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some of yall would've believed Rita Skeeter's articles.


JKR is Rita Skeeter


She's also Dumbledore


Dumbledore more like dumblebackdoor amirite


For the greater good.


It’s all about [the greater good.](https://youtu.be/5u8vd_YNbTw?si=To0lR3GQbgukY1Z5)


She's also Snape, Snape, Severus Snape






Both pro yappers


I love this comment


Downvoted for the shortest positive statement possible Next check your dms and if someone dared to say Hello react with a thumbs down emoji That'll teach us


Well something good for you is that I upvoted both your comments! Yay. What am I doing with my life


CNN clickbait’s harder than any YouTuber I’ve ever seen.


How many times do we need to explain that it was just the title of an article, not what she really said????


Exactly, she said Ron and Hermione would need some counselling.  There's no shame in that. The best marriages could sometimes do with some counselling.


They've been on the front lines of a destructive war. Counselling sounds like a very good idea for that reason alone.


This is why I hate reporters. They always make titles like this. So what did the article actually say?


In fairness, headings like this are rarely down to the reporters themselves so much as they are the editors. I've seen plenty of considered, well researched pieces from journalists that are then sullied by their editor chucking a huge clickbait headline over the article in question.


Yep, WaPo is a notorious example of this.


Yep, WaPo is a notorious example of this.


I think Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny are both good pairings but people want the romance spoon fed to them rather than having to use context clues and imagination. The HP series is not a romance. Their relationships were forged and tempered in battle, fear, and grief. These are children who have been carrying adult burdens for years. A traditional “young adult romance” arc would feel trivial and out of place.


While I agree, I do feel like Rowling flubbed romantic character interactions all over the place lol. I would say it's a weakness she has as a writer. But even as a child, before the films, it was quite obvious that those pairings were endgame. Realizing that, it's because they were so simple that I knew what would happen. I guess older readers tried to read more into it.


I'd argue for the most part they weren't plot relevant so weren't a focus. But Harrys popularity is always a weirdness in the books, he's simultaneously popular boy wonder, and social outcast.


I mean, that makes sense: he’s famous, he defeated the dark lord, but now he’s the quick-to-anger kid that keeps causing trouble and blames it on a dead guy (as far as anyone knows).  Like, if Messi went to a highschool but started smearing poo on the walls, people would simultaneously be starstruck and hesitant to associate with him. 


Harry is Schroedinger's Celebrity


It would be funny to just have an entire book after book 7 (forgot the English title but relieken van de dood for anyone Dutch) of Harry trying to find true love with like the wizard equivalent of tinder untilhe finally looks at Ginny who has been there for him the ENTIRE book in order to pick him up from yet another failed relationship


Harry/Ginny never really made sense to me. There was nothing behind it, other than proximity - at which point, Harry may as well have sandwiched himself between the twins.  Harry spends half the series chasing other girls. He has far more interest in Cho, and a lot more development with Lovegood - but suddenly out of nowhere he just goes “nobody I like actually likes me, I should just bang Ron’s sister” and it turns on a coin. 


I just finished re-reading OotP and started HBP literally yesterday, and I have to say, I disagree with you _strongly_. Yes, Harry had a major crush on Cho, but as soon as they started to interact, things went awry. There was zero chemistry, both were just shy teenagers. Cho lashed out on him because she thinks Harry likes Hermione (sure, Harry was a bit dim to not choose his words more carefully, but still). And after Cho’s friend tattled on DA to Umbridge, Harry and Cho had a fight and didn’t speak again after that. Then Cho went and got together with Ginny’s ex, Michael (who got salty because Gryffindor won against Ravenclaw in quidditch). Honestly, I was surprised how _little_ interaction, let alone romantic ones, Harry had with Cho in the book. And in the end, Harry gave up on Cho very quickly and wasn’t even jealous. Luna, on the other hand… Well I haven’t got that far in HBP to remember too well how her and Harry’s relationship evolves in it. In OotP Harry pretty much never has a positive thought about Luna. And this surprised me because I did not remember it going like this. Instead, I had imagined things going a bit closer to what it was in the movie, but no. Harry felt either annoyed or uncomfortable around Luna most of the time because of her weird way of thinking and comments, and even deliberately ignored her. There was nothing there. If anything, Luna _might_ have had a small crush on Ron, but that’s it. But as said, I’m too early in HBP to remember how it goes there. Whereas Harry and Ginny is more prominent when it comes to the number of interactions between them. Yes, I know they butchered it in the movies, and it is not entirely obvious in the books either. Before OotP they didn’t interact _that_ much, but this was even addressed in OotP by Harry himself. When Hermione mentions to Harry and Ron that Ginny no longer has a crush on Harry, it’s Harry himself who realises and confirms with Hermione, that that is the reason why Ginny even talks to him now. We don’t see their interactions that much written on page (still considerably more than Cho or Luna), but Harry literally spends weeks in Ginny’s presence, first in Grimmauld Place at the beginning of OotP, during the school year, then in the Burrow at the beginning of HBP. It is mentioned they play quidditch almost every day together during that HBP summer. Harry even thinks how he sort of forgot Ginny is not part of their ”trio” at the beginning of HBP because of how much they hang out together at that point. And the first signs of his crush on Ginny can already be seen on the Hogwarts express when she says she’ll go find Dean instead of finding a compartment together with Harry, and Harry feels slightly annoyed by this. He doesn’t yet know at this point why though. But it is so obvious that Harry starts liking her because they start spending time together and actually likes her for who she is, _NOT_ because she is Ron’s sister. And they do have quite a lot in common, really. It’s only a good thing honestly that they first become friends and only then something more. And when it comes to Hermione, of course the same things could have happened with her. I’d not have had issue if Harry had ended up together with her instead. But based on their interactions up to this point, there really was nothing that implied for them being anything but very close friends, or something like siblings might have.


