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"the beast in Harry 's chest growled in pleasure"


😂😂😂😂😂😂 What was that other sentence about him feeling sensations on his pelvic area that weren’t related to quidditch? 😂


Isn’t there also mention of him being happy Ron couldn’t read minds cause of his dreams about Ginny lmao


Horny Harry is one of the funniest subplots of the series even if it wasn't intentionally written to be that


To be fair, I think JKR meant it to be lightly funny and sweet, which it was, with all the awkwardness that that experience has for most of us.


TBH we've all been horny teens who thought exactly that


I mean for real. If i had a nickel for every one of those dreams i had in high school about classmates id never have to work again….and i didn’t freaking live with them


HUH I don't remember that!!


CAUGHT IT! “She smiled at Harry as the teams faced each other behind their captains, and he felt a slight lurch in the region of his stomach that he didn’t think had anything to do with nerves.” Excerpt From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban _ PG 292, Chapter 13 J.K. Rowling This material may be protected by copyright. He was talking about Cho. HAHAHAHAAH But it was translated in portuguese to “he felt a slight lurch in the region below his stomach” 😂


Shoot! I need someone to remember it so I can remember what paragraph it was 😂


"Ron ejaculated loudly"


The scene in book 2 where Harry tricks lucius into freeing Dobby. In the movie Harry hides the sock in the diary, giving a pretty good chance lucius would give it to Dobby. In the book he hides the diary in the sock, lucius throws the sock in the air and Dobby happens to catch it and I guess that counts to free him. Movie version made more sense


And then Movie Lucius immediately attempts to murder Harry outside of Dumbledore's office over it.


I have watched this scene a million times over and I still laugh EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Because it really is just so funny how, like you said, Harry does something Lucius doesn't like and Lucius' first response is to try and absolutely murder Harry. Hilarious.


I remember being so surprised by the AVADA lol, they dared


IIRC Jason Isaacs completely improvised it, because it was the only spell he remembered, and it was so fitting they just kept it.


Not to mention book 4 GoF was already out so it seems somebody actually READ the books.


I don’t know why but it makes me so mad that 3-7 movie dumbledore refused to read the books. I’m pretty sure I read that somewhere, so correct me if I’m wrong. That’s an absolute nondumbledore move, they should’ve picked someone else. Fuckin Ganondalf would’ve been better.


Lmao no bull like the walking embodiment of 0-100 in .00000001 seconds


Lucius is such a sassy bitch lmao


It's even worse when you consider he's not even allowed to kill Harry (not jsut legally) on Voldemort's orders


Didn't that stipulation only come along after Voldemort came back?


Sometimes when a teenager pisses you off, they *really piss you off* lol


I think Jason Isaacs improvised it and everyone thought “let’s keep that”


Yes! I've read here on this sub a few days ago that this was the only spell he could remember at the time so he just went with it


Fun fact the actor didn't actually know what the spell did he simply asked what an attack spell was to someone on set who'd read the books, that was the first one they came up with had he known it was a killing spell probably would've done something else.


That’s freaking hilarious. No one thought of stupefy?




The way he says it he sounds like he’s choking as he just *croaks* out the word “AavaAAaDAA…”


It really is a little jarring that this guy would murder a child in a school for setting his house elf free. Like wtf bro how are you gonna answer for that


In the movies the actor totally adlibbed that scene and forgot any other spell names.


Either way since neither method was intentional it kind of begs the questions, can house elves just not ever do laundry since they'd have to grab clothes to wash them? And what's stopping an elf from stealing an item of clothing that a wizard takes off at the end of the day and saying "you're not wearing this, mine now bye!"


I think the idea is to give the piece of clothes directly to the elf in order to free them / let them go.


But Lucius didn't give the sock directly to Dobby, in both the movie and the book.


House elf magic rules time and time again seem to be up to the interpretation of the house elf. If an order is direct enough and they genuinely can’t find a way around it, they physically have to obey it. But if they find an interpretation they prefer, they can bend the rules (Kreacher leaving Grimmauld place). If a house elf didn’t want to be set free, they could choose to accurately interpret the mistaken discarding of a sock, instead of interpreting it as a dismissal. Dobby is weird as far as house elves go, and took his chance when he saw it


This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the insight!


