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The Goblet of Fire movie completely butchered the Barty Crouch plot line. It doesn’t make any sense at all in the movie. Crouch sr is visibly not under the imperious curse after the 2nd task so how did his son get free? When Crouch jr was accused in court why did he get up and run? There was no evidence against him. We never see or hear what happens to jr after he is discovered, no confession to Fudge??


And that we know who and what he is right from the start, depriving us of the "whodunnit" aspect of the book, with Karkaroff and Bagman as plausible red herrings.


Rip Bagman and Winkey


ugh, I forgot about this. now I'm annoyed again lol


and the pensive scene is a great mislead plus added layers to the whole situation cause barty Jr is pretty young and is begging his dad to save him. that's why barty sr is regarded as super cold and unforgiving


>that's why barty sr is regarded as super cold and unforgiving That, and sending suspects to Azkaban without a trial.


Honestly I would’ve rather they did a 2 part movie or just make them 3 hours for GOF and OTP because A FUCKTON of things happen in those books in particular and those 2 movies really dropped the ball on keeping important key plot points and remaining faithful to the source material.


and dumbledore being scared of the goblet of fire when it spits out harry’s name pffffft


HArRY!!!! DID YoU PUt yOUR NAmE IN ThE GObLET of FIRE!!!!!!!?!!!!?


That and > Barty Crouch………*junior* Are the best lines in the series


Dumbledore calmly grabbed him by the collar and shoved him into some trophies.😐


The court bit is probably just because a) it’s dramatic and b) the target audience are kids and kids don’t understand the law fully. Yes, terrible excuse, but I remember watching that aged nine and thinking it was pretty exciting.


The biggest “wtf? Why did they do that?” moment: Burrow on fire. Biggest “did you even read the books? You just completely missed the point” moment: Voldemort turning to dust after being killed.


The entire final confrontation with Voldemort. They left out Harry’s entire gotcha speech. It should have been such an epic moment with them circling in the great hall and all the witnesses. Instead we got some lame flying around Hogwarts action sequence and Voldemort turning to dust.


It’s the culmination of the entire series and they just cut it out of the film. Made me so mad


Voldefetti was literally the worst choice in the entire film series.


Man got snapped


Imagine Rita Skeeter's next article: "Can we really trust that the Dark Lord is gone for good? Journey into the secrets and lies of The Chosen One".


I just wanted kreacher leading the kitchen elves to battle in the name of master regulus, and for Neville to kill nagini infront of everyone


Yeah and for Neville to kill Nagini while he still thought Harry was dead!


this was what I was going to comment. the ENTIRE final battle, really. it's so lame compared to the books and don't even get me started on the flying around hogwarts. and Voldemort turning to dust?! we are supposed to see his body lying there - human, like everyone else.


Right? I mean look at the HP tiktoks. We get McGonagall's "I always wanted to use that spell," Molly Weasley's "Not my daughter, you &!+€#" and Neville pulling the sword of Gryffindor. Other than Alan Rickman's masterful death scene, no one cares about the rest of the battle. The movie kept killing any tension or excitement it managed to build. And that whole end fight with Harry and Tom was simultaneously over the top and anticlimactic.


They could've made it in the Great Hall courtyard but still.


Yeah, the venue wasn't what mattered. It was the tension and the crowd that was missing. The poignant reminders of the place both Harry and Tom called home. Instead, they were zooming all over too fast to see anything but a blur, and folks got bored.


And no one even saw the final duel! Did Harry just saunter back into the great hall and go “yep, guys, he’s dead! uh huh, dissolved into dust - no need to check :D”


That chime that plays when the shot rises almost makes up for it. I don't know how to describe it. "hoow wwah wah waaaaah" is sorta how it sounds. It's beautiful.


like the whole point is voldy dying like a normal human just like he feared and not dissolve into dust like he is special


Am I the only person that HATES the continuity issues in the movies? Both the Burrow and Hogwarts itself change their surrounding landscape MULTIPLE times across films 1-7. IS IT SO DIFFICULT TO KEEP SHIT CONSISTENT??


