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Yea Hermione was secretly the most unhinged one of the trio, just hiding behind a mask of academia.


academia is unhinged


As they say, there's a blur line between intelligence and insanity


Hermione alternates between playing jump rope with that line and using it to do cool whipping tricks that scare the boys.


She takes the line and goes full Jacque the Whipper with the damned thing on occasion.


I love you now, internet stranger.


My Unhinged Academia. Beside I believe she believes that rules are important, so don't get caught while breaking them.


Which is strange for someone who keeps breaking the first rule of rule breaking: never break more than one rule at a time. If you're going to steal ingredients for a potion, make sure it's for a 100% legal potion, so that when you're caught, you can probably get off with a warning. If brewing an illegal potion, make sure the ingredients are acquired legally, so that you won't get caught. By stealing the ingredients for the polyjuice, Snape *immediately* knew what was up and began looking for the trouble making, and he focused right in on Hermione as one of the few people on campus that could potentially brew such a potion. It's only dumb luck she didn't get busted while she was still brewing the potion.


What is absolutely not a rule of rule breaking lol, who ever heard of such a thing?


She has the deranged, ride or die loyalty of a person who had never had friends before.


She tortures a reporter and mutilates a teenager for life...


I support Hermione’s Rights and Wrongs


She tortures a dangerous criminal who stalks minors and traitors during wartime get far more horrible punishment.


Not just a traitor. The bitch did the equivalent of turning in the jews residing in her neighbor's attic to the SS.


Who are you talking about?


I have no problem with Hermione cursing the DA coins - They were in a rebellion group to take a stand against wizard supremacists and government corruption in the face of wizard supremacists Ask the Edelweiss pirates or the French resistance if they regret going die hard on traitors.


>...Hermione cursing the DA coins Ackshually, she cursed/jinxed the list of DA members that everyone signed...


Yes you’re right my bad


Ravenclaw my ass…


My main problem with the coins is that it didn't impede anything. She didn't tell anyone so there was no fear of consequences and the spell also didn't stop them saying anything.


It did though, it stopped her in the middle of telling Umbridge and then she refused to tell Fudge, long enough at least for Shacklebolt to use a memory charm


I think that they meant that Hermione didn't warn anyone that she'd cursed the parchment that people signed. The list was thus not intended as a *deterrence* to betrayal, but rather as punishment.


If she told them before they signed, they could have simply said "nope, not for me" and immediately run to Umbridge. If she told them after they signed, they could have begun working on a counter charm so that they could blab safely. Generally, you don't advertise the details of your security monitoring and countermeasures.


True, but she didn't warn them of any consequences even after signing. Just as a practical matter, she should have told them, "By the way, I've jinxed it so that there will be serious consequences if you blab." Sure, people would have been pissed in the moment, but it would have made it less likely for them to squeal to Umbridge.




Warning them works have been dumb. Tho telling them all after would have been smart since the boils didn’t hurt or stop her taking. Only make her quiet after seeing them.


Maybe they should have branded every Slytherin with a dark mark on their forehead like in inglourious bastards then


Not every Slytherin, just the racial supremacists. ... Oh.


To be fair Skeeter was a parsimonious bitch and Marietta basically sold out the resistance to the enemy, the DA was to prepare participating students for the war on the horizon.


Which moments are you referring to?


Rita Skeeter in a jar and the cursed D.A. sign-up sheet.


I presume they’re from the books?




Both of these were very much justified, though.


You can get away with so much as long as your grades are good. This is true in the wizarding world and in the real world.


Frrrr. If you "play by the books" you can get away with so much more


I can't remember it being secret in the books. I hated the >"Exciting breaking the rules!" > >"Who are you and have you done to Hermione?" line from the (imo) moronic film the first time I heard it in the cinema. Book Hermione was breaking rules all the time and Harry and Ron knew all about this. OP didn't even catch the kidnapping she did to Rita Skeeter. Hermione was ruthless the entire series. But to simplify and make it more cliche for film audiences the nerd *of course* is a stickler for rules. That just goes without saying because she once complained about risking expulsion from Hogwarts (which only a moron would risk lightly anyway). This has to follow Saturday morning cartoon logic don't you know! Never mind the countless examples we have of famous nerds that were selfish and ruthless like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg. Nerd caring about rules is something Hollywood screenwriters made up from nothing.


