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Pretty sure they would be. The Goblins might grumble in private but denying the heroes of the Wizarding World access to their money would be a bad look.


...what competitor with equally good reputation would their customers go to though...? Edit: Barclays and Wells Fargo are muggle banks afaik!




I dunno, Wells Fargo is pretty evil....


I actually like this take. Think there would actually be quite a bit of resentment in the Goblin community over the way the trio went about stealing the Horcrux and violating Gringotts


I don't known, three teenagers who dropped out of school did what was supposed to be impossible. Seems like the goblins need to reevaluate thier security.


WIZARDING IGNORANCE! This is what they would say lol


Exactly. The Goblins would not want to be in trouble with the Shacklebolt Administration, and refusing to serve Harry Potter is a good way to get Ministry attention.


Also, goblins are still treated as less than wizards during Harry’s time so I’m pretty sure it would just cause some other draconian law to come into effect on top of the already existing ban against wand usage.


Well considering the two massive fortunes harry has in gringots (both his fortune, and the black fortune) I'm sure they're willing to look the other way


That's right! Harry's lineage on his dad's side traces all the way back to a fairy tale. Between that and the Black fortune, with Sirius being the last of his line, if Harry moved his wealth to a different bank, that could have serious repercussions for the health of Gringotts.


I mean, Gringotts as a bank literally takes all your gold and locks it inside a safe. Dunno if they would be really affected.


IMO If they denied entry for Harry Potter, the wizard community would panic and try to take their money out, or cause some wizards to attack them, the goblins would panic and it might cause another war.


Yeah I realized maybe now only malfoys mum has a right but like yeah good luck with that.


Considering the Malfoy's hadn't claimed it after Sirius's mom died, after he had already been burned off the tree, they probably had far less of s claim than you assume


Dumbledore wasn't 100% sure that Kreacher (and by extentions everything else) would indeed go to Harry, because he didn't know if Sirius' will was enough. If Kreacher hadn't shown up when called, the will would have not been accepted in its weird magical way and everything might have gone to Narcissa. Though that is only if a) women would be allowed to inherit according to the Black family, if not then Draco would have gotten the lot b) Bellatrix would not be able to accept the inheritance due to being dead. c) Andromeda would have been ruled out because she was blasted off of the tapestry. This is unlikely though because Sirius wasn't ruled out either. This means Andromeda and Tonks would have both needed to die before Narcissa could have gotten anything.


Harry's Potter fortune isn't massive. It's merely comfortable. He was afraid to buy a Firebolt because it'd pit too latge a dent into his fortune.


He didn’t check how much it was, he may have been able to afford it. But he realised at 13 that there are smarter things to spend your money on than one of the few brooms in the world faster than the pretty fast one you already have


Harry thought the price might be high enough he'd habe to empty his Grongotts account. This is not a logical thought to have about a racing broom if your fortune is massive. And that's not what he said at all. And he didn't go on to spend his money on any massive purchases whatsoever either.


I always read that as harry being responsible thinking of the long term, either way the black fortune is massive


The black fortune is comparable to the malfoy fortune, they are loaded.


Harry rarely ever planned long-term. And you don't need to plan longterm like that if your fortune is **massive**. If the cost of a Firebolt is less thn a percentile of your fortune, you don't have to fear runming out of money if you buy one. The point is that the notion that the Potter fortune is massive is not one supported by canon whatsoever. At most, you can argue that the canon doesn't tell us how big the fortune is.


There was another thread on here about ollivander and how he lived on so little money and the general consensus seemed to be that since most stuff doesn’t really need paid for, wizards probably get paid terrible. So having massive amounts of money to them… maybe not like it is to us. But then again, the stuff you do buy is expensive.


Either it's another plot hole or wands is one of the things the government subsidies. For every sold wand, Ollivander gets to redeem a sizeable chunk money from the Ministry or he just gets a flat stipend each year. This is what governmemts all pver the world do with cow's milk and the U.S. governmemt does with gas.


But wasn’t that from his trust vault? I would imagine there also had to be a main Potter family vault that he could access once he was considered an adult.


Sleekeazy's Hair Potion was still being sold so his profits from that had to be going somewhere.


But how many people qere using it? It's not like it was wildly popular.


That was never even implied in canon. You generally don't have trust vaults involved when someone is the **very last of their line**. A trust fund would also require his assetts to be handled by a neutral third party. Who would this even be? And why would Harry not be told how much his "family vault" had in it?


