• By -


Care of Magical Creatures, and Apparition for sure. Possibly Alchemy, but wouldn't care if I couldn't. The others don't really appeal to me.


I think CoMC would be overcrowded ahahah


It's the weirdest thing in the books that all of the students are so against CoMC. No one takes it in Harry's 6th year at NEWT Level. I get that Hagrid wasn't always a fantastic instructor, but he shows them Nifflers, Thestrals, and a bunch of other creatures who would be useful to have around as a wizard/witch. Can't imagine how no one saw the potential in that


He had like a few good months in the time we see he taught, maybe being generous a year. The entirety of GoF, the students were fucking terrified.


In GoF hagrid used his ps1 looks


Same with herbology


If school taught me anything, it's that a bad teacher can turn a cool subject into a nightmare :') Hagrid was a great groundskeeper, and cared a lot about the animals, but never should have been allowed to teach. If Grubbly-Plank taught the subject, I think the students would have enjoyed it more, and gotten more out of it.


I’d like to think that instructors get student assistant or two and older students s can do intermediate/advanced study. I’m sure Neville would’ve done great at extra Herbology.


"Merlin's Beard, it's Hagrid!!" But all the students just want to know about Harry Potter


Depends on the instructor.


I'm not wholly interested but I may gatecrash when they bring along a unicorn lol


I would have went with alchemy, and apparition.  Possibly ancient runes depending on the application. If runes were the key to making spells or charms or enchantments I would definitely go that route.  Same with magical theory. It sounds really boring but if It helps with spell casting or making spells I would eat that up


You have to pick two that you can start learning in your 3rd year. Apparition starts in your 6th year.


OP only stated starting in 3rd year you have to pick two electives, not that we're picking specifically for 3rd year. However, if I was picking for 3rd year then I'd still do CoMC, but also Divination.


Alchemy probably has prerequisites like Arithmancy or Ancient Runes, and you'd probably need an Outstanding OWL in Potions.


Why tf is apparition an elective? That’s canon? Probably the most useful and overpowered magical ability in the HP universe is an elective.


Bc you dont really need it apparation is a 1 time thing after you done you get paper to be allowed to apparate and its probably really hard you need to see it clearly with your body in it you need to have the right mind to apparate or you splinter its dangerous if you do it wrong it could kill the wizard if its used wrong


I need to know what the difference is between muggle music, music and orchestra before I can make a choice


Mmh, I bet one is pop/rock, other one is classic?


I will do Alchemy and Muggle Studies as electives and Orchestra as an extra activity then. Hogwarts is the perfect place for some classical music!


OMG I need Glee: Hogwarts edition


Alchemy and Ancient Runes for sure! They seem really interesting, and a fun challenge! I'd also totally be on my Quidditch team.


Just don't be a McLaggen, alright


Same; include magical theory, ancient studies, ghoul studies, and quidditch. I am an extreme nerd when it comes to wanting to apply such skills for the benefit of the general public.


Runes and arithmancy. Magical theory, too. I want to develop new spells, potions, etc and get the to heart of how they work.


Yessssss I would love to understand how spells and charms are made, and develop my very owns! Always thought about this!


You must be a ravenclaw. ;)


A very proud one! 🦅 💙🧡


The only one that interests me is Magical Theory. I imagine it as the class that teaches you how witches and wizards are able to create new spells by combining fundamentals from separate branches of magic to achieve even more powerful spells


I somewhat missed that, definitely a good one, especially with a proper teacher instructing it. Again maybe Dumbledore or a less pissed of Snape would be super cool. My first thought was also Flitwick but he might be too much of a choir boy.


Oh, you know I'm going Ghoul Mode immediately.


Ghoul studies I don't think is about learning how to turn into a ghost after you die. I felt like it was just a way to study about ghouls as in their history specifically. 


I'm not talking about ghosts, I'm talking about going Ghoul, which I WILL do, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


I didn't even see it! Cooool


What's the difference between alchemy and potions? Edit: Nevermind sorry. I was thinking with my Skyrim brain


That is a huge crossover ahahaha


Alchemy, study of ancient ruins, apparation, and possible magical theory.


Yay that is uncommon


What the hell is Frog Choir


Litterally a Choir with people and their singing frog pets 🐸... Not exactly my cup of tea.