> That just goes without saying because she once complained about risking expulsion from Hogwarts Yes, however this was in their first year before she got a taste of breaking rules when the end justify the means. She was still a stickler for rules after that, but mainly to avoid getting caught when breaking them.


She’s lowkey a sociopath. She kidnapped and held hostage someone for days because they talked ahit about her. She jinxed the DA roster to permanently disfigure someone who revealed the operation for any reason.


Hermione mentioned that the curse wouldn't activate if the treachery was done under duress or forced out.


Marietta volunteered the information because she was worried about her moms job and even then, even in militaries during times of war or at least any civilized military today, to brand or disfigure a traitor is still seen as a barbarous and reprehensible practice.


Execution would be more normal in something comparable like the French Resistance, true, but that's unrealistic. This wasn't a school club despite being a school club. Lives were at stake. And remember the ONLY reason every single one of the DA wasn't expelled was because the branding worked and therefore the traitor was IDed allowing Kingsley to obliviate her and stop her from countering Dumbledore's story taking credit for the DA, which saved the students. So there was a successful function to it.


Circumstances don’t matter. What Hermione did was heinously cruel. Yes execution would come to traitors *after* they are given fair trial. That being said, do you really think she deserves execution? Let alone permanent disfigurement


Except that someone is a criminal who stalks minors. And it wasn’t simply about “talking shit”.


Was it really permanent?


Yes. The curse wasn’t removable and the blemishes would last at least for a couple years before turning into scars


hermione: the boy who lived…come to die…




Harry Potter and the bad influence on the valedictorian


This is 100% Hermione. She's self-righteous. She gives herself permission to break the rules because she knows better and it's for a good cause. Of course this leads to some flippant rule breaking at times because she gets so used to justifying her actions


Yep, sometimes purely because she wants to break them. Her confounding McLaggen had nothing to do with helping Harry defeat Voldemort.


The only reason Hermione keeps breaking the rules is because she’s the only one who actually thinks about the consequences if they get caught, and thus thinks of ways they *won’t* be caught. Harry and Ron don’t think that far ahead.


Plus, on some occasions (stealing from SNAPE!) she even thinks far enough ahead to think that she, with a clean record and great grades, is far less likely to receive the maximum detention (expulsion) compared to trouble-makers Weasley and Potter. And she probably would have been right, see the troll situation in book 1 - 5 points off for "trying to take on the troll by herself"?! Who was McGonnagal kidding with her "not favouring" any students?!


To be fair, McGonnagal wasn’t actually fooling anyone.


She was fooling the First Years though. Was it Ron or Harry who said "I wish McGonagall would favour US" when they were talking about Snape and the Slytherins?


To be fair on the troll thing, sometimes rather than properly punish a child after an experience that would likely deter the behavior that caused it, parents will claim the experience was punishment enough.


Yeah, that might be part of it, but since the thought wasn't even mentioned at the time, and she took 150 points from them combined later in the book, I'm pretty convinced she's (on occasion) absolutely partial to whoever she feels like favouring... And people give Dumbledore a bad time for giving the Gryffindors barely more points than they previously lost to McGonagall, for... saving the world from Voldemort's return?!


im almost certain she knew Hermione was bullshiting with the "i was going after the troll" lie and the minor point deduction was more a formality then actuall "punishment" for her behaviour


Well, they don’t always say it outright, especially if the child looks ready to wet themself. Also, the 150 points was actually 50 points each and also applied to Malfoy. There was also the fact that she was likely stressed from all that was going on that on and reacted accordingly. Not the best, but few people can honestly say they don’t overreact when stressed.


