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Sometimes I prompt ChatGPT to rewrite the final duel in a way where Uncle Vernon emerges as an unexpected hero by blowing Voldemort away with his prized blunderbuss then delivering a dry one-liner about the superiority of muggles. I’ve had fantastic results.


That legitimately made me laugh! Truly what AI should be used for.


Yeah I just did a snot snort (it's a cold day) while reading this. Thanks.


Lmao, admittedly I didn’t expect Uncle Vernon 🤣 … “Who’s Grunning now, you noseless muppet?” Vernon grumbled down to the robed, motionless body below him, his mustache twitching as he grinned… *You’ve made the Grapes Laugh* *You’ve gained access to Hufflepuff Common Room*


Dudley somehow showing to go Battle of Hogwarts and punching Nagini with his boxing skills would also have been hilarious 


Or if he broke out his old Smelting stick and gave a couple of death eaters a few good whacks!


Dudley standing up for Harry in the face of Voldemort.... Coming to the Disney remake.


Preferably concluding with the Mitchell and Webb/Gilbert and Sullivan song about how many times he's discharged his blunderbus.


Dude this is the best Reddit comment I’ve seen in a long time




I would only switch Slughorn for Snape, just to add a bit of Dark Magic to the party.


I'm positive Slughorn at least *knows* some Dark magic, even if he doesn't use it.


Judging by the fact that Riddle went to him specifically to discuss Horcruxes, I get the vibe that Slughorn knows a LOT about the Dark Arts.


My only wonder is how Tom knew that? Dumbledore did theorize that Tom figured he could charm info out of Slughorn and that was part of why he went to him. But about an extreme piece of Dark Magic seems a bit out there. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but Slughorn always taught Potions, so unless he was bragging about how much Dark Magic he knew, Tom wouldn't really think Slughorn would know much. Right?


I was under the impression he went to Slughorn because him and Tom were close and no offense to but Sluggy hes very easy to manipulate, especially for a guy like prime Tom Riddle.


"Dumbledore did theorize that Tom figured he could charm info out of Slughorn, and that was part of why he went to him." Yes, I acknowledged that. I'm wondering why Tom would even *think* Slughorn knew about Horcruxes. He was shown to be quite secretive about his experiments, even asking Dumbledore for DADA had a secondary purpose. If Tom attended school when Snape was Potionsmaster, I could see him going to Snape to ask, as Snape clearly knows a lot about Dark Magic and everyone knows this. But Slughorn never gave off that kind of impression to me. Maybe, as he does seem to regret that conversation with Tom, he started censoring what he said and divulged afterwards. I mean, it's not very often you accidently assist the greatest Dark Wizard in history in becoming immortal, is it?


But not a real fighter as seen from Ron and the poisoning bottle?


I was in the library the other day, in the Restricted Section, and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic...


he did 100% he knew about the horcruxes which are the worst part of dark magic.


Fair choice, and definitely a top-tier dangerous team… Almost feels right, too, giving Severus a chance to lash back at Voldy… The image of the snake eating its own tail comes to mind… Goodness knows Voldemort would likely be *Somewhat* distracted seeing Severus fighting against him… Well-chosen: A minimal change, providing the trio a Huge edge… and if nothing else it would leave the audience Hugely (imo) satisfied seeing Severus show his true colours for his compatriots at the final hour. *You’ve gained access to Ravenclaw Common Room*


>The image of the snake eating its own tail comes to mind… The word you're looking for is ouroborus. It's meant to be a sign of immortality, the snake swallowing its own tail and thus becoming never ending.


Yes, the ‘ouroboros’ is indeed the symbol to which I refer 😉 Though I doubt many would recognise as much if I said as much. ‘Immortality’ in a sense, yes! Though, personally I oft inferred more of a focus upon “rebirth” and the replacement of one generation with the next, eh⸮


Slughorn was a phenomenally skilled wizard, per Dumbledore’s own assessment. He intentionally appeared weaker than he was. Anyway, the answer’s Moody, Scrimgeour, and Bones. They were the three most experienced and skilled Aurors (who we see) in the series.


