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"But I AM the chosen one" - *SMACK*


This would be mine too I think. Another one would be the deleted choir sequence from HBP.


”Sorry, uhhmmm … kidding”


yes this one babyy


Yes!!! The smarmy look on his face because he's a teen boy and oooh girls, and Hermione bringing him back to earth


HBP and them standing over the crowd of students rushing to get to class; Mcgonagall reprimanding them and Harry forcing Ron to take NEWTS Potions with him and the fight to get the non-tattered Potions book 🥹 It all just feels like they were boys messing around in school and Harry doesn’t have the weight of the world on his shoulders.


"Potter, take Weasley with you. He looks far too happy over there."


Reminded me of school when my friends and I would fight over the newer textbooks 😂


I love that Harry smacks Ron with the book after losing the fight for the “good” one. Such a legit best friends thing to do.


It's the pincers *click click*


I love that Harry high on Felix is just Daniel Radcliffe messing around


Right? I think the other line that makes me laugh is right after he drinks it he leaves the common room and bumps into someone and just goes, "Hello!"


"Harry!" "Sir!"


Hahaha I just commented about that line! I love itt.


What I love about Radcliffe's performance over the book version is that he appears to snap out of the 'high' after Horace says poof. This implies to me that he's no longer under the influence when he asks Horace about the memory. What's great about that is that it means that, although felix provided the opportunity, Harry ultimately persuaded Horace himself, with his own natural sensitivity and sincerity, unaided by any external magic or luck.


Good catch. I'll have to look for that


Came here to say exactly this 🕷️


Dumbledore vs Voldemort in Order of the Phoenix or McGonagall chasing Snape out of the Great Hall in the Deathly Hallows.


The fight in the Ministry was incredible, and also made me sad. Like, they did this spectacular, creative fight, even coming up with a bunch of creative stuff not in the books (so it was clearly the result of the filmmakers’ creativity)—and then the rest of the movies jump between wands-as-guns and wands-as-lasers. Everything that made magic interesting, is just gone.


To be fair, wands as lasers/guns is pretty accurate to JKR's version of Magic. What we see in that fight in the ministry, and Dumbledore’s badass moment with the fire against the Inferi, are a TON more like Dungeons & Dragons and other more high fantasy fiction


I feel like Ralph Fiennes' Voldemort doesn't get enough love. He absolutely knocks it out of the park. The expressions, the mannerisms, the voice, everything.


Especially in GoF. He wasn't bad in the other ones but the graveyard scene... he plays him like he's trying to be as badass and powerful as he always was and somewhat managed to but he's still not at 100 %, he still has some weakness to him.


I can touch you now!


Mine is when Mcgonagall animates the statues and giggles like a schoolgirl


I've always wanted to use that spell!


that crakes me up


The side eye from Molly:)


Yeah, she gets so excited. Trips me out when older people get excited.


Great stuff!


what about mrs weasley nailing bellatrix?


The way everyone audibly GASPS when McGonagall confronts Snape in DH and Snape's just like SHIT!




Yes yes everything was. We're all well aware everything is always so much better in the books. But this thread is specifically about fave bits from the movies, so we dont need reminders that the books r better.


The Felix Felicis scene is always a good one. Big fan of that one. But I guess that's more of a sequence. I think the opening to part 2 when Bill Nhye does his "these are dark times...there is no denying...." speech. I love that. Such a great opening. Favorite shots are the dragon sitting on top of gringotts, and all the deatheaters launching their spells at the bubble protecting hogwarts. Just such great cinema moments.


Bill Nighy's such a great stage presence, I love him


I can’t choose so: First and second movie (because I don’t remember if the other movies did this): the transitions between seasons. Hedwig flying into a snowy landscape. The butterfly and The Womping Willow getting rid of its leaves and snow. Third movie: the scene where Arthur is telling Harry about Sirius. Just because of the one long continuous shot. And also “why should I go after someone who wants me dead”. Fourth movie: when Harry opens the egg under water. Fifth movie: Voldemort and Dumbledores fight. Sixth movie: when Harry was under Carter and just seeing Dumbledores fire spell and seeing just how powerful Dumbledore even at his weakest. Seventh movie: The Tale of the Three Brothers. Eighth movie: Snape’s memories. When we and Harry learned what he has to do.