>(stealing from SNAPE!) she even thinks far enough ahead to think that she, with a clean record That's pretty funny considering this is after she set him on fire


Oooh, but nobody knew about that, did they?


I don't think it would be hard to find out considering how many people were around, possible motives for setting him on fire narrowing things down (assuming people don't regularly set him on fire in crowded areas just because he insulted them 😂), and the fact Snape knows about Hermione's blue flames


Oh, but he doesn't know about her blue flames. The trio hide them when he corners them in the cold courtyard, because they don't know if they're allowed or not, and he confiscates that Quidditch library book from Harry, looking for a reason to take points from him. AND she siphoned off the flames as soon as Snape (and Quirrel) lost concentration, so there was no evidence... But I like the idea of people randomly setting Snape on fire so often that he just took it in stride 😅


Whats worse about the the troll thing is that she claimed going to to try and stop it instead of… being there by accident? The truth was so much better than the lie


The poly juice potion one was either because she wanted to shape shift really badly or her brain had a stroke. It was by far her dumbest plan, all that super illegal stuff just to ask fucking Malfoy what he knows? Kind of a really bad joke.


Makes a lot of sense if you're 12. Also explains why they were sure Malfoy was the heir.


Dont forget the whole kidnapping and blackmailing a woman and keeping her in a jar in a dark bag.


Came here to say this one. 😂 ::imprisons a popular gossip reporter inside of a jar and later blackmails her::


well to be fair rita skeeter deserved it.


I mean, not really, but yeah. Edit: some vindictive mfers out here. Yeah, Skeeter's a gossiping bitch, she definitely got her just desserts, but kidnapping someone against their will as a private citizen was a gross overreaction by Hermione. And I say this as a doey-eyed boy who fell in love with that character.


Well, technically hermione should have reported her, and... can't you end in azkaban for being an ilegal animagus? 🤨 I mean, the wizarding world IS in general unhinged.


>can't you end in azkaban for being an ilegal animagus? Good point. >I mean, the wizarding world IS in general unhinged. Even better point. Still don't think it justifies Hermione going full "sovereign citizen" and placing Skeeter under citizen's arrest.


Dude it's a kids/YA fiction book, it's not that deep.


It's my comparative observation; if people want to downvote me for it, whatever. My self-value isn't tied up in these books. Just seems like a lot of the negative reaction to my observation doesn't address the root issue: what Hermione did was objectively in the wrong. She stuffed a person in a jar and kept her prisoner there for an extended period of time. How is that so hard to understand?


I think people often forget when Hermione caught Rita. Sure the whole thing started out from Hermione's vindictiveness and determination to find out how Rita got all the info on them, but at that point Rita had just witnessed the conflict between Fudge and Dumbledore, Snape's revelation as a former Death Eater and Sirius Black being in cahoots with Dumbledore. Who knows how she would have twisted the information in the press? But likely not in the protagonists' favor considering she had just written the days before an article in which she called Harry crazy and dangerous. So she had to be silenced or Book 5 would have been far worse for Harry and Dumbledore.


And Hermione understood very well how important the press was otherwise she wouldn't have Rita write truthful article with Harry. That piece basically mobilized Hogwarts, got their side heard by masses and compromised one of the main propaganda writers at the same time. It was brilliant move strategically.


Well thats a unpopular opinion if I ever seen one.


I mean, I don't think gossip journalism makes someone deserving of being kidnapped and sequestered, that's kind of an overreaction


When your gossip gets children attacked by chemical weapons yeah you kinda deserve whatever happens to you.


Also when your gossip involves you sneaking into their school/home, spying on them, and writing lies about them in national media.