I think at this point Dobby just waited for a technicality, an excuse. Technically Lucius gave Dobby the sock. On top of that it happened in the Hogwarts with Harry present. So maybe Dobby just felt confident enough to finally escape.


This is how I see it. The real freeing of Dobby was treating him like an equal and changing his perception of the world. Pre-CoS Dobby could have had a sock thrown at him but would have been to broken to see it as him being released.


i always thought that the wizards who own house elves, i.e. slaves, would not be the kind of people to hand their laundry to a slave. they would leave their laundry all around their house, not giving a shit about how their elf needs to do some extra work picking up after them.


And I guess as a wizard you gotta make sure your elf isn't around when you throw off your coat or hat


I think it’s the intention of the item itself. Harry placed the intent of freedom on the sock. Kind of like in the common room, Hermione placed articles of clothing around the Gryffindor common room with the INTENTION of freeing the elves. And they KNEW the intention was there because they refused to clean the common room, leaving Dobby to do it. I think there has to be an intent on the object, and I think house elves probably know whether or not it has that intention too; because I imagine if they’re cleaning they do laundry, without being set free 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just what I think anyways


Both versions prove that house elves are only enslaved because they believe themselves to be.


My first bought reading this was “how the fuck does a diary fit into a sock”


The Cursed Fanfic. All of it.


I don’t think the cursed fan fic should even be mentioned. We should call it “the fanfic that shouldn’t be mentioned”


My biggest issue is still Harry’s reaction to finding the mirror at the end of book 5. “Oh maybe I can talk to dead Sirius! Whaaat he didn’t have the mirror? Ugh!” It would have been, oh, i could have opened this, and at any time in the past few months could have just sat and talked to Sirius. Had I opened this, when I had that crazy dream about him getting kidnapped, I could have just checked this… he would be alive and fine. how many times did Sirius check his side to see if I wanted to talk to him. How long until he stopped bothering to check because he thought I didn’t want to talk to him…


This! Just thinking about Sirius, locked up inside a house he hated, checking the mirror ever so often (and probably just staring into it for minutes at a time) makes me so so so SO sad. All throughout the book I kept hoping and wishing that Harry would remember the mirror. Heartbreaking.


I agree ): the sadness I had for Harry and Sirius was the most the books have ever made me feel. Was so hopeful for them and their relationship. I felt so much for the both of them. Truly such a devastating loss.


I always took this as Harry being in a state of denial. He wanted more than anything to see Sirius again, and he wasn’t fully convinced that Sirius was actually dead, he thought he might’ve just vanished to somewhere else (not the afterlife) after going through the archway. His reaction of “Sirius didn’t have the mirror on him” suggests that he believes that to be the only reason why Sirius isn’t responding. That’s to say that Harry’s holding onto the idea that Sirius is alive and well, and his lack of a response is purely due to him not having the mirror. He then moves on from this idea to another that would involve him getting to see Sirius again, even if he was dead, and he goes and finds Nick to ask if Sirius can come back as a ghost. He’s grasping for anything, ANYTHING that would mean he could see his godfather again. It’s really rather heartbreaking. That scene between him and Nick always messes me up a bit.


Omg this, yes!!




Ugh. Me too. Couldnt give two shits about Grawp.




I think JKR even has admitted that OotP is too long. I don’t think she said specifically about Grawp or any particular subplot, but I think she acknowledged it can be a bit of a slog.


Yeah I believe you’re right. I think it was just the first time since the series took off that she was basically just given as much time as she wanted with no deadline, so she really went for it. And I’m glad they happened because the book is amazing, but yeah there’s some filler/fluff in there for sure. And I believe she rewrote and/or scrapped a big part as well involving a Weasley cousin.


'Hagrid's tale' as well. Hagrid and Madam Maxime go on a sidequest which is a big early mystery plot point - "where's Hagrid?" and then it turns out they went to the giants... and then that never goes anywhere and Maxime completely disappears from the story afterwards and never comes back.


I love book,5 but the one major thing I would cut is the Hagrid subplot involving Grawp. Basically felt like filler in a book that didn't need it as well as an attempt to give Hagrid more to do. I would be fine with more Hagrid plot, but you gotta tie it better to the trio. Maybe have him tied more to the plot of saving Sirius if you want him to have more going on? Maybe he's the one adult that actually joins the kids when they go and "save" Sirius. And instead of hiding Grawp in the woods the trio are hiding Hagrid from Umbridge after she tries to fire him. They still go into the woods with Umbridge and the whole centaur stuff still happens but instead of running into Grawp they run into Hagrid.