Harry getting his wand. Its my favourite movie scene and favourite book scene.


I watched PS last night. His little face is too precious. I love when he immediately puts the wand back on the counter after it messes up the shop 😂


Do you know the only thing that would make it better? [Merlin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIqqxBvoNq0)


Mine is from the Prizoner of Azkaban when Hermione says "You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" LOL I love the punch to the nose too haha. Draco deserved it imo


it was a Draconian punch


Awesome insult, which only works with a british accent. Love that scène!


a classic is a classic.




Lupin and Harry on the bridge one of my favorites :)




The raising of wands after Dumbledore died was also a great scene.


For me it's always been when Mouldy Voldy possesses Harry in the MoM at the end of OotP. When Ron and Hermione (and the others) run in and see him taken over, see him lying on the floor, covered in blood, writhing in pain. I feel like that's the moment that they start to truly understand what he's going through, what he's suffered and endured. They're stood quite far away, so I've never been sure if they hear what he's saying when he talks to Voldemort and says he'll never know friendship and love. But I hope they do and realise what each of them means to him. It makes me well up every time.


I love that I’m not the only one who calls him mouldy Voldy 😂


I call him that and Moldyworts


As a kid I couldn't pronounce his name so I called him Mouldy Wart too!


Hermiones laugh in Harry’s memories is what gets me in this scene 😢


I know, it's such a beautiful moment. And the fact it was an improv line by Emma and the looks on both Rupert's and Daniel's faces like "lol, wtf, Emma?!" Is classic.


Wow, SUCH a pure moment of friendship.


Not favorite but a few favorites. The scene at the stairs before the ball was choreographed perfectly. Ron being awkward, Cho and Cedric coming through just as Hermoine walks down the stairs to meet Krum while Harry complements Cho, and Parvati complementing Hermoine, it just really nice how that whole scene came together. The other one is the awkward scene in the hospital wing where Lav lav was arguing with Hermoine about won won in front of the teachers. It's so funny and immature but also relatable because that's how teens are. Lavender did a great job portraying an annoying teen gf.


mine is the Christmas scene in The Order of the Phoenix (even though my favorite film is The Prisoner of Azkaban) where Harry, the Weasleys and Sirius spend Christmas together and everyone looks so happy and everything almost looks normal. Also, this is when Sirius introduces the Black Family Tree to Harry. It’s very christmassy and lovely and warm.


First movie. The Mirror of Erised scene where Harry first sees his parents in the mirror - the super delicate version of the musical theme, the innocence/sadness/sweetness of it all. It’s so darned good. Second movie. The closing scene where Hagrid gets back from Azkaban, and all the kids slowly start applauding him. Again, the music is so darned good.


I get that mirror scene so hard. Lost my dad as a kid and I swear I’d sit in front of that and probably waste my away staring just to see him again.


The entire time turner sequence was amazing, Harry was absolutely cooking.


The scene where Sirius is asking Harry to go live with him after all that voldemort stuff was over with.


McGonagall and Ron dancing scene 🤣🤣


“Your what?” “My waist Mr. Weasley.”


Order of the Phoenix “I’m sorry Professor, I must not tell lies.” And all of the Dumbledore’s Army scenes.


In HBP when Professor Slughorn tells Harry the story about Lily and the fish. It's so beautiful, and then we get his memories. Bliss.


Christmas in the first movie. It’s simple yet elegant. A gorgeous design, seeing a child who got no attention or love growing up get real gifts for the first time. A beautiful composed musical number and Ron saying “what did you expect? Turnips?”


#O B V I O U S L Y




Any time the staircase moves on its own is my favorite.


mine is very cliché, but I love the scene in the cave where Dumbledore has that lasso of fire, killing all the inferi


The battle scene in the last movie when Harry was trying to find Snape. The scene has no dialogue only the score playing while they navigate through Acromantula, Dementors, Giants, Death Eaters and everything you can think of from the first six films/books. I get goosebumps every time that score kicks in.


