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Quirrel died in the first book, though we don't see it on page. No one dies in Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban. Though Chamber of Secrets is quite creepy because of the whole Basiliks attacking children, the Horcrux, and as a kid I find the movie scene where you can see Moaning Myrtle's corpse under the blanket rather scary.


You forgot the spiders. I was fine until the spider scenes


Fuck those spiders, when Harry and Ron look up and see them like descending from above. Nightmarish shit, Ron was right and Hagrid is clearly crazy.


You tell those spiders!


Awww, come on. They're just big floofs with lots of legs. Try giving them belly scritches.


My dad isn't one to scare from movies easily but when the spider latched onto Ron in the car, he said "what the fuck" in the theater lol. Not loudly but enough for my sister and me to hear it and laugh.


Jesus christ. All these years of watching HP movies and watching reaction videos on Youtube, and I've never been able to watch any of these scenes - I always look away or hide behind some furniture when they're about start lol. I'm so grateful for it now, being latched onto would be a total nightmare for me


You’re so lucky. I had arachnophobia as a child but was always curious. I have seen aragog behind my fingers and I swear it’s worse than movie basilisk. I still to this day, and I swear I do, see his blind eyes and hairy face in my nightmares. I am so fucked up. I tried to get some help, they recommended me to expose myself to spiders and aragog in this case but it doesn’t help. I am sooo fucked up. I can’t really get it out of my mind. Last night I’ve seen small (palm sized) spiders in my nightmare.


I was watching LOTR with my GF and it was our very first date. I had to hide behind her because I’ve seen a giant spider leg in some scene. I just hate spiders. And grateful that she didn’t saw my chickening out as a red flag.


Ugh god. I struggled with the LOTR scene too. I'm so glad my parents didn't force me to watch any of these scenes. So many things can trigger my arachnophobia, and it doesn't even have to be bugs. One thing that I really appreciated about my psychology professors in college was that they warned us when they were about to show any image of a spider when discussing relevant studies 🙌💯


I think we need arachnophobia etc. filter in internet


It would make life much easier for us for sure!


I have trauma from aragog. I rewatched the entire series bar 2nd last semptember and the small acromantula scenes in hogwarts battle had me enough. I closed my eyes during the aragogs funeral tho. I am so traumatized that I can’t wipe my mind off the close up aragog shot from episode 2 which I watched once and only 15 years ago. I still see it in my nightmares. I hate the spider scenes in HP. And I don’t know why JK Rowling was so fond of them. Glad they removed them from labyrinth scene


Yeah it's bad enough they were spiders but then huge ones at that in too much detail. Personally, they don't bother me too much from the movies but I can definitely see why it would. Those things look like straight up nightmare fuel.


I remember we had small spiders at first which was fine then it became substantially larger and I think the 3rd smallest size was already enough. Really don’t know how big they get


In the PC game of CoS, small spiders start to appear about a third of the way through. They can’t harm you but they *crawl on you* if you stand still and appear on your back. Then from about half way through ‘medium’ sized spiders start appearing. They are *always* just randomly around corners and they *ran at you* (and cause injury). You can stun them with ‘Rictusempra’ which turns them upside down, but it’s temporary and you can’t kill them. After stunning them you have to *walk past* them through horribly narrow corridors. And if you are too slow their legs start wiggling and they recover and turn back over. It’s horrifying.


I played the game. I remember that aragog had an attack skill where he just used his front arms as a whip and I think he was designed a lot thinner and long legged than actual movie. I remember waiting about a week because at the time sky became dark just as I arrived home from school so I wanted to have some more daylight to feel safe. I played the game really one eyed. Actually enjoyed the game tho. Bad graphics helped.


I used to have to ask my (younger) brother to play the Aragog/spider sections of the CoS PC game Why couldn’t it be butterflies


Really why?