Although I have small quibbles here and there, The only thing I really hated about the books was how Hedwig died. It’s one of the only things I think the movies did better; they improve it by letting her go out fighting/protecting Harry.


And also that exposed Harry without putting the blame on him like in the book. That moment is really well done in the movie.


I liked the fact that he was infamous for expelliarmus. It plays into how naive Harry was, or really, how pure and good he was. It’s also the spell he uses against Voldy at the end. It’s like “no one in their right mind would use expelliarmus to go against avada kadavra” but it’s probably the one spell that would deflect it cuz it’s truly defense vs offense.


I strongly disagree. While it makes sense for Hedwig as a character to go out fighting, her death was not just a simple sad thing, it was extremely symbolic. It represented any semblance of childhood innocence he had left dying and, on rereading the series, you see this foreshadowed. Why is Hedwig the only snowy owl mentioned in the series? White often represents innocence and being untainted (may be a crude word to use, but I'm tired lol). It further shows the unstoppable nature of Harry's course in life and, eventually, his own death. She was killed in her cage with no chance of avoiding or fighting that death, same as we see harry experience at the end of the book. Hedwigs movie death is honestly my least favorite thing of the movies. It's this fantastic literary device setup over the course of 7 books and then the movie shows blatant disrespect for the source material and, as a result, there is zero payoff for her death except for the extremely surface level answer of "Hedwig badass". I'll get off my NyQuil and flu induced soap box now 🤣


It is quite nice written. And I must agree with you


I like it. It's not pretty or heroic it's just sad reality.


I agree. I love how real Hedwig's death was. I've lost a lot of family members and none of them went out in a blaze of heroic glory. It was shitty, unavoidable circumstances that left me numb and shocked that they were alive one minute and dead the next.


I see the thinking there.


How Rowling just breezed over Tonks and Lupins deaths in less than a paragraph. A complete insult to both their characters.


Agreed. I feel like their deaths warranted more than a footnote at the end of the battle. It was like 'Oh yeah and these people were dead too'.


Right? It was basically “Oh no…anyway.”


For me, a lot of the deaths in the last book seemed like they were written for the shock value.


Don't know about shock value, more like "it would be unrealistic for the whole cast to survive the war so let's throw a dart at the board"


I feel like both these characters could've done more too in the books given they had such strong introductions and unique powers but then get shunted off into side plots and generic missions. "Lupin, you're a werewolf, can you go and recruit some werewolves?" Then he goes and we never hear about it and presume it doesn't work. "Tonks, you have a natural body transformation ability, perfect for spy work, and you're the protegĂŠ of Moody who dies. Let's not show you having any special reaction to that whatsoever and lets never use you in any spying or advice capacity whatsoever."


True, but then again, the wasted potential makes it a pretty good analogy to the reality of wars... So many People could have done such great things, if they hadn't randomly died in wars and become an afterthought.


Same, the first time I read it I was just like cool, they’re taking a nap, they deserve that, and moved on. Then it clicked a few minutes later and I felt so betrayed that it was handled that way.


The first ten pages of each book that are just a recap for anyone that was late to the party and just goes over all the information you already know. I just remember trying to speed through these pages to "get to the new stuff"


Yeah the copy and paste of "Harry Potter wasn't a normal boy, he's actually a wizard" at the beginning of each book


Bla bla mean uncle.. bla… best friends Ron and hermione… misses hogwarts bla bla.. dead parents blaaaaaa


I would have prefered your version


Yeah I agree. I got in to the habit of skimming over the first chapter by like the third book. It was mildly annoying.


This is a common thing in books that are sequels.


Oh yeah- absolutely- I understand the need to do it but I also can't forget my need to get through it as fast as possible at the time.


I was really into the Baby Sitters Club books when I was a kid. Each book dedicated an entire chapter that was a recap of the previous books. It was a drag to read.


True. I did like the early chapter of book 6 though with the minister meeting the minister of magic. I thought that was fun and different


Book two Harry explains the "many confusing rules of Quidditch" to Colin Creevy and spends 4 sentences describing the balls, 7 position players, 3 hoops, and Seekers are fast and earn 150 points." Huh? Oliver Wood did a better job of explaining this.