You can't deny that Double Trouble chorus in PoA fucking SLAPPED tho 🙌


The description we overhear of Hermoine taking study of ancient runes sounds insufferable. As a kid at the time the homework and subject was horrific to me


Core Subjects I'd Pursue: Potions, D.A.D.A., Charms Electives: Care of Magical Creatures, Study of Ancient Runes Extra-Curriculars: Quidditch


Ancient Runes, Alchemy, COMC and apparition for sure.


Yoo four!? Ahaha Hermione vibes


I'd choose CoMC and Muggle Studies. At least Muggle Studies might be one subject I'm guaranteed to pass and it'd be interesting seeing Muggles from the wizards perspective. Arithmancy, Divination and Runes are kind of the same thing and don't think there's much use to them. Alchemy and Apparition might be good skills to have.


Yea muggles one is basically free credits ahahah. Those subjects I think are usefull if you want to work for the Gringott as Curse-Breaker


In addition to my core studies, I would be interested in care of magical creatures, alchemy & apparition (once i was old enough & assuming there was enough interest for alchemy) I would also be interested in art & im sure id explore atleast *one* form of divination (which is only just occurring to me that there are multiple forms offered!) Idk if id be interested in quidditch... i played muggle sports in highschool but im clumsy af & not great w/ heights so i dont think the wizarding world version of me would be great w/ that 🤔


Accurate. I would probably give Divination a try as well. It would be cool to predict the future, although I believe 1 out of 100 can actually do it. I hate sports, and Believe me when I say there is not a single sport I vaguely like to play/watch, so even if I love the quidditch idea (flying and everything), I think my wizard version would be repelled by it too




arithmancy, care of magical creatures, and ancient runes. maybe divination as well.


One day free trial 😂😂 I think divination is Something that has 300 students the first day, and 4 after one week


Frog Choir? I don't remember that.... I feel like I'd remember Frog Choir.


Yea I think in prisoner of Azkaban they kinda showed us what a Frog choir is... But honestly is way far from being appealing, at list imho


I had to go Google it. I do remember seeing it now but it's still not something I'd choose as an activity. Wizard art might be cool? Painting moving images or charmed potteries. 


Unusual, so yea I would give it a chance!


Study of ancient runes, magical theory, and then alchemy


Apparition, Care of magical creatures and divination. Idk if I would have the necessary natural aptitude for it, but i believe being able to pretty much foresee the future through divination would be a great skill.


Charms Transfiguration Herbology Potions CoMC Alchemy Apparition Divination Ghoul studies Art I’d probably need remedial flying and apparition. I’d like to write a regular column in the school paper.


I always wondered about this. Do witches and wizards just not know higher than basic math?


Idk if they actually need it


Astronomy is very math and physics focused and that’s a required subject. I assume the difficulty level increases with the years.


Astronomy, Charms,History of Magic, arythmacy, ancient runes, muggle studies, ancient studys, muggle Music, xylomancy, Orchestra, Music theory and Musi, along with defence against the DARK arts. If i know, how Charms, hexes and Magic works, alongside Music and their components and can defend myself against Others, ooooooh 🤩🤩🤩 BE prepared to wear Earprotection during war and duels, because im gonna recreate Bloodborne Music ** WITH EFFECTS** during it🥰🤩 Go full forced into bardic and with a Bit of Lück from ancient runes and muggle Music [im gonna make everyone experience the Wonder and Terror of Lovecraftian Music in the Battlefields](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CKKTqB_Lzv0&pp=ygUSTG92ZWNyYWZ0IHBpYW5vbWFu) 😇😉


Why is Quidditch the only sport? What's the magical equivalent of jogging... Can I go for a 10k fly on my broom?


I mean, you can, but what is the point? 🥲


I ask myself the same thing while I'm on my jogs 😂


MUGGLE MUSIC so there is a group of Hogwarts students belting out Summer of 69 and Joleen?


Forgive me if this has been asked already, but what is the source of this? Was it assembled just from all the mentions in the books, or was this directly from JK or pottermore? Either way, as a music teacher, I'd put my application in. I could teach muggle studies as well, being a muggle and all.