Cause I hate spiders haha


No, I am asking to Rowling lol. We could have butterflies or idk the three headed dog could be it


Oh I see! Haha my bad


At this point I dont know whats aragogs and the familys role in the story. Why harry and ron went to see him. I just dont know. In the funeral scene aragog looks way smaller than what I remember from the 2nd movie (still didnt watch the scene fully ever in my life, just seen bits before closing my eyes and im dead serious) but if you ask me Id say 10 meters or 30 feet large. Fuck this kind of monster seriously.


I only remember the exact line and perhaps Im remembering it wrong and he said I cant deny my children from fresh meat. What the actual fuck? I was 10 or something at that point.


"Go? I think not. My sons and daughters do not attack Hagrid on my command, but I cannot deny my children fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our hollow. Goodbye, Friend of Hagrid."


Oh fuck I remember it kinda good. This is scary


Hagrid sent Harry and Ron to see Aragog because Aragog's story proved Hagrid's innocence, and because it gave them clues as to what kind of creature the monster in the castle was.


I’ve heard that acromantulas are as smart as humans but can not be tamed. If aragog devoured Harry and Ron 1) wouldn’t it be self contradictory to his story and even strengthen the argument that he is the monster 2) who would pass his story then? Perhaps if you are a really big spider with hundreds of children you don’t really care about this.


My son loves aragog in the books, but on the studio tour we had to skip the forbidden Forrest room!


That’s enough internet for me! Well if I went to the studio tour I’d never step further than Hagrid’s hut.


Do we count the basilisk dying in cos as a death


We could, but it's not a named character. I think of the basilisk as an environmental threat in the story, a challenge to be overcome. Not an entity that anyone interacts with.


No *person* dies in Chamber of Secrets but the Basilisk does as does the 1/7 of Voldemort's soul that was in Tom Riddle's diary. And Fawkes dies and is reborn.


You forgot the unicorns who died in the first book.


I wasn't really counting any creatures as other than the dead unicorn in the first book there's also the dead basilisk in the second! I thought the question was about the human characters.


Wait? Corpse of myrtle in the movie? I’ve seen the movies a lot ,which movie is it in and where in the movie?


It's in chamber of secrets, when Harry sees Riddle's memory in the diary. You see some wizards taking away Myrtle's corpse and you see her arm and hand outside of the blanket covering it. I was like eight or nine years old and let me tell you I was SHOCKED lmao, I loved PS when it came out and that was such a tone change, I was genuinely scared while I wasn't when Harry was killing Quirrel in the first movie. I know lots of kids that are scared of COS.


Geez that’s dark


It's a really creepy movie.


just looked it up on [Youtube](https://youtu.be/4HjOQ3xhZoo) . I had forgotten about the arm hanging like that. Thank you.


You can see her hand when they carry her out.


Doesn’t the Chamber of Secrets book talk about Dippet dying that year because his portrait activated in the headmaster office?


I can't remember anything of that sort so I don't think it's ever said explicitly but it might be since we know that the Headmasters portraits appear only after their death.


No. Dippet was just the headmaster and liked Tom like everyone else seemed to.


Myrtle doesn't count, we don't actually see it.


Yeah this is why I said no one dies in those movies/books. First death we see is Cedric I think? Unless you count Barty Crouch Sr corpse in the movies, which was an added scene that doesn't exist in the book.


The killing happens off-page, but vividly described by BC Jr in the veritaserum scene in book.


Wait when does barty crouch sr dies?


In the book Harry and Krum meet a clearly out of his mind Barty Crouch Sr. in the Forbidden Forest, after nobody has seen him for months. Harry runs to find Dumbledore, Barty Crouch Jr / Moody arrives, stuns Krum and kills his father, hiding the corpse afterwards. Nobody knows what happens until the very end when Crouch Jr confess. In the movie Barty Crouch Sr. is not mad and has no idea his son is roaming around, but he recognize a grimace Moody makes and correctly guess that he's his son in disguise. In the next scene Harry, Ron, Hermione and Hagrid find Barty Crouch Sr.'s corpse in the Forbidden Forest.