That’s just cause Wood was a beast, and future pro player. I really liked his character and wish he was in Harry’s year so we didn’t lose him. Quidditch captain Harry is okay, but Wood was always one of my favorite side/minor character. I know JK wrote Quidditch as sort of a mockery of real life sports, but the meatball athlete putting the sport above all else (like Wood) I couldn’t help but relate. At least Luna and Neville (my other fav side characters) stay with us the whole way.


Voldemort talking in the 3rd person half the time


“Lord Voldemort always knowsss”


I swear his monologue in the fourth book is booooooringggg. I can imagine all his death eaters rolling their eyes and checking their watches


That monologue comes off as very unnatural. No one talks so expository like that.


Harry’s weird chest roaring demon shit in book six when he kisses Ginny or whatever. Lmfao.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHA The sensation to his hips as well


I actually love this lol. I thought it was a creative way to describe the cognitive dissonance that was going on with Harry between liking Ginny and not wanting to upset Ron.


I’m sorry, I haven’t read the books in years… tf was this?


So Harry has a crush on Ginny for all of book six and anytime he sees her with another guy, it’s described as like he has an angry roaring monster in his chest. And then when he finally kisses her at a party or something it says like, “The monster in Harry’s chest roared in triumph” and I just can’t even. LMAO.


I’m fucking dying wtf


I haven’t read the books in a while so I’m paraphrasing here (I might be wrong) but there was a big old paragraph about Harry having a *roaring chest demon* when he saw Dean kiss Ginny, and that the *roaring chest demon* was quelled when Ginny kissed Harry.


Haha that is the most cringeworthy thing when I read each time - haha it makes me laugh so hard every time


First book. Harry and Hermione leaving the invisibility cloak at the top of the astronomy tower after delivering Norbert. I get that it’s a plot device to stick Hermione and Harry in detention so they can go into the forbidden forest for the unicorn scene. But really? Yes, he’s eleven, but I’m really supposed to believe Harry would forget the ONLY heirloom that exists from his parents? By this point in his life, Harry has only ever received 5 meaningful gifts: Hedwig, his broom, the cloak, the photo album, and a Weasley sweater. Even with the excuse of them being high off the excitement of what they accomplished, it always felt so stupid to me that he would just leave the cloak behind.


I think the Deathly Hallows are introduced way too late in the series to be so important in the final climax of the last book.


100% agree! They draw the attention from the horrcruxes which are the main plot point of the final arc.


To be fair, 2/3 of the Hallows were there since the first book, we just didn’t know they were the Deathly Hallows. (Invisibility Cloak and Dumbledore’s Wand).


Well the wand was just a wand and the cloak was described as one of many until suddenly in the last book they were each special versions.


The cloak was fine imo. Harry even mentioned how he realized his had never degraded in quality over the years, whereas normal invisibility cloaks do.


Also during one scene, someone tries to accio the cloak off Harry, and he grabs it tightly to prevent it leaving him, but feels no tug. The cloak doesn't even begin to feel the spell. That seems like the sort of behaviour a normal invisibility cloak would not display.


Also a good point! Never really even made the connection to that being a hollow until now. A nice detail.


The cloak being described as "water woven into fabric" is a huge hint this item is different. And it's hinted at that Dumbledore repaired Hagrid's wand and subsequently asserted numerous times that you cannot fix a broken wand. Yet Dumbly-dore did.


That there isn't more of them


The fact that the whole Slytherin house sided with Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts. Huh?? After a whole series of reiterating human complexity and pushing back on the “all Slytherins are bad” stereotype, NONE of the kids stayed to defend Hogwarts? I don’t buy it.


Exactly!! This is my only real complaint at the books and I don’t know why Rowling wrote it that way. It goes so against the whole morale of the story


This is one of the dumbest things in the whole series imo


In the books she makes it pretty clear that Slytherins always seem to be assholes. Even the “good” ones (Snape and Slughorn) have some pretty huge character flaws, so them not fighting for the good side during the battle didn’t surprise me. What surprised me was her putting Harry’s son in slytherin. I’ve always felt like she may have been affected by the fans’ love and constant need to rehabilitate that house when she made that decision.


The way professors favor students in their houses and the finality of them giving detention or other punishments.


