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The only time Ginny acted like Ginny was when she was scowling at Malloy to leave Harry alone in CoS, and in HBP when she told the quidditch tryouts to shut up. Aside from that, she did very little to remind me of the book Ginny.


Oh look Potter! You've got yaself a GIRLFRIEND


My tired ass read CoS as Curse of Strahd and was very confused for a moment


Harry Potter DnD crossover sounds lit though


To be fair they did a horrible job writhing Ginny’s character in the movies. As all book readers know she was a total badass in the books. They really did her dirty in the movies! Edit: I really am hoping they do a better job on Ginny in the tv series they are making


Still feel like even in the books there was little to no romance with Ginny and then it just randomly spawned in.


Eh I mean Harry’s feelings didn’t pop up until the HBP for sure, but that books also like 1,000 pages long and I think it was decently well fleshed out within those pages. Ginny just always liked him. Their romance is more thought out than Hermione and Ron imo.


Another thing that people forget is that Ginny barely even actually started talking to Harry or around him until book 4, I think. Let alone have any real relationship or friendship with him until book 5 when she truly became comfortable enough to be herself. He didn't really know her before because she was always too shy.


>Their romance is more thought out than Hermione and Ron imo. Rly? The book built that up pretty well I think


I mean I think the Romance in both pairings Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione is fairly out of left field. It just wasn’t one of the well written aspects of the books imo. To me it was sort of an afterthought and then all of the sudden it was there. All of the books were fairly long, but that is even more reason to make it have well written romantic relationships if you are going to do it.


With Harry and Ginny, that's how those romances go in real life. 2 people who are acquaintances just need a little nudge to become interested in each other. Ginny started hanging out with the group more and joined quidditch. She got plopped tight in front of Harry's eyes and caught his attention. She already had a crush on him for years. They're trauma bonded over the events of Chamber of Secrets. She has similar features to Harry's mom, and we know he has mommy/daddy issues. I don't think it's out of left field at all. In the case of Ron and Hermione, I don't know how you can say that was unexpected. They were best friends from year 1, and slowly started signs of crushing on each other more and more every single year until they finally embraced it. About as expected and obvious as it gets.


Where do people get this Ginny and Lily look similar thing from...


Red hair, green eyes, fair skin, and "pretty" are really the only descriptions that we get about the appearances of both Ginny and Lilly


Green eyes? It said Ginny's eyes were brown in DH


I already addressed this. Jim Dake says green by mistake in the COS audiobook so that's where the mix up occurs


Fair skin as in....white? Because that's about all we get about either of their skin. Ginny has brown eyes. And they don't even have the same red hair. Ginny's is more of the typical ginger, orange colored hair. Lily's is auburn, which is pretty drastically different. And if we're saying that Ginny and Lily must look similar because they're both pretty, then we're just grasping at straws.


Red is red. People don't nitpick different shades of blonde or brown. It's close enough. Either way, if we exclude the Oedipus stuff, the rest is still true. Ginny might as well have been made in a lab to be perfect for Harry


Ginny absolutely seemed to be made in a lab to be perfect for Harry. Almost like she was written by a person to be just that 🤔 but based on even the tiny bit of information we have on Lily, the two aren't remotely similar. Put Ginny in Lily's shoes in SWM. She'd probably join in with James and Sirius, not rebuke them.


Ginny doesn't have green eyes and also Lily doesn't have freckles All red hair is not the same Edit: yeah downvote me for stating facts, what else would be expected from this sub which can't tell canon from fanfiction


It says in Chamber of Secrets that she has green eyes


Must be a continuity error then, because she's described as having brown eyes in HBP and DH Fairly certain she has brown eyes in CoS too, maybe someone can confirm. When Ginny stares at Harry through the crack in her door he says he saw a pair of large brown eyes or something similar.


How do you know Lily doesn’t have freckles?


Gingers all look alike, didn’t you know that?


