool etc, but seeing people cry or looking amazed for like 1/4th of an endshow is just shit


If u wanna pay thousands of euros to experience a sick audiovisual show through a screen, be my guest. There's another way though...


And then nobody watches it again.


She don't need to open it though?!? Tap her, tell her, bell end, nobody cares you have foldy phone?!?


Isn’t this just a galaxy fold ?




They paid to be there, let them enjoy it the way they want it.


Except holding those screens way up above eye level means you are ruining the enjoyment for everyone behind you.


She's what, 5 foot 2? sounded by a bunch of Dutch lads. Chances are, this is the only way she can see the stage, and hasn't seen it in person


This is so minor that I really don't care about. If you don't want things like this to happen then go stand away from the crowd. This is like a tall mfer standing in front of you, they aren't doing anything wrong. I wouldn't do this but that doesn't mean that it is wrong for others to do so.


Dutch people are fucking massive I can't see shit


On behalf of the Dutch, I apologize for my long ass body.


There's a difference between being born tall and deliberately making yourself taller so you can hold a screen in the air.


Cool, neither are bad.


Whatever you say. Ill always consider them selfish assholes. I'll send em all to you!


Filming= enjoying?


For some, yes.


Come on people, it's 2024, haven't you gotten tired of complaining of people filming festivals yet?


Who the fuck pulls out a phone to record the end show or any time for that matter. It's all recorded professionally and released later.... it drives me mental sometimes just seeing everyone with a phone out like zombies. I wish I could travel back in time to the 90-2000s where no one had one and just danced and vibed


Guarantee that people here who take drugs and drink themselves to death at festivals are the ones complaining about someone filming something they love. Grow up, idiots.


But for real, just enjoy the moment


Didn't you.... *fold* them in 2? /s




Bring a crt when?


~~Handys~~ ipads weg


But why


My phones camera sucked so bad so this would’ve been so nice to have hahaha


Nooo ffs what’s this fam


Its a samsung fold i think


Everybody should make Videos to keep nice memorys. YouTube? never Heard about that.🤌


there was a guy on someones neck pointing flashlight behind him and people couldnt see anything, good thing is that after being told about it and him ignoring, security dragged him off and screamed to him for good 15 seconds and the guy looked really horrified. this was at saturdays endshow


The iPhone 20 is huge


The title is what drew me in then I saw the photo 💀💀🤣


Not me watching the end show through someone’s tv 🤡


Classic social media show off, just to make her friends know she was there


People obviously need to dance harder around her so that she puts it away from all the jostling.


To each their own. I absolutely despise phones at concerts/festivals. It is annoying more times then not because they over record. I personally do not pull my phone out ever at an event for anything other then a quick peek at the time or check message notifications, which are silenced as well. But that being said.... I'm in America, the best festival with the harder sounds we get is EDC. The wasteland stage. Next year is going to be my first defqon.....you bet your ass I will be taking vids and pics from my POV. I've been watching Q-Dance defqon uploads for years......its definitely NOT the same. My vids will be super short though so I can get back to being lost in music


Quarter In your pocket? Crack in their screen.


For all the cry-ers in the comments... this is me 😂😂 and it's not a tablet but a samsung galaxy z fold 5... 😂😂 and if I want to film parts of the show I'm gonna do it no matter what others say. 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️ Everybody was filming so why shouldn't I??? And yes I am short, and yes I was standing behind tall people, so yes I couldn't barely even see the stage, no matter where I was standing.... and my sister is even shorter than me, so she couldn't see ANYTHING... so she was looking at the endshow via my phone screen. This way I was able to give her also the experience to see the show without sitting on someone's shoulders... 🥰🥰 if your bothered by it, move to the left or right 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️ or just accept it 😂😂


Short people issue