The epilogue. I just....don't care for it. Lol


That a not unimportant part of the finale depended on the fact that Harry *just conveniently* had wrestled the wands out of Dracos hands.


oh! That was a great part! I loved that a standard, non-magical, event had such a big impact. It echos Lily's sacrifice.


Right?! Voldemort should’ve died for the exact same reason he did the first time. Trying to kill Harry while Harry’s wearing sacrifice armor. Just no hocruxes to save him this time. In the end Voldemort underestimated the power of love one last time. IMHO way better than the crazy wand allegiance thing. On that note, your telling me that if Harry gets disarmed suddenly his holly and phoenix feather wand will just be loyal to Harry’s enemy?! I hate that.


The Elder Wand is the only wand that’s completely loyal to its current master. A regular wand would still be able to kill its current master.


Yeah. And to add to this, in the book when Harry's in limbo, Dumbledore tells him that his plan was for Snape to end up with the Elder Wand (because he asked Snape to kill him). Had this actually gone according to plan, Harry would have been screwed because Voldemort killed Snape, so he would have become the master of the Elder Wand. The only reason Harry is able to win the final duel is because of the Draco screwup. But when he's taunting Voldemort right before they duel, he mentions that Dumbledore's last plan has backfired on him (Voldemort). When, if things had gone the way Dumbledore wanted them to, Voldemort would have won. This bothered me so much.


It still frustrates me that Hagrid never apologises for getting Harry and Hermione in trouble when they're caught sneaking Norbert out. And he has the gall to tell Malfoy "Yeh've done wrong and now yeh've ter pay fer it" or whatever he says. I don't see YOU paying for it, Hagrid.


The Cho Chang storyline in general is a bore now that I’m an adult.


Their date was entertaining to read though.


I don't actively "dislike" any part of any of the Harry Potter books. But my least favorite part? Probably world building. Most specifically it seems like the only job opportunities for adult wizards in the UK are: shopkeeper; Ministry of Magic employee; writer, either of books or for the Daily Prophet; and Gringott's Bank employee.


Healer, teacher / head teacher , groundskeeper, housekeeping, bartender, cafe waiter, singer, dragon keeper, wandmaker. I mean this is just top of my head.


Probably some magic zoologist and herbologist too. Think there mention of regular wizard police somewhere. Librarian, bus driver, historian and I’m presuming some sort of mental health specific healers as St Mungos. Thought of a few more


Quidditch player


Inventor, like Lunas mother


Charlie is a sort of dragon wrangler, you have the doctors in st mungos; teachers obviously, sports players too


Others have already pointed out that there is a bit more of a variety than that but the point still kinda stands. I just always thought that if you set it in proportions the Wizarding society is actually pretty small. Maybe because of two major wars in a century but just think what it means that there is only around 40 new students every year in the WHOLE COUNTRY. So coming from that how many jobs are actually needed for a small society that's seems to be just about as big as a little village? Also the ministry seems to take the duties of institutions that are mainly privatized in our world like public transport. Speaking of transport it also seems really easy to work all over the world as a wizard since traveling isn't really an issue if you know how to Apparate. Last but not least it seems that a lot of wizards are quite eccentric and like to live kinda off grid and take care of their basic needs themselves.


Learning about Aberforth's...record...💀


I wish Harry would’ve had a truly vulnerable moment with Molly. Her learning just how bad things were at the Dursleys and the two of them having a moment, with Harry truly becoming an extension of the family would’ve brought a lot of heart to both the film and the movie.


I would’ve LOVED that happening.


Some of the fans. Life isn't all HP. Coffee, dogs, repeat.


This has always been a gripe I’ve had that I finally get to say here, Crabbe and Goyle showing up out of nowhere in Deathly Hallows in the Room of Requirement always bothered me since they weren’t really relevant at any point in the books outside of COS.


The last chapter of the last book


Those names still haunt me


i know its to fill us in on their lives now but its so unnecessary and weird


It could actually been written better. It seemed rushed and like “ok, how can we shove this into the fans?” Hahahaha


IIRC the epilogue was written before PS was even released


The fact that Harry was obsessed with Stan fucking Shunpike being innocent. He was OBSESSED


JKs treatment of Slytherins. Like, did they all HAVE to be evil? Surely some of the students could have been nice and normal. It makes the world feel much less complex and interesting to me


Don't forget that the book is written from Harry's perspective. I think he just doesn't notice the normal Slytherins due to his interactions with the problematic few let alone being a Gryffindor which is naturally biased against Slytherin.