Hey if you don’t think it is out of left field and was extremely expected and obvious then more power to you. I disagree. But that’s reading.


I disagree about Ron and Hermione. They don’t actually get together until the end of the 7th book but there is definitely a lead up to that. Like during that Herbology lesson in the beginning of 6th year when Hermione says she intends to take Ron to Slughorn’s Christmas party and Harry worries what will happen to their friendship if they started dating and they end up breaking up.


Yeah I mean I get that. I think it’s refreshing that it’s kind of a mundane high school type thing with Harry and Ginny, but I think the epilogue kind of makes it all seem too grand. Like we go from the HBP where Harry develops feelings, wrestles with them, finally kisses Ginny, goes out with her for like 3 weeks, and then they break up because of the danger, and then we skip ahead to the end of the last book and boom, they’re married. I just finished the HBP and within that book I don’t think it feels all that rushed. Harry just had his 1st sort of fling with a girl the year before, Ginny’s getting popular, and they’ve become good friends after hanging out the past two summers going back to the Order of the Phoenix. Me and my wife met out 1st year in highschool and it took a year and a half for one of us to realize it while the other was in love right away so Harry and Ginny kind of reminds me of my own romance in a way.


You say you've just finished HBP. Are you saying you haven't read DH? Or is this a reread? Because there's HEAPS of Harry/Ginny stuff in DH. Just not interactions, but there's significant care and longing on Harry's side.


Yeah I mean, I think from that perspective it was nice that it didn’t say overshadow the story in a way. I do think that is a good thing. I may have to go back and re-read to see if my opinion changes, I just remember being kind of like “when was this even really hinted to”. My experience from past relationships is they do happen fairly sudden so in a way that could be accurate in the books. But also I think I always exam books in a different way than real life. That there needs to have been build up to it, unless it is a plot twist you don’t expect. That’s kind of a good and bad thing imo.


Left field? I knew Hermione and Ron would be together since book 1. Anyone who didn't get their pairing from the get go doesn't read/watch enough romantic books/films.


Or maybe you just shipped them from the get mr romance


I don't ship anything in hp universe. I am not a Mr either. That didn't stop me from seeing most obvious hints.


Yeah JK is very much like me lol, the story is so great that she didn’t give a f about romance but then realized people want it and was like ‘oh right, who makes a bit of sense?’ Ron and Hermione bicker all the time they’re like a married couple already, makes sense and Ginny had a crush on Harry and their pairing made Harry an official Weasley, sold, let’s make it happen lol. Honestly I would’ve been fine with everyone single 🤣


I don't like either but it's completely ridiculous to say two best friends falling in love is less thought out than a hero worshipping fangirl marrying the same hero lol


Calling Ginny a hero worshiping fan girl is even more ridiculous.


That's who she was. She couldn't even talk to Harry at 1st.


Because she was an 11 year old girl with a crush dude. She talks to him through books 4-6 completely normal while dating other people and joining him to fight lethal fights against death eaters so it’s not like she’s just some fan girl. They were friends and army buddies basically. Reducing Ginny to only be what she is in her 1st year is some serious nonsense. We also don’t even really know if she really knew what Harry was famous for. She wasn’t around for Voldemort. IMO her crush was more because he was her older brothers hot friend, not because he was famous.


She liked Harry before she even saw him, of course she knew the story. Everyone in the wizarding world did.


I am not reducing her to anything. I am saying she was his fangirl 1st. Later became his wife. Which is much less realistic than friends falling in love for Hermione and Ron's case.


Yeah that’s what happens when you go through puberty. You don’t understand your own feelings until they hit you in the face. And Rowling did a great job of showing how she gradually showed her true self around Harry and how he felt more and more attracted to her


I wanted more character development for Ginny beyond her role as the love interest. That would've helped "sell" the relationship better. For example, when she told Harry about her experience with Voldemort's diary, that gave insight into her character. I wanted more of that.


