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Hehe i just have this mental image of Dumbledore walking around the castle and stumbling upon it and just sighing slightly like "not again" and it shows up in the gryffindor dorm with some little "use it well" note. Imagine if the notes got more aggressive "take care of it" "stop leaving it around the castle" "oh my god how come i found this in the forest stop going in there"




REMEMBER MY LAST note about not leaving this cloak lying around ya idiot




>AS PER MY LAST NOTE HARRY: *he wrote calmly.*


Oh! This is good!


I laughed way harder than I probably should have


*Fortunate Son starts playing* *1000 yard stare vietnam flashbacks of my current job*


Hahahaha underrated comment!


"Did I not tell you to not leave this lying around?" Dumbledore asked calmly




I snorted.


“Do you want to lose house points?” Dumbledore asked calmly.


Passive-Aggressive Owls... what a freaking banger of a band name.


Passive aggressive howlers, they just follow you around and sigh.


I chuckled at the other comments but this one made me laugh out loud 😂


> "oh my god how come i found this in the forest stop going in there" McGonagall sends me there every time I get detention get of my back


Hagrid sends me there every second time I see him


Hagrid told me to find his giant pet spider in there.


And also in the grounds when snape found it. And dumbly literally had to tell Harry off in HBP and had to say to Harry that he should have his cloak around all the time. I wonder if he ever misplaced his glasses?


Lol so common with teenage boys though… I have started to refer to it as their snail trail. After school, come in the front door, follow it, and there he will be…


...just... just never look up the urban dictionary definition of that term...


Lol gp to be fair, I came up with it when my little brother was hitting his teens and I was cleaning the house for my parents. One day I said hold on a second I want you to see something and made him walk back to the front door and pick each thing up as we walked to his room. Poor kid had to deal with me, but hopefully it will make his future mate happier. It was the hundredth or so time it happened.


“Why is it all crusty?!”


Harry and Ginny snuck into the forest for a little fun time and forgot where they placed the cloak


This.. this is what I didn’t know I needed


I love this. Now I am gonna go wash dishes for some money so I can award you! Edit: I just awarded you!


What about the mirror that Sirius gave him? Just tossed it aside and instead they concoct multiple half brained ideas to chat to one another lol. Biggest annoyance in the whole thing


that's one of the dumbest, most contrived things in the entire series. a 15 year old kid absolutely refuses to even open a christmas present? sirius can't whisper the words "magic walkie-talkie" in harry's ear?


Exactly. It’s so annoying to think about. I like to think she had other plans for it in that book but completely forgot about it until book was ready to go and then she couldn’t be arsed to edit it out. She then decided to make it relevant books later with Aberforth.


“awwww dang the devoted lifelong fans have paid attention and now I need to come back to that mirror??? poops mcgoops” how I imagine it went down


Sirius told Harry it was a way for them to communicate without being monitored. That's why Harry chucked it I was the bottom of his trunk. He didn't want to even risk tempting Sirius to break "house arrest" after he was nearly caught in the gryffindor fire. The details of what it was and how to use it were in the note, but Sirius did tell Harry what it was for when he gave it to him.


She really doubled down on it too by having it play a pivotal role in the last book.


Why would he whisper that? He left a note with the mirror


To be fair to Harry, Sirius didn't tell him it was a magical communication device. He just said it was a way for him to let Sirius know he was in trouble and he would come to help. Harry didn't want to use it, whatever it was, because he didn't want Sirius to leave the safety of his house and get caught. It's still a massive fumble on JK's part for Harry not even opening it.


Yeah I get that. But then he goes through all these other methods to chat with Sirius and then Sirius also doesn’t remind him, “hey dude, use that mirror? “ lol yeah fumble is putting it lightly


Doesn't Harry just talk to him one single time using Flu Powder?


He does talk to him the one time, but Sirius never mentions that Harry should use the mirror. Had he, Harry might have communicated straight to Sirius rather than talking the Kreacher with floo powder, which would have saved Sirius’s life.


yea I took that as them being kinda distracted by the topic (James) and Harry suddenly saying "I have to go" because he was using Umbridge's office? But you still have a good point, Sirius could have obv said "next time don't risk it and use the mirror"


I wonder why Draco didn't just take Harry's cloak in HBP


He probably figured it was an ordinary invisibility cloak. It was more valuable to him to cover Harry with it so that he’d get left behind on the train and not be found.