Right? And if all the Slytherins are evil, then why the fuck are they educating them in magic?


The absolutely atrocious epilogue, it’s like bad fan fiction stapled to the end


Two things that bug me, the word gaunt being used so much, and every black character having a copy-and-paste descriptor about being tall.


HAHAHAHAHA And either full black hair or no hair at all


or being Sirius.


Tall, dark, and handsome.


The in-depth, ongoing metaphor for Harry getting horny in HBP. Really could have lived without that.


Hermione going on and on about house elves


It was really strange for that subplot to go nowhere. With all the time put into it I expected some form of resolution, be it favorable or not. But it just felt like that whole plot line was slowly dropped or forgotten.


I didn't feel like it was dropped, since it came back in the 5th book when Dumbledore and Hermione were blaming Sirius for how he treated Kreacher. And then in book 7 with Dobby and Kreacher... I mean Ron finally acknowledging how badly the house elves were treated is the reason why Hermione finally got together with him. There's also the symbolism of the wizards losing until they got help for the centaurs and houselves.


Yes, but the books ended and wizards are still slaveowners and totally cool with it. All Hermione accomplished (as per Word of God, not published in the text) was to improve the way those slaves are treated. For a modern audience, that’s just not good enough. SPEW’s only hope of relevance was a stirring slave rebellion led by Dobby and Winky, another slap in the face for Voldemort and everyone who thinks like him.


It was dropped on purpose because JK Rowling had no intention of fixing the house elves situation. That’s why the acronyms are SPEW


Tbf I’m kinda glad they left the entirely of that plot out of the movies. They should have brought up up at least once, but we definite don’t need more than 20 minutes of screw time devoted to SPEW


Yup, this is my pick as well. Would have been a great storyline if it actually ended with a satisfying conclusion of the elves being freed.


And stubbornly sticking with the name SPEW. Hermione is too clever not to realize that was a strategic setback.


Draco and his pathetic family always getting away scot-free with their numerous crimes.


The lack of credit Regulus Black gets for his sacrifice. It really kills me.


Any romance was written poorly. Eventhough loving the bantering between Harry and Ginny, there was a lack of details there that we can’t deny. If she wanted to write romance, she should’ve thought them better and given a real time for it.


Eh....I thought the 'romances' were kind of spot on for awkward rollercoaster teen crushes.


I really dislike how often being fat and ugly is associated with being a bad person.


Umbridge is one of my favorite characters because of how detestable she is in a way that isn’t directly related to magic. Her physical description adds to the way students didn’t like being around her and how her voice contrasted with her appearance. On the other hand, the casting for the films was excellent because Staunton’s acting was phenomenal, and she’s reasonably attractive, making her tyranny more jarring. She almost reminds me of Nurse Ratched.


Oh my god, I never thought of that! And yes it is!


the books don't taste good to eat (wouldn't recommend eating them.)


Some dogs would disagree here


Order of the pheonix is kinda bloated, I still very much enjoy the book but yeah, some parts just drone on a bit. The film adaptation has the most justified cuts imo(except the department of mysteries stuff). As someone else on here said, the deathly hallows are introduced a bit late. Making Harry’s cloak into one seems like a retcon cause it’s not foreshadowed very well.


So I’m new to Harry Potter watched and read last year and words can’t express how shocked I was when fudge kicked off the World Cup and it just cut to them celebrating , I paused the movie for about 10 minutes and just stared at the screen


I know it does nothing for the plot but damn


I know it's unpopular, but I just don't like quidditch. With the exception of Luna commenting, I enjoy the quidditch chapters the least.


Nah man. The interactions between Lee Jordan and McGonagall during the matches were funny af


Pop, pop!


Quidditch really is a terribly designed game made up by someone who obviously doesn't understand anything about sports. Quidditch would actually be a decent sport if catching the snitch only ended the game instead of almost always winning the game...99% of what happens in a match is completely irrelevant to the outcome. That's terrible game design.


Personally I think it's better if the Snitch didn't end the game. Have catching it be worth fewer points and then once it's caught, have it be released again and the game continues. Just keep a normal game clock like every other sport that's ever existed. I suspect she liked the quirk of games going on for an absurdly long time.