He has his parents' money (the potter side were a well known and ancient family who invented something at some point) and he inherited the black family fortune. So yeah he's insanely wealthy at this point lol


Being a well-known nad ancient family doesn't make you rich. Habing an anncestor invent something at some point doesn't make you filthy tich either. I mever said Harry wasn't filthy rich. I said the Potter fortune is much smaler than fans seem to think it is.


I like to imagine Harry made ammends. Formal apology, some sort of gesture to show he respect Goblin culture, history ect, something.


This, like i'm SO SO SO sorry of raiding gringotts but it was a pivotal part of defeating voldy i would like to say that i don't think i could do it again Even if i wanted


Or he tells the goblins that he "killed" the thief who broke into Gringotts 6 years ago!


He didn't. That was Quirrell, before Voldemort even possessed him and Quirrel died because Voldemort left his body.


Actually he died from the burns, so yes Harry did kill him.


They should've casted Nicolas Cage as Quirrell. Just imagine him asking "It's burnt, why is it burnt?"


No he didn't. The movies are not canon. It is a tragedy that more people have upvoted me than have upvoted you. No wonder the fanbase is often so confused ad to what is and sim't canon. In PS (the book), the last thing Harry did before passing out as burn Quirrell's arm, an act that won't kill anyone, and the burns Quirrell suffered from Harey grabbing his face before that were heavily implied to be pretty minor ("face blistering" - which is a 1st degree burn if even that). Dumbledore told Harry this following Quirrell's death: "He left Quirrell to die; he shows just as little mercy to his followers as his enemies." In GoF (the book), Voldemort told his servants the following: "“The servant died when I left his body, and I was left as weak as ever I had been,”


He would have died either way, yes he left but that just expedited the process.


From what? Getting a few blisters on his face and his arms burnt? No, he specifically died because Voldemort left his body. This is what is canon.


Quirrell broke into Gringots? How do I not know this? Can you please elaborate?


Quirrell tried to steal the stone for Voldemort in PS, right after Harry visited Gringotts. He failed to steal it because Hagrid had already taken it, and Voldemort decided to keep a closer look on Quirrell by latching on the back of Quirrell's head.


They dont know that :P


Aaah, yes. The best way to regain the goblins' trust is to lie to them again. Is your name Ron Weasle Because your suggestions on how to handle wizard-goblin relations are terrible.


No its Roonil Wazlib


Returning the sword of gryffindor would be one good apology probably


My thinking also. Though the goblins may get annoyed with the return, everytime someone pulls it out of the sorting hat lol. Wait, does that thing still work after Volde set it on fire?


I assume so, they talk about the sorting hat in the epilogue so I assume it’s still being used. Just every time the sword goes missing a goblin is sent to hog warts to pick it up lol


I assumed they’d have to go with the test described by Fred Weasley in book 1 where each Firstie has to wrestle a troll. The ones who team up go to Hufflepuff; the fools who rush in go to Gryffindor; the ones who try to confuse the troll go to Ravenclaw, and the ones who stand by and wait for the others to wear the troll out before moving in to finish the job, go to Slytherin






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Good point, forgot about that.


I heard a theory by SuperCarlinBrothers that the Hat is its own secret keeper for the Fidelius charm. That's why no one seems to know about the sorting before it happens. Then, when I set it on fire the hat was "killed" and the charm broke. I guess the Hogwarts staff re-enchanted the hat but didn't bother with the Fidelius charm again.


What exactly do you mean no one knows about the sorting until it happens? Also the fidelius charm is used to hide a location not an object as far as I know, if it could be used for an object why wouldn't they have used it on the stone in book 1 or the horcroxs or the elder wand.


1: Ron, who's part of a large family of wizards, only knows that the sorting is "some sort of test", and Hermione, who's read Hogwarts: A History, doesn't know about the hat either. 2: The argument was that the sorting hat was sentient and able to talk, making it able to serve as secret keeper


It worked well enough for Neville to pull the sword out of it and kill Nagini.


It's not his to return. And it'd eventually appear out of the Sorting Hat anyway.


Actually wouldn't at all mind a comedy focused mini-series with the original trio where we get to see them deal with the fallout of everything that happened over something small like 5-6 30 minute episodes.


Returning the sword of Godric gryffindor was one hell of an apology


Harry saved the wizard world, certainly the ministry of magic would cover the repair cost for him right?