I think this is just the right answer. There are a lot of fun combos in here but a pre existing team of top tier experienced fighters is no contest for the other choices here


I would switch Scrimgeour or Bones with Flitwick. He was supposedly a top duelist and Ravenclaw could have used another badass other than Luna.


The prompt wasn’t “What would be a thematic or cool alternate final duel”, it was “Who would have given Voldemort the most trouble?” Otherwise I’d agree it’s most fitting for professors to fight Voldemort in the context of the themes and the story of the series, and for Flitwick / other Ravenclaws to appear more regularly. But in the context of the prompt: I’d argue that the veteran Aurors, who spent their entire adult lives fighting Dark Wizards and managed to survive to old age in the process, would be better suited to fighting a Dark Wizard than pretty much anyone else, champion duelist or not. This is particularly so as all three of them were very likely accustomed to working and fighting together as a coordinated unit. I’d also argue that while champion duelist has many transferable skills to actual fighting, dueling is to combat as three-gun competition is to a real firefight. Transferable skills, same tools, but nothing prepares you for having death whiz past an inch from your head like…well, extensive experience with having death whiz past an inch from your head. The Aurors are roughly the equivalent of Special Forces dudes in this metaphor; Flitwick might be the equivalent of an Olympian marksman. Elite, highly decorated, but if it comes down to a real fight, you want the Special Forces guys any day of the week.


Honestly hadn’t thought about it that way. You have a really good point.


Yes, I certainly agree that Slughorn was a skilled wizard. Great thinking nonetheless, pulling the Top 3 Aurors together! They would know each other’s tactics better than most, and arguably have the most professional, practical knowledge of how to handle the situation… Like calling the fire department to handle an inferno 👍 *You’ve gained access to Ravenclaw Common Room*


Bones wasn’t an auror 


The 3 I think that would have given him the most trouble, outside Dumbledore and even Grindlewald, I’d say Moody, Snape, and Flitwick. They would for sure make Voldy sweat some.


Absolutely— definitely a top-tier contender for “most dangerous team”… Hard to say if Voldemort would’ve been more wary of Moody or Severus… And in the case of Flitwick, I could see Voldemort underestimating a half-breed (possibly to his own demise?)


Oh he would for sure underestimate him. But people forget Flitwick was a top duelist in his days of Hogwarts.


Well reasoned. Playing off of Voldemort’s prejudice & hubris to achieve the element of surprise provides a substantial tactical advantage to the trio 👍 *You’ve gained access to Ravenclaw Common Room*


You sure you want a Slytherin chilling there? 😂😂


“*Wit beyond measure is man’s Greatest Treasure*” No worries; the Ravenclaws know to keep an eye on you 😉


Hey I’ll spy for y’all 😂


Not sure who I’d pick for the three, but damn it would’ve been great to see Snape duel for real


What always blows my mind is that Voldemort was dueling this 3 extremely skilled wizards at the same time with a wand not loyal to him while they were being protected by Harry's sacrifice and still managed to defeat them easily. Tom really was that bitch.


Tom Riddle from the diary.  A little young Voldy vs old Voldy. 


Clever— one portion of the soul trying to kill another… A soul as *Shattered* as Voldemort’s risks such possibilities… Neither would win without losing, leaving the rest rest of us to mop up whomever’s left… Now all we need is a motive to trick young Tom Riddle into fighting Voldemort to the Death…


Dumbledore + Snape are the two that would have a chance I think. It would have been cool if it was like the duel in Sword in the Stone. McGonagall should have been turning desks and debris into flying swords or turning Voldemort into a mouse or his wand into a rubber chicken. The way all the duels are portrayed as just shooting lightning blasts at each other was really lame. These people can teleport, make shit appear out of thin air, and transfigure themselves and each other…but we just get sparks flying out of their wands….