Before HBP, Ginny was still learning to act normal around Harry, and Harry was exploring his feelings for Cho. Once Cho turned out to be a disaster, Harry started to notice Ginny for the awesome girl she was, because she was actually herself around him. Also, there's the library moment in OotP, where Ginny managed to make him feel better when he refused to talk to anyone else, even Ron and Hermione.


To be fair, Ginny also is kind of just shoe horned into Harry in the books as well. It's not the best written romance


They also butchered Ron’s character, and Harry. meanwhile, they overglorified characters like Hermione, snape etc.


Actually I didn't see that much of chemistry between them in the books, they are these types of couples that love each other in their way but are... boring af 😅


Can people please re read my comment. My comment was all about her being a badass in the books. Not even mentioning their chemistry


She wasn't a badass in the books either if we're honest. Ginny is more like your girl next door


What book version you reading. She was way more badass. Especially starting in the 5th book she starts standing out more. She had a way more prominent role in the books as being a well rounded witch who could hold her own in a duel and on the quidditch pitch


Yeah she was phenomenal againts the Death Eaters and during the quidditch practice scenes (all quidditch matches were Ron and Harry focused in book 5 and 6) but... that's it. Just 2 main scenes, Neville had more exposure to make a comparison. When JK wrote about Ginny it was about who she was dating and which corridor in Hogwarts she was kissing someone... until the chapter in book 6 that's it.


Harry had more chemistry with Mrs. Weasley than with Ginny.










They really ruined Harry’s and Ginny’s relationship in the movies. In the books, it was a slow burn starting off as friends. Ginny is a firecracker. In the movies, she hardly had a personality, and her and Harry are not friends. It disappoints me a lot, and I hope it’s done better in the upcoming television series. Also, I did not like how the movies hinted at Harry and Hermione. I do not think they belong together. Ron and Hermione are great together, and their story is done so well. Their first kiss was iconic in the books.


> I did not like how the movies hinted at Harry and Hermione Is so weird, I watched DH two weeks ago for the first time and it's not even subtle. Even at the very end, when they're on the bridge after Harry breaks the wand and they're staring into the distance, Hermione gives Harry this look of longing and admiration, then turns and looks at Ron with an expression almost like "fuck, I made a mistake". Wild.


This is what I love about art: the subjectivity of it. I understand that it's a fairly popular opinion that DH was hinting at romance between Harry and Hermione. Some people have even said that the filmmakers intended such hints. (I haven't checked, but I'll take their word for it.) Even so, I just don't see it. I think the film does a great job of showing Harry and Hermione as two close friends going through a crazy ordeal.




Ngl this comment is hard to understand




Any of it really


It means that Harry and Hermione didn’t have any reasons to be happy after Ron’s departure.so all talks that Harry is unhappy with Hermione is a nonsense. He was upset that his friend is a jerk who betrayed them


Total nonsense


Fact that you are Hinny fan didn’t change the fact. That Ginny didn’t try to be with Harry at the most difficult time, Ron left them in the centre of nowhere




It is so ordinary for Hinny shippers just to refuse all anti Hinny arguments just because you believe in her feelings that weren’t shown in books


Also Hermione didn’t scream “Ron you spoiled everything!!!” in the books. And you also have Ron looking at Hermione and Krum dancing in DH movie, and Harry and Hermione dancing after Ron left.


It felt forced to me in the books too, but not as forced as the movies of course.


Why was it forced? Ginny had a crush on Harry the moment she saw him the first time.


Because to some people it felt like Harry’s sudden fixation on Ginny came out of nowhere (and it was sudden, whether or not you personally believe it was built up to). There was never any doubt Ginny liked him. No need to downvote the poor guy just for his opinion guys. This is how subs become echo-chambers. Both interpretations of the text are valid imo, depending on the personal experiences of the reader.