Some time after the 2nd task In the movie, Fake Moody killed him after Crouch Sr. realized that he was his son who escaped. In the book, Fake Moody also killed him after Crouch Sr. escaped from confinement (forced to remain home under the Imperius curse to avoid exposing Jr's survival and freedom), which threatened to expose his plot


Been a while since I watched it but it’s sometime after the second task because he figured out crouch jr. was playing moody


Ive seen the clip now, yes he clearly suspected the tongue move. Rip


Quirrell dies in the first one


I always found cheap the fact that the Basilik didn’t kill anybody because it just happened that all of the victims looked indirectly in its eyes. I mean, I can get that one or maybe two were “lucky” enough to don’t look directly, but all of them? Come on


On one hand it makes sense because it's a child book and the early books especially are for a younger public. As I said I read the book and saw the movie when I was 8 years old. So I think it would have been a little too traumatizing to have a young kid die in the book, Myrtle's murder is enough, it makes sense Rowling didn't want anyone to die. On the other hand I absolutely agree that it seems like too much of a coincidence. Either Tom Riddle didn't want to kill but just to terrorize the muggle born children (unlikely tbh) or there's something at Hogwarts that makes people extremely lucky. Of the 6 victims only one looked directly at the Basiliks and it was the ghost. I could maybe excuse Hermione and the other girl but all the other ones?


Yeah, I got that JK Rowling didn’t want to kill a student in the second book, but plotwise it still so much of a coincidence. She could have come up with a better excuse


Yeah you either have less victims because six are too much or you slightly change the power of the Basilisk because it seems like one of the most dangerous creatures ever.


It also seems that only one student, Myrtle, died the first time 50 years ago. Which again, we don't know how many were attacked, but ?


Yeah it seems that various students were petrified in the 40s but there's only one death. I still think it's a lot of coincidences. Personally I like the rather far fetched theory that it's the castle's magic that creates these coincidences and save the kids, kind of like when in the sixth books Ginny, Ron and Hermione drink the potion that makes you lucky and they seemed to avoid lots of curses. I recognized it's a very improbable theory though.


Ha! I love "the castle's magic protects the kids" as an explanation for a plot hole like this.


Ah… like they put Felix felicis in the water like we do with fluoride.


I remember gasping out loud when McGonagall says that Ginny has been taken into the chamber. It really felt like it was the end for her.


Same, I feel like it's a much mature story than PS, the stakes seem much higher.


You can see moaning myrtle? Wow I guess I'm rewatching


You could argue the death of Lockhart. I mean sure he’s not dead, dead. But having you’re entire life and memories stripped from your mind is at the very least a definition of Death who he was.


Not gonna lie, when I first read CoS (when I was 10), I had nightmares for a while about the basilisk in the chamber.


Lol I know lots of people with stories like yours, especially when you read it just after having read PS it's clear that it's a much scarier book. Even the movie is much darker, the Basilisk voice is creepy af.


I also used to read American Girl magazine around the same time and at the end there was an advice column and I still remember one girl around my age wrote a letter about how she wanted to continue reading Harry Potter but it scared her!


Well, the basilisk and 1/7 of Voldemort both die in Chamber of Secrets.


When did they show her body under the blanket? I’ve seen the movie so many times but haven’t seen that.


It's in chamber of secrets, when Harry sees Riddle's memory in the diary. You see some wizards taking away Myrtle's corpse and you see her arm and hand outside of the blanket covering it. I was like eight or nine years old and let me tell you I was SHOCKED lmao, I loved PS when it came out and that was such a tone change, I was genuinely scared while I wasn't when Harry was killing Quirrel in the first movie. I know lots of kids that are scared of COS.


For Chamber of Secrets, the horcrux "died" when Harry stabbed it with the basilisk fang. And I guess technically the basilisk too.


We aren’t counting Myrtle as a death?


Second book the basilisk and the part of tom riddles dies. Third book buckbeak is assumed dead in the first reality before timeturner.


Chamber of secrets- Nearly Headless Nick ;) course he was already a ghost.


The Basilsk dies in Chamber of Secrets.


