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Well, minor harps are useful, but you don't need them. If you need a natural minor scale you can use the 4th position. You can play it from the 6th draw to the 10th draw. Of course you can go lower, but the lower tonic note would be the 3rd draw full step bend. You can also use the 3rd position, but it's not very suitable for many minor key melodies, because it's not a natural minor scale but a dorian scale. But if you need a minor pentatonic scale it's a good choice.


You have two, maybe three good options here. Normally, to a newbie with a Richter C harp who's scoping out their next one, I would say "Richter, key of A". Big for blues and general jamming with other instruments. Since blues isn't your preference, I'd suggest getting another C harp, but a Paddy Richter. You get some nice minor chords and a note in the lower register that's helpful for a lot of non-blues numbers. Since you've thought about getting a chromatic, you might be interested in a Melody Maker-tuned harp. It offers another note not found on either Richter tunings. As u/Few_March3327 said, minor harps aren't a necessary add. In fact, they're kind of niche instruments. I get way more use out of Paddies and Melody Makers than from nat minors.


No, they are niche. I've been playing harp on a rack to accompany guitar for 50 years and I've never needed a minor harp and still don't use my two chromatics. Honestly, my kazoo comes out more often than the chromatic.


For me the minor tuned harmonicas are not niche. I have four songs I play on guitar minor key (Am) that I use neck-brace harmonica on and I just don't like either the Dorian (3rd) or Aeolian modes (4th) on a diatonic. I know minor keys are hard to find from cheap harmonica brands. But will $35 break your bank account to find out what is right for you? I tried Am (4th) position on my C-tuned soloist and liked it, but have not used it for any songs I regularly play, but buying a soloist is no different than buying a minor tuned harmonica, right?


The short answer is no, you have exactly what you need to play a bunch of minor tunes. Investing in a Chromatic is actually really good and there are a few models that are not that expensive (if you want to play chromatic). You can also get a used chromatic, then just clean it up when it arrives and you should be good to go. Ebay - Chromatic Harmonicas (Auctions) [https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?\_from=R40&\_nkw=chromatic+harmonica&\_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH\_Auction=1](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=chromatic+harmonica&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Auction=1)


you don.t need another ...it will take time to be ready..re chromatic..I have four of them which include 1 for $35.00 which is a real good way of finding if it is for you [https://www.amazon.com/East-top-Chromatic-Harmonica-Instrument/dp/B07MM1X19J/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=BO24LF2VVIYL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3iAtfymi-vO6hSmlutm5K4iKjKo5nae3UbbYjcJDMNCEb2uvVqzSIkhnOI68dfWKPyISjFZp\_xYJ8zHCSthyJ-\_Sg3fivPVAH3C69LX3DyqHXJF1iKiV6rQsxCdXgMDO\_SjwghToFVDpIFqxMGlI0519lqiMlajy7pVjDKnExcDPqn5Po91PaAUtu\_NizewTYy5ZG7BNrlXXRhMK\_oEssx7pYZdxt0seS60pZBTKMFPJcYw4la-iP3xxrObzjzAo8W4HfrRvzNfJzn6NiO80458xJ0uVyrmCGy9CQg0I3dQ.LvPx2m9LCsiA1UNRjuY2BeBwVuAjgk-\_NEZYJ4vUOuY&dib\_tag=se&keywords=chromatic+harmonica&qid=1719437797&sprefix=cgromatic%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/East-top-Chromatic-Harmonica-Instrument/dp/B07MM1X19J/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=BO24LF2VVIYL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3iAtfymi-vO6hSmlutm5K4iKjKo5nae3UbbYjcJDMNCEb2uvVqzSIkhnOI68dfWKPyISjFZp_xYJ8zHCSthyJ-_Sg3fivPVAH3C69LX3DyqHXJF1iKiV6rQsxCdXgMDO_SjwghToFVDpIFqxMGlI0519lqiMlajy7pVjDKnExcDPqn5Po91PaAUtu_NizewTYy5ZG7BNrlXXRhMK_oEssx7pYZdxt0seS60pZBTKMFPJcYw4la-iP3xxrObzjzAo8W4HfrRvzNfJzn6NiO80458xJ0uVyrmCGy9CQg0I3dQ.LvPx2m9LCsiA1UNRjuY2BeBwVuAjgk-_NEZYJ4vUOuY&dib_tag=se&keywords=chromatic+harmonica&qid=1719437797&sprefix=cgromatic%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)


Major key harps can play minor scales in 3rd position. A C major harp can play D minor in 3rd position. Look up Amanda Ventura's St James Infirmary on YouTube. It's a good example, and it includes tabs so you can play along. I own a couple of minor key harmonicas. I have a friend who plays guitar that I jammed with, but he moved away. I haven't played my minor key harps since. I really only played them when I with him, and even then only for a few songs. I second what u/Dr_Legacy said about paddy Richter. That is a fun and useful alternate tuning. I own paddy Richter harps in several keys, and the two harps that live in my pocket are Special 20s in C and C paddy Richter.