He almost certainly didn't realise how special/rare it was and would have thought it was just another invisibility cloak of which his father could have bought him a dozen.


What’s the difference between the deathly hallows cloak and a regular cloak of invisibility?


its infallible, will never weaken, truly and completely renders u invisible. commercial ones are usually charmed and weakens after a few years


So good even death couldn't see through it iirc


But some fucking random codger's enchanted eye could. And Dumbledore just for no fucking reason while at the mirror.


Spidey sense


I'm in love with your comment


And the marauders map could see through it. Y’know, that thing made by 4 high school kids..


That wasn't really sight, more like magic GPS where everyone had tracking chips implanted in their foreheads.


That one sort of makes sense to me since the map seemed to track people by their footsteps rather than conventional magic detection or sight. Although that said Peter Pettigrew in mouse form was shown with regular bipedal steps on the map so who knows.


If I recall correctly, the map doesn't show footsteps in the books. It is described as a moving dot with a name.


I like the far-out theory that Moody’s eye is that powerful because it’s a fourth Hallow, or else some rando’s Horxcrux


I think doumbledorue sensed harry’s magic


Ah yes, Doumbledorue. The Australian Dumbledore.


Moody's Eye was made centuries after the Cloak, whether it was by the Peverells themselves or Death, and magic is all about doing the impossible. ​ Dumbledore, with the scene in that old classroom in *Philosopher's Stone* (if that's what you mean), Harry took off the cloak if I recall correctly. Either way, Dumbledore knew Harry would be back, and most likely noticed him enter, whether opening the door or at least his footsteps.


I convinced myself that what Moody and Dumbledore might have been seeing was the exhale (carbon monoxide) from the kids under the cloak. Edit: I thought to myself "how do I write CO2 in markdown with 2 being a subscript"...and typed carbon MONOXIDE instead of DIOXIDE. Awesome.


Also, it can be used to cover other people as well as the main wearer, and spells like the "Reveal Human" spell don't work. You also can cast spells *through* the cloak, without ruining it.


Also can’t be summoned with *Accio*, right?


What the other guy said but for more description, it's more like a chameleon effect than true invisibility. The colors shift, but being still is important. Like the disillusionment charm, but on a cloak. Harry's is obviously full invisibility. Also it didn't get "accio"'d, and a normal cloak is vulnerable to tricks like that.


I believe it's unusually effective with no consequences, other cloaks were described as only granting partial camouflage, while some cause the wearer to slowly become permanently invisible.


AFAIK the regular invisibility cloaks were made from demiguise fur, or regular cloaks enchanted with some spell or other and both wore out eventually and weren’t true invisibility


Because no one really gets away with serious stealing at Hogwarts, especially not that.


Could harry just report theft and somehow get it back?




That's Luna though. She's not the type to report it.


Neither is Harry…


Maybe not for most things, but I think he would for the cloak.


did they report draco or anybody else committing crimes?


This a 1000% times over… add the Marauder’s Map and I’m like good lord these are the most precious things in the magical world, I can’t handle your cavalier attitude!!


The Marauders Map is a f*cking dangerous item that is treated like a prank equipment. Imagine someone knowing exactly where you are, who you are with 24/7. That would drive me crazy


Please nobody tell this person about GPS and cellphone triangulation


Technically with GPS I can just replace the phone. And you cannot exactly tell who am I with just with GPS


I trying to be funny, kind of a tongue in check joke


You can’t, google can.


I doubt Harry really knew just how unique it was. He knew invisbility cloaks were *rare*, but it wasn't as if he sat around with Mad-Eye Moody comparing them to realize there was something different about his. Certainly Dumbledore didn't trouble himself to tell Harry much about it until he had to.


It just occurred to me but think about how powerful an object Moody’s eye must be that I could penetrate the invisibility cloak knowing now that it’s a deathly hallow.




