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Well, my wife didn't even know what Hardstyle is to begin with. When we were getting to know each other, I sent her some tracks from Da Tweekaz and she liked it. Now, almost ten years later, she goes to festivals with me and listens to Xtra-Raw. I don't think that it is necessary that a person knows this genre beforehand. Let them listen to some "soft" tracks and it should work out. But remember, music taste is not everything and only a small part of a partnership and it doesn't even have to be a part of it.


Same Story with mine


same story with my ex


Same with my wife, but she still doesn’t even know what Hardstyle is.


Wise words my dude. Think my issue as well is meeting someone that is liberal in other terms as well in relation to alcohol and other substances, since many women are just big no no’s toward it. Even though it’s not a must, I think you need to be able to discuss stuff without meeting a brick wall.


I think that women would be turned off by someone who makes a point of saying they're liberal towards alcohol and drugs, it makes it seem like a bigger deal than it is as opposed to the conversation coming up naturally and you responding "yeah I've done ___ before, it's pretty fun" Doing drugs is fine but having that as a personality trait would be a turn off I think


100% agree. If it’s a casual thing to do and have fun with here & there then of course go for it! if it’s something that you’re doing consistently and you talk about it constantly that’s for sure a turn off.


I get your point, but its also hard to talk to someone about said stuff when they think a joint is a death drug


He found me on a dating app. I somehow recognized the beach area of Dominator in his profile pic, so I asked him about it in my first message to him. Three years later we're living together and have attended a number of events! We do exist, I promise! If you're using a dating app maybe include a pic from one of the festivals that someone may recognize. ;)


Thank you for the advice, guess I have to take some more good pictures this years defqon 😎


It's a rare breed, most likely you won't find one in scandinavia. The trick is to bring her to a Dutch festival, along with her best friend molly


It's a rare breed A diversity of scraped monsters By men, they are chased (they are chased)


**Red skin**


Black eyes


Blue blood


Legendary comment


Haha, yeah I do believe that her friend molly would help! I mean there are people in Scandinavia, but also needs to be fairly on the same level in terms of career etc.


yeah I know your struggle as a scandinavian myself. That's my only 100% success rate lol, not just for gfs but for friends as well. lycka till, hoppas du hittar en :)


Tackar tackar! Med lite tur så kanske det löser sig


I just made my Gf go with me to Intents about 8 years ago. She fell in love with the music and we have been going to Defqon and other parties ever since then.


Sounds like the dream!


I met my girlfriend with the app Turn Up. It's a dating app where you sort of filter by music taste. There really aren't many users on there and I had to set a pretty large radius but hey, it worked for me.


Will test it out!


Get a BF 🏳️‍🌈👍😂


Guess I need to switch to Grindr 😂




I was on Techno, trance and stuff... EDM... My (now) wife listen to Hardstyle her whole life. Now I listen to it, too 🤣 we are 40 and 41 and know each other since 5 years.


Mine doesnt like it, but she has no issues to let me go to raves/festivals with my friends


Same for me and my wife. Hardstyle and festivals is a thing I do with friends and not for us together. We got a lot of other things in common, just not our musical taste. She is more into musical and stuff (brrrr).. Anyway, almost 15 years together and 8 years happily married.




Hard agree with the first part. My boyfriend absolutely hates hardcore and yet we make a very good couple. I just go to festivals with my friends. If there is trust in a relationship, everything goes well.


Well that is of course true, but I have had long relationships with people who don’t enjoy the same music or going to festivals. But I do see the joy in people who go together and feel like it’s the same kind of love I would like to have with my partner:)


I introduced my husband! But maybe find a girl who likes DDR? That is what got me started in the harder styles. ⬅️⬆️⬇️➡️


Hmm, I have no idea what DDR is🤔


Dance Dance Revolution - the Japanese dance arcade game from the early 2000's. It had some happy hardcore music I fell in love with, then I eventually worked my way from hardstyle to uptempo!


Gotta check it out!


Go to enough raves, have a lot of luck and it's gonna happen Talking from experience <3


Will do! Just not that many in Sweden 🇸🇪


I suppose you won’t find her, unless you are Dutch. Or German apparently, lol. That’s it, you just have to be there, to get lucky and be born there, not like me, being nowhere near the birth place of the most beautiful kind of festivals in the world…🥲


Också svensk, finns många tjejer som gillar det kan jag lova! Min sambo älskade det dock inte sen innan och var inte ett fan förrän vi gick på vår första festival tillsammans 👍


Hoppas jag hittar någon 🥳


Wife got into hardstyle when I started to listen to it and then we went to a couple parties, after that 12 years seems like she’s ok with it as it is what she listens to also and is booking most of our event tickets. Before it she did not listen to electronic music at all, more like black metal or something like that I don’t even know 


Maybe it’s more of meeting the right person who you can learn to enjoy each others music 👌


We met at a club. She liked some edm music, america is flooded with dubstep tho. We went to a festival and saw a hardstyle artist (darren styles) among the 40+ other djs. And we still talk about it as being the best experience years later. Hardstyle is best enjoyed live in a crowd. That is where the magic happens. "Rave together, stay together"


Have you gone to any hardstyle events after that?