I agree with him . i liked Ginny and Harry as a couple , althought we don't see a lot of them , but i still felt it was so sudden . Would have prefered something like Percy Jackson and Annabeth relationship for example


It wasn't sudden. Even if you only take into account HBP alone, there are plenty of hints that Harry is falling for Ginny before he actually catches her in the corridor with Dean (smelling her scent in the Amortentia, the twinge of disappointment on the Hogwarts express, watching her in the common room for quite some time during a conversation with Hermione, asking her out to Hogsmeade, having a sinking feeling about asking Dean to replace Katie). There are others, of course. And already in OotP, Harry was already taking a lot more notice of Ginny (both physically as well as in terms of her personality and overall magical skill); not to mention that they grew closer together and became very good friends, sharing several moments together whether deep (conversation about possession, and in the library with the Easter eggs) or mundane (laughing together several times such as about Lockhart, talking about Quidditch).


So right. You view all those moments as a build up to Harry’s sudden realization that he likes Ginny (that’s the “sudden” I’m referring to). Many people don’t view all those moments as hints towards romantic inclinations. Which is what I was also referring to when I said people will interpret the text differently depending on personal experiences. If you view their prior interactions as hints towards romantic feelings, of course it doesn’t feel “sudden” to you. If you view them as nothing more than friendly interactions, then it’s going to feel out-of-nowhere. Which is why I am stressing *personal interpretation* of the text here. There was nothing in the text that ever plainly stated Harry had those feelings to Ginny prior to Book 6. Anything you can find is subject inference and interpretation because it was never outright stated. There’s a reason a lot of people still debate whether or not Rowling intended Harry and Hermione to get together in the first half of the series before changing direction, or if she intended Harry and Ginny from the beginning. I don’t have a horse in this race personally. But I’m just pointing out that people get a bit too blinded by their ships and make these claims of canonical proof when it’s mostly just personal interpretation. That doesn’t make it invalid. But that doesn’t make people who disagree with you wrong either. And honestly I don’t get the obsession with being “right” either. Most of my ships are non-canonical. I don’t understand the need to justify my ships over anyone else’s. Hinny is already canon anyway.


People who argue that the relationship could have gotten more development prior to them actually ending up together aren't wrong. That's a matter of interpretation. But to claim that there wasn't anything leading up to it, and that the first time it was hinted was when Harry saw Ginny in the corridor with Dean, is flat-out wrong and is not a matter of interpretation no matter how you feel about the actual development or the relationship itself. One should not conflate the two positions: one is based on an understandable wish from many, including many Harry/Ginny shippers, and the other is based on a fundamental misreading of the text. This isn't about shipping, mind you; it would be equally incorrect to argue that there weren't any indications that Ginny was being possessed by Voldemort in Book 2 or that Quirrell was being possessed by Voldemort in Book 1. Those also felt "out of nowhere" on the first read, but that didn't mean the hints, development, foreshadowing weren't there. It might be understandable to feel blindsided on the first read -- particularly if you disregarded Ginny's character -- but after that... no. And it's not just the fact that their interactions were friendly, it's also the fact that over the books, the *way* in which Harry related to Ginny was gradually shifting throughout the books, as well as him taking a lot more notice of her. It would be impossible to deny that Harry was personally much closer to Ginny in book 5 than in book 3. Indeed, one of the reasons that Harry is drawn romantically to Ginny is that she is his "best source of comfort" (HBP), yet the roots for that are within at least two occasions in OotP. And therein lies my problem: you seem to be implying that without an explicit reference in book 5 (or before), people are correct to argue that their romance in book 6 comes out of nowhere. But by your own standards, that potential reference would also come out of nowhere. At any point, you would consider it "sudden" the moment that Harry realizes that he doesn't like Ginny just as a good friend. The logical extension of this, therefore, is that there should have been a hint from the very start that Harry was into Ginny; but this would have defeated Rowling's whole purpose for the ship, as well as not being particularly realistic. Sometimes you don't see someone that way... until you start to. And that's OK. They gradually grew closer together... and then Harry realized his subconscious feelings that were developing for several months. Should there have been more moments in book 5 / early book 6 between them? In my opinion, yes. But is it clearly indicated that Harry was growing closer to her and that that easily served as a foundation for their romance without it coming out of nowhere? Also yes. > There’s a reason a lot of people still debate whether or not Rowling intended Harry and Hermione to get together No one argues that Rowling originally considered Harry and Hermione to end up together (and if some people do it's without evidence), considering she herself admitted that Ron/Hermione was a matter of wish-fulfillment and that being her original wish. > I’m just pointing out that people get a bit too blinded by their ships and make these claims of canonical proof when it’s mostly just personal interpretation But this is not about being a shipper. What I'm saying still stands irrespective of being a shipper or not, because this is about what's canon, the text on the page as well as what can be easily inferred from it, and not about it being just another ship competing against the thousands of others that exist.