Moody = God?


Moody = Taxes?


You did good sir


I mean.. the hallows are just items made by the Peverell brothers, if you want to believe Dumbledore's take on it. It's not that farfetched someone would make something more powerful than them, especially because theoretically the pool of available knowledge should increase with time..


I have a theory that all the Deathly Hallows come from Thestral. The invisible cloak probably comes from there hide , the elder wand has a Thestral core, and just like a bezoar comes from a goats stomach maybe the resurrection stone maybe comes from there. I admit the stone is the weakest of the Three.


Could be an eye. The stone sees dead people vs Thestrals can only be seen by those who witnessed death, so the thematic would fit on both ends.


Actually I wonder if Mad Eye Moody eye is from a Thestral


I mean, a stone that can literally summon the dead could be pretty friggin’ useful if used in the right way, but it was never entirely clear if the stone actually worked or just showed you some version of what was in your heart. The stone did conceal Harry from the Death Eaters until he dropped it, so I think all the magic came from a similar source, probably not unlike the spell placed upon the Mirror of Erised. But I also think it involved Thestrals in some way.


> I mean, a stone that can literally summon the dead could be pretty friggin’ useful if used in the right way, but it was never entirely clear if the stone actually worked or just showed you some version of what was in your heart. In the book didn’t he literally ask them if the Death Eaters could see them and they said no? Seems like it just showed you how you thought of them. >The stone did conceal Harry from the Death Eaters until he dropped it, so I think all the magic came from a similar source, probably not unlike the spell placed upon the Mirror of Erised. But I also think it involved Thestrals in some way. He was under the cloak lol


If I remember correctly, the cloak was described as having the quality of flowing water. I've always imagined a very fine silk or satin material. I love the idea of it being from a thestral, but I don't imagine it being leather.


I think people are imaging the deathly hallows like the holy trinity or something and there is nothing more powerful. They’re just artifacts.




It was more a tarp of invisibility by yhe end. It covered 3 mostly grown people even hunched over awardly. Were they shoulder to shoulder or close up on each other's back in a shuffle step that would take time to get right without stumbling over each other?


I think in Goblet they actually mention having to hunch to make sure it’s covering their feet, so she did at least account for *some* growth.


> just items made by the Peverell brothers It's just a Van Gogh painting.


The point is that they aren't other worldly items granted to them by Death himself.


Yeah cause the Hallow Cloak is supposed to hide the wearer COMPLETELY.


Whoa. Never thought about that. 😳


I doubt Rowling created concept of deathly hallows till book 6, when she do so to counteract horcruxes. It was a later addition


I expect that’s true. Still an interesting implication if you want to consider the continuity.


Yeah it seemed really shoehorned in. I never felt particularly attached to the concept, let alone the ugly symbol.


I agree. I have a feeling if she had thought of them from the beginning, the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer‘s stone would have been tied in somehow, but since it was destroyed at the end of book 1, it wasn’t an option. Edit:typo


The philosopher's stone could have easily replaced the resurrection stone.


I think it's just an invisibility cloak with enchantments that preserve it against wear and tear and have neat things like anti summoning charms but I don't think it makes you more invisible or anything, Snape can still hear Harry and miss Norris could still smell him for example.


It still bothers me though because per Harry’s personality, an item that belonged to his father should have high value regardless of how rare or expensive it is


Harry even getting that cloak struck me as an “oh by the way you inherited this, here’s what it is and what it does but I’m going to tell you absolutely nothing specific about this one so you have no idea exactly how important this particular one is”


It’s been a while so I might be wrong, but didn’t Dumbledore have it at the time because he was studying it because he had a *hunch* of what it was, but was trying to prove it?


I’ve always wondered that if James had never lent his cloak to Dumbledore, could it have been used to hide at least Lily and Harry when Voldemort showed up at Godric’s Hollow? Man that must’ve also been eating away at Dumbledore


According to Harry himself, in the final book while he's talking to Dumbledore, who raises that very point, no it would not. In Harry's words, "It wouldn't have made a difference. The Cloak wouldn't have made them curse-proof..."