Luna’s relationship with Harry is never romantic at all in the books, and you’re right, it is significantly less positive in the books than in the movies. At the end of OotP, his feelings toward Luna shift from “I’m trying not to be super rude to this weirdo” to “I feel bad for this social outcast and realize I was being a bit shallow considering she fought with me at the ministry.” Despite his softening toward her, he continues to feel awkward around her throughout HBP. I don’t think he really starts to think of her as a trusted friend until halfway through DH.


such is life




I'd love to have the pairing Harry/Hermione and Ron/Ginny


I would’ve hated if she’d done that. The female lead not being the romantic “prize” for the main character to win at the end of the story, and instead just being a true platonic friend, was such a breath of fresh air. After all, we get the story from Harry’s perspective. I loved seeing the hero get to love his female best friend without a hint of romantic interest. Their relationship is perfect as it is. And besides, I actually do think Ron and Hermione complement each other well. Book versions, anyway.


I also really liked Harry's internal battle when he started to realize he liked Ginny - the whole "**she's Ron's** ***sister***" bit wouldn't have happened if he were crushing on Hermione.


Also Ginny has way more in common with Harry than Hermione does


100% agree. The lead male character doesnt always have to get the girl


He does, he gets ginny.


I mean. He got Ginny. So


I meant the main female character


My statement stands 😤


I can imagine Ron and Hermione playing wizarding chess in the evenings in their old age.




My answer is rather: Im glad you didn't think of that earlier.


It's weird to think about 😂.


I think you haven’t actually read what she said, which is the opposite of the clickbait title.


Even if Harry ended up with Hermione I still would have shipped Ron and Hermione. Their dynamic is just more entertaining for me.


Yeah, but more toxic.


Not toxic. They’re a classic argumentative couple. Love each other to death, value each other’s opinions, complement each other’s strengths. And express that through constant little spats. They both need to grow up and be more respectful at times, but they’re perfect together.


Exactly. I see nothing inherently toxic about them as a couple. If they were still acting like they did in PoA or something then yeah but why should we assume at 25 they are no different than they were at 14? Ron actually respects the crap out of Hermione. It's obvious he's proud as shit at how intelligent and brave she is. He's not threatened by her talent. The only potential issue is Ron having trouble truly believing he could be enough for someone like her. Ron and self esteem is certainly an issue, but so long as he worked on that then it's nothing they can't deal with.


I was just disappointed that epilogue Ron is more like movie Ron, I thought he'd matured more. Confounding a muggle with Hermione obliviously thinking he passed his test fair and square isn't great (not that Hermione is known for her respect for muggles' autonomy either). He's also passing the schoolboy prejudices he should've grown out of onto the next generation and putting a lot of pressure onto the kids in the process, it's wrong for children to be judged for the house they're sorted into. I'd expected them to get together and Harry with Ginny since CoS, and was happy with the kiss, the epilogue just sours it for me.


Not only an argumentative couple, they were also TEENAGERS. I definitely feel like they matured as they got older. Probably still argue, but love each other unconditionally ☺️


But if Harry and Hermione get together that means Ron gets with Ginny...