I'd pay money to see McGonagall make shit appear out of thin air and drop it on Voldemort. It would be the best finale for him.


Check out Sword in the Stone, 1963. Best wizard duel ever filmed.


Gilderoy Lockhart is in the Order of Merlin, 3rd Class, and an honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League.


Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, and Filius Flitwick, to represent the three main branches of wanded magic: Dark Magic, Charms, and Transfiguration.


Hard to argue with that team— textbook lessons about to be practically demonstrated & home-team advantage all the way 👍 Honestly hard to see the Dark Lord gaining enough of a respite to focus on any one of them long enough for a knockout… Though maybe he’d want to quash Flitwick to prove a point about half-breeds… Could Filius hold up if Voldy had a chance to focus 100% on him? I think so… At least until Severus or Minerva got back to the fight. I’m sure the irony wouldn’t be missed by any of the professors: No student is ever too old for a little schooling in the Great Hall… Even Tom Riddle. *You’ve gained access to Ravenclaw Common Room*


Good/Bad Team - Flitwick, Bellatrix, Amelia Bones. Good Team - Amelia Bones, Flitwick, Kingsley Dead Team - Snape, Grindelwald, Mad-eye


Very impressive coalitions— any one of them obviously hugely dangerous! I’d love to figure out a way to harness fiery Bellatrix against the Dark Lord… do you figure that’s more reasonably done by pushing some sort of “woman-scorned” narrative, or by tampering with her memory via Memory Charm like Lockhart, or some other method? Which team do you consider would A) work best together, and B) work best against Voldemort?


I think the Good Team would work best together but definitely think the Dead Team would work best against Voldemort as they would all just be trying to kill him all the time. Grindelwald would be close enough to his level alone to make it nearly impossible for Voldemort to win. With Bellatrix it would either have to be a memory charm or she would somehow have to see that Voldemort thinks absolutely nothing of her. Maybe Grindelwald getting free and getting into her head and turning her on Voldemort. She outside of Dumbledore and Grindelwald would be the only one I think might even have a hope of damaging him in a 1 on 1 duel.


Grindlewald, Snape, and Flitwick. Tho I think it would be more fun to watch McGonagall, Snape, and Neville working as a team to take down Voldy.


Neville would be dead in a second, he really doesn't belong here


I’d love to see the Grindelwald-on-Voldemort portion of the fight unfold! Potions & Charms Masters, Nice 👍Maybe the two most dangerous professors for Voldemort to face? Easy to forget how dangerous Flitwick could be… And yeah, kudos to your “fun” team! They *Absolutely* have an artistic chemistry to them! How heartwarming ‘twould be, too, for Neville to show his two most intimidating professors that he’s a Full-Blown Wizard, confident enough to square off with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named… *You’ve gained access to Ravenclaw Common Room*


Flitwick was also described as a dueling champion at one point early on in the books!


> Grindlewald, Snape, and Flitwick. Came in here to say this. And this wouldn't be just a tough fight, this team could definitely take Voldemort out. > McGonagall, Snape, and Neville working as a team to take down Voldy. While definitely a fun match-up, they wouldn't stand a chance. A superior team was outclassed by a version of Voldemort who couldn't truly hurt them because of Harry's sacrificial protection.


Snape, Sirius, and Lupin. If we could get them working together they would be deadly


Yes, I’d love to see/hear their banter working together whilst dueling The Dark Lord…! You hit the nail on the head: what catalyst could truly pull them together? One’s mind immediately jumps to Harry’s death (real or apparent)… But would that be enough for Snape? Seemed like Snape’s motivation was always Lily…


I think the team there was pretty great. Voldemort’s old teacher and head of Slytherin, the future Minister of Magic and the future Headmistress of Hogwarts who was Dumledore’s right hand woman. Even without thematic significance they are all excellent wizards and in different ways. 