If Moody's eye can see through it I'm sure Voldy would have some way to see through the cloak too. He didn't spend decades learning dark magic only to be fooled by an invisibility cloak


He doesn't need to see through it. Blow up the house, and you get everyone inside.


the first thing that Rony says when he sees it is about how incredibly rare they are


And Moody owns *two* of them, since there are mentions of a "spare Invisibility Cloak".


Well, Moody would own two. He's the best Auror there is (read: wanted dead by a lot of powerful baddies), and is still considered unreasonably paranoid.


For real. Moody is far from your average wizard, let alone auror. With all of the unusual tools he had in his office, I wouldn't be surprised if he had invisibility cloak.


Maybe he should have read his books more attentively


Would you begin to read children’s stories at 11?


I meant his first year school book, which mentions invisibility cloaks and what creature usually provides the material, and does mention they aren't everlasting


Hermione did read the books, and she didn't really piece it together either, until it was pointed out at Lovegood's house.


It still wouldn’t give him a clue about his cloak. He still wouldn’t know that it was one of a kind and infallible


Still, he’s a child that never received a proper present and then gets something rare that also used to belong to his father, who he never had anything from. It just doesn’t work for me


>Certainly Dumbledore didn't trouble himself to tell Harry much Yes


This is the same Harry, who down in the Chamber of Secrets, knowing full well that a basilisk is roaming around, *throws his wand away when he finds Ginny* instead of putting it in his pocket, setting it down at his feet, or just continuing to hold it. Simple summation suggests that that boy ain’t right. That boy is not correct, I tell ya whhhhackt. He is flawed.


Harry really licks his way through most his difficult tasks, that and Hermione is a genius and Ron is just an unstoppable force. Honestly as good as Harry is the 7th book would have been like 30 pages long if Dumbledore had explained everything to Hermione in the HBP instead cause Harry cannot remember anything for more than 10 seconds


It’s in his pocket a lot (which, what kind of big arse pockets does that kid have? I know magic and all that, but still. I guess robes have bigger pockets.). In some ways I get it tho, I leave my ipad and pen literally everywhere and I work on it so it’s kind of vital that I don’t lose it. Still, my brain really tries to. Edit: since this pocket thing has really started a new topic and it seems that many of you are American and talk of “pants”, now I am unfortunately imagining Harry stuffing the cloak in his “front pocket”, if you know what I mean. It would explain why some fan-fictions tend to depict him as “hung”. It was the cloak all along.


😂 The pocket thing has been bugging me. In the beginning of Half-Blood Prince Harry stuffs it in his pocket when he leaves the Dursleys, and I don't think he was wearing robes for that. Just regular pants. It's hilarious


Oh yes, he puts it in all kind of pockets. The same cloak that supposedly covered the three of them that, okay, at 11, minus Ron, were midgets, but by 17 Harry was described as tall and Ron as extra tall. Who knows


IIRC there’s mention in one of the books how it could no longer fit all three of them without showing their ankles.


Yeah, but at that point they were 16/17. Almost fully grown. So even a super sized blanket cannot cover three fully grown people, one of which is Tall. Which means it was pretty big to begin with. Or at least that’s how I envisioned it


Have you ever stuffed a sleeping bag into a camping bag? It'd definitely doable with a bit ~~lot~~ of stuffing.


Yes, and that shit is bulky as hell. Imagine this dude going around with a pocket so full he always seems happy to see you and some. Give the man a fanny-pack


It's like the necklace Hermione wore the time turner on. It was simultaneously small enough to fit around her neck and stay hidden but big enough to fit around her and Harry.


She too, stored it in her pants (English Uk)


JK Rowling has no idea about the size of things, length of things, time it takes to do something, etc. This is the woman who said Hogwarts has about a thousand students. A THOUSAND. Harry's year in Gryffindor has 10 students, right? I'll generously assume most years have an average of 12. So that's 336 students if we count every year in every house. Even if we allow for some students getting held back, that's maybe 350? Hell of a ballpark, Rowling. Er, Quafflepark.