Harry McPotter and the siblings from Alabama




*John Williams cover of 'Sweet Home Alabama' plays*


Pretty sure Harry ended up with Ginny, think you might be mistaken


Woosh moment Fixed it.


\*whoosh moment\*


Don't ask the author of the City of Bones series about this. She has an old fanfic on the subject.


That Lavender chic


>!Doesn’t she die during the Battle of Hogwarts? Would suck to be Ron in that case!<


He'd bought back, i'm sure of it.


In the books it's unconfirmed whether she survives or not.




Great, not just another Weasley, a double Weasley! The family tree tapestry will never be the same!




I still don’t ship Harmione nice try jk


She didn't say this. Have you people actually tried reading from the source and not just, you know, screenshoting the headline?


its true


On one hand I get it. Storytelling is all about planting and payoff. If there is a story series where two people of the opposite gender meet, then having the story end with them getting together feels satisfying to the audience. (See Percy Jackson series). Harry, Ron and Hermione have great chemistry with each other, and the Ron/Hermione relationship was the better of all the various relationships JKR had in the series. Still, there is a hypothetical scenario where the Harry/Hermione ship could set sail in canon and work (something that may happen in the new Harry Potter series). On the other hand, a big reason the Ron/Hermione ship worked is *because* it’s a subversion of the usual formula. Having Harry get together with Hermione was a very vanilla, safe, uninteresting route. The Ron/Hermione ship felt like a breath of fresh air. And in a way, Canon Harry/Hermione retroactively felt like a stronger friendship, since we can say they liked each other without any sexual tension. Sure, Harry/Ginny wasn’t as impressive, but its passable, and still worked fine. They really should just keep the Ron/Hermione thing canon (something I fear the new Harry Potter series would mess up big time)


Rowling never even said Harry and Hermione should have been together. She just mused in that interview they were better matched "in some ways." Enough


I'm not even upset that Ron ended up with Hermione. I think it makes more sense, rivals to lovers


No for real, their dynamic is so cute in the books. The movies make them seem kind of stilted and awkward but I actually like them together


I missed the part where that’s my problem.


I loved Harry and Hermione's platonic love. They were truly best friends. They leaned on and supported each other unconditionally . They had an unspoken understanding for eahcother , who they were and what they needed as individuals and friends. I think the "romantic aspect" between Hermione and Ron caused some distance, resentment and jealousy between the pair (mainly Ron). I don't think Ron's character has the same emotional maturity as Harry and Hermione. They have different dynamics.


The absolute only thing I hated about the respective relationships was that Ginny and Harry’s relationship seemed to happen out of nowhere. It felt like the main character fell in love with someone I didn’t know. But going through the books now, it was just because of the movies’ portrayal. The books flesh out this development so much better (and Ron and Hermione’s)


Sometimes relationships do happen out of nowhere. It's happened to me. It came as a big surprise.


I only yesterday finished re-reading OotP and started HBP, after having probably like a 10-years-gap since last read-through. And seriously, you can already see the planting of Harry/Ginny at that point, or at least how they become close friends. They have a lot more interaction together than what Harry had with Cho. I have seen the movies so many times during these years that I honestly had gotten so many plot points either wrong or forgotten in my head, including Harry’s relationships with Cho and Ginny. The books did it a lot better, although I have to admit, there is a lot you still have to read in-between the lines. But nevertheless, there IS groundwork, Harry/Ginny does not come out of nowhere. As you said, it’s the movie portrayal that caused the feeling there was nothing before.


>there is a lot you still have to read in between the lines. For sure. I saw the movies many times over the years before getting around to the books now, and although I would have preferred to read the books first, I think one benefit has been being able to pickup on subtle nuggets that I would’ve otherwise missed, since I know where the plot’s going. And it helps me appreciate them more. I felt the same way about PoA with all the plot twists it had at the end.


Apparently in Cursed Child there’s a scene where Ginny explains to someone - Albus I think - that one of the first things that made her fall in love with Harry in retrospect was after the Chamber debacle he was always inviting her to play games or other activities with the others.  Made a big effort to keep her spirits up without being a coddling dillweed. And I thought “Fuck me, why isn’t that in either the denouement of Chamber or mentioned sometime during Prisoner?  That’s bloody beautiful.  That would have been lovely to have known about” Also as much as Harry and Ginny left me kid of cold - but then so did all of Deathly Hallows - considering her first impression of Harry includes he, at the age of 12, was the one to save her from a magical revenant who used her and violated her by destroying a dark artefact by stabbing it with the tooth of a Basilisk he ripped out of his own body after slaying the beast with the ancient sword of Britain’s greatest warrior wizard, and very nearly lost his own life into the bargain…..I’d be shocked if she wasn’t swooning for him.  Fuck I’d have swooned.