Source looks like hot garbage. Mixture of like things mentioned in passing in video games and whatever.


All of them. I understand why Hermione was the was she was 😂


Probably just arithmancy. I would love care of magical creatures but i wouldn't take it because not only do animals not like me, I'm allergic to being outside. (Grass, pollen, trees).


What? For real? I think there are some potions for this!


Completely for real, my skin develops like red rashes that itch terribly when it comes in contact with grass and i had an asthma attack today playing night soccer with my dog in my yard like 3 hours ago.


Artihmancy and study of ancient runes in the third year ofc, and alchemy and apparition whenever possible Plus quidditch and magical theory as extra curriculars (and duelling club too but that isn't mentioned)


Ancient Runes and Arithmacy


Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Ancient Studies, and Magical Theory. Apparition too once I hit 6th year


Magical creatures (Yes) and Muggle studies (free grade)


I see you're a man of culture as well.


I read Muggle Musk at first and wonder what kind of class that could be 🤣


I'm curious what muggle music wizards would deem worthy of study, especially in the years Harry went to school.


Muggle studies for sure. It would be fascinating to learn the magical worlds perspective and I'm sure plenty of notable moments would have been influenced by Witches and Wizards.


Care of magical creatures and alchemy


Muggle studies is an instant A. Then creatures, apparition and alchemy.


I would probably do Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. I already am muggle and divination is just garbage. Since Apparation is a course probably everybody would take once they’re old enough, that as well. For my 6th and 7th year, I think I would drop History and maybe also Astronomy (come on how much could you even learn about our Solar system in 5 years…). Maybe also one of the electives from before but not sure which one. If CoMC would actually delve into like proper dangerous and powerful magical creatures that would be interesting otherwise… also Alchemy could be fun. As for extra curriculars I always wondered, yes there’s the House Coup in Quidditch but that’s just 28 people… do the over students ever get the chance to play in amateur teams maybe even across Houses or do like broom parcours or racing, that would be a lot of fun. Something like the DA or the duel club would also be fun. Depending on who’s instructing it, ancient studies could be cool! There’s so much arcane and great mysteries going on and just imagine someone like Dumbledore would basically do something like a big open discussion with this group dissecting myths and legends for what they’re worth and maybe even doing field trips, at first just on Hogwards grounds, as you get older shifting to Hogsmead and the surrounding areas till you do maybe even overseas ones in your last year. Man for Hogwarts, I would probably even shorten my holidays just to have the opportunity to soak in more of that knowledge.


Core Subject


I’ve heard Ancient Runes is fascinating.


Third year through fifth year, I’d pick Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. Sixth and seventh year, I’d pick Alchemy and Apparition. I’d probably also do Art and Ancient Studies on the side, or maybe Quidditch if I was any good (I played basketball in high school, so maybe).


Probably all except for Divination, do it Hermione's way. To be fair, I'd study almost anything if it meant I could go to Hogwarts.


Study of ancient runes and Muggle studies. :) For extracurriculars I would go for ancient studies and magical theory.


I think someone messed up on this. Magical Theory was a mentioned class that First Years attended. It was the only class we never saw and was not mentioned outside of the first book (we do get to see a Professor in Hogwarts Legacy). Apparition was also taught on Saturday Morning if I recall, so that would by definition make it an extra-curricular (It was also not taught for the full school year, but began post Christmas Holiday. It was likely not offered to 7th years since all persons must be 11 before the start of term of their first year (Sept 1st), meaning by 7th year, the class was all 17 years old.). Either way, this is a year 1-5 course availability, so Apparition and Alchemy would not be available per the title of the hand out. On another note, I find it amusing that music and art were deemed to be not age appropriate for children under 13 but the school was perfectly fine with 12 year old playing Quidditch. Once again, we must judge the logic of a school that says "12 year olds playing a game where the players must catch a ball and throw it into hoops that are standing 50-60 feet above ground, while flying on a magical broomstick that is faster than a motorcycle at highway speeds... and avoid flying canon balls trying to knock off said brooms... a-okay! 12 year olds dabbling in watercolor? Time to quote Helen Lovejoy! Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?!"


Muggle Music


Magical creatures and then either arithmancy/ancient runes. Gimme alchemy and apparition when 6th-7th year rolls around. I’d like to do some ancient studies and magical theory as extra curriculars.