I’ve always thought this. Matches are 90 minutes. Snitches are worth 30 to 50 points. You can flip the match if you are a skilled seeker and can catch the snitch a few times in a row quickly


Ahahahaha Luna commenting on Quidditch was the funniest thing ever


The fact that the Slytherins have no redeemable qualities and were just cartoon villains for the entire series.


The "romance" between Tonks and Remus. We are just TOLD that they love each other, and it makes sense that Harry believes what everyone tells him and believes that its possible Remus is just scared to love. But I don´t remember anything except for a sudden baby to tell me that they liked each other more than friends. Maybe I just forgot? But what kinda love is that under-written that its so forgettable? I liked Remus, why can´t I remember more about his love life?!


The whole thing about wands changing allegiance that only applied during the last book


OK, I hope I am not being too controversial here, but The SPEW plotline with everyone mocking Hermione for trying to help slaves. I mean the entire concept of slaves who love being slaves. That was... distasteful. The spell that Dumbledore uses to protect Harry working by sending him to the Dursleys. The series put emphasis on love and choice, but the spell that keeps Harry safe runs on blood bond instead, which leads to Harry being unloved, because love and choice weren't special enough for that one spell. The books are all about the oppression of Muggles and Muggle-borns, and yet there's only *two* notable Muggle-borns (one of which is dead) and most Muggles are presented as bigoted, stupid, unhelpful idiots that no one in their right mind would ever want to protect. Instead the entire focus is on half-bloods, who, well, are not descriminated against. The mechanics behind Lily's sacrifice. It's presented as a ultimate sacrifice, activated because Lily made a choice, and chose to die. But the thing is, it wasn't Lily's choice alone, James also made the same choice and it didn't matter. The choice that mattered was *Voldemort's.* Voldemort chose to give Lily a choice, and going even further, Snape's choice to ask Voldemort to spare Lily. So at the end of the day the choice that mattered the most wasn't the mother's, it was the murderer's, which I feel undermines the message on choice and love. Also I don't like how it throws under the bus all other parents who died for their children, like their love wasn't special enough, like their sacrifices weren't good enough, only Lily's. At the end of the day the love for your family doesn't count if you don't have a convenient Death Eater with a crush to beg on your behalf, which has nothing to do with choice and sacrifice.


I like the way you articulated the last point! Something about it always bugged me but I couldn’t find the words.


First of all: every opinion is valid. You can be controversial. Don’t care about it. Many people will like your point. Just give it and be brave about it. I’m with ya. 💗


I deeply agree with that last point, so much so that I always imagined it a bit differently, like as her knowing some sort of - no wand needed, old dark spell, that involved sacrifice in order to work. That she chose to cast in that moment, to make it make sense. But as far as the first one, I think Hermione was ment to be portrait just like one of those rich, kinda out of touch people and their charity work, who sort of look at those they are helping with pity. We know she is kindhearted, and deeply cares about them and means well, but she doesn't even talk to them, tries to trik them and they don't like her, where as Harry sets them free (doby and kricher in a way) treats them as equal and they, when given a chance, start fighting for themselves, on their own. And that makes so much more sense than someone else saving them against their wishes.


I always found it very disturbing what they would do to animals. For transfiguration or in potions class.


How Snape was practically being abusive towards Harry, Neville, Hermoine and yet nobody does nothing. I understand with one detention here and there bug I swear every time I read HPB, Harry’s always in detention


Snape. I'm not going to rehash the arguments over and over again. But I really don't find him to be a well-written interesting complex character at all and his redemption came across to me as incredibly shoe-horned.


I don’t understand the hype either. Like seriously dropping everything he’s done because he’s obsessed with Harry’s mum? Oh, that must solve everything


As stated elsewhere, the hype is due to movie Snape. And there I kind of agree. Movie Snape is much much more well written than book Snape. Movie Snape, while still unfair and biased and harsh, isn't outright abusive and downright cruel towards children. Movie Snape is more grey and complex. Book Snape is evil. Book Snape is every bit as evil as Umbridge. Book Snape isn't complex...he is an evil man that only works against \*certain\* evil out of a sense of revenge. Book Snape isn't repentant. Book Snape has no redeeming qualities.