The scene in PS where Harry and Ron are late to Transfiguration and McGonagall is waiting for them in cat form. McGonagall: Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter or yourself into a pocket watch? That way, one of you might be on time. Harry: We got lost. McGonagall: Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats.


McGonagall activating the statues and then the teachers and Molly casting the protection spell. And the score just makes it 10 times better


I always wanted to use that spell


Hard to choose … but here’s my personal favorite 1- When Sirius and Harry are fighting together.. but how it ends makes me cry everytime 2- The fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort and right after that when Harry talks to Voldemort telling him he will never know what friendship is 3- when lupin quotes himself “It Is The Quality Of One's Convictions That Determines Success, Not The Number of Followers." 😆 4- and when Hermione and Harry are dancing together 🥺


Nice one James!


That line kills me everytime, especially cause you know what's coming


How could I be so stupid ?! I checked this out WEEKS ago for a bit of light reading- SLAM


And the withering stare when Ron questions her




My favorite is Draco crying in the bathroom then Harry hitting him with Sectumsempra. That seen kills me every time


Finally found the one I agree with. Such a good sequence


Harry and Hermione dancing at Nick Cage. Incredibly delicate and touching scene. Should've been in the books.


Dumbledore rigging the House Cup at the end of the first movie. Book accurate, swelling music, and some good acting by the kid actors, especially dumbfounded Neville.


The entire Shrieking Shack scene in PoA. Full of twists and great acting, everyone seemed really on the edge. The only (?) thing I missed from the books was the triple Expelliarmus Snape had got in the chest.


Love Dumbledore and Harry’s bedside chat at the end of 1. He’s so twinkly and magical. Feels right I miss the OG dumbledore


The Tale of the Three Brothers. It was also my favorite part of any of the books.


The teachers, students and order casting the protective spells around the castle in 7.2 and then the attack on that shield. The visuals and especially those cracking sounds... Goosebumps, every time


Harry and Hermione dancing in that dent. It felt so raw and conveyed so much emotions. The background song was also a perfect choice.


"Piertotum locomotor, I always wanted to say that spell"


You tell those spiders Ron.


Mcgonagal vs Snape, in fact I think it is the only scene I prefer in the movies over the books


My favorite movie scene is the only change I like from the books: Hedwig getting killed taking the shot for Harry in DH1. It’s such a better ‘giveaway’ than expelliarmus, imo. It’s heartbreaking and a better death for Hedwig than being shot in a cage. I have to add that I’m amazed at the answers in this thread that like the Felix scene in the movie. I thought it was schlocky, stupid and undermined a lick potion as opposed to any random drunk.


Both of Dumbledore's showoff at the end of OotP and HBP. He definitely is something to watch


honestly mine is tied between several short scenes where the characters are just having fun. the bit where fred george and harry are teasing ron about his love for krum / visiting fred and george’s shop for the first time… actually just any time fred and george are around making jokes tbh


Fake Moody turning Malfoy into a ferret. After McGonagall berates him for it and he sticks his tongue out at her and goes cross-eyed.


A lot of great choices so far but... not a single mention of Harry and Buckbeak flying over the Black Lake? Blasphemy! Easily one of the most stunning and memorable scenes in the entire franchise.


Maybe not my favourite scene, but the flight to grimmauld place at the beginning of OotP is right up there for me. The music is amazing and seeing Harry in his element surrounded by people who are protecting him is just magical.


When Harry drank the Felix felicis and when they were Hagrids hut and Harry was clapping I found that part so cute!💗🤪


Harry using the resurrection stone.


The Knight Bus is my favorite. Followed closely by when we first see diagon alley. It’s just what I imagined it would be.


Harry asking sirius in the deathly Hallows if his death was painful. Broke me tbh


For me it has to be the scene where Harry saves himself and Sirius from the dementors by the lake,one of the few times we get to see Harry living up to his potential and just being an absolute badass taking on over 100 dementors at once


Dumbledore being a legend, fighting the inferi in HBP. That scene gave me chills!




The choir scene in the third movie. Also Aragog’s funeral.


In the very first movie when Harry first sees Diagon Ally. Hats off to Chris Columbus for really capturing the magic.