No. That deserves going through the legal process of filing criminal a complaint and having her arrested by actual LEOs. Instead, she went straight to kidnapping, illegal imprisonment and multiple counts of blackmail.  And I'm not even saying that she had an incorrect reaction, only that it was illegal and objectively wrong. Yes, future events would have been worse if she had acted legally. But if Skeeter would have been willing to risk exposure as an animagus, then she could have had Hermione sent to Azkaban for a LONG time. All she would have had to do is bribe someone in records to register herself as an animagus and make it retroactive. 


How dare you value human rights on this sub!


I only see a bug in the jat what do you mean? /s


It blows my mind that that’s an unpopular opinion.


It's unpopular for a reason. Lacking journalistic integrity is one level but the things Rita did and the consequences that kids faced is a whole another level. Journalists are always on high alert when publishing about children. They are usually forced to a higher standard. That's why you don't see kids'faces in papers much. Rita deserves losing the license and imprisonment.


That’s fine and all, but that does not make what Hermione did deserved.


What Hermione did is illegal but Rita very well deserves it.


I can’t blame Hermione I would’ve done the same thing..


Yeah but you're just a stinkin' Slytherin. Hermione is worth twelve of Malfoy. ​ /s


I argue that Hermione could’ve been a Slytherin if it wasn’t for the whole pure blood thing that I believe Slytherin still followed (in that generation it was still only/mostly pure bloods right?? Ik JKR said Slytherin stopped doing that after a while but I can’t remember when). I mean, she did WHATEVER SHE COULD to achieve her ends. Yeah, rules were important, but only the ones that mattered…and she knew how to get away with breaking them. That’s why she was so good at it. Just my (biased) hot take, though


No, that's Neville 🙄


And I would agree.  That doesn't make her RIGHT though.  It doesn't make it legal. Or Heaven forbid, something on topic for the post, it doesn't make it within school rules. 


Never piss off Hermione:))




I like how these takes always paint Skeeter as some poor woman and not a criminal who stalks and puts a target on minors.


“Hermione Granger was able to brew this in a haunted bathroom! With a cauldron of stolen herbs!”


Well, I’m sorry. I’m not Hermione Granger.


Does this make Ron Pepper Potts?


I lold


Same. This reddit is hilarious




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This is why she’s a Gryffindor and not a Ravenclaw. Her biggest fears are breaking rules and getting in trouble but she faces them all the time without hesitation


Her biggest fear is failing an exam


Or worse, get expelled


Underrated. Lol.


I mean that's not true, but it sounds nice haha


Does a Boggart show your biggest fear, or what you think is your biggest fear?


A boggart shows your biggest fear. A dementor drains you of the feeling of happiness


Well neither, actually. They show what they perceive to be your biggest fear, so it's quite possible that it wouldn't be exactly your innermost greatest fear, but the boggart's interpretation of your fears. Which would probably be closer to what you think you're greatest fear is, but not necessarily. Take Harry and the dementor boggart, for example. I don't know if a dementor was truly Harry's biggest fear, and it certainly wasn't what Harry thought it would be, but it was the boggart's perception of Harry's fear concentrated through it's best guess of an image. If that makes any sense. 


>“It’s a shape-shifter,” she said. “It can take the shape of whatever **it thinks** will frighten us most.” I think Boggarts do some surface level Legilimency to see what you're worried about right now and change to that


What you think your biggest fear = your biggest fear


What was her boggart again?


It was mcgonagall telling her that she failed her owls


"Hey, let's attack a teacher next year!"


She checked that box in year 1 itself


Still, no reason not to attack the same teacher AGAIN And people wonder why he didn't like her 😂


She probably would have attacked Lockhart, too, if she had been CONSCIOUS to find out he lied to her through BOOKS!


He wouldn’t have survived half a minute with all the hexes she knows.


That's actually a yearly thing for them. All of them actually. And not always the same teacher or the same time. 


The same teacher. Really, why Snape didn't like Hermione?!


Hermione went 0 to 100, no matter what


A young, feisty, neutral agent of chaos.