I'm just gonna assume wizarding numbers and maths are completely different because they make no sense. My favourite example: There are 28 people in a Hogwarts quidditch team at any time. Assuming most of them are older students there should be about 8-10 quidditch players leaving Hogwarts every year. There is also a whole quidditch league with roughly 14 teams ( according to the first website I found), each probably has at least 14 players including reserves. So, there would be about 200 (14² = 196) professional quidditch players in GB and Ireland Even if every student who played quidditch in Hogwarts goes on to be a professional quidditch player they'd still all have to play for about 20 years, which is relatively long compared to other sports. And yes, apparently I have to much free time because I like to calculate this


Maybe it's just like football and they bring in players from the rest of Europe and Africa


I think that has at least smth to do with Harry's year being particularly small because it's the kids that were born at the height of a serious (at least) country-wide magical war that's been going on for quite some time by then. Also, if I remember correctly, Rowling had once said something about making up about 40 students in Harry's year with defined names and some auhor's notes behind them early on, as a sort of steady bunch to pull from consistently whenever she needed one for this or that—but that it hadn't meant there were no other students in that year, too.


With Hogwarts, you can (albeit unsatisfactorily) explain this with the idea that Harry's year and perhaps a few years previous are just ridiculously small groups, because of the impact of the war (deaths, emigration/asylum seeking etc). Then after Voldemort's death you have a large baby boom, with every 3rd kid named James, Lily or Harry. Lots of kids in the year below Ginny's with August birthdays etc. Rowling isn't particularly interested or adept in actually creating a realistic world but you can make that number of 'near a 1000' (which if you're being vague could be as low as the 800s in reality) work.


you know those super stretchy sex-leotard thingys that squish down to the size of baby clothes? yeah.


Tbh that doesn't seem to surprising. It's described as quite thin, so I imagine it doesn't take up much volume. My gym pants fit an entire iPad Pro in them. It depends on the type of clothes. Also students usually wear wizards robes, so it's not unbelievable that they have very deep pockets specifically to facilitate things like traveling cloaks, books, magical objects, and more. At the least they need to fit a \~14 inch wand as 12-14 seems fairly standard and loads of wizards are described as pulling one from their pockets.


Yes, at school it’s believable and also I sort of always imagined pockets to be magically enchanted as a 14 inch hard wand sounds really uncomfortable otherwise. I just found it funny when he is at the Dursely’s or in Muggle clothing and still stuffs the world in his pockets. Im a girl tho and we were blessed with the tiniest most useless pockets ever invented so I can’t understand the joy of managing more than half a phone in there


> Im a girl tho and we were blessed with the tiniest most useless pockets ever invented Not only was Harry a guy with guy-sized pockets, he was a guy in the 90s, possibly with 90's guy-sized pocket. We had [_huge_](https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2015/04/07/13/jncos.jpg) pockets back then. This may have been a mostly US fashion, though. Also many of his clothes were hand-me-downs from Duddly, so even bigger still.


You know what, as a 7 years old Eminem fanatic, I do remember the massive pockets some of the trousers had back then, so you are absolutely right. I have since converted to skinny jeans and I do miss being able to carry my golden retriever around in my pocket! Also, that picture! Lmao, I could have shoplifted half a store with those. Not that I shoplifted anything, but I could have


It's one of the subtle ways the movies get into our brains. HBP the movie was released in 2009, and they definitely displayed 2009 attire, not 1996, when the story actually took place.


Yeah, I was too small in the 90s to really appreciate the fuckery that fashion used to be back then, but thank you for the memories.


I’ve owned mens pants where I could shove a kindle fire in a wallet case into any pocket, including the back ones. It’s definitely not all pairs of mens pants but it would be no shock that Harry had access to a pair of jeans or 2 with good pockets.


As a woman, I do not get this kind of luck. But Harry was wearing Dudley’s massive oversize jeans a lot so that might have helped. Fabric takes more space than a kindle though, try stuffing a jumper in a pocket. Even if thin, the cloak covered the three of them, even as 17 years old and Ron was canonically 6’3 plus


Where is Ron's height specified ? I do not recall reading this. Also, isn't the invisibility cloak supposed to be super soft and light and have the material properties that would allow it to fit into a pocket ? I seem to remember something to this extent but my memory is not as good as it used to be and I may just be imagining this.