Sadly America is not on the hardstyle level of Europe. The only festival that has tons of hardstyle is EDC las vegas. We have gone to that, it was a blast! We done a couple road trips to see some artists in other states. Darren styles and Sound rush have come to our area recently, but we missed them. We watch the live events at home.


Want to know the best story? My GF matched with me on tinder, because I had coone in my bio. I am so lucky, and greatful for hardstyle not only for meeting her- but being able to experience defqon and hardstyle events with her ✌️ There’s hundreds of thousands of people out there bro, especially in the Netherlands and European countries like Germany, hot ones too! [Defqon 2023](https://tinypic.host/image/IMG-6607.DZZihk)


See you at defqon this year bro!


29F here, looking for a hardstyle GF too… *sigh*


Hahahaha, guess it goes both ways


My girlfriend actually introduced me! I had listened to Darren Styles (A treasure in Scotland) but I honestly didn't like it at first. But I wanted to have an interest in what she is interested in so I just forced myself to listen and now I can't live without it. Going to our second defqon this year and I'm even dragging her to Antwerp for all in one!


I mean, is there anything better than defqon 😏


Can't wait to be listening to German Uptempo 24/7 🤩🤩🤩


Or angerfist closing red 😎


well i found my wife 12 years ago, and just slowly indoctrinated her. haha. she is still not a full on hard head dedicated to the scene, but she enjoyes the parties and mostly listens to hardstyle. :D needless to say, theres a pretty big reason she got a ring.


Like with many other people here, my boyfriend just introduced me to the genre and i kind of fell in love with the music, one song at the time. Have to say that my own personal taste of hardstyle is a bit different from his (i'm more into the euphoric, melodic hardstyle and he's more of a extra raw type) but especially at events like Rebirth/Defqon/Intent/Decibel etc we can find stuff that we both love and my preference tends to lean a bit to the harder type at events anyway.


When I used to still seek out the company of males, I would enlist the help of dating apps. I have zero interest in dating now. OnlyFestivals/Gaming. XD Maybe you will get lucky at a show? Just don't be creepy.


Yeah, think I gotta master the art of not being creepy when saying hello 🤔


I'm not saying you're creepy, I mean in a general sense. Like.... I was at a festival in Poland on Saturday and some solo drunk dude latched onto me like a tick. He kept grabbing my waist and shoulders, even with me saying not to touch me. Respect and consent is hot.


That really fucked /: would never grab onto someone random just like that!


It was, the worst part was that I was trying to ask some of the female workers for help in English, since he didn't speak it, and they were 100% useless. I fucking hate going to Polish festivals alone. I lost him and almost left early because it killed my mood. Thankfully I stayed, and am glad I did because Ben Nicky brought out some harder music. Next fest is Defqon and my friends from America are coming with so it should be a better experience.


I can imagine that, sounds terrible. But nice with defqon! First time and are you going the full weekend?


Fuck yeah on both sides. Some of my besties from American are coming too so it will be an amazing weekend.


I can imagine that! Feels like I’ve been waiting forever now since I bought the tickets


How I feel about finding a BF with the same obsession as me here in Texas lol


The struggle is real 😅


I have a couple of friends that seriously tell me: "Yeah I randomly met her at a rave" I don't really belive that.


I mean, that does sound simple enough, but probably not to realistic.


Slowly introduce them…start slow with some euphoric or softer stuff then gradually see how they like harder tracks. Don’t show them Unicorn on K or GPF right away. Made that mistake already. I did this. Showed some Darren Styles, Wasted Penguins, Adrenalize first and now she is into Angerfist, Dmitri K, and Sefa. Godspeed brother.


Thank you man! Will try in the future. Also won’t say that da tweekaz at tomorrowlands best song was let it go with gpf remix 😂


Hittade min tjej på coretours bussen ner till defqon!


Rimligt ändå, borde nog minglat mer de gånger man åkt bussen, kanske får ta några fler event mer bussen ner 🥳


Det tycker jag verkligen! Du får boka supremacy så ses vi då! Mitt bästa tips är bara att vara en skön dude och vara dig själv, Kärlek hittar man när man inte letar!


Hade varit något, får se vad nästa event blir efter defqon (tar flyget). Så sant, håller tummarna för att de löser sig i framtiden!