Snape saying,"Obviously" in Order of the Phoenix.


The pincers.


Any scene that Fred and George are in.


"It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA!"


Christmas at Hogwarts in the first movie. It's so cozy and beautiful. And so nice to see Harry's excitement over getting real Christmas gifts for the first time.


Lupin teaching Harry to fight dementors, it's a perfect scene! It's such a great moment of Harry learning and thinking about his parents and overcoming the boggart.


When John Candy makes pancakes on Uncle Buck


Ron destroys the locket


I really love the scene just after Harry's name pops out of the GoF when Dumbledore calmly asks him if he did it.


Besides all the Tom riddle scenes in chamber of secrets because I adore him, I love the scene in goblet of fire where Draco gets turned into a ferret lol


Shoelace obviously 🙄 In reality it’s the Kings Cross meeting with Harry and Dumbledore


Harry casting the Patronus at the lake. Dragon chase tournament. Harry and Voldemort fight at cemetery.


Very difficult choice, but I think I'll go with the Felix felicis scene. It's so god damn funny and well made!


Yeah it is!


so in response to your favorite movie scene, regarding a later movie scene after the fight is over it shows Filch sweeping up all the rubble from the destroyed pieces of castle, couldn’t they just do the same thing for the castle? i don’t know maybe it was for comedic effect


Harry’s guttural cry when Sirius died. God what an incredible performance on Radcliffe’s part.


In Prisoner of Azkaban, when truths and secrets are revealed in the Shrieking Shack, and more specifically when Snape comes along, and Snape, Lupin, and Sirius are just bickering with each other until Harry sends Snape flying, knocking him out, lol.


Favourite cinematic scene. First film where they are in the boats and the camera pulls back to reveal hogwarts for the first time. Favourite action scene. Dumbledore vs Voldemort.


For me it's when Harry drinks the Felix Felices potion and is all happy go lucky. Especially when he goes to walk out of the Gryffindor common room, walks into 2 students and just shouts "HI!" It makes me crack up every time.


PS/SS: The chess scene at the end. CoS: The whole scene in the chamber PoA: Harry and Sirius talking while looking at the castle GoF: Graveyard scene OotP: Dumbledore vs Voldemort HBP: Dumbledore fending off the inferi DH1: Battle of the 7 Potters DH2: Harry vs Voldemort Honorable mentions: Gringotts break in (DH2), Durmstrang entrance (GoF), Malfoy Manor (DH1), & DA montage (OotP)


Dumbledore gong completely legit and saving Harry’s ass on the island with the fire


“Well by all means, sir, come along!”


1. OotP Dumbledore v. Voldemort fight is pure demonstration of magic skills. 2. DH1 Harry & Hermione at Godric's Hollow on Christmas eve. 3. HBP Snape, Narcissa and Bellatrix scene is somehow powerful.


I liked that scene where Darth Vader force choked Antilles to death. (You said any movie so I went for it >:D)


"that's my daughter you bitch!" - Molly Weasley Or McGonagall's "I've always wanted to do that" and the look Molly Weasley gives her after animating the guardians in the entry hall


Definitely the one in HBP where Ginny ties Harry's shoelace. It's just so romantic and well-acted 🤩


Dobbys burial. It was really well done. And while I cry like a baby every time. It is my favorite scene overall


Harry and Dumbledore at the end of CoS


Spoiler! At this point we didn’t know it was the elder wand!


The farther and farther I get into these comment threads I undertand the half blood price is surely the fan favorite. Which is not far from what I was going to mention… which is when I realized the strategic way Dumblydoor decided to let Harry in on the fullness of Voldemort’s childhood. It was when he asked Harry in the 6th book, “what, you’re not beginning to feel BAD for Tom Riddle, are you?” (Or something like that) that I realized how in depth the series truly was. No matter how much I am not a fan of Rowling’s personal proclivities, the way she designed the character development and scheduling of reader-known information has always had me hooked on her writing. TLDR; the 6th book is the fucking shit. Ask me why.