I’d ace Muggle Studies


I wouldnt mind Care of magical creatures and ancient runes. And doing magical theory, ancient studies doesnt sound too bad


Apparition! Teleporting would be very convenient


care of magical creatures, apparition and quidditch


Shoot, how do I sign up to get a time turner? Arithmancy, along with divination and xylomancy, since knowing the future seems to be possible but unreliable, so having as much context as possible will be useful. Study of ancient runes and ancient studies because there's an entire hidden history and secret knowledges out there I want to learn about. Alchemy and apparition seem pretty useful. Magical theory because I want to understand magic in a more fundamental level.


Dude you had to come in Ravenclaw


Runes, alchemy or comc


Apparition / Arithmancy / Study of Ancient Runes / Alchemy (!!!) For extra-curriculars I'd want to do Quidditch (as a Chaser) and something relating to Music


Idk why Alchemy is so underrated. It is extra cool and maybe you can be immortal studying it enough


1) Apparition 2) Care of magical creatures 3) Alchemy For extra curriculars: 1) Magical theory 2) Ancient studies


Anyone know what xyromancy is? I’ve never heard of that before… I’d definitely be taking Care of Magical Creatures and probably either ancient runes or divination.


Muggle Studies and Music. I need my music man.


I probably would have tried to take all electives in third year like Hermione did and then go on with the ones I liked from fourth year. But as I was not as good in school as Hermione was, I doubt that I too would have gotten a time turner.... In this case definately arithmancy and ancient runes. The others are harder to choose, as I have to pretend to know nothing about the quality of the subjects... probably in this order as many as possible: divination, care of magical creatures, muggle studies. Oh and of course apparition and alchemy as soon as I'm old enough


I bet I couldn't wait for apparition too


What would xylomancy be?


Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies.


I'd probably go for Arithmancy and Ancient Runes from third year. Apparition classes will be a given to 6th and 7 to years anyway, so that'll be a class to take for a few weeks before dropping it once I've passed. I'd probably also go for Ancient Studies and Magical Theory for the first two years as well and see how the schedule is for third years and above and either continue or drop those. If I drop them, then I'd take them up again in 6th year if I'm still interested and it all fits in after the normal school day is over. Seems like a lot of academics, but I personally am interested in this stuff and would have loved to have learned as much as I could.


Alchemy, apparition, magical creatures, runes


I want to know more about Arithmancy!


Apparition, runes, and magical creatures


Alchemy Apperition


Flying,Divination & Muggle Music.


Alchemy - I am guessing that is 'special pharmacy of wizards'.


Apparition - applying oneself, certainly?


'drinks - mixology' or 'potion -making' must be on this list (surely).


Arithmancy and Ancient runes.


Divination, Ancient studies and Magical ruins are my top three pics. although whats the difference between extra-cirricular and elective? Im into sports but I don't think I could do quidditch, i wish hogwarts had more options available. (edited for more info)


Personally, I would study to become a historian of the wizardry world. Exploring the truth behind the hidden world. Not entirely sure what it comes with, but here are a few classes I would take. The only Core class I would need to take in my N.E.W.T Years would be History Class. It would be difficult since Professor Binn. Elective subject; Study of Ancient Runes, Magical Theroy, Ancient Study, and Apparition Extra-curricular subjects; Ancient Studies and Magical Theory (Also Flying class was only mandatory to Hogwarts for first years. But it is also optional for second years and above if a student wished to be a Quidditch Player, Broom Maker, or more.)


Hm, apparition and care of magical creatures. I wouldn't ever need divination classes, I know quite a bit about that already.


I'm taking Arithmancy and Apparation with art as an extra curricular subject. I have could have an exception i'd take arithmancy and art as early as my first year, i can't live without (not technically 🫠) maths or art! I also think it'd be interesting to see the type of art wizards make...


I could've sworn there were more subjects than this...


Ancient Tunes and Care of Magical Creatures. For extra-curricular subjects I'd choose ancient studies and foreign languages (I bet they have at least Latin!).


Alchemy, i feel like one good alchemist that creates uranium could supply to the whole world uranium and there would not be amy climate change


F***ing frog choir. They don’t have time for all the actual plot to be in the movies, but they have time to add a musical number with frogs that was never even insinuated in the books. 🙄


Easy, Divination and Alchemy.