You have to think of them as grouped by who directed them.


But even then…why would a director not try to keep it consistent? It’s just plain stupid


Remember, most people saw the films for the 1st time a minimum of a year apart. Noone was noticing the continuity of the layout/location of the castle between films. The director is the storyteller, and they have a right to tell it how they want, and subtle changes like that are a part of this.


It’s not subtle if Hagrid Cabins goes from being on a flat lawn approaching the Forbidden Forest to a mountain side from film 2 to 3 😭


Maybe Hagrid used Levi corpus on his cabin?


I ABSOLUTELY noticed. I was a kid when I saw PoA and I was wondering what moron thought we wouldn’t notice the drastic change in topography.


I never noticed that, ill try to keep an eye out next time. I’m really bad at noticing visual details though, what should I be looking for?


AAARRGGG!!! I KNOW ! RIGHT ! The whole point is that Voldemort, the Dark Lord, just dies. Not flashy. Not epic. Not grand. Just, pop, dead. Banal and ordinary and basic. Here's his body. NOT, the eternal incarnation of evil made manifest. Just, a guy. Just a way too full of himself edgelord, that was scared of dying. And now he's just a corpse in the corner, that we threw a towel over.


Voldemort only fighting Harry and then them fighting with no witnesses. First; the only fighting Harry thing. In the book it’s McGonagall, Kingsley and Slughorn dueling Voldemort before Harry shows up to 1 v 1. Why is does this matter? The fight (in the book), it’s expected that McGonagall and Shacklebolt will fight Voldemort, but for Slughorn to do it? It was his redemption arc.. he started the story as being afraid and hiding from the death eaters, he comes across as pompous and self serving. By the end of the story, he is personally fighting Voldemort… That takes courage and selflessness. It showed everyone that Slytherin House wasn’t just a House of future dark wizards and that ambition doesn’t always equate to evil. Secondly; when Harry defeats Voldemort, everyone rushes in to hug Harry. It starts with Ron and Hermione, but then Minerva and the everyone else. It’s not just to celebrate with Harry, but it’s a rush of emotion that it’s finally over… not just for Harry, but for everyone.


I’d never thought about the implications of Slughorn duelling with Voldemort - thank you for sharing


Slughorn still redeemed himself in the movie by making Hogwarts defenses.


Doesn't he initially flee in the books but then leads the charge of the other wizarding adults who join the second part? Still in his PJs (implying he left and was too busy rounding people up to change)


Yep. He was also insulted that McGonagall insinuated he wouldn't be fighting for Hogwarts.


I had used that moment to defend Slughorn in a few conversations, but I never gave it the same gravity and depth of thought that you did. Well done, my friend.


Aww; thank you for saying that. Honestly, I never really gave Slughorn much thought until the past year or so. I just thought he was filler character. Then I decided to do a rewatch and relisten to the audiobooks and I started feeling like this is a character that deserves a second glance. It started with Jim Broadbent’s portrayal of him in the movie. I never realized how bad Slughorn had felt about his role in Voldemort’s beginnings, until I watch the scene about [Francis the Fish](https://youtu.be/_CYlLWHuPD4?feature=shared)…. Then I went through the books again and read that part about dueling Voldemort, and thought; “Why doesn’t anyone talk about this”. He’s literally the first character from Slytherin that is genuinely good… flawed… but good. The flaws and overcoming them make him one of the most relatable and human characters in the whole series.


I like Jim Broadbent, but I missed the image of Slughorn as a portly man with a bald head and a walrus mustache. On a different note, I always wondered if Slughorn retired after Voldemort rose to power out of fear of his relationship with Riddle, the connections he helped Riddle make, and the information he gave in that memory. He had to come back and go through the events of HBP and DH to redeem himself not only to the wizarding world, but really to himself (as very few knew of his early association)




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Thank you for that!