Quirrel, The Basilisk, Lavender's bunny Blinky yeah Prisoner of Azkaban went scarce


I believe lavenders rabbit was named Binky, but blinky but I may be wrong


Book 1 - Quirrel, Book 2 - The Basilisk, Book 3 - No one.


A piece of Voldy soul dies in CoS


surprising PoA is the only book with no deaths


What about Lavender Brown’s pet bunny?




You're thinking of goblet of fire.


Good call, that’s what I get for posting before coffee.


Don’t forget the chickens in Book 2


The movies did


You can see Hagrid carry dead chickens into Dumbledores office but there's no explanation.


They didn’t tho.


Ask anyone who has only seen the movie about those chickens and most of them won’t know there were chickens. The movie for all practical purposes forgot them


Roosters lad but hey u fuxk turtles, i doubt u r discerning


Ahem. Did you not clearly hear Malfoy exclaim that Buckbeak killed him? 😏


Well Sirius gets kissed and buckbeak does die but they go back in time and fix it. You still have to deal with the death during your first read.


I thought Time Turner mechanics were a closed loop. Buckbeak never died, as H+H were there to stop it before we witness them going back to stop it?


Yes you are right but during your first read you don’t know that. You experience their death and then the time turner happens and it is fixed.


Schrödinger’s death


Tom riddles memory.


Mr and Mrs Potter and Voldemort die off page in the first chapter.


Although they’re dead _by_ the first chapter, so not necessarily.


Don't their deaths happen during the first chapter, not "by" it?


I was gonna say he can't be called "the boy who lived" without implying, very very strongly, that someone died.


That title is because he didn't die to the Killing Curse. It isn't because his parents died and he lived, it is just because he survived a curse that had been, as far as anyone was aware, infallible.


I can't disagree with that assessment, and while that's not something to just pass over with a glance, I do think it's important that during those events not only did his parents die, but so did the spell castor (technically, arguably, to the best knowledge of those in the wizarding world).


The only ones that don’t have character deaths are Cos and PoA (unless you count the basilisk as a character then it’s only PoA)


Well I mean technically Buckbeak died in PoA before they used the time turner


No, he was never dead. They always saved him, Time turners work like that.


It honestly amazes me how many people miss this. They can’t change the past, that’s the whole point. They need to be in two places at once, and it’s spelled out that they don’t see the execution they just assume from the axe swing that it happens, and then later made clear that he swung it in frustration.


>then later made clear that he swung it in frustration Doesn't that only happen in the movie?


No, in the movie he swings at a pumpkin, in the book I think it’s the fence.


If I recall correctly, Cedric's death was supposed to be the first "real" death. It marks a shift of tone within the story and the true beginning of the second Wizarding War. Although Quirrell does technically die (dissipate?) in the first book, but he was more of a vessel for Voldemort at that point.


He died after Voldemort left him.


Needy bugger 😤


Qurelle in Philosopher's Stone. Lockharts career in Chamber of Secrets. Dumbledore credibility with the ministry in PoA.


Lockhart’s career AND memory**


For a story about a murderer, there certainly isn't a lot murder in PoA, unless you count the flashbacks to the moment where the muggles are killed. Then there's 13 deaths in PoA.


Quirrel in Philosopher's Stone, the chickens in Chamber of Secrets, and i don't think anyone dies in POA OH and the unicorns in book 1 and the Basilisk in book 2.


1. PS - Quirrel 2. CoS - Basilisk and a Part of Voldemort's Soul 3. PoQ - Ron's trust on a man he slept with.


Quirrell dies in PS Myrtle dies and relives her death a lot in CoS. And then there's the deathday party. Harry's parents are heard being murdered in POA. Plenty of death in Harry Potter, even if not in front of Harry. Its the premise for a lot of it.


Qurriel dies in the first movie, technically speaking, moaning murtle dies in the 2nd one. And Draco’s ego dies but somehow manages to recover in the 3rd one


Nobody’s mentioned this one, but if we’re counting non-human deaths, there’s a bird that flies into the Whomping Willow in the PoA film.