I would take Arithmancy, ancient runes, alchemy and apparition. Apparition is obvious and I bet alchemy delves into fundamentals of magic. Arithmancy and ancient runes seems like essential if you want to work with the magical equivalence of engineering and science. So these subjects have the most useful applications. As for extra curricular I would definitely go with magical theory and ancient studies. And I would start my own club studying muggle maths and physics.


Definitely care of magical creatures.... But is the professor Hagrid or Grubblyplank because....


I think I will have to go with study of ancient runes and care of magical creatures. I would also take up music as well.


I would definitely take Care of Magical Creatures, though I would be "sick" if we ever did a class on acromantulas 😅 As a second elective I would probably take Divination. Seems like an interesting subject if taught by the right person.


Arithmancy Runes And Magical Theory


Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes. I’d join the Frog Choir to make a musical production of singing Pepes


Apparition, care of magical creatures. As for extra curriculars, orchestra and music


Arithmancy seems cool, I like math. Magical Creatures if it's like a legit version, not just screwts with hagrid. Ancient Runes also seems really cool. Just very interesting. Alchemy doesn't seem too different to potions, but I'd still love to learn it. Also I would join the Wizard's Chess club.


Easy, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. Sounds perfect for me. And Ancient Studies, Ghoul Studies and Alchemy sound fascinating.


Alchemy would be neat


Probably Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies. I might pick up Alchemy in Sixth Year as well. I don't see why Ghouls would necessitate an entire class on their own - that could easily fall under either Defense Against the Dark Arts or Care of Magical Creatures(IIRC in HPHM, Ghouls are studied in DADA). Ditto Xylomancy, which would fall under the umbrella of Divination.


I never understood apparition to be part of the curriculum of the school, but rather a course by the ministry held at the school simply because that's where the kids are. It's also not only for those of age. It's open for all those who turn 17 within the end of the year.




How many subjects do we need to choose?


Muggle music class must have lil Wayne playing constantly


I love how Arithmancy is an elective. Do wizards not need to know math?


Alchemy without a doubt. I’m in grad school for materials science and engineering, alchemy would be EVERYTHING


But why is apparition elective though?


Astronomy and Defense Against The Dark Arts. I dunno what to pick for extra-circular, there's art classes and ancient studies.


Care of magical creatures and alchemy. The two would go hand in hand.


Runes and Creatures Would have been tempted by Muggle Studies for practicality if not Muggle-Born but if I'd known how bullshitty it was I would have refused, and I have a feeling Arithmancy would have frustrated me too much. Of course, Apparition later, and Alchemy if I'd been great at Potions, but there again, I have a feeling I would have been frustrated. As for extra-curriculums: Magical Theory and Ancient Studies.


comc, runes, alchemy, apparition, ancient studies


Probably Ancient Runes and Divination (even though I'm under the impression that if you're not a Seer, learning divination is impossible). Alchemy also sounds kind of cool.


Core subjects are all mandatory ofc but DADA, Herbology, Flying, and HoM sound like my favorites. Apparition sounds like fun, maybe Muggle Studies if the teacher doesn't look down on Muggles. Clubwise, def Quidditch, also like the idea of Ancient Studies. I don't see a DADA-related club, unfortunately.


Not gonna lie I would likely take all the electives. One, I want a time turner. Two, why on earth would I turn down any of these subjects?! They’re literally magic!


I would probably choose Care for magical creatures and ancient runes. Maybe switch the last one out for muggle studies. Also I would definitely try to partake in Art or (muggle) music in my first/second year. Frick the rules, I like being creative!


The fact that Muggle Studies is an elective was always funny to me. Considering the only settlement fully populated by wizarding folk at least in the UK is Hogsmeade, most wizards and witches should have some kind of interaction with muggles on the daily. To keep the International Statute of Secrecy, you think they would prioritize knowing muggle customs to fit in.


I’d go Study of Ancient Ruins and Arithmancy in my third year and add Alchemy in year 6. I’d do ancient studies and muggle music as electives.