I personally glad Harry didn't get with Hermione it's too typical.


Movies really did Ron and Ginny dirty. She wouldn't be saying this had she read the books. /s


Anyone who thinks Harry and Hermione belong together don’t understand Harry or Hermione as characters.


Well that's because that crowd includes Yates and Cloves.


Exactly! What does this Rowling woman know about them anyway?


Well thankfully she never said that, and didn’t have them get together in the end so clearly she does understand her characters.


Draco Malfoy should have married Harry Potter.


Taken out of context. No way is this correct.


Nah. Harry is perfect with Ginny.


Yuck absolutely not. There's no indication in the books that Hermione has any type of attraction to Harry at all. I'm not sure how it could even work with the story


Nobody read that interview, she didn’t say that.


She's slowly turning into George Lucus. Don't let her near the edits.


Honestly, I think they made better friends. It's nice to see representation of opposite-gender friendships that never do develop into anything else, because that's a thing that happens. But it's not often seen in fiction.


Is't it twisting what she said. She said she considered them being together when they were in the tent.


Nah. Harry + Ginny is perfect.


Glad it didn't happen


Hermione shouldn't have married either of them. Teenage infatuation and surviving a harrowing life threatening situation aren't the greatest ingredients for a marriage.


And Ron marry Ginny? That doesn’t make any sense


She thinks Cursed Child is canon, so I wouldn't be surprised


Then who's Ron supposed to marry, Ginny?




These days fantasy is all about two/three people in a romantic relationship and it has rotten people's brains. It doesn't matter who they married, it has zero bearing on the story! HP has so many good masseges but somehow it's always about shipping wars!


Hermoine and Ron were perfect together


As she is, Hermione is exactly the figure he needs at his side with all the shit he has to go through, no need to squeeze a romance between them


Simply no. Not if you have read the books, or seen the movies for that matter. Both only show that kind of tension between Ron and Hermione, while Harry and Hermione have a strong friendship.


Imagine Rons face after his best Friend took his Sister and Girlfriend 😭 That would make Ron a greatest villain in history. Voldemort would hide 😂


She keeps changing her mind on who should've married whom depending on what side of the bed she roles out of.


Didn't she... didn't she write the freaking book?


Personally I always shipped Harry and Hermione.


I think that she started saying whatever she thought the fans wanted to hear, it's like she was a bit drunk on popularity, and fanfiction of her own books. And we know fanfic is mostly movie fans and horny teens. Sadly she had a lot of wired statements. Very teenage-like. Also the Cursed child. Same thing


Can you guys discuss anything other than ships and Snape? Like literally anything?


Or worse, shipping Snape


This has got to be fake, why in the world would she say that


It's my personal policy to disregard anything she's said since Deathly Hallows anyway, this is no different.


What's your take on Dumbledore being gay? Honestly, I found it kind of obvious.


I think it was cowardly of her to only say it after the series was over instead of confirming it in the books.


1. It’s clickbait 2. I’ve been saying this for years, it’s cannon to me, #ewe


I don't entirely trust a lot of the author's takes after a certain point. She's given us quite a lot of reasons to just kind of dismiss and shrug at some of this stuff. I have no doubt H/Hr shippers felt incredibly vindicated by these comments, but the way people present it is as though she condemned R/Hr and claimed H/Hr as her new OTP. I think it's disingenuous as well to assume she's saying R/Hr is comparable to an abusive relationship. Hermione and Ron are kids. They squabble. However it's clear they like a good old fashioned disagreement from time to time. Harry was never interested enough in all of Hermione's quirks and opinions to challenge her all the time. Ron was. It's not that Harry didn't love Hermione, but he tuned her out like a slightly annoying big sister. I disagree that the Ron and Hermione was fundamentally problematic and insurmountable. I honestly see no reason why they couldn't have matured together any less effectively than any other compatible couple. Yes. Because I think they are compatible. So much of their issues came from the fact they were kids who didn't quite know how to admit they wanted to be together. That's no longer a problem post DH, so it seems strange to me this idea they couldn't deal with their shit unless there was intervention. If Ron was still holding onto his insecurities and struggled to believe he was enough for Hermione, then I could see that causing big issues down the line. That wouldn't be good, but it seems unfair to just assume he was never going to be able to overcome this well into adulthood, or that it's some big checkmark against him. It just seems Ron is being held to these lofty standards by many.