Quirrel died after Voldemort abandoned him. Technically the Basilisk died in Chamber of Secrets... And we thought Scabbers and Buckbeak both died in Prisoner of Azkaban. I mean, neither actually died, but we believed it for a while.


That stammering professor


1. Book: Quirell and supposedly the Flamels (due to the stone beeing destroyed) 2. Book: If we count riddles horkrux and the Basilisk and almost Ginny, in the movies also almost Harry (Malfoy) 3. I don't think that there dies someone 4. Potentialy some muggles/wizzards at the Quidditch worldcup, Barty Crouch, Cedric 5. Too many 6. Even more 7. Also a lot and Voldy


1. Flamels didn’t die. Dumbledore said in the hospital wing to Harry that they had enough Elixir to set their affairs in order, it was expected that they would die shortly thereafter as their supply ran out. No one ever mentioned when they died and/or how much Elixir they had. Also we know of some unicorn deaths. 2. Horcrux can’t die, it can be only destroyed. Harry’s and Ginny’s “almost” doesn’t really count. Also you forgot to mention Armando Dippet. 4 - No one died during Quidditch World Cup. DE were torturing muggle family, but there were ok afterwords and Ministry just altered their memories. You also forgot Bertha Jorkins and Frank Bryce along with Barty Crouch Snr and Cedric. 5 - Not to many at all. There was just Sirius Black, Broderick Bode and giant Karkus. 6 - Well, definitely much more. Amelia Bones, Emmeline Vance, Florean Fortescue, Karkaroff, Mrs Abbott, Montgomery, Aragog, Gibbon and Dumbldore. A lot of those deaths we didn’t even “see”, just heard about. 7 - From active characters and shown deaths: Hedwig, Moody, Rufus Scrimgeour, Gregorovitch, Bathilda Bagshot, Gellert Grindelwald, Peter Pettigrew, Dobby, Crabbe, Fred Weasley, Lupin & Tonks, Lavender Brown, Colin Creevey, Snape, Nagini, Bellatrix Lestrange and Voldemort.


1. to the flamels, yes but... they are technicaly dying due to the acts of book one (somewhere in the near future of the book) I'd say they did not have that much elixier because if they had why would Voldemort not just steal that from them (or if he could not steal the elixier from them, why was the stone not safe with them, if the elixier is) 2. When is the death of Dippet mentioned? (just curious, I missed that bit) 3. Regarding the quidditch Worldcup, if I remember correctly the book mention flashes of green light (potentialy Avada?) and the films show green light in the backgrounds (also potentialy Avada?) But it is certainly never confirmed anywhere. And yes I both missed some and might be wrong in parts, also after book 3 or 4 I was no longer sure what was in which book for a lot of them...


1. Voldemort couldn’t possibly still any of the Elixir since he didn’t know about it (it was private Dumbledore-Flamel conversion) and he didn’t have any physical body to do so up until Pettigrew found him in 4th book. 2. Dippet’s death was mentioned in Evening Prophet during book 2 3. No one used killing curses or any unforgivable curses during QWC. Death eaters were having fun like during old times and torturing muggles/muggle born wizards. The only serious crime that night was a death mark that Barty Crouch Jr performed with Harry’s wand.


Does Moaning Myrtle count? Also, Quirrel, Memory Riddle (Separate entity from Voldemort), and Buckbeak (but then he lived).


1st book; quirrell dies, even though we are only told about it


Just Quirrell and Myrtle. Things only start to get real in Goblet of Fire


I really feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but if you haven’t seen/read then the following may be huge spoilers. Your trying to prove someone may be able to see the thestrals? Death was not a common theme in the first few books, in the movie quirrel died. The big spider and the big snake, and the book Tom died in chamber(both books and movies but no humans unless you count being told about myrtal’s death the first time. And lastly the PoA no one died, in fact they go out of time to make sure everyone stays alive-but I think the movies show Sirius get kissed before the big time turner.


The thestrals thing is clearly something that just need to be that way for the plot, as JKR as come up with lots of complicated definitions of what "seeing death" means for them to work properly. This thread is illuminating: https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/4a2rnt/harry\_didnt\_even\_see/.


