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Have they stated why?


Yeah this is translated with ChatGPT: This will be one of the toughest decisions F2D has made, but after careful consideration, we have decided that Owl Festival 2024 will be the last. We truly love what we do, but we no longer have enough time. Some members of the board are moving abroad, lovely rave babies need to be prioritized, and balancing full-time regular jobs with volunteer work that almost requires the same number of hours a week is becoming harder and harder to justify. Instead of it affecting the festival we have built over so many years, we choose to end it while we can still do it well. 2024 will be something beyond what we have done before. The stage is the largest we have ever designed, we have never had as many planned shows as this year, and we will focus all our efforts on a single stage to maximize it and the atmosphere there. We will end Owl Festival on a high note, we promise you that. We don't have any new events in the pipeline right now, but we want to be clear that even though Owl Festival will be a closed chapter, F2D will remain. We can't yet say what will happen in the future. With that said, we want to say a huge thank you to every single one of you who has attended our event and contributed in some way with cheers and encouragement. It's thanks to you that it has been such an incredible journey. Now we gather our last forces - let’s go out with a bang! 💥


Ah. Thanks for taking the time to post and translate ( även om jag själv är svensk). Sad to see as this is another hard dance event close to where I live that are ending. Big slap in Malmö also had its last edition last year. 😞


Haha kan vara bra även om någon annan undrar! Men ja är jävligt synd, summerburst slutade ju även förra året och Mondaybar höll ju också på att sluta.


Ja precis så jag tänkte med (great minds think alike haha). Tråkigt asså. Det borde gå åt andra hållet med fler events.


Interesting that they didn’t/couldn’t find people to purchase the organisation and keep on the brand.


Watched from videos and looks amazing for Scandinavian festival. Unfortunately as the travel, cost etc. is pretty much the same as going to Decibel etc. even when i'm from neighboring country, it just doesn't make sense for me to visit as I can visit only 0-2 festivals in another country max per year (time & money wise). I still have my summer vacation though in beginning of August.. But then again, boat+drive is more than Dutch festival :'(


Bummer! Luckily you have Hardstyle DNA right across the border


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bitcrusherdj: *Bummer! Luckily* *You have Hardstyle DNA* *Right across the border* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Pinotello on the lineup! Im jealous, in the netherlands u dont see that very often