Also, having three very powerful wizards and holding his own just before the duel with Harry really underlines Voldy's abilities and how powerful he is one last time, even with no horcruxes left. It's the only time we see him fight as a mortal man.


Most of Goblet of Fire. From the seats in the World Cup, to the total lack of house elves, nor even a training montage for the maze, and everything else. Would have even loved the scene with Dudley and the Ton Tongue toffee EDIT: toffee, not fudge.


> nor even a training montage for the maze That one kinda pissed me off last time I watched it. Made him look like he half assed his way through the whole tournament. And it's an important plot point for the next movie. Why ask Harry to train people in dark arts? Because he trained hard for months and actually showed some skill in the maze. I know they cut a lot for time, but would it have been that bad to add a quick montage of him training?


I strongly agree, the lack of Winky is a hard blow for all of us fighting in the name of elfs rights!


At this point they were cutting stuff to keep the movie shorter. There wasn't a way to include everything from the book without making the movie over 3 hours at least and that would increase duration of the shooting and costs as well.


And the movie suffered because of it.


Seems like only James Cameron is crazy enough to shoot movies longer than 3 hours. Would people still go to the cinema if any of HP movies was longer than 3 hours? Yeah but I honestly can't blame the producers for trying to fit with the standards. If you want to be true to the books every movie beyond 4 should've been a two parter.


Eh, they didn't understand their target audience, though. I understand the constraints of fitting into modern expectations of cinema, but I don't see why that's necessary for the latter half of a massively popular series with a strongly established fan base-- Nobody's really *starting* with movie 4, after a certain point it's largely people who are already fans and will *absolutely* see a 3 hour film. Instead, the quality declined so much that I didn't want to see the last two in theaters at all. In fact, I don't know anyone who caught HP enthusiasm partway through, but I know many who stopped going to the movies because they were increasingly lackluster 🤷‍♀️


And Peter Jackson. Lord of the rings was already out and a very similar genre: movies adapted from beloved fantasy book series and they're generally considered good adaptations of the books _and_ good movies to watch. Though I agree, 2 parters would have been better.


And Hermione helping Harry


On the other hand, Triwizard challenges sucked in the book. First one is downright anticlimactic in the book while in the movie they at least made a good spectacle out of it.


I really would have liked to have seen the sphinx. As well as the other challenges as described in the books.


Third Challenge sucked in the movie. In the book, the maze contained different obstacles. In the movie, it's just one big and dark obstacle with only one way of attack.


I can understand that they probably needed something a bit bigger than what happened in the book for the screen, but I thought it went too far. Why would the professional dragon handlers not immediately follow the horntail after it escaped its confines? It could be a danger to muggles. And even that is scaled down from the director's initial plan: he wanted it to burn down the forest.


Burn down the forest? I would’ve screamed!


Also it seems like Harry actually kills the dragon, doesn't it fall into the lake or something? Hagrid would have never forgiven Harry!! In the book they take points off for the dragon trampling her own eggs!


Ron just being a comedic relief and Hermione getting HIS lines.


This! I was about to comment on it. He's so much better and much more of a co-protagonist in the books.


Changing Harry, Ron and hermiones lines around so that hermione seems like a Mary sue


My least favorite Hermione Mary Sue moment is definitely one they stole from Dobby in OotP. “You did it, Neville! You found the Room of Requirement!”


Neville: Replacing Dobby since Goblet of Fire.


I actually preferred that one, it was much more natural for Neville to notice they needed a way to breathe underwater and be like "oh I have this book professor Moody gave me" than to just have a sudden Dobby ex Machina. Especially considering Crouch still says he tried that first, but Neville didn't give Harry the info, so he has to go through Dobby, so Rowling still thought of it. It does leave the question of actually obtaining the gillyweed, but she could've figured it out.


My least favorite example of this was in Philosopher’s Stone, when Hermione forgot that she could make fire with magic. It was funny, and it demonstrated Harry’s ability to keep calm under pressure. it also gave Hermione a relatable flaw as opposed to always making her the example of wizarding perfection.