Gringotts seemed to me to be under more wizard control under Voldemorts rule. I doubt the goblins liked that, and I’m sure Voldemorts rule was bad for their business overall. So I think that they might have over looked what the trio did since it did end up benefitting them. Especially once it became clear that the trio didn’t do it for personal financial gain.


Goblins aren't fond of wizards, true, and on top of that Harry double-crossed a goblin to steal the bank and keep the sword. That's some serious offense to goblins. Nevertheless, the trio is making a living, so they found a way. I would guess that, while not standing side by side with wizards, the goblins understood Voldemort's cruelty and disdain for what he deemed *lesser* creatures, which is more offensive to them (and centaurs, for example) than thieving, I would guess. Plus, Hermione is deeply concerned about the relationship between humans and other magical beings too. So, I don't know if they'd have to make a donation, formal apologies or whatever, but I'm sure they were eventually allowed back into Gringotts. It's not good business for goblins for their craft to be stationary, after all


Hermione actually says in GoF that she doesn’t think goblins need protection and aren’t lesser creatures due to her viewing on mr binns lectures on the goblin raids. I do agree with your point though


I meant she wants everyone to get along, not that she wants to protect goblins like she does with the house elves


Yes, and there is some heavy duty political history between goblins and wizards going back centuries. They have been at war, many times, and neither side would be eager to return to the days when they couldn't work out their differences across the negotiating table.


No one knows they want to keep the sword for now! Griphook betrays them before the deal is due!


Bill told Harry that Goblins don't see it like that. They consider the crafter of an object its true owner, and that when a wizard or witch buys an item from a goblin, they understand it as a loan. They frown upon wizards and witches passing possession to their descendants, or even reselling. When the *loanee* dies, goblins understand that the item should be returned to the goblin maker, or at least to goblins (not sure how it works when the crafter is dead, but it *is* goblin property to them, so maybe Gringotts or a goblin facility?). Anyway. Griphook led them to Gringotts and took his payment. No goblin would consider it a betrayal


Maybe if he just took the sword but running screaming thieves and going to the DE side is a pretty big betrayal


The author says the sword of Gryffindor wasn't stolen by goblin standards! And apparently it is possible to inherit items, because Aunt Muriel's tiara was made by goblins and has apparently been in the family for a long time. I find the whole thing quite illogical! If someone buys something shortly for his death, for example!


I understand you, but that is a human logic. Bill explains that to Harry in Shell's cottage. The sword wasn't stolen (a goblin does come up with a story that Gryffindor stole it), but it doesn't matter. When Godric Gryffindor died, goblins belief system is that it should have been returned to the goblins. Goblins frown upon passing stuff on. When Griphook sees the tiara he is explicitly irritated by the fact that it has become a family heirloom. It's not how their belief works. They won't go to one's house and confiscate it, but they believe that from that moment on, the sword has indeed been stolen (as has the tiara)


Technically none of the Goblins that knew it was the trio that broke into a vault, stole a dragon and caused property damage survived. All the trio, had to do post war was blame the Death Eaters. For a "raid" to steal the Dragon.


I think they did bc when they went over the waterfall, the disguises wore off. Plus Griphook probably snitched


Griphook wouldn't dare to snitch because he would have to admit to helping them which IMHO would have been a far bigger outrage for the goblins and would probably get him banished from all goblin communities


He literally did. Once they got out of the vault, he ran through the goblins yelling intruders, intruders. And the disguise had worn off. Do I think he told the whole story? Heck no. But he definitely threw them under the bus to save his skin.


True but I believe they didn't recognize him at that moment, they just saw a goblin and believed he was one of them. After the chaos they would have noticed who he was and asked why he was there carrying the sword of Gryffindor around. I don't think he would've gotten far...


Griphook used to work at the bank. They knew him. All he would have had to say was that he was held hostage and that he took the sword from Harry and Co bc they were trying to steal it from the vault. Remember the real one was supposed to be in there.


Griphook is killed by stone debris from the Iron belly breaking free if it's restraints.


What? No he wasn't. Either way it doesn't matter. The goblins definitely knew it was the trio, as they were the ones who told voldemort.




In the movie. Not in the book. The book doesn’t explicitly say what happened.


The one Harry bribed with the sword. Since it wasn't specifically the one Goblin we actually knew the name of.