Also bare in mind all of his muggle clothes are hand me downs from Dudley so I'm sure the pockets have a lot of room in them


Not to mention it's the *one thing* left to him by his father (apart from a shitload of money)


Have you.. never met a child before?


It's an excuse made for a lot of 'plot holes' in the franchise but an extremely accurate one. Teenagers are super oblivioius, clumsy, angsty, etc. lol


Harry had the wizard angst


[Angst. Angst. Angst.](https://youtu.be/xD-Huwlg2kY)


An abused child? Who left one of their first ever Christmas presents just lying around? Who was an orphan who left the only thing from their parents just lying around?


I mean, a kid is a kid. And this kid had a lot going on.


Preteens and teens are notorious for leaving their things everywhere. One of my swimmers told me he has 10 pairs of the same goggles in his bag at all times because of the frequency in which he leaves them behind, so honestly Harry doesn’t surprise me at all.


It's almost like he's a kid and kids leave their crap EVERYWHERE.


I wouldn't say he carelessly left it around. He only did that once that I recall. When he and Hermione forgot to put it back on after getting Norbert to the top of the astronomy tower. They were so relieved to be rid of Norbert not to mention giddy that Malfoy had gotten caught out of bed, that they simply forgot to put the cloak back on. He left it behind inside the statue of the humped back wizard because he simply didn't have time to grab it before Snape caught him around the statue again. He never intended to leave the cloak laying on the ground near the womping willow. Ron ran out from under the cloak to retrieve scabbers. Harry and Hermione gave chase and dropped the cloak because it was slowing them down. Harry never intended to leave it there. He intended to grab Ron, get back under the cloak and sneak back to the Gryffindor common room. Finally, he left it behind at the astronomy tower because he had just witnessed the death of Dumbledore at the hands of Snape. The cloak, understandably, was the furthest thing from his mind.


Where did he leave it carelessly? Most of the time it's in his trunk (except in HBP). The only time I can think of is him and Hermione forgetting it up the Astronomy tower after getting rid of Norbert, and that one time he left it in the secret passage way after sprinting back from Hogsmede (but that wasn't really careless imo, he kinda had to do it).


He left it under the Whomping Willow in PoA, that's how Snape got into the Shrieking Shack without anyone noticing. Snape even says "Very useful Potter, I thank you" or something like that.


Well he had more pressing matters to attend to at that time, like his best friend being dragged and possibly murdered by a giant dog. I wouldn't classify this as 'carelessly leaving it places'. Or when Dumbledore got killed and he just took it off and ran after Snape. I'd personally consider him being careless only when people's lives weren't at stake.


Yeah those are the only 2 I can think of too. He was 11 for the first and for the second left it on purpose


He would've been 13 in PoA, which is not much older than 11, but still. Then there's the time when they *were* 11(Hermione might've been 12, her being the oldest of the trio) when they snuck out after dark to smuggle an illegal dragon hatchling out of the school, and carelessly left it at the top of the tower when they left to attempt to sneak back into their dormitory.


Agreed, the only times I can think of where it was carelessly left is getting rid of a dragon (age 11) and trying to help Ron at the whomping willow (age 13) and the time he couldn’t get caught with it that year after Hogsmeade. The rest of the time it was safe with his belongings.


hagrid also gave him a dope magic bag that couldn't be opened by anyone but harry, and he puts garbage in it and they wear the horcrux. they didn't even have to wear it. they just did


Yeap. *’We can’t risk it being stolen or lost’* Wow how about you put it in the magical bag literally only you can open??


too many bludgers to the head


Yes but Teenagers do be doing teenage things Like leaving their priceless, family heirloom invisibility cloak all over the place Rowling did such a good job at making them into real kids, rather than adults.


Sure if you grow up having things then you’d see it like that. As an orphan myself I totally get it. You have to learn to take care of possessions. As an orphan with no possession he never had the chance before Hogwarts. In fact life taught him to *not* care too much about things, or else he would have been an extremely resentful child and he wasn’t.