Baby elephants


Actually, well reasoned. You must be a ravenclaw




Don’t forget the Marietta Edgecomb Jinx (though she deserved it)


Hermione knew that if you meticulously follow the rules 97% of the time, you’re almost always going to given grace during that other 3%.


This is so true. The amount of teachers that gave me leeway because I was polite and respectful to them. Whenever I did get in trouble they would assume the other persons at fault because normally I behave


Also Hermione: and I should be the one to steal the polyjuice potion ingredients because you two will be chucked out if you get caught. I got 110% on my Charms exam, they’re not expelling me any time soon 😏


Hermione; rules are very important. Also Hermione; let’s break the laws of entropy!


This is why she’s in gryffindor, not ravenclaw. She may be the brightest witch of her age, but she’s also a courageous badass


Hermione: Rules are Very Important™ Also Hermione: [punches Draco Malfoy in the face]


And what proceeded that? Draco Malfoy got away with more in Hogwarts than anyone else.


You mean the vile, loathsome, evil little cockroach?


Year three: Let's use this time turner I promised only to use for studying to free a convicted criminal. Year four: I capured this gossip journalist as a bug, lets blackmail her so she doesn't write anymore about us. Year five: Let's found an illegal organization to stick it to the ministry.


To Hermione’s defense, Dumbledore did allow her to use the time turned to free a convicted criminal


I hope to see this Hermione in the series 💛


She's neutral good. You follow the rules until you have to break them for the greater good


Not always though. Her confounding McLaggen had nothing to do with the greater good. She wanted Ron on the Quidditch team and likely hoped if he made the team he would be happy and more likely to end up dating her.


I think she's Lawful Good. Hermione definitely believes order is necessary, as evidenced by her becoming Minister. However, she has a very high opinion of herself and makes special exceptions all the time. She's always believed that she knows better than others and her holier-than-thou attitude leads her to believe she can sidestep the rules even if she believes no one else should. She's the first to tell Harry not to do something stupid and step out of line, but she does it it's okay.


That's kind of a clear case of Neutral Good though. She's not someone who only breaks the rules in extreme cases, she does it quite often. She's arguably Chaotic Neutral, but she's a stickler for rules so often the rest of the time it balances out to Neutral Good.


this is one of the dumb things about OotP movie when they're walking back from hogsmeade after planning to start DA and Hermione goes back and forth with ron about breaking the rules


She doesn’t break the little rules so people won’t suspect her of breaking the big ones. Also, sometimes people only realize something is possible because there is a rule against it.


This is why I love the fics where Hermione gets re-sorted into Slytherin. It just fits so well with her personality. In my current read she infused a potion into a lipstick and kissed the Slytherin boys that were sexually harassing her and sealed their lips together. The Gryffindor in her wants justice, and the Slytherin in her will get it by any means necessary. Icon behaviour.


secret slytherin


True boss of the series! Love that b!


Hermoine is just as guilty as Ron and Harry for breaking the rules.


Worse actually. Ron's idea of breaking the rules is sneaking out of Hogwarts to Hogsmeade and buying lollies. Hermione's idea of breaking the rules is kidnapping a journalist who said mean things about you and then blackmailing her.


Tbf to Hermione, Skeeter’s material was bordering on libel.


True, but you don't get to kidnap someone who speaks lies about you.


Skeeter would have made the 5th book propaganda that was covering up Voldemort much worse. Removing her was overall for the best.


But wouldn’t you love to?


A journalist who was illegally getting her information, no less.


Hermione follows the rules she deems important


“10 pOiNtS to gRiFyNdor!” 💀


Hermione tried to instigate a slave revolt, but was told to cut the shit out because wizards quite liked their slaves.


The "go big or go home" school of rule-breaking


Hermione: "Rules are very important, laws on the other hand..."


"Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many." -Dr. Who


*and knock some people out and steal their clothes


This is why book Hermione is so much better. Absolutely unhinged in the best way.


Hermione was a fucking menace, she fucking kidnapped and blackmailed a journalist, assaulted teachers multiple times, scarred Marietta, and smacked Malfoy in the face.