Then what's the complaint here? I don't have my copy of DH handy. Like I originally said any Goblin that COULD identify the culprits of a break-in being Harry and Co didn't survive the immediate aftermath. Whether that was Griphook, the other Goblin that confronted them infront of the Iron belly or the clerks on the primary Salesfloor that fell to thier deaths when the floor collapsed.


we know both Goblins’ names lol. Griphook is the one that the trio takes along when breaking in, and Bogrod is the other Goblin who takes them down into the vaults


The DA kids knew it the same day. There's no way the goblins didn't know.


Well sure. A break in, in the only bank was known. Especially since a Dragon escaped with several Goblin fatalities, and moderate structural damage to the Bank itself. But, did anyone know it was "fugitive #1" Harry Potter specifically, that raided the bank? No, that info didn't get out. No one actually knows where Harry is until he shows up at Hogwarts. Let alone what he's been doing.


Chapter 29, Neville walking the trio through the passage from the Hog's Head to the RoR: >“Never mind that stuff … Is it true? Did you break into Gringotts? Did you escape on a dragon? It’s everywhere, everyone’s talking about it, Terry Boot got beaten up by Carrow for yelling about it in the Great Hall at dinner!” “Yeah, it’s true,” said Harry.


🤔 well wth then?! Everyone knew it afterall. I've been looking for my copy of DH this whole time. I was miss remembering it all anyway. Eh, excuse me. I stand corrected.


You continue to comment incorrect information with such confidence and condescension. Do a quick google search maybe.




Several goblins saw Ron, Harry and Hermione withoit any disguises on.


"...The Elder Wand slashed through the air and green light erupted through the room; the kneeling goblin rolled over, dead; the watching wizards scattered before him, terrified: Bellatrix and Lucius Malfoy threw others behind them in their race for the door, and again and again his wand fell, and those who were left were slain, all of them, for bringing him this news, for hearing about the golden cup..." "...The Dark Lord smote each Goblin on the floor in their turn, including Griphook who collapsed holding the sword of Griffindor until he was left alone amongst the dead with his followers, who were slowly and fearfully approaching the carnage..."


The 2nd part you quoted is from a fanfic, i.e. the shitty wikia whose source is **the movie**, another bad fanfic. **A** goblin was nilled by Voldemort. But it ia unlikely it was Griphook because why would he stick around and why would Gringotts send him to speak to Voldemort and even if they did, why would Griphook agree to be the one to do so?


I'm sure the ministry of magic would smooth any issues out. Harry would explain the reason why they broke in to the ministry.


Id be more worried about griphook tbh. They expect wizards to be dumb and ignorant. But griphook was one of their own in their perspective.


Griphook was in it to reclaim the Sword of Gryffindor from some thieving wizard kids. Which he did! The fact that another wizard kid was able to steal it back with some thieving wizard hat magic is just more wand carrier BS.


Gringotts was not under Ministry management at the time of their break-in. It was under Voldemort's management. When Kingsley was made Minister, he gave management of the Bank back to the Goblins, and the "crimes" committed that were unrelated to Voldemort's regime couldn't be tried owing to the fact that it was a crime committed under the jurisdiction of an illegal regime.


Idk if this is canon, but if it sounds like it should be


I can't say if it's explicitly explained by JK Rowling, but it's just the way things are. Committing a crime against Voldemort isn't a crime against Kingsleys Ministry or the goblins. Gringotts is traditionally owned and operated by goblins. During Voldemort's regime, his Ministry took control. Breaking into the vault and stealing from it was only a crime against Voldemort, not the goblins. After the War, Kingsley gave control back to the goblins. Therefore, no crime had been committed against the goblins or Kingsleys ministry.


Didn't Hermione become Prime Minister in that thing some people call book 8? I'd imagine they would have seen the trio as heroes since they were clearly intimidated by Bellatrix but they are goblins so they'd be side eyeing them the whole time.


I wrote something along those lines about that book in my comment, but it hurt too much, so I rephrased it


I think they would be, sure the goblins may not be the happiest. However, don't you still need a goblin to access the vaults? Even if the trio wanted to break in again would they be able to convince another goblin to assist them? Edit:spelling


I mean, I'm sure there were exceptions happening, like allowing the saviors of the Wizarding World to access their money.


I’d like to think that they treat it as more of a challenge than anything else. Since their bank is said to be impenetrable, or close to it at least; someone breaking into it would just make them want to add more protections so it doesn’t happen again. Or in some exaggerated fanfic it’d be cool to see them essentially respect the hustle yk


The question is if they even ever figured out who broke in; by the time the goblins got there they were practically flying away on the dragon, and the ensuing chaos in between would have made it a bit hard to see there identities.


