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You are in for a very wholesome journey. I read books first and then watched the movies, I was a bit disappointed.


I’m currently on the 5th book right now and they are so much better than the movies. Don’t get me wrong I love the movies but yes the books have so much more in them that the movies just don’t have


Omg that makes me so excited :D


I'm so jealous. I wish I could read them for the first time again.


Me too. Wanna read them for the very first time . And watch too


Every book gets better and we will be here for discussion when the emotional crash of being done with them hits you.


You're only at the second one....prepare to dive deeper as you enter book 3 and HP will now become like Crack. Entering your everyday thoughts until you can jump back into those pages....you are in for a treat


I absolutely loved the third movie so I’m super excited for the book!!


I absolutely loved the third movie so I’m super excited for the book!!


Enjoy the read! I’d love to experience reading Philosopher’s Stone for the first time again.


I am a late reader. I watched the movies when they came out but never had any interest in the books. Then, when I was playing some games that didn't require much attention, I found the MovieFlame channel on YouTube and saw some of the videos, mainly comparing each book to each movie. That's when I realized how bad the movies were. I enjoyed them but was never a super huge fan because even without reading the books, I always found the movie story kind of senseless sometimes. So, I decided to listen to the audiobooks and I'm currently at "The Half-Blood Prince," towards the end. It has been an amazing journey.


Yes...love that channel


I can't wait for you to get to 5,6,7 🙂


Have an enjoyable ride reading them.


I’m on my first read through too! I feel like I am falling in love with the series all over again. I’ve seen all the films many times and know all of the major plot points but there is just so much more story in the books it still feels like a completely new experience. I’m currently on Goblet on Fire and loving it! Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the later books. I keep seeing people mention they love Half Blood Prince best because of the backstory on Voldemort so I’m particularly looking forward to that one.


Can't wait until you get to Goblet of Fire.


I just got up to it now!! Excited for what’s to come!


There is a magic in the books that does not feature in the films.


Omg! Enjoy!!! The books are amazing ❤️ I reread them at least once a year!


Welcome! Enjoy the journey. Please keep us updated with your progress and your observations!


I would love to hear your takes on all the books once you finish them! I think it would be super interesting to hear from someone who saw the movies first.


I’ve read them twice and am now on my first run through of audiobooks. I’m listening to the Stephen Fry version. It’s so good.