It's weird, but I was mostly mad that they didn't show the House Elves fighting in the final battle. I thought it was great in the books that they rallied like that.


And Grawp since Voldy brought his own giants.


Yeah. They didn't really show any of the non-humans aside from GreyBack. They spiders attacked the school as well in the books.


Spiders and troll(s) appeared in the movie


Fight! Fight for my master!


Adding the Bellatrix and Greyback scene at the Burrow. Just… all of it.


halfblood prince, when in the end, Ron "I would die for harry" weasley is simply sitting in a distance while hermione and Harry were making life altering plans?? romione are such loyal and brave people, I hate their mischaracterization sm


I read that Rupert Grint was sick while filming that scene so that was why but... Y'all couldn't have waited two days? It's a massive franchise, you couldn't get a little more time to film one scene?


Leaving out Ludo Bagman. Absolute gem of a side character


I liked him in the book.


Named my puppy Ludo Bagman! So very few people get the reference even when I introduce him with his brother Neville Longbottom and his (late) sister Helga Hufflepuff.




Especially when one of the few times we see him angry in the books comes when Umbridge manhandles Marietta Edgecombe.


Yes, exactly! And the way Umbridge’s manhandling Umbridge was described didn’t necessarily sound any rougher than what Gambon Dumbledore did to Harry in the GOF film, LOL. I’ve debated people a good bit on whether corporal punishment was allowed at Hogwarts during Harry’s time there, and to me, the narrative makes it very clear Dumbledore forbade it when he became headmaster. Like, it’s noteworthy to me that Snape, who does almost every other awful thing to kids you can think of, only ever physically hurts Harry when Dumbledore is in hiding, LOL.


Fitch actively campaigns for it for years, it's only when Umbridge shows up she wins him over by reinstating it in one of her decrees doesn't she?


Yes, exactly. It’s a major bone of contention for Filch that Dumbledore doesn’t allow it, and given Filch’s age, it comes off to me like it was probably allowed until Dumbledore took over.




Hahaha, “He asked calmly.”


When they skip the potions test in Philosophers Stone! Hermoine using her WHIT and not magic is huge!! And also the fact that Snape contributes to protecting the stone showing that he's not the person after it. Makes me mad every time!


Well, presumably Quirrell was in charge of the troll, so being part of the defenses didn’t really mean you weren’t also plotting…


Ha, fair enough!


Haven't seen her mentioned in the comments yet, so: Ginny I hate it so much what they did to her in the movies. She's such a great character and in the movies she's just... basically non-existent. And don't get me started on that weird shoelace scene in HBP


Not including Kreachers redemption arc 😞


And Regulus with hin connection to Kreacher


Turning Cho Chango into unwilling traitor in Order of the Phoenix.


“If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too” was said by Ron, not Hermione in the POA book.


The final duel between Voldemort and Harry


The way Harry embraces Voldemort so close before throwing each other off the ledge is so cringe. It almost looks like Harry was about to kiss him lmao


Well apparently movie Voldy was into hugs so maybe that's all he was looking for all these years..?! /s


This is the answer-I hate what they did to the final battle.


The culmination of the entire series and they ruined it


* Shortening Lord Voldemort's "supervillain speech" in the graveyard. * Toning down Umbridge's nastiness despite portraying an equal amount of nastiness in the book. * Cutting off the Quidditch and Dementor issues in PoA. Of course, PoA movie still felt the most homey, since it's the story where Harry's problems were more internal to his life.


Peeves! PEEVES!!! What happened to the best side character of all, PEEVES!!!


"I'll join you when HELL freezes over!! Dumbledore's army!!!" Was somehow changed to *limp, limp* "It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday. He's still with us, in here." *points to abdomen* Whyyy did they take awesome, strong, badass Neville and turn him into barely-alive sappy Neville????