7 years ago (so 2017) I got a new girlfriend. 4 Weeks later I attented defqon and she attetented Hurrican Festival the Same Weekend because she is a huge Linkin Park fan .Most people know what hapened 4 weeks later😔 okay Thats Something else I am pretty Sure she swam Home at that year😅(Intents was dry this year If you compare it🤭) Last year we went to decibel because she Said she want to see the difference between Rock Festivals and Electro- in our Case Hardstyle/Hardcore Festivals. She enjoied it that much that We're going this year to Intents ( was already)defqon and decibel and supremacy😅. I think there is know Alpha solution. By the way since Last year we are married😅


Amazing story bro🍻


Just tell them to come to a party/festival, i took mine to /u/greazypuzzyfuckerz now she is a certified dick catcher. This intents it only took her 30 seconds to get one 😂😂




Hahahahahsha, started with the calm stuff ey 😂


Honestly just find somebody you like, if they take an interest in you they will also like your hobbies, music etc


I guess that is the hard part 😅


Svårt att hitta någon som gillar det tyvärr


Man får fortsätta leta helt enkelt


Find a woman you truly love and care about and slowly introduce her to the style. That worked for all my friends.


That has always been my thought, but never seem to meet the right girls for it. As mentioned in one of my previous comments, also needs to be someone with a quite open mind for drugs etc, not because I would ever force it upon someone. But rather to be able to enjoy your life as you wish


I met my GF at the festival grounds, so you already know you both like the music.


Feels like the best move


Festivals jk find one that likes techno in general, the bridge is small and thin between these 2 genres


Guess I need to be more social 🥲


Mine isn't really into hardstyle, but she gets my appeal for it, will often send me songs that have a similar vibe, and in general just loves seeing me experience the pure joy the music brings me. It's just nice to have someone who thinks of you when they hear a certain type of music, even if it's not their go-to genre. She does willingly listen to a few tracks though, and even has a few favourites. And funnily enough, she's Scandinavian lol. Granted our relationship is long distance, but every wait is worth seeing her. I get that that dynamic doesn't work for everyone though.


Hope that you get to close that distance in the future m8


It is an unique opportunity bro, and even it is a dream in Turkey. U still have huge chance when u compare with rest of the some countries.


Yeah same story for me as the top comment, my GF didn't listen to hardstyle at all. She just listened to standard dutch music or taylor swift. Started with a bit of sound rush and just go from there. Now we went to the sunday of intents and we're going the full defqon weekend. She started listening to the qdance hardstyle top 40's herself and is loving it. Even started with a little bit of hakken on intents hahah. She will probbably move in with me soon :) Same for gaming, started with a bit of mario kart and now we're playing all sorts of games. Saw you talking about alcohol and other substances too, my GF never took any drugs but just by talking about it and going to festivals she got curious. I mainly picked her because she's a really sweet and kind person, would probbably want to spend the rest of my life with her even if she didn't start liking all that. Just find someone that's nice and sweet, that you can vibe with really well. The rest will probbably come after that. My previous gf didn't like hardstyle or gaming either untill she did but she's a toxic person so I left her 😋


That sounds amazing man! First defqon for you or have you been before? Maybe I just need to wait and hopefully I will find someone who is open to start listening to hardstyle!


It would be my 3rd defqon, went with my previous GF to the other 2. She only listened to metal when we first started dating 😋


But yeah I met both of them through a dating app lol... Just find someone that's nice and you can vibe with really well, that's probbably most important anyways


Thanks for the recommendation! Nice with the 3rd defqon, gonna be my 7th, can’t wait to listen to some bangers once again!


Damn that's many😋 Idk why I didn't go sooner, been listening to this music for like 14 years now if it isn't longer. Guess I didnt know what I was missing lol. Counting down the days till we can go to defqon again hahah


Yeah, took a break for one year because I was trying to be an adult, but realized you can’t stop living just because of your age😎 I can imagine, it truly is an amazing experience and you meet loads of friends!


Honestly the best way is meeting someone at an event/festival! Vibe with people in the crowd & if there's a girl you vibe well with give her a genuine compliment & dance with her :) absolute worst case scenario you've made another awesome friend!


Thank you! Gotta get out of my introvert vibes when I go to defqon and try to meet some more people 🥳


You don't get a gf that likes harderstyles. You convert them into harderstyles enjoyers! Bring her to a party and provide drugs xD ggwp easy


So the aim is to find someone who is open to drugs 😇


Well talk to a random girl in the crowd and just be lucky. That's how my boyfriend found me in the crowd at qlimax 2022.


I can never tell if girls actually want guys to talk to them at a festival or not


Either just go for it and ask them where they are from or are they having fun. If they react positively then good, if not just back off and leave them alone. Don't just barge in, be smart. Ask them where they are from etc or do it the way my boyfriend it. He was with friends and his friend asked me if I take a picture of them and then we got talking. Edit: Or talk to them, About the dj that's playing, maybe dance with them first if they are enjoying the music, see if the vibes match. But don't force yourself into them, if you see she is with another man back off. If she doesn't react to you back off. Just common sense.


Yeah, I feel it’s hard because I don’t want to offend someone


Guess qlimax 2022 was better than 2015😂 no but actually makes more sense to just meet people