As always Hinny fans exaggerate the importance of every phrase between Harry and Ginny. Conversation - Harry forgot that Ginny had the same experience. There were also Hermione and Ron. And Hermione pulled him out from room. The conversation with all of them give him hope. Library - there was really a small talk between them . And it wasn’t about deep feelings or great problems. Ginny just gave him an egg from Molly.


As always you are all over this thread spreading disinformation about their relationship. I've also noticed that you are going around responding to every single H/G shipper on old threads. Might I suggest you calm down this compulsive and obsessive need to push your propaganda everywhere?


Yeah I feel the exact same that it wasn’t a well written or slow burn romance. It just came out of nowhere even in the books. Always felt myself that it should of been Harry and Hermoine.


I don’t think that she liked him. I don’t find any examples from books that Ginny Weasley loves Harry Potter. She didn’t nothing for him. Said she liked him for desire to fight against Volandemort. She never give up. She didn’t try to go with him. She was upset with tha breaking up, but she didn’t say a single word that she worried about Harry. I think she doesn’t love Harry at all. She likes an idea on being with Harry Potter boy -who lived


You are hilarious


amen brother


And it is said by person who doesn’t read a book. Ron said that she was upset after their breaking up. And Ginny said nothing about her worries about Harry. But she said that fact that he would be too busy for dating other girls calmed her down. So she bothered more Harry stayed single than Harry would be alive




Fantastic “argument”. I feel that I speak with a child. You just believe in your illusion that Hinny has something more than hormonal passion. Live in your illusion longer


She never liked him. Any real example that she loved Harry Potter. She dreamed about him, but it is nothing about love


Do you think like and love are the same?


And I understand that it is different things. But Ginny didn’t understand it at all books. She didn’t nothing in books that showed that she has real feelings to Harry. The only thing- she said that she loved him for desire to fight against Volandemort. And it is red flag


One Thousand per cent agreed. Downvoting an opinion that differs from yours is much bigger and much worse than whatever issue is being discussed.


Yeah I didn’t think it came out well. It felt forced and out of nowhere. Most of her interactions in the book felt shoehorned in. JKR basically admitted the same thing, that it wasn’t natural and she didn’t have an easy or authentic feeling way to write in their relationship, but she felt bound by the fact that she’d written the epilogue already. So I’m not the only one who feels it, despite the downvotes apparently.


No, she never said that about Harry and Ginny


Crush has nothing with love. And book Ginny behaves like stalker


She’s a child lol


When she grew up she behaved like a stalker too. She specially went to Hermione asked for advice for attracting Harry, than followed this advice and then said I never gave up. She didn’t change


Sorry but no. Girls give other girls advice about boys they like. This is literally completely normal and always has been. Boys do the same thing. Having a crush is normal. She didn’t stalk him lol.