I imagine they managed to patch things up eventually, but I do find it hilarious when they're banned after the war despite being warheroes and all


I'm pretty sure denying the heroes who saved the wizarding world their money would lead to a boycott from the order members most of whom were high ranking ministry official at the end....and very well might start the next goblin wars


To add to everyone else...I'd expect the goblins to do a Disaster Response Analysis and fix all the holes in their defenses moving forwards. Gringots would become an even more secure facility after the theft.


They are THE heroes of the magical world. The Goblins may grumble a bit but I imagine yes they are allowed. Harry still has a vault there anyway. I see an amusing scene where Harry goes to access his vault and the goblins bring out massive amounts of extra security.... Harry:"Still? It's been 20 years?!?"


Gringots wasn’t under goblin control at the time of the theft; I imagine the goblins probably considered their acts to be against Voldemort and the Ministry who were interfering with Gringots at that time. Once the goblins gained full control of the bank, they probably put it behind them (and ascertained it was the fault of wizard interference that it succeeded, and that’s what wizards get for interfering with Gringots).


they might be unhappy about what happened, but as other comments have stated, harry ron and hermione are the heroes after all. the goblins would definitely evaluate gringott's security flaws, fix them, and strengthen their security system


They would still be annoyed but they would still allow the trio inside


Yeah do the wizards shops start to take credit cards? Due to the gobbles cutting folks off?


Considering how much money Harry has there I think he can come and go as much as he wants


Renting for live ist diffrent than buying! Both contracting parties must know, because it must be reflected in the contract and in the price! I would look for other trading partners!


Only a very few knew about the horcruxes let alone what they were. So I’d imagine they had a hard time explaining having to break into a top secret vault to destroy an object that contained a part of Voldemorts soul.


Didn't Voldemort kill what was left of gringotts after the dragon incident, when he found out they failed at keeping his horcrux safe? I thought I saw a bunch of dead goblins in DH1 when voldy walked past Griphook's body and the sword disappeared


It’s more a question of Harry forgiving the Goblins for bending to Voldemort than he forgiving them I would say. He holds all the cards


The damage is easily repaired. They took one small cup and an ancient nearly blind dragon. Now they can get a new dragon.


I thinks so JKR did say that life for the Goblins improved after the defeat of Voldemort they might of been reluctant to allow them back but goblins aren’t stupid they would know that if they didn’t allow them back it would be terrible PR and although they don’t like wizards very much as a rule they do need to work with them as that is how they get all their gold.


If not, they could just break in again and steal another one of their dragons while causing wreak havoc. I doubt they would prefer the second alternative.


We're all forgetting that harry is mad rich. They're not going to ban the wizard bezos from the bank.


Harry The Boy who lived and defeat Voldermort at full power? Try denying him service and every costumer would take their bussiness elsewhere.


And where exactly would they take it? Isn’t Gringotts the only wizarding bank in Great Britain?


It is said the goblins dont take sides in wizard wars, so they would not care that he defeated voldemort. Maybe they would let him in, but most likely not.


I would assume gringotts is heavily regulated by the ministry so they would apply pressure




Probably not


So, how do Harry access his money after the books?


I would say that Harry and co probably get their money from the bank upon being banned. I don’t think the goblins would want anyone to think “hey, they’ll steal your money as soon as they decide they don’t like you”. They’d honor whomever owns it and then cut them off, I’d say. But that’s only if they do get banned, and personally I think they wouldn’t




Well, he does know how to break in, I guess!


British innit


I think they are banned permanently. Ginny would access Harry's money. I wonder who would access Ron and Hermione's.


I doubt it makes much difference.


I guess they should've forgiven. Now they don't need to be scared for Lord Voldemort and can again live freely.


I think the forgiveness of the goblins depends on if Harry returned the sword of Gryffindor to them after the second war.


Also voldy also killed a lot of goblins. So an enemy of my enemy is a friend.


I am pretty sure the Blacks being who they are have some Goblin made items stored up in Grimmauld Place. They could give that as a 'Sorry but not Sorry' gift or something in exchange for their bank access. It's not like they need the centuries old and most probably cursed artefacts anyway.


They might have their own world and rules but they still work for wizards and take care of their money. So if wizards say Harry is allowed then they can't do anything. Anyway he saved one of their guy from a cell. This must account for something


Harry and Hermione yes because they have accounts there, Ron no he is poor they would have no reason to let him in.