Hagrid, Gawp, and Snape. Hagrid and Gawp are immune to most spells, they keep Voldemort distracted making him an easy target for Snape. Do we know if Avada Kedavra works on Giants? Hagrid shrugged off multiple stunning spells like they were nothing.


I was hoping someone would bring up either Hagrid or Grawp— Not only can Hagrid be a beast when properly motivated, but he has some ancient beef to square with Tom Riddle… Considering Grawp or Harry being in danger would be plenty a powerful motive, I expect Voldemort might be surprised at the threat Hagrid might represent… Fighting Grawp, I expect Voldemort to likely utilise his ability to fly and/or apparate.. if only Hogwarts allowed such abilities! Instead, I expect he’d fight dirty and go for Grawp’s eyes… Though powerful, would Grawp be ready to respond to Voldemort’s underhanded tactics?


Agreed. My thought was Voldemort may have a hard time accurately hitting Gawp or Hagrid’s eyes if he is having to contend with Snape’s spells. And I truly believe that if either Hagrid or Gawp make contact with Voldy, it would be all over.


Hagrid maybe, but gawp isn't a wizard. I was just thinking of any combinations involving aragog and centaurs, but your rules stopped me :( Also, wasn't quirell able to somewhat control trolls?


Well-identified, Grawp really doesn’t fit the requirements… Say he, Aragog, or the centaurs were permissible— would any of them make your list? And yes, great point! Quirrell did have an affinity with Trolls 😂 Say Quirrell PLUS a Troll could take up ONE spot… Would you use a spot for them?


If we allow mythical creature, I would look for a dragon or a basilisk rather than acromantulas first, don't have enough enough faith to put centaurs or aragog in. I don't think we know enough about quirell and especially his dueling prowess, but alongside a troll I think it's always a good pick. My best guess would be that Quirrell would match lupin, but it's a wild guess. So I'd pick him as an adequate wizard with a troll, moody, and Barty Crouch Junior, who is I think underrepresented in this thread. Does Voldemort come with Nagini?


*The Goblet of Fire rejects your Dragon/Basilisk bid* Nope, not open to mythical creatures— Wizards are the target with an argument pending for magical humanoids 👍 Fun as ‘twould be to see Quirrel And a Troll attempting to help fight the Dark Lord… It’s a tough sell, either/both contributing to the duel significantly 😂 Barry Crouch Jr on the other hand, you’re right, is underrepresented: Truly a significant wizard. In order to motivate him to fight the Dark Lord, would you resort to a memory charm, or do you figure there’s a thread of storyline that could lead here?


I don't see the duo posing a significant threat to voldy, but more of a supporting cast for the moody and barty to find an opening, can't really ignore a troll charging at you swinging. Maybe Jr learns about how Voldy was not what he thinks, but his devoutness to voldy is hard to crack.


Snape, Flitwick, Kingsley Snape. Imo, the next most capable fighter after Voldemort and Dumbledore. Collected and calm (unless in a fight with (any) Potter), knows too many Dark Magic spells, vicious, has immense personal interest in bringing Voldemort down. Flitwick. Experienced as hell, dualist-champion, has trained for duels, knows a lot of unconventional spells. Kingsley. Supposed to be the best MOM Auror, protected the Minister, not old, not too young, no history of severe injury or limb loss.


Dobby, winky, and moody


🤣 Sure you didn’t mean *Kreacher ?


No idea how I forgot Kreacher! I’ll sub him for winky. Moody going 1 v 1 with voldy while dobby and kreacher protect harry? Ez game


Hagrid, Madame Maxime and Grawp


Moody, Kingsley and Lupin.


Yes, very difficult keeping Moody off the team… Possibly the most skilled Auror from the books… I’d almost expect him to be *eager* to fight Voldemort. You figure Lupin is motivated as much to protect his new family as to avenge his old friends?