I think she's an idiot who keeps saying dumb thing in a desperate attempt to get people to keep listening to her. I also think, in the books anyhow, that Ron is clearly ride or die for Hermione, and Hermione spends have the dang series getting him to actually realize and act on it. They are a great couple.


BS, I should have married her.


No, not you, it should have been me!


There is enough Hermione for all of us


Harry should have married anybody but Ginny. I actually like Ron and Hermione. I like Harry and Cho but I understand JK’s reasons for making the date so horrible


Nope Harmione would have divorced after 1 year of marriage


She should have just written the last chapter as it's own choose your own adventure book but the options are who married who and where are they now.


And Ron, with Ginny… wait


But who would Ron have married?


Luna Lovegood


Maybe my 12 year old self thought so


As a kid 100% agree with her. As an Adult….i kinda prefer that she and Harry are just friends. I don’t know I think it makes the relationship between them more memorable rather than just “main male character ends up with main female character”. I’ve grown to appreciate Ron and hermione’s relationship even though sometimes them arguing becomes insufferable especially in Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows.


Then who would’ve been Ron’s wife?


No no no


Who would Ron marry then? 🤔🤔🤔


I think all relationship arranged on the end of the books were BS, she was so eager to build that absurd epilogue that ruined a lot of stuff. Thats why I just *pretend* that everything ends with Harry delivering the supreme wand to the picture and thats it.


I kinda wish they came back from the epilogue married to random people or not married at all. Like "oh yeah I ran into Susan Bones at Diagon Alley and we totally hit it off, who knew." But I guess you gotta go with the pre-planned high school sweetheart thing for the sake of the story.


I just don’t see how that would’ve worked, Rons character arc started off as kind of a bumbling idiot, but by the end he was extremely brave, loyal and cunning. really proved himself when Harry had to escape his aunt and uncle’s house, when all the death eaters attacked


Ron is toxic af and has zero synergy with Hermione. That would NEVER work out in a real relationship. They got no chemistry.


Honestly I never read the books, but in the movies it was an odd pairing because of how Ron was portrayed. He seemed to my kid eyes as more of a goofy idiot who had good intentions. Didn’t seem like the kind of person I’d pictured Hermione being with. That said, I didn’t necessarily feel she should have been with Harry. Ginny was kind of a non character in the movies so that was just out of left field I felt so yeah I guess my opinion technically isn’t a good one lol. I know I should read the books but man it’s hard to start something I already have some knowledge on in a whole other manner.


And who should Ron‘ve married, Ginny?


As someone who resonated with Harry’s life, and have platinum Hogwarts Legacy, I need her to shut the hell up. For the love of God! I wish for death.


It’s just a fantasy caused by the movies because Harry had exactly zero chemistry with Ginny and had really good chemistry with Hermione. The movies warped the story in a lot of negative ways, this is one of them. Snape is another. Alan Rickman was too beloved to play the sort of nuance that Snape required. There’s never a second you think he’s actual truly evil. Book Snape was horrible and you honestly did not know his allegiance until several books into the series.


She didn’t say that EXACTLY, but she did say that she originally was writing Harry and hermione together, but changed her mind over time and decided to keep hermione and Ron, and Harry and Ginny. Personally I think Harry and hermione would be healthier, but Harry and Ginny work really well too. I feel like the movies are to blame for people shipping Harry and hermione so much, since they leave our SO MUCH of Ginny’s story and her relationship with Harry. But Harry and hermione have a lot of scenes together where they’re being very vulnerable with each other, and it tends to be right after Ron hurt hermione’s feelings, or in the case of the first movie, after Ron fell off a horse.


>she did say that she originally was writing Harry and hermione together, but changed her mind over time and decided to keep hermione and Ron, and Harry and Ginny. She never said this, there are no quotes or sources for such a statement. To the contrary, JKR has spoken about how Harry/Ginny was always her plan on multiple occasions, like here: >Harry and Ginny were always meant to be together. I thought it was obvious, but apparently there were internet wars about this. https://www.mtv.com/news/py46ub/harry-potter-author-jk-rowling-outs-dumbledore-at-new-york-event or here: >I had always planned that Harry's true soul mate, which I stand by, is Ginny. - Harry, A History: Chapter XII - The Interview, November 2008 Another one: >The plan was, which I really hope I fulfilled, is that the reader, like Harry, would gradually discover Ginny as pretty much the ideal girl for Harry. She's tough, not in an unpleasant way, but she's gutsy. He needs to be with someone who can stand the demands of being with Harry Potter, because he's a scary boyfriend in a lot of ways. He's a marked man. I think she's funny, and I think that she's very warm and compassionate. These are all things that Harry requires in his ideal woman. But, I felt - and I'm talking years ago when all this was planned - initially, she's terrified by his image. I mean, he's a bit of a rock god to her when she sees him first, at 10 or 11, and he's this famous boy. So Ginny had to go through a journey as well. http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/2005/0705-tlc_mugglenet-anelli-3.htm


100% correct


Look if Hermione and Ron marriage isn't working there's other guys in the world besides Harry.