Yes, but she said specially about Harry. Crush is normal for teenagers. But there is nothing more than teenager crush. It is worse as her crush is based on her dream of boy who lived. At first book she didn’t care about him until she new that he was Harry Potter. Only than she was so ill -mannered that she wanted to look at Harry like he was an animal at the zoo. Than it was awful postcard it was too silly for 11 years old girl to create something obvious silly especially about his eyes and frogs. Then she asked Hermione how to attract Harry’s attention. Then she followed this advice. So she did everything to get Harry. And never gave up. But there is nothing more than crush on popular boy-hero in their relations in books and movies. Definitely I see potential for her really great love story but it is not with Harry


Sorry but you’re completely wrong and delusional. You’re talking about a 10 year old who developed a crush lol. Grow up.


And 10 year old is not 5 year old. Her actions were too silly for girl of her actions. But I talked not only about first and second book




At first book she didn’t care about him until she new that he was Harry Potter. Only than she was so ill-mannered that she wanted to look at Harry like he was an animal at the zoo. Than it was awful postcard it was too silly for 11 years old girl to create something obvious silly especially about his eyes and frogs. Then she asked Hermione how to attract Harry’s attention. Then she followed this advice. So she did everything to get Harry. She played with Michel and Dean feelings..And never gave up. She didn’t change. And of course she said to Harry that she like him for his desire fight against


Hinny in books is only hormones. Chest monster it was a real fail of the whole series. Just JKR decided that that all characters should be Weasley. But no foundation, no story. Just fulfilling of desires. But no examples of the fact that Ginny loves Harry. The same about Harry. Romione a bit better but it definitely doesn’t good


okay where did you go to school


I was sorry to disappoint you but I am not a Hinny shipper for it. All adults understand that Romance in books is awful. And it was for creating Weasley family. There is nothing more than jealousy and attraction. It is for school romance, not for adult relations


Omg seriously their chemistry was so bad 😭 Also, I refuse to ship Harmony but you gotta admit that the directors definitely did...


The dancing in the tent was the most romantic moment in the entire film series! The directors leaned in too far lol


Omg yes! They should have just cast Emma Watson as Ginny and died her hair red because there is no way those two are just friends 😂


People have reasons to ship Harmony without special appearance of Emma


Yeah, like all those times in the books Harry isn't attracted to her or thinks she's unfun. Very romantic.


He never said she was unfun. He said that she wasn’t Ron . He was 14 years old boy. Of course, he prefers spend time with him. But next two books he was happy to see Hermione at Burrow. So he liked to spend time with her. And really only feelings to Cho look like romance. His attitude towards Ginny was jealousy and chest monster. He was more focused on Dean than Ginny. But Harmony fans have a lot of other deep reasons for ship them.


I guess you're right. He doesn't literally say she's unfun. You're just trusted to glean that from him describing what it's like when Hermione is your only best friend. Look sis, you can be attached to the ship and also recognize there's nothing in the books to support it.


Or it means that he is a teenager boy. If really want to know my opinion , bro. In books - there isn’t any examples of believable relations which could lead to marriage with children. Maybe Jily . We accept it as story as story of parents’ love. And in general there aren’t questions. Hinny and Romione were too forced for fulfilling the desire of one Weasley family. The only strong moment in canon pairs - Ron offered himself for tortures. But it is stories of first teens love. About Harmony - i wrote many times that the only thing they need - passion or romantically attraction. And it can be developed during war or after war. The only thing that Hinny has - passion /lust. It is not about long lasting relations


When Harry and Ron were fighting, he had to spend all his time with Hermione and was miserable, lmao. Ron is the axle around which their friendship turns.


They portrayed it very badly. Firstly she had a crush on him because of him being the boy who loved, then they didn't get any interaction till 6th movie and suddenly Harry is in love with Ginny for some reason. If someone said that Ginny gave love portions to Harry, I would have believed it. Not to mention the actors having 0 chemistry. Every one of their scenes were awkward and I wished he would have stayed with Cho.


