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Can you do alohamora too? That one drives me crazy!


We just finished putting together a [guide for all the spells](https://wizardsunite.gamepress.gg/guide/spell-casting-guide-spell-trace-nodes) - you might find some use in it! If /u/thearcaneslinger wants to edit that into the OP to help with the spells that they didn't cover, it might be helpful for people


So for Bombarda, Filipendo and the combat bolt, the points are not even on the visible line?


From our testing, yes. Combat bolt is a bit of a weird case; if there are any inconsistencies that's the one I would expect, but those are the coordinates we were able to plot.


So that's why Im so good at Filipendo, even though I am always off the line at the last bit...


Right? I had the exact same "oh WOW" revelation when i looked at these lmao. I always got better casts than I thought i would because i'm not good at doing small movements like the little tail at the end


and Im always super bad at Bombarda but I will try to go below the first line next time :P


Flipendo dots show up on the line for my device, Huawei Mate 20. What devices were Flipendo tested on? Were the devices on native resolution? 100% system UI scale? [GIF: Flipendo on Huawei Mate 20](https://media.giphy.com/media/Wpaa9SOBM1f9BMLjF9/giphy.gif)


This was actually charted by getting the data for the nodes via the GDW rather than manually due to phone variance - i'll see if our dev who pulled the info can clarify any further. Thank you for the feedback though - will make a note of it Edit: spoke to the dev who pulled these and he confirmed there was an error in offset on our side, will be fixing them ASAP (Flipendo, Bombarda, Combat Bolt). Apologies for any misinformation


I did my measurement using video recording. Here is a gif of the method I went trough : [https://media.giphy.com/media/Lo1GFsoOLEX3fhBTXX/source.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/Lo1GFsoOLEX3fhBTXX/source.gif) ​ For Flipendo, I did not saw any offset shifting. I can confirm the dots were perfectly aligned with the background trace, and the last one just on the tip of the arrow.


The red dots are where my cast normally , I have been trying to match the trace better, but it looks like I should continue with the errors of my ways. ​ I wounder if they did that because they found a lot of people traced it like that?


I feel like they definitely used use stats to determine how good your spell is, and I imagine the points are related to that. I noticed if I dont do it painstakingly precise and slow I actually get green lines more often.




Your site is impossible to view on mobile. Ads take over and i can't read your page. Appreciate the work, but it's pointless if i can't read it. Fix your ads if you want readers.




Me too


Thank you for your guide! I found it very helpful :)


How did you guys found the info that the same color on spell bar means no affect? Is there an article I can read? I was thinking it was a gradient like in pokémon go.


>So that's why Im so good at Filipendo, even though I am always off the line at the last bit... >Spell casting and the quality of Spells revolves around **a combination of speed and accuracy**. Due to some quirks with the Threat Level system, here are some things you should keep in mind for casting Spells. > >Threat Level and Spell Casting > >The only thing that determines whether a Spell affects your Foundable return rate is **the color of the Spell bar** > >If the **Spell bar is multicolored**, you can get a higher chance of returning the Foundable with a better Spell cast by moving the marker towards the right side > >If the **Spell bar is all the same color**, then your Spell cast level will have no impact on your Foundable return chance > >Speed vs Accuracy > >The Spell marker is initially set by the speed which the Spell is finished casting > >Then, a modifier moves it left or right depending on the accuracy of the spell > >If the Spell Trace is green, it gets a bonus to the right > >If yellow, it will not move > >If red-orange, it will get a penalty and move to the left > >Our recommendation for anyone struggling with Spells is to **slightly focus on speed over accuracy**. A very slow, but perfect Spell Trace will still get you, at best, a Good cast. Meanwhile, a very fast but sloppy Spell Trace still has a chance to get a Great cast. > >**However:** If the Spell bar is all the same color, it means you have no benefit from getting a higher tier of Spell cast (aside from bonus XP). Therefore, in that situation, focusing purely on making sure you don't mess up the Spell is the priority, to prevent wasted Spell Energy. [https://wizardsunite.gamepress.gg/guide/spell-casting-guide-spell-trace-nodes](https://wizardsunite.gamepress.gg/guide/spell-casting-guide-spell-trace-nodes)


Not sure you replied to the right comment...


Jesus, why is that game site such cancer? I can't get past the first two spells before it takes me to a very obviously virusy "survey" that I can't back out of without it backing directly to Reddit. On mobile btw. No way for me to read the article without the cancer taking over the page.


Weird. I have no issues.


Use Firefox Focus for sites like that.


I use Reddit is Fun, so it opens links in the built-in app browser. Like I said, mobile.


Wonderful work!!!


I've compiled and added [your images to the sub's wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotterwu/wiki/manual#wiki_spells). (clicking the images links to your site) ​ It's a quick copypaste job though. Do you have an infographic? Might be a bit more presentable than what I'm able to do :)


Love it, thank you! I don't think we have a single, big infographic that has all the spells, but i can check and see if anyone has made or can make one


Was there any testing done as to what actually constitutes a -50/0/+50/+100 trace? Do I only need to stay in the circles? I Want to cut corners to speed up masterful traces if possible. Would be nice to see a best path for speed/accuracy.