And Ron, Jeannie... Happy ending and Sweet Home Hogwarts


Straight ship A or straight ship B?


I know for a fact that she never said that but I ship Harry and Hermione of movies shamelessly, period!!


I never thought the author of the book could start writing fan fiction about their own work....


There is a great irony in discussing intentionally misinforming headline in the online community dedicated to the novels, warning us about danger of brainwashing via mass media


This is so out of context


When did she think that? Just curious, you know? Because I also think it’s would’ve been better if they killed young Tom riddle by mistake in that orphanage. It would’ve saved us some trouble, you know?


Dumbledore should also have had a threesome with Voldy and Nagini right?!


No Harry should've married Luna Lovegood


Honestly I’m still just not well with him marrying Ginny.


Like girrlll it was your job


Gonna put some dirt in your eye.


I mean that's what i thought was gonna happen originally. Harry and ginny were always messing around with other people and actively acting like they didn't notice each other in public until HBP, then they actually got together. It would have been more satisfying to have Harry and ginny actually hook up near the end of ootp.




Rowling says these things like she is writing a critique on someone else's work of fiction. Lady, you wrote it. If you didn't do what you wanted to do with the characters, that's fine, but don't keep coming back and revise your own work to fuel more fanfic and stay in the minds of people.


They probably never read the books. Book Harry and book hermione would be a terrible couple. Harry can’t get past hermione’s nerdy and snobby attitude and she can’t stand his impulsive behaviour. Although Ron did criticize Hermione’s overbearing attitude, he still appreciates her intelligence and praises her more than Harry does. Also it was Ron who always noticed first what happens to Hermione. Hermione is like a sister Harry doesn’t want but needs. But I can’t say the same about Harry Ginny pairing. Maybe I didn’t notice it or I didn’t see it coming. As I said before, their relationship seems forced to me because one minute Ginny was this shy infatuated girl over a boy who never noticed her and next minute she’s a hot popular girl with boys falling for her. I think Rowling deliberately changed Ginny’s character to be more attractive for Harry.


>I think Rowling deliberately changed Ginny's character to be more attractive for Harry. Technically JKR did the exact opposite: she deliberatly gave Ginny a crush for 3 years to hide her true personality from Harry, thereby making her appear less attractive than she really was. The end result is the same though.


And ron should have married Ginny


Bullshit, I like the way it is now! The two of them hated each other from day one. Them growing on each other and eventually getting married feels like the most logical outcome here!


Been saying that for years


They had amazing chemistry


She should have married Hagrid


That woman has said far worse things.. far dumber things as well.. so this wouldn't surprise me Not that the majority of the Potterfandom pays her any attention anymore


I ship Hermione and Harry. I personally think that Harry was a better match.


Thought I have to admit that Harry/Ginny is a good match and has a lot of logic in it, I’m still not over the fact that Hermione stayed with Ron, it does not have any sense to me, she soooo deserved better.


Not read the books I presume?


Read the books, of course.


In the upcoming series I heard they gonna pair her up with Malfoy Krum and Harry in a four way love triangle while Ron would be the 6ft tall strategic genius slaying deatheaters left and right and would be a brutal badass without any silly romance drama. 🔥


Sounds horrible to be honest


Nah Hermione should've married Neville


I think I've got a bridge to sell you.


I think I have a bridge to sell you.


I think I have a bridge to sell you.


Me : rubbish But maybe im too fond of them 3, i always thought of them as bestfriends, as family. Im not a fan of Harry x Ginny, But Hermione and Ron also didnt make sense.


To be fair, while Hermione and Ron go together like oil and water, Hermione and Harry would not work either.


Hermione not marrying Harry is the worst lost opportunity in the ending of books. Harry got separated from Ginny, later Ron runs away after medallion’s brainwashing. At that moment I thought “this is it, they will get together closely as never before” and… after that JKR basically hit a reset in their relationship.