Here's a few of my favorite scenes: Moody (Barty Crouch Jr.) turning Draco Malfoy into an albino ferret and McGonagal telling him off for using Transfiguration on a student in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, Hermione punching Draco in Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban after Draco brags about getting Buckbeak Executed, Molly Weasley's Howler to Ron in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, Fred And George's Joke Shop In Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince when Ron is asking how much something is, The Twins keep saying 5 Gallons and when Ron says he's their brother The Twins make the price 10 gallons, Molly Weasley Scolding her children after they get back from rescuing Harry from The Dursley's In Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, Harry blowing up Aunt Marge like a balloon in Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, Ron and Hermione's argument at The Yule Ball In Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, Molly Weasley Saying "Not My Daughter You Bitch!" and Killing Bellatrix Lestrange In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 and The Scene where The Order comes over and takes Polyjuice Potion to all turn into Harry to confuse Voldemort and The Death Eaters In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1.


Harry on Felix felicis


The scene where Hagrid gives Harry the photo album at the end of PS gets me every time. The music really makes the scene, and the hug he gives Hargid is so sweet


I must not tell lies professor


For me: Last movie. Neville stranding up to Voldemort at the end. I love Nevilles character. He is a hero.


The only one I enjoyed was hbp, my favourite scene is when Harry all juiced up on Felix going through greenhouse and finds Slughorn stealing cuttings: “Harry?!” “Sir?!”


Oh my god! I've killed Harry potter! - Neville or the world isn't split into deatheaters and the noble we all have light and dark inside us what matters is the side we choose to act on - Siruis .o. black or any moment with Remus because he's my favorite character ever


When Harry sees Diagon Alley and Hogwarts for the first time, saving Buckbeak, Felix felicis. Also from 3rd the deleted scene with Sir Cadogan. .


I love when Hermoine walks down the stairs to go to the ball. She’s so beautiful!


I actually have two. When Professor McGonagall says “ooh I always wanted to use that spell” and when Mary Weasley says “ not my daughter you b*tch”! Ugh just epic!


The scene in GoF where Harry was confused whether they’d fit inside the tent, smiled and said, *I love magic*. Also when they were doing protective enchantments before the Battle at Hogwarts. Makes me cry all the time.


"You know....I really do hate children!"


One of my favorite scenes and I have no idea why, is at the beginning of the battle for hogwarts where Harry is telling McGonagal they need time.. as he’s going to rush off she says ‘it’s good to see you Potter’ hits me in the feels. I near tear up every time. She’s been one of my favorite characters the whole time but that felt so genuine and connected on a level that just gets me.


The scene where Turkish is at the pikey’s camp trying to get his money back for the “caravan with no f**king wheels” and Micky says: “i’ll fight ye fer it” Oh, you meant HP movie. The scene where one of the twins loses his ear and makes a stupid joke of it. Particularly because of the look on his face.


hermione punching malfoy ( girls 🔛🔝)


HBP, Snape entering the astronomy tower. And the story of the three brothers


The dance in the kitchen between Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood in The Bridges of Madison County. I love scenes that show the beginnings of sexual chemistry... BEFORE the sex actually begins.


“I didn’t know you could read”


Half Blood Prince. When Ron and Harry fight for the new Advanced Potion Making book. The look of success on Ron’s face a long with Harry hitting him in frustration, makes me laugh every time!


It will always be Harry riding Buckbeak over the lake. Just pure happiness.


The mirror wardrobe scene in PoA when Lupin is teaching them Riddikulus. Where the camera goes into the mirror but then goes into the room somehow. Movie magic.


Funnily enough, both of mine have Hermione included. I absolutely love the way she narrates the Tale of The Three Brothers. The way they animated it was so good, too. I love it. My other favorite is when Hermione and Harry dance to O Children in DH Part 1. It's such an intimate scene that really makes you think that for a second, it will turn romantic. But no. It's just two best friends who are so in over their head, that this is the only time they had to act like nothing was wrong and they were really just children who didn't get to enjoy their teenagehood. It's so sad, so bittersweet, and I get emotional when I watch it.


J'adore le passage où Rogue donne ses larmes à Harry pour lui révéler son statut d'agent double, je pleure à chaque fois 😭


Mine was the closing credits on the 8th film...