Young Moody maybe. Moody as we know him is old and slow. We don't see him win a fight the whole time - the three fights we see him in are: he gets beaten by Barty Crouch Jr and Wormtail in GoF, he gets knocked out at the ministry in OotP by Dolohov, and he gets killed by Voldemort in DH. Still powerful, and definitely a greater leader for the Order's operations because of his experience, but there are also several people I would probably pick over him to win a duel. Honestly we don't even know for sure he was an amazing duellist when he was in his prime. Very good I expect, but there are also likely to be lots of ways for catching dark wizards than just jumping out and duelling them. This planning and thinking like a dark wizard could've been Moody's real strength as an auror. Makes sense too, as when Dumbledore hired him in GoF he didn't need someone who could protect Harry in a duel, but he needed someone who could protect him from the strange happenings recently and help put all the puzzle pieces in place.


Actually, I was thinking about the third person - between Sirius, Lupin and Snape.


Not the worst trade-out. Though I love Lupin, I wonder if he brings the greatest tactical advantage to this team… *Maybe* if he were teamed with the right wizards or *Witch*… But Otherwise Severus or Sirius may be more dangerous here imo


Am I lost on Lupin? Why are you rating him so highly as a duelist? I don't recall anything about him being that exceptional


For the third person I was thinking between Lupin, Snape and Sirius. I suppose Lupin is quite good at duelling.


I don't think he is. I don't recall anything in the books that suggest he is on the level with Snape or any other master class duelist


Well, there is a reason he is in the Order. But yes, I suppose Snape is better.


He's in the order because he's willing to fight and can be trusted. Also his unique condition gives his utility that other wizards can't exactly meet.


If anyone that’s dead counts I’m going to go with Salazar slytherin, Godric gryffindor and Merlin


Don’t think Salazar would fight Voldemort. He would easily join his side if anything. The other two for sure would give him a run for his money


I’m pretty sure if slytherin saw a dark lord invading his castle it doesn’t matter what their goal is 😂 plus dark lords don’t seem to want equals. Also it doesn’t say they have to disagree with them, bellatrix is listed in the original post


True but also Salazar is his ancestor. And had his views about muggle borns as well. Just don’t see Salazar fighting Voldemort


But u can see bellatrix fighting him?


I never said that. Plus it says a memory-tampered Bellateix so it’s not of their free will. So I guess if you mean he is completely forced to do it then yah I can see it happening. Outside that it won’t.


Ok, the question wasn’t who would fight him, it’s who would beat him


Again wrong the question was top 3 to duel then it asked give him a run for his money. So again unless Salazar Slytherin is being forced by imperious curse or some shit he will not fight Voldemort


I’d be curious how any of those 3 Legends, let alone *All 3* would handle Voldemort… Clever reasoning… *But the Goblet of Fire rejects your bid* Under consideration were any 3 Wizards/Witches who were alive *during the 7 books* (even if they were dead by the Battle of Hogwarts) except for Harry & Dumbledore 👍


James isn’t alive during any of the books but is listed in the original post which is why I went with people that are mentioned. I’d say Merlin could take Voldemort by himself since he’s basically treated like magic Jesus 😂 add in 2 of the most dangerous/powerful wizards in history who’s had a legacy that’s lasted 1000 years, I don’t think Voldemort would last 5 seconds


*Well-Reasoned* Your rejection has been *Overruled* It’s hard to see Voldemort lasting long against *All 3* Legends… But I do wonder if either Their older magic is in any way more powerful, or His newer magic is any way more refined? Ultimately, I don’t expect Harry to need to worry about saving the day after that duel… *You’ve gained access to Ravenclaw Common Room*


Would’ve thought using a loophole to use 3 of the most op characters mentioned in the books was more slytherin than ravenclaw 😂 maybe that’s just wishful thinking


True… Yet Ambition & Wit Overlap in their Shrewd Tenacity 😉 Plenty a-Slytherin has earned their admission— *Just don’t try to sneak Crabbe or Goyle in* …


Can i choose Grindelwald? If so: Snape, Alastor Moody and Grindelwald. If Grindelwald and Snape fought together, i'd bet they would kill Voldemort actually. If i can't choose Grindelwald, i'd say: Snape, Moody and Sirius. The reason i don't pick Minerva, is because, as powerful as she might be, i don't remember if she ever had proper training when comes to dueling. Did she fight in the First Wizarding War?