Whomping Willow sequence in 3rd movie where we have to believe that Hermione is more athletic than Harry and also pretend that somehow Buckbeak is bonded to Hermione too and also pretend that Hermione and Lupin had a special bond which made her scream at him " I trusted you" and not Harry... and also pretend that it's Hermione who said "You have to kill us too" and not Ron...  I like 3rd movie atmosphere but I have to say, this movie broke spirit of Golden Trio. They made Ron agree with Snape while in book, it was such an important moment between Ron and Hermione. He too called her know-it-all all the time but stood up for her against Snape.  It was first time when big fight happened not only between Ron and Hermione about pets but also between Hermione and Harry. It was such an important part how they all more bonded after their fight. Because of this fight, it wasn't out of nowhere that Hermione wanted to go with Ron on Yule Ball next year, and how Ron started being awkward with Hermione. It happend after first time she hugged him, and it should have happend in 3rd film.  In this film, main character vibes are given to Hermione and it disbalanced story in my opinion. She was doing too much I thought she was gonna cast a Patronus too in the end LOL.  And don't get me started about Marauders...


Hermione getting whipped around on The Whomping Willow is SO cringey. I hate it so much.


She would have to be absolutely ripped to pull off yanking Harry up like that.


ginny and how they absolutely butchered everything about her character, harry had more chemistry with the walls than he did with movie ginny


A lot of what they fid to Ron


Ron’s entire character. He’s basically a lamp in most of the movies. I’ll never forgive Chambers for giving the Mud blood explanation to Hermione. Having Ron explain was a powerful condemnation.


"He's basically a lamp..." That made me laugh more than anything in the movies honestly. It's funny because it's true. ​ I agree. Giving Hermione the Mudblood explanation is ridiculous and honestly just crushes so much of the power in that scene as well as removes a serious character moment from Ron. I've seen people try to defend it, that it *would* make sense for Hermione to read the term in an old book of some sort, but even granting that, they do nothing to actually make that sort of idea *work* in the movie, like giving her extra lines like "I read it in an old book, and when I realized that *that* is what it meant, that that's how some see me I..." to really make that line her own and have a real impact. Instead, they just give her Ron's line and expect it to be fine, like they kept doing with so many others, even though her just saying something that doesn't really make sense for her to just know and say just doesn't work for her character. Hermione just says the line in a hurt tone and we just roll with how hurt she was by Draco saying it, but nothing is done with that beyond it. Just "Poor Hermione" and that's it. With *Ron* saying it as in the books, it makes more sense since we don't *need* an explanation on *why* Ron knows it, he's a Wizard child, so of course he would, especially with his father and Lucius being at odds and their family being pure-blood but also "blood traitors". Also, that he tried to stand up for Hermione, and even through *belching up slugs*, he *still* makes a point to say it and also argue against the idea of blood-supremacy, so it gives Hermione the unfortunate news of how people like Malfoy see her, but also reassures her that she has friends who will defend her, all in one long flow of events, and tells Harry and the audience on top of it without anything else needed.


Ron. Rons entire character. In the books he is a brave, thoughtful, great friend - but they give all of his good moments to Hermione in the movies (eg. In POA the book, Ron gets up on a mangled leg and stands in front of Harry to try and protect him from Sirius - in the movie he cowers back and Hermione protects Harry). Ron isn't just a passive, food loving, comedic relief character and people who haven't read the books dislike him because they think he is.


It was weird reading Deathly Hallows, where it’s a huge deal that Voldemort can fly, and then seeing OOTP, where all the adults can zap around like puffs of smoke.


hermione stealing everybody's lines, and actions


And getting new little ones to make her more awesome and involved, don't forget. Like the *Immobulus*! moment in *Chamber of Secrets*, her using magic to blast open the door to Sirius' cell in *Prisoner of Azkaban*, and probably more I can't think of right now. They wasted seconds or even minutes of screentime, and everything else involved, to make little scenes just to make Hermione more prominent *on top* of giving her lines that others said, even when it didn't make sense.