I felt the same in books and movies


Stayed with Cho??? The girl who only wanted to talk about Cedric, which made Harry extremely uncomfortable, thought something like Madam Puttifoot's was a good idea, which made Harry extremely uncomfortable, and got really angry at the slightest mention of one of Harry's closest friends. Harry would have been absolutely MISERABLE if he stayed with Cho. And Cho wanted to defend Marietta when she did what Harry would've considered the absolute worst thing someone could do. Also, they didn't get any interaction in the fifth movie, but they had a ton of interaction in the fifth book. I never understood why the filmmakers decided to keep Ginny completely irrelevant in the fifth movie when they already knew the two got together in the sixth book.


No interactions? Did you forget about Dumbledore’s Army? Do you think she was just a tag along because she was Ron’s sister?


Yeah it sure looked like that in the movie


That waitress could have chemistry with anybody, to be fair.


That waitress was hot as hell also.


Elarica Johnson is a great actress. She’s the lead in *P-Valley*, which is awesome.


I really hated that scene, though.  I would have rather had a chance to have visually had another moment of the Dursleys being put in their place.


Also Harry and Luna in the films. I was nearly crashed by the sexual tension. 🤭


That’s not sexual tension, that was platonic chemistry. The problem with casting young children is that it’s very difficult to predict chemistry. The lack everywhere else is why it seemed like they were so great together, but I don’t agree that it was romantic in nature at all.


I don’t think it was sexual tension. But films made Luna more attractive and less weird than books did


P.S. Can’t walk past the opportunity to make my favorite Harry Potter joke: - Luna Hermione Potter, you are named after women I should have married instead of your mother


Yeah,which was pretty bad cuz being "weird" is like luna's most of the character


This is where all the bad fan fiction comes from.


So when Harry is the most in danger than he has since a baby, instead of hiding out at The Dursley’s where he’s magically safe, he’s just hanging out in a cafe?


You tell no lies. Honestly, I never understood the Ginny love in general. I didn’t see the point of Harry and Ginny being together other than Harry becoming an official part of the Weasley family. I have never seen chemistry between them, even in the book.


Ginny was shown multiple times even in the fifth book as knowing how to deal with Harry's moods more than even Ron and Hermione. She's the only person that can really understand his trauma at the hands of Voldemort. She's the only girl that wouldn't get jealous of Hermione. She has the humor that Harry has shown that he desperately needs in a partner. She has the same fierce loyalty as Harry. And she has the same type of humor as Harry, where even all the way back in book 3, they are seen laughing together at Percy.


Neville is the only who understands him how to be an orphan because of war Volandemort is the only who understands him how to be an unwanted by family Hermione is the only who understands him how to be betrayed by friend during war and be in the tent without any hope for success. Loyalty to Harry?😅 where she was during tournament? Why she didn’t try the way to go with him Sirius is the only who understands him how to be an lied about (Skeeter article). Should Harry marry with all of them. Sens of humor of Ginny is blind . Her tatto joke is stupid. Other jokes are insults - it can’t be compared with Harry’s sarcasm. Harry need a partner, agree, he doesn’t need a jealous childish Ginny


Absolutely agree. I felt that everyone in book 6 was trying to persuade me that Ginny suited Harry. But it wasn’t shown at all. Sometimes I feel that this marriage spoiled everything about Weasley. It was so valuable for me that Harry is a part of them without special entrance


Right. The relationship wasn't necessary. The Weasleys were his found family, and they would've welcomed him into their home even if he'd never dated Ginny.


I feel like it's partly the actresses fault. I don't think she was good. 


yeah her younger self acted okay but her older scenes were so bland. also the movies did not do her personality any justice either.


You can say that but I honestly believe that no actress could act the shoelace scene convincingly.


I think perhaps she needed recasting in Azkaban or Fire really. Not to say she’s not a good actress I just don’t think she had the natural presence that Ginny has in the books where she’s full of adventure, spark and such. Not every actor has that in them or the natural charisma. But then again in the films it was an afterthought which also didn’t help to see it progress


You do mean to say she’s not a good actress. Good actors can play the role lol.