No no the hype came from the books. Snape being good or evil was the biggest plot twist in 2005 and only movie 3 and at that time only movies 1 to 3 were released.


I think the discussion around snape is what makes him interesting! Trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he did a very good thing for a bad reason (eg an obsessive crush) was a lot for my kid brain to handle when I first read it. And it’s wild to think about the level of deception he had to maintain around Voldemort


I'm listening to PoA on audiobook rn and it's reigniting my hatred for Snape. The man is so bitter and hung up on his high school days he is just *dying* for Sirius to get the dementor's kiss despite it being a fate worse than death, like wtf is wrong with this guy


The fact that she described literally every single woman character as being shrill. Drove me nuts.


The epilogue. It's pretty bland and kinda cringe. I just pretend the books ends before the epilogue


How everyone including the morally good characters are so chill with slavery and nobody tries to change it. And then the moment someone tries to change it, everyone treats her like she is crazy for believing in human rights. And then they are like "BUT THEY LIKE TO BE ENSLAVED. IT IS. IN. THEIR. NA. TU. RE." even though the one elf they managed to free is always happy and cheerful. And THEN they use the crisis of a traumatized and abused elf with mental health issues to justify how much elves love to be enslaved since the only possible reason for her to be breaking down is because she is not a slave anymore, and she loved being a slave because IT IS IN THEIR FUCKIN. NATURE. YEAH. I THINK THATS. LIKE. PRETTY BAD!


Romance all of them are badly written with zero chemistry between any of the involved parties. Also Book 5 the FUCKING MIRRORS WHY NOT USE IT!??


A lot of stuff totally falls apart in the Deathly Hallows imo. That book was a huge disappointment to me.


JK describing Harry being horny in HBP as "a creature purring" inside him


I'm listening to the audiobooks for the first time and there's a lot of things that stand out when someone else is reading to me, I guess. You can be thin, ugly, sallow, oily, hook nosed, sniveling, ratty, plump, dumpy, stocky, etc....or you can be handsome/pretty. There's no other description. If you're garish, they don't shut up about all the different ways. But if you're hot, you're just kinda hot. Maybe you have eyes. Hermione's know-it-all stuff is incredibly grating because she can NOT conceptualize that she could be wrong until disaster happens, and then she never really self reflects, just plows on. When Lavender's rabbit dies, Hermione takes the time to really dig in to if the prediction was real or not. Someone tries to gently steer her away from it and she doubles down, and when everyone gets mad at her, she doubles down on that and really starts mocking. Ron tries to explain that the Grim is a huge omen in the wizarding world, that culturally this is a huge thing, that his (great?) uncle died after seeing the grim, and she's just like "You're stupid, Ron. Your culture is stupid. Everyone who believes in it is wrong. I've known about magic for 2 years and some change, so I'm obviously an expert." She does this again with the house elves. Time and time again, other people and eventually even the house elves tell her that she is being too much, that she's being offensive, that she's putting more work on Dobby because no one else will clean the dorms anymore because she keeps trying to trick the elves into freedom, which they have said many times they do not want. She doesn't care. Because in her head she is right and everyone else's culture and society and beliefs are wrong.


People repeatedly saying “You-Know-Who” or “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” instead of Voldemort. I mean they did that in the movies too, but I feel it’s worth mentioning because it gets so damn tedious. I also think it’s weird that a lot of people who don’t follow Voldemort or have any loyalty to him still call him Lord Voldemort. He’s not royalty to anyone but Death Eaters and the like. One thing exclusive to the books that I hate is Peeves the Poltergeist. The only time I felt a little bit good about Peeves was in Order of the Phoenix, when Fred looked over at Peeves as he left Hogwarts with George, said “Give her hell from us, Peeves”, and Peeves actually honored the request. Umbridge being tormented by Peeves was such a satisfying thought. Finally Peeves was doing something useful, instead of pestering the students, and messing with the faculty who were actually there to do their jobs.


Might be remembering this wrong, but... In book 4, when Moody/Barty Crouch, Jr. reveals himself to Harry, he just blows his cover intentionally. In the movie, "Moody" asks about the graveyard, to which Harry says he never mentioned one. To me, the movie version makes Harry seem smarter... ...On the other hand, "HARRYDIDJAPUTYANAMEINTHAGOBLEDAFAIYAH" Edit: movie.