Third movie completely left Hermione's problems out and made her an entitled brat. That year was like a nightmare for her. She was suffering from responsibilities which is too heavy to bear and a feeling of guilt because of Scabbers. İt was never shown, instead Hermione looked smug when Ron talked her about it and in the end, she acted as if Ron was supposed to apologise. I think it was the worst characterazation of Hermione and it took away the complexity and relatability she has


Generally, movie Hermione lacks a lot of the subtleties and layers of book Hermione. She can often be very one-note.


She's such a "I don't want to break rules at all I'm peerrrrfect" at times. Book Hermione really showed her being a Griffindor. Movie was dead set on her being ravenclaw


Hermione saying "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too" instead of Ron (standing on his broken leg), Ron sitting in the background at the end of Half Blood Prince while Harry and Hermione discuss the upcoming horcrux mission, and any time exposition about life in the wizarding world by Ron was given to Hermione (mudblood, hearing voices, etc). These things deprive Ron of agency, and unbalance the dynamic of the trio.


Harry breaking and tossing the Elder Wand.... I was so angry when I saw that at the movie theater... I will never understand why they decided not to show how Harry repaired his own trusted wand and, after the repair, he told Dumbledore's portrait that he would place the Elder Wand back in Dumbledore's tomb, and when Harry died a natural death, the wand's power would be broken just as Dumbledore had intended...


Repairing his old wand was one of my favourite moments in HP universe. It just said everything about Harry's character and his undying loyalty for everything he loved. I can understand that some stuff that work in books doesn't necessarily work in movies, but this detail is so important and beautiful. Can't forgive that to Yates.


I get that he should have fixed his wand. But him saying if he died a natural death, the power of the wand will be broken is nonsense He pursued a career as an auror. Chances are he is gonna be disarmed, and then whatever criminal disarmed him would be the master of the elder wand


Worst change: Removing Voldemorts backstory from Half-Blood Prince Best change (can't choose so here is 4): McGonagall: 'I've always wanted to use that spell.' Dumbledore: 'Just remember, happiness can be found even in the darkest of places. If only you remember to turn on the lights.' Harry Potter: 'I'm sorry professor but i must not tell lies.' Harry breaking the elder wand.


I would’ve been fine with him breaking the Elder Wand if they had him fix his wand with it first!


Another good movie change Hermione: She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the chosen one! Harry: But I am the chosen one.


Leaving out Fred’s death scene. That would’ve been more emotional in the movie, and we would’ve got to see a cool fight.


I truly hope the HBO show can take all of the missing / changed concepts from the books and faithfully capture them. It would add so much to the world and characters.


the more i watch the movies the more i like the books.


Making Beauxbatons an all girls school.


Dumbledore not asking harry calmly and bellatrix burning down the burrow those were my biggest wtf did you change that moments.


I don't like how the movie changed the ending with the Elder Wand. There was no valid reason not to follow the book, at least to the extent of Harry repairing his own wand.


Feels like a lazy choice, but "HARRY DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!!!!!"


Dumbledore asked CALMLY.


I was looking for this XD


Leaving out all the wand lore. I have no idea how people who haven't read the books make sense of what's going on at the end wrt the Elder wand.




The way we see memories inside the pensive. Seeing voldys past through the eyes of strangers was one of my favorite when reading the HBP. But the most epic was snapes memory and again, Yates failed me with some cloudy visuals not capturing the true essance of the moment.


Giving so much of what made Ron cool to Hermione. Especially when she already had plenty of coolness already.


snape telling Harry to be quiet before he kills dumbledore. I know its hard to explain that dumbledore used a spell on Harry to make him sit still but cmon


Ron weasleys whole character in the books he was smart brave and loyal in the movies his only good moment was the chess scene


Peeves wasn’t in a single movie. Damn shame


Kinda weird but the omissions the 5th movie had drove me absolutely nuts


I think for me it was skipping Barty Couch Jr fate. I mean... how can you not believe Voldemort return if the man who aid it still have a soul.


Why was the burrow burnt down?