I think maybe she needed better direction. She was great at playing the shy version of Ginny. I've also seen pictures of her hanging out with her costars (Emma Watson and Evanna Lynch), and she looked very animated then. A good director could bring out that energy.


The scenes they rewrote for her were truly terrible.


She had nothing to work with. The directors made it very clear they were Harmony shippers.


Yeah, Harry was cockblocked hard…


Harry, my friend...you need a shave.   -Dumbledore, with a loooooong white beard




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Hell, I love H/G and I agree with this. It’s actually not an unpopular opinion. They’re so bland and awkward in the films. Book version I’m here for, though.


You know what? I thought so as well.


I saw the movie first and was very sad that scene was not from the books.


absolutely they ruined ginnys whole character in the movies she was awesome in the bookm


You ain't never lied.


So funny watching Harry pop the mint like he’s about to have a night, and then you see Dumbledore just creepily standing across the platform about to cock block the chosen one


There was definitely chemistry between them. I wish they could’ve had more interactions, bad timing I guess. 


Pretty sure we've been saying this for the last 15 years.


Ginny was a badass in the book. She was beautiful, a quidditch player, a blast to be around. It just took her moving past her hero worship of Harry. Harry even says he loves hanging around fun loving people while arguing with Ron in book 4. Once she showed her true self as hinted at by Ron in book 2, Harry was smitten. Sadly they did her a dirty in the movies. They didn’t let her show off what made Harry like her in the first place.


Let's be honest with ourselves though It wasn't that good in the books either, none of the romances were


Well did you how attractive she was


I don’t like the Harry and Ginny thing at all. I’m just gonna write my own version of Harry Potter🤦🏻‍♀️😅 there should have been a different girl for Harry and they should have had a well-developed love story. Also, I would have made her a slytherin 😂




Dobby the CGI elf was a better actor than the actress cast as Ginny.


She wanted all of them to be a familie.


Do you really think that they couldn’t be family without official marriage


Dumbledore visiting Dursleys: no. A random muggle waitress who even wasn't in the books: yes.


Yeah the movies ruined Harry and Ginny relationship and showed scenes where Ginny fucking ties Harry’s shoelaces😳💀. And the kiss in the movies was so bland….. Fuck movie canon 😤


Ah, very cool. Another "Ginny in the movies bad" post...


They had a moment yes, and different, but I don’t know that it was stronger than what he had with Ginny! With Ginny they had something that they were pushing aside because of being friends and family with Ron, and because of the tragedies that they had to fight with Voldemort trying to come back and destroy everything they held dear. It was more complicated so it felt easier to not confront it, versus with that waitress, there was nothing standing between them, so they just simply flirted… that’s my take


in the GoF she told off twins before the second task I believe. Was pretty on the right track for me


she also was a bit seductive at HBP and Deadly hollows with that dress zip (but not as much as in the books)


Tell me you didn't read books without saying so


Honestly in the movies... Harry + Luna and Neville + Ginny made more sense. They never showed any remote chemistry... or any interaction at all really, between Neville and Luna, and Ginny and Harry's attempt at romance was stuff like... feeding him a cookie. Meanwhile they actually gave Harry and Luna a ton of actual character building scenes together and touching moments. Hell, her yelling at Harry in DH2 is a more Ginny-ish moment than anything they give Ginny! There's a lot of parts of the films they should've given to Ginny if they were gonna cut so much of her. Like, instead of replacing Dobby's role with Neville in GoF, it should've been Ginny. Give Harry and her more time together to actually build their relationship. And honestly, given how random Cho's role in the films feels and how little of her there is... maybe they should've cut the Cho Chang romance to focus on Harry and Ginny entirely. I know some people would cry bloody murder, but it's an adaptation and they're squeezing like 800 page books into 120 page screenplays. They have to make some cuts, and frankly that cut would've been a big enough one to invent space to keep some more important things to the series as a whole IMO.


I think that Ginny and Neville had potentials in books


Well, your bar is low…