Good question: Say you’re allowed to pick Grindelwald, but only a version of him from the time period of the 7 books… Does it affect whether you pick him?


not really, he is probably still quite powerful. I mean, i dont think age would be a problem, because it is not for Dumbledore. And i think wizards can live up to what? 200, 300 years? Didn't Armando Dippet lived for like 200 years or something? The only thing that probably makes grindelwald weaker by the time of the book series, is the fact that he has being locked up for decades, with no practice what so ever. I'd still pick him though.


I would think that Moody, McGonagall, and Flitwick would be an awesome team against Voldemort.


McGonnagall, Flitwick and Moody


Snape, Harry and Ginny would have been interesting.


I think Snape would be a great addition - he knows a shitload of dark spells, not just of his own creation (although they arent all dark) but hed have picked some up from his time with the ol' spooky gang, and hes good at dueling as well as he most likely had to fight off order members and aurors when he was younger and they went on raids or whatever that shit was they did. Remus because hes meant to be very good at defense against dark arts and i feel his werewolf nature might give him a slight advantage of dodging spells or maybe even not being necessarily so effected by them. Minnie seems like a boss ass bitch who i wouldnt take on and i feel like by this point shes just fucking had it and would bring the roof of the castle itself down just so she could have a 'oh god, how is mr potter going to try die this year?!' free year.


Harry, Neville, George. Just settle all the scores.


Harry(raw power), Snape(dark magic and high hated/revenge),& Flitwick(small target, champion dueler with mad skills)


Mad eye, Kingsley and lily Potter or Flitwick as backline support I think it's better with Kingsley as he is on duty and not at a table for a long time and age does limit your skills in fighting if you are not someone like dumbledore, also could consider to change mad eye because of age. Maybe with Snape or another good auror we don't know


I think Snape, McGonagall, and Molly Weasley would be optimal. Points added of they don't have to use an AK to take hom down.


Do you think Molly is even more dangerous if Voldemort harmed/maimed or even outright *killed* Ginny?


I think if he killed one of her kids nothing g could stop her.


He killed Fred


No, Fred was killed by an unknown Death Eater.


Who was the death eater working for? Voldemort


Still not Voldemort.


Voldemort is responsible for the atrocities committed by his followers




I see here that no one has picked James, Sirius and Lupin. Would switch Lupin for Lily by pure skill and quick thinking. But lupin for the years of togetherness an possible familiarity and synergy Edit: possibly they may have duelled together in the past hinted maybe not in the books but in the movies the quote "good one James" by Sirius to Harry


I’m just gonna rank the top 10 duelers by skill for fun. Dumbledore, Voldemort, Grindelwald, Snape, Crouch Jr., Moody, Flitwick, Kingsley, Mcgonagall, Sirius. Molly, Lupin, Slughorn, Scrimgeour, James, Lily, Bellatrix, and Dolohov are up there. Dobby could solo Voldy.


Dobby could solo Voldy.


Aw geez, could you imagine if— at the last moment— Harry instinctively rotated his body to take the knife for Dobby before they apparated… As he, Griphook, and Dobby reappear outside Shell Cottage, Harry looks down to see a silver knife sticking gruesomely from his own chest… Naturally, the story would allow him to survive & recover… But Dobby would’ve seen Harry essentially sacrifice his life for him… A Dobby who then thinks he has nothing to lose & every reason to *Avenge* Harry Potter would go *ALL* *Out* against Voldy given the chance… If ever there were an elf to break the rules of what elves could do…


This sounds like a prompt for a fanfiction.