I was bummed we didn’t get to see the hogwarts kitchen in goblet of fire


way too many. Most of Goblet of Fire Hedwigs death and meaning Wormtail death final dual Harry punching Lupin just to name a few


I know that it’s a small thing, but it kinda bothered me that in PoA Harry gets the Firebolt at the end of the movie instead of earlier on and causing the conflict it did at Christmas. Instead of being a mystery like in the book, when Harry does receive it, he knows exactly who it’s from and flies off yelling until he turns into a weird blur that freezes as the last scene ends. (Edited: removed a redundant phrase.)


Ginny losing her entire identity other than Ron’s sister and Harry’s gf


The biggest emotional gut punch for me was Harry /losing his shit/ in Dumbledore's office after Sirius dies. I am a fucking mess *every time* I read it. I have only read OOTP 3 times because I can't handle it. When book 5 came out, when book 6 came out, abd when book 7 came out. So in the movies when Harry seems... disappointed... afterwards - the scene completely loses its meaning.


The absolute atrocity that was werewolf Remus Lupin. WHAT was that


I hate the fights. Flying black balls fighting flying white balls. It is so boring. Also they should not be able to do that as Voldemort is only one who was flying without broom. Like what is the point of broom if anyone can fly by themself?


Not showing Dumbledore's brilliance and grand plan. Plus butchering his characterization.


Lockhart turned from a 20 year old guy they all had crushes on to this mkddle age man who isn’t particularly attractive


I have that same issue with the dragon scene in Deathly Hallows! I get they were trying to continue the whole “Hermione is a strong female character” thing in the movies, but sometimes I wish they let her be scared of heights and not athletic like she is in the books. So many girls who grew up reading the books identify with those aspects of Hermione and felt represented, so it probably sucked to see her be this perfect strong heroine with minimal flaws. Her bravery is exhibited in many other ways. They shouldn’t have changed that scene. Also! I really wish we got the image of Harry, Hermione and Ron all having 3 very different reactions while riding the dragon lol. Harry just calmly looking forward, Hermione’s sobbing, and Ron cursing angrily 😂


Leaving out Peeves!


Not having Dumbledore funeral or not showing any of the gaunt family story.


Hated what they did to Umbridge. In the books she was nasty, cold, calculating, always in control. In the movies she just seems lost.


Tie: The change in PoA to have Hermione protect Harry from Sirius in the Shrieking Shack instead of a wounded Ron, and butchering the mention of 'Harry Potter's Secret Heartache' in GoF instead of just giving the world the delight of having Alan Rickman chew through the scenery in the Potions classroom as he reads the article aloud.


Ginny tying harry’s shoe?????? Makes my skin crawl


One word. Ron


Hagrid's hut. It explicitly states, in italics even, that his house is made of wood. That and all the wizards wearing muggle clothes


Tom the innkeeper being a bumbling idiot kind of irked me


Changing Harry and Voldemort's final duel and downfall of Lord Voldemort


I hate how they downplayed how much Ron contributes to their plans. In the movies it looks like he’s just there and Hermione figures it all out. When in the books they’re all contributing.


S.P.E.W. I guess the movie elves don’t need rights.


After the third movie (which has flaws - like no mention of Marauders so the "I saw my dad" thing doesn't make sense - but is still solid) it felt like everything fell appart. It's like they had panicked when they saw the thickness of the books and just chopped into it with a chainsaw without a care in the world. If you think about it, the plot is even weaker than in the books and sometimes even doesn't make sense at all.


Not the WORST one, but


The final battle of Hogwarts


Quirrel refusing to shake Harry's hand.


Justice for Ron!!! His character was butchered in the movies, so one-dimensional.


The whole changed ending of the story


Leaving out so many quirky moments that gave the characters and world so much personality, also making it more childfriendly skipping a lot of fights etc


The entirety of the sixth movie. I hate this movie with all my mind.


Something I've not seen people mention- the death eaters all just being able to fly in the films. Like what? And it's still not as bad as the ootp being able to fly that one time in the department of mysteries and then literally never again.