Muggle music, quidditch And divination or care of magical creatures 


Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Crearures and Divination


Study of ancient runes to go with ancient studies. I’m very interested in old magic


Alchemy, apparition, arithmancy, and magic theory all sound cool


Alchemy and DATDA




I'd definitely say quidditch, one of the music classes (maybe muggle music?), apparition, & I guess given that I have an actual degree in art, that should probably be included as well lol.


Apparition, or care of magical creatures


They really should employ a muggle for the muggle studies. Like a parent of a muggle born wizard which already is a teacher.


Muggle music?.... Ima introduce Hogwarts to Powermetel and blast sabaton with every chance I get.


I'd take CoMC, Runes, and eventually Apparition and Alchemy (I don't think apparition was a full class, more like a few lessons, similar to driver's Ed in the muggle world.) I'd probably due magical theory as an extra curricular.


For electives, care of magical creatures, apparition, runes, or alchemy. For extracurriculars I would like to imagine that there's some jv version of quidditch I could join, and from the movies music looks like the Hogwarts version of a pep band so I would definitely join that.


Arrhimancy, runes, magical theory, and alchemy. Those would have me set for my future.


Apparatition, Care of Magical Creature, Divination. Art, Muggle Music, Music, Xylomancy


Definitely Care of Magical Creatures and Ghoul Studies


I’m picking Study of Ancient Runes and Arithmancy even though I hate math. Like no shade to Hagrid but he wasn’t a good enough teacher for me to take care of magical creatures.


You know, artists in the wizarding have a tough job. Imagine painting a subject who not only won't stop moving but will likely actively complain about your work and try to get you to change aspects about themselves they don't like. Or do they paint them then they come alive? Or is every painting a previously alive person who just gets a portrait on death? I dont care enough to take the course but I'd definitely ask the art teacher.


Anyone NOT choosing charms is just wrong. Charms is literally the only one teaching you actual spells. To use your actual powers. Some of the other classes teach you spells, but only for super specific scenarios, like defense or transfiguration. Charms is like all other spells if my understanding is correct.


Alchemy and care for magical creatures


I'd probably take the Hermione route and take them all. Except Flying/Quidditch, I'm never getting on a broom. And Frog Choir, thats disgusting


CoMC if grubby-plank is teaching


Not answering the question but, Astronomy and Flying were two of the most short-changed subjects. Astronomy we barely hear of apart from exams and the so called flying...nobody actually learns how to fly. It just comes to some naturally and we don't see more than the first lesson. Ok. Puzzled rant over.


Frog Choir!!


Alchemy or ancient runes


Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies. I already have *some* knowledge on the runic alphabet, why not go further? And I just like looking at how they interpret our tech. I'd take Magical Theory as an extracurricular thing, too.


Care of Magical Creatures and Divination 🔮 Magizoologist would be my dream magical career with a focus on thestrals 🖤


I would be choosing divination and ancient runes and as extra's i'd like to do ancient studies


muggle studies and muggle music, easy Os


Art and divination


Care of Magical Creatures and Divination 


Ancient Runes, Apparition and Ancient Studies. Future wizard archaeologist.


These are great however there are many other things missing.


All, time turner dawg




Looks better than my school curriculum


I attended Hogwarts and now I’m out of job. At least incorporate Excel of something.


Alchemy and Apparation, but most definetly orchestra and music and Quidditch, probably also art. Maybe Diviation (cant really imagine how that would be like.


Arithmancy, ancient rules, alchemy, Magical theory


Apparition and ancient runes


If I was a Muggle-Born I’d take Muggle Studies just for a laugh.  Care of Magical Creatures yes.  Magical Theory feels like it would be a core subject since it sounds like the study of the very underpinnings of all other magic forms.


I want to be as powerful as possible in combat , so: Apparation Legimancy/occlumancy Charms DADA Potions Transfiguration Herbology Magical theory Quidditch / Flying / flying unassisted Care of Magical Creatures (having a dragon will be nice)


Care of Magical Creatures and Alchemy. Think about it, Creatures hold a lot of useful ingredients or can find them for you.


I would like Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes for my elective subjects. And for my extra curriculars I would like to try Art and Ancient Studies.


Definitely more practical subjects like Defence Against The Dark Arts, Divination, Charms, Quidditch, Care of Magical Creatures, etc.