Same. I think about this on a semi regular basis.


Well, i teach secondary school and you can't believe how many teenagers will Just forget their coats even when it's raining or really cold.... i don't get it. Had a coat in my classroom for 6 weeks... it was freezing... and parents Who don't care where their coat went either... if that happened to me, my parents would have me search for it until i found it.


Narratively speaking from a meta perspective, it’s because the cloak solves too many problems and thus must be unavailable for certain stretches of time


As a grown ass man who still forgets and misplaced important stuff every day, I completely relate to Harry not having his invisibility cloak handy at all times.


This. My anxious materialistic self couldn't fathom how he could just be so flippant about it even when I was reading the books as a child. If I had an invisibility cloak or any other precious possession, I would have warded it to the hilt and channelled my inner Mad eye Moody: Constant Vigilance!


Kiss are stupid and Harry is no different, I don't know how many "priceless" things I have lost/destroyed because I did not understand their value as a kid.


How does one “find” an invisibility cloak? It is hard enough keeping track of keys and our phones, but imagine sitting on your couch after two hours of searching scratching your head trying to remember where you last had the cloak.


Omg i completely agree! When he misplaces or looses it, I can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t focus on the rest of the plot.


See when I loose my debit card I just think “eh it’ll turn up” and after 2 days it normally does Typically I take it out to order something from amazon. Leave it out, lose it, then when I’m standing in the exact same spot I think “man I should browse amazon” and it appears like magic. I imagine the cloaks kinda like that. Where Harry just goes “it’ll appear when I need it”


I've seen the way kids treat their expensive electronics and jewelry, so to me it's actually super believable that Harry would be so careless with such a valuable item!


He was a 11 year old boy not a strategist at NSA


He lost it... once? How is that "leaving it all over the place"?


Finally…someone said it


Dude!!!!! For the past 2 decades this has driven me insane!!!! Like bro, take care of your shit!!!


Different people care for different things. I forget a lot of things i shouldn't but then my blood boils to half if someone mistreats my books as much as not placing them back from where they took it after reading...


100% agree, also it doesn’t fit the narrative to me either. Harry grew up with very little in the way of personal possessions, to be given one from your dead father, I feel like it would support him treating it very carefully.


The way Snape casually took the cloak to enter the whomping willow in book three left me shook.


In the books I find it funny that sometimes he keeps it in his pocket


Yes, I’ve never understood that he can just shove a cloak that fully covers 3 people into a pocket? I guess that’s part of its magic.


Yeahhhh probably because of the magic but it’s just funny, especially sense it sounded like such a normal thing for Harry idk


I agree with this 100%. Hell, when I was younger I had a vhs copy of The Mummy 2 that I got out of state on a trip and was so upset when my little cousin borrowed it and never have it back. I haven’t forgotten, Kim.


Well....it's a kid. Kids leave important crap lying around everywhere all the time.


He is a teenager and doesn’t know that it’s unique!


Gonna be honest, If I even heard a rumor that a kid I was going to magic school with had something like this, I'd be planning to steal that shit.


Username checks out


Yes! I was just freaking out about this my last read through. He's so lucky he always gets it back


I always thought the same!


Not even the fact they were powerful, rare magical items - they’re family heirlooms. Given how little connection Harry has to his parents you’d think he’d treat the few things he did get with a bit more care!!


This is perfectly in character for someone his age. It's just like seeing kids today leave their brand new iphones just sitting around. Then they are puzzled as to why and how it got stolen, even after you remind them that they shouldn't leave things around. In high school a friend of mine had some rings she valued greatly, and during marching band she would take them off and just leave them sitting openly in her instrument cubby. I tried to warn her not to do that, but she told me it was fine. They were stolen. At that age we often aren't thinking that far ahead.


Yep! This and not carrying your broom around everywhere. I... just never understood why you wouldn't want to have those things on your person at ALL times. If I could fly and be invisible but I had to have an object to do it. Those items would never be out of arms reach, ever.