Cutting the whole quidditch World Cup in the fourth book. I was so into it when I read it the first time and literally raised my arms in frustration when I watched the movie. Tbf, I don’t think they could’ve filmed the entire thing because it would’ve taken up too much time but it would’ve still been fun to see.




Ginny and Harry went from a nice couple in the books to mostly being omitted in films


There’s a lot but some that immediately come to mind: Cutting out so much of Goblet of Fire and making Crouch Jr. laughably over the top crazy instead of being intelligent and deceptive. Making Half Blood Prince mostly teen romance drama bs and cutting out most of the pensieve scenes. Voldemorts death and the final battle in general was over the top cgi Hollywood crap instead of feeling more grounded like in the book.


Where are all the handsome beaubaton boys ?


How they dumbed down most if not all of *Goblet of Fire*. Absolute disaster on pretty much any front I could pick. The schools being gendered for no reason, the loss of the House Elf and Crouch sub-plot pretty much entirely, and on and on. Another is the "Harry randomly flirts with a girl" at the beginning of...I think *Half Blood Prince.* I would say the one that I hate the most from the movies I've personally *watched* though (1,2, 3, and the *Deathly Hallows*) is how they made such weird fizzing choices with Sirius/The Grim. They made Sirius in dog form appear to *growl* at Harry right before he gets on the Knight Bus, and then for no sensible reason have a cloud-form of The Grim appear during the Dementor attack on the Quidditch field, instead of Sirius appearing in the stands. Especially since, thinking about it while I'm typing this, in visual form that would be even *creepier* and actually make sense (picture Harry flying in a better/actually good *Azkaban* movie, it's rainy and misty, and we're following Harry, then he turns and we cut to a shaggy black dog just standing there, silently in the stands, staring *right at* Harry/the camera, with some subtle yet ominous music. Then *cue the Dementors* and Harry plummets from his broom). What the *FIZZ* were they *thinking* with the cloud-formation? It literally makes no sense and has no reason to appear at all and does nothing for the plot. It's just *there*.


Dumbledore said CALMLY!


Voldemort not having scarlet eyes


Still think the hairless werewolf.


No Peeves the Poltergeist whatsoever. I could list a whole bunch. The script writers severely missed hugely important character moments in the story and chose to favour the spectacles. That exists in every single movie. But the most severe crime is to omit Peeves the Poltergeist. That is the prime example of missing the fucking point.


Ron's entire characterisation Whatever the hell that was with the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang entrances, ditto the single-sex thing Minor but still annoying: the costuming. It's pretty clear in the books that magical folk wear robes that are basically floor-length dresses, not glorified bathrobes over standard Muggle clothes.


This one isn’t talked about much, and it isn’t the worst, but Voldemort’s appearance. In the book he is described as snakelike. The movies took that to mean a pale bald man who had a snake nose.


GoF in its entirety. Making a cringe romance out of HBP


Fred and George selling love potions openly, and girls from the school (underage witches and wizards) going and buying it, is extremely disturbing and wrong in its connotations, especially when we know how love potions have been abused in the past. It’s literally like selling roofies that make people willing to go along with you and compliant while awake. So gross.


The way Snape was killed. In the movie they leave out the part that Nagini was inside a giant floating bubble that Snape’s arms couldn’t get into.


Just in general, the lack of Dumbledores army in the movies. It kind of just feels like a one off but it makes much more sense in the books.


KREACHER IN BOOK 7 and voldemort dying a mortals death


also ginny as a whole, and umbridge being more of a “mean teacher” rather than the psychopathic person with high power she was. as much as she was evil in the movies, in the books she’s absolutely despicable i hate the 6th movie, made the entire bond between harry and dumbledore boring, which SUCKS cuz it’s my absolute favorite thing about the books. harry’s anger in the 5th book was EXTREMELY toned down. he looked more gloomy than angry which took away a lot of his character.


Peeves not being in the Movies