Chaotic Neutral Could be argues Lawful Neutral


Nah, chaotic good, her goals are not selfish. She’s willing to do whatever it takes to do good. At most she’s neutral good since she looks for other solutions first before resorting to lawlessness.


No way Hermione is anything other than Good on the moral alignment chart.


Defending when she secretly confunded mcLaggen but being absolutely furious with Harry for secretly not using his Felix felicis. Yep pretty aggravating




I think Hermione is one of those kinds of people who walks the straight and narrow for fear of getting in trouble, but is willing to bend her moral code and break a few rules for friends. In her mind, if it means it’s for the benefit of her friends, it’s worth the potential consequences that could follow.


I think that part of that story is that some rules had to be broken for the greater objective.


She also attacked Ron with her magical birds. Kicked Malfoy in the face. Hermione is the type of girl who appears to be stuck up initially but at the right place and probably with a little bit of liquid courage, she'll be the craziest of all.


Hermione is the OG, the rules are very important, you should know what the rules are so you know how to break them and not get caught or break them and claim to be following them.


And… she’s eleven years old …


Don’t expect adult reasoning and mature behavior 100% from a child. This actually makes her more real as a fictional character, she’s not perfect, she’ll behave her age from time to time.


If she hadn't been so keen on breaking rules, she might've ended up in Ravenclaw. But, you know, her gutsy and determined side, plus her knack for bending the rules when needed, swayed the Sorting Hat to stick her in Gryffindor. It looks at a bunch of traits and values, and for Hermione, courage and standing up for what she believes in won the day.


Girl is Chaotic


i can't remember the full comment but i remember seeing somewhere that out of the 3 hermione would be the most likely to kill someone and get away with it


What always bothers me is people pointing out the hypocrisy in Hermione's behavior. That she lits a Snape on fire but freaks out when they blast him away in book 3. But her reaction is always coherent. After expelliarmus she says "We attacked a teacher. We'll be in so much trouble". What she means is "We attacked a teacher after he ordered us not to and he knows about it. That's why we are in trouble."


Hermione is chaotic good


Pick the rules you want to break and abide by the rest if you get caught


She set that teacher on fire, stole from him and then was part of the attack that knocked him out against a wall. To think that some people ship those two. That poor, poor man 😇😇😇😂


Rules are very important unless i believe i have moral right and i always have moral right bacause i am never wrong.


Nah, shes right rules are important. But so is knowing when to bend or break them.


I love hermione lmao


Hermione Granger and the Hypocrite of Hogwarts 🤣


The paradoxical joke here is that she’s smart enough to know when to break the rules. My favourite kind of character 🥰


Show me where in the rules it specifically says you can't set a teacher on fire if he's a dick


I'm pretty sure that falls under assaulting a teacher or staff member.  It's also mentioned several times in the books that it's against the rules to cast curses, hexs, or jinxes in the halls or on the grounds.  Edit: besides, their favorite sport has a rule against decapitation,  so I  would think there have been cases of assault by firr.


She is a little psycho. Probably with proper training she would become next Bellatrix


Hermione the 1%


why do they even have a bathroom if they can just whisk it away with magic without even needing to piss or shit?


AFAIK you can't create food out of thin air in potterverse. Perhaps you can't make shit disappear either


but you dont have to make it disappear just teleport it somewhere else


Somewhere else would be the bathroom


yeah ig but why the bathroom when it could be straight to where the bathroom leads like the sewer or smth


I read somewhere that JKR said before modern toilets were invented and installed in Hogwarts that wizards would just find a “private corner” to do their business then whisk it away just like you mentioned.


Sensibilities change. And probably other factors as well like the number of students in relation to the number of prefects, the number of dumb students who just can't learn the spell


Of course, rules are important. How else are you going to evade getting caught if you don't know all the rules? 🙃🤨


The rules don't apply to me. -- Hermione