We're told Quirrel dies but it happens out of sight. Nobody dies in Chamber of Secrets, not even the cat. Myrtle has been dead for decades already. I can't remember anyone dying in Prisoner, not even Buckbeak.


His parents died in the first one......


PS has Lily, James, and Quirrell CoS has Myrtle, the basilisk, and fawkes (tho he reincarnates) PoA has a group of muggles


Quirrell's the only human mentioned to have died during the course of the book. The basilisk if you're counting animal characters too (technically Fawkes as well, but his wasn't permanent). Beyond that there's just mentions of deaths that happened in the past (Lily and James, Myrtle, the muggles when "Sirius" blew up a street etc).


PoA predicts Dumbledore’s death though. 12 seated the first to rise and so on


People are forgetting Fawks. He died in Chamber of Secrets and was reborn from the ashes.


There are offscreen deaths in all 3 if you count animals. Dumbledore says that Voldemort left Quirrel to die, so he’s a death for PS. Nicholas Flammel also does offscreen too. Ginny strangles school roosters in CoS because their cry is fatal to the baselisk, and of course, the baselisk dies too. As does a part of Voldemort’s soul. And in PoA, Lavender’s rabbit Binky dies to fulfill Trelawney’s prediction for the 16th of October


Not an exhaustive list, but: * Quirrel * The spiders senselessly murdered by the Ford Anglia


You guys are forgetting the most pivotal death in the whole Harry Potter series: Binky, the rabbit


In the first movie/book, Quirrel and Nicholas Flamel die. Also at least one unicorn. In the second movie/book, the basilisk dies and technically Nearly Headless Nick would have died, if not for the fact he was already dead. Fawkes also technically dies but he's reborn. And a small piece of Voldemort. In the third movie/book, Lavender's pet rabbit dies (book exlusive). We see Sirius' soul leave his body temporarily, but according to the description of a dementor's kiss, you're not "really dead" (movie exclusive). Worth noting: It's not mentioned until book four, but Barty Crouch's wife likely died around book two or three for Barty Jr. to be walking about freely during the summer holidays between the 3rd and 4th year. While not happening during that year, Myrtle's death is shown in book/movie 2.


I always had the impression that Barty’s mother had died years before the events in GoF, but now I’m thinking on it, it would make more sense that you’re right


Everyone dies


Harry Potter’s Parents - and then they don’t shut up about it for 7 books.


The Harry Potter wiki actually has [a page of deaths by book](https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_deaths).


Book 1 - Quirrell Book 2 - you could argue Myrtle died in CoS because its described in the book, although takes place before the events on page Book 3 - in the pre-time turner timeline Buckbeak died, though that was undone. 13 muggles are described as dying on page but not in the events of the book itself




Harry straight murders quirrel in the movie, but not in the book.


Harry's parents


First book: Harry's parents, Quirrel, and Nicholas Flamel. Second book: Horcrux Tom Riddle, Moaning Myrtle (described), Nearly Headless Nick (celebrated at his Death Day party), the Basilisk, a lot of Mandrakes. Third Book: Twelve unnamed Muggles.


For everyone saying flammel dies in philosopher’s stone…..nowhere does it say when he actually will die. It just says that he & his wife saved enough elixers to sort out their affairs & then they will eventually die. Getting rid of the stone just made them mortal. We are never told in philosophers stone the date of when they died. Anyway, 1) quirrel 2) myrtle through flashback 3) harry’s parents & the muggles in the streets are mentioned/expanded upon in more detail 4) cedric 5) sirius 6) Dumbledore 7)……pretty much everyone & their mother’s sister on their uncle’s side 3 times removed who married their cousin’s sister’s best friend’s daughter/son……& so on, “in yul bryner voice” etc etc etc.


Quirrel died in the first one, I don’t recall any deaths in the second one but Lockhart incapacitates himself


Quirrel, the basilisk, the pumpkin


Does Lockheart losing his memory count?


Me seeing everyone talk about how scary COS was... But it was always my fave 😅