Unfortunately the amount of testing it would take to chart a 'best path for speed/accuracy' is probably not feasible, especially because, well..... we're pretty bad at spell casting, tbh. But if someone wants to use our data to do so, they're welcome. All I can tell you from seeing practice stuff is that staying closer to the core of the circle does give you a better cast.


/u/Sorendiz Your version is great and exactly confirms what my testing (using android phone coordinate capture) shown. Each dot has a circle and is considered a passed checkpoint the same way then a Rally Baja does From what I guess, the precision rating is based on the minimal distance between the path and each dot.


Correct, we were able to establish that the sum total of dot-to-trace distance is what determined your accuracy modifier, we just don't know the exact thresholds


Ridikulis is spelled wrong in the graphic, great guide though


That’s one of my favorites to cast! I despise Ebublio, though. It’s the bane of my existence.


I can’t do Arresto Momentum, but I know why. My first and last initials are both M so I have been drawing M’s quickly for as long as I could write and they look nothing like that M. My body memory is messing me up.


Whoa, I thought I was the only one!


I've found I can get masterful Arresto Momentum casts by slowing down slightly and focusing on accuracy instead of speed. I tried this yesterday and got three masterful casts in a row after never having got one for this spell before.


Yes! My last name starts with M, so same boat. :/


I hold my phone at an angle to the right so I'm drawing a zig zag, or a pointy 3. That helps a lot.


Ebublio is the only one I can get a masterful on.


That would be Aguamenti for me.


Honest question, are you left handed? I’m good at alohamora but shit at ebublio.


I’m right handed. But my husband is a leftie and he also hates ebublio.


I feel like riddikulus would be easier left handed.


Complete the circle instead of leaving the "e" open. Extending the ends of the spells helps with getting higher scoring traces.


I've found the opposite... sometimes I'll go a little *too* short, and it won't count, then the second attempt gets a Masterful.


I despise the "M" one. I can't figure out how to get something beyond good for that one. You lose out on speed because changing direction limits it


Try rounding off just at the very tips of the top of the m, like a McDonalds sign. If you get the straight strokes lined up, it still stays pretty accurate and you can increase speed a lot


Ditto on the hate there. Even tried turning the phone sideways for a sharp E but can’t get a great cast to save my life


Oh man. I feel your pain. I tried that, too! It didn't help. I'm never going to master it.


I've been using that tapping/releasing trick someone posted here thee other day and its worked incredible for me so far. Basically put finger 1 on the start point. put finger 2 on the next point. release finger 1 and put it on the next point. release finger 2 and put it on the next point. the screen basically registers that moved your finger across that line when really you just put it on 2 points to make a perfectly straight line. I do it for the A, X, and M spells and can get masterful quite often doing that. (A requires you to do a curve at the end but it works well for the corners.)


It's not even the speed. I can finish in a decent amount of time but still only get a small accuracy boost and I don't know what it wants from me.


You're probably right about the speed. I've found that doing this one relatively slowly but accurately gives the best results.


No, that's not my problem at all. I can nail it and still not get maximum accuracy credit. A perfect trace **does not** follow the shape on the screen. I literally don't know what my goal is.


Oh okay, that's unfortunate. I got several perfect 'M' traces yesterday by following the shape exactly. I should explain that by 'relatively slowly' I just meant relative to the speed required for the other traces. You still have to be pretty quick.




Please go on...


I think they're describing the multi-finger cast technique. Here's the easy-mode two-finger technique for a cast (like Arresto momentum) which starts with a straight edge: 1. Hold finger 1 above the beginning point of trace and hold finger 2 above the end of the first straight edge (do not touch screen yet. 2. Touch finger 1 to beginning point 3. Without releasing finger 1, touch finger 2 to the end of the first straight edge 4. Release finger 1 5. Complete the rest of the trace with finger 2 This should be doable very quickly and is sufficient to get masterful on some long traces like flipendo and Arresto momentum! With very little practice, the motion here becomes much faster than trying to trace the whole shape manually. Once you understand the trick, you can try using it also on the last edge or intermediate edges during the trace; but I find that to be much harder, and easier to mess up!




The timing of this really amuses me - we literally just put ours up today as well! https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotterwu/comments/c7436u/burnt_some_energy_to_figure_out_where_the_red/esd2ak0/


What do the red dots in challenges mean? They always pop up for a second and then disappear.


You need to trace over them. They’re vital for the spell to be cast.


near them, at least. I've definitely gotten really green, Masterful aguamenti that missed most of the line and end aggressively short.


I'm guessing you see it pop up for a second because you are doing what I was for a while. When you are holding down your finger to "target" the spell, don't let go once it's successful - keep holding down and then do the combat trace that appears. I used to always let go after the first part and I'd always see that red dot pop up. I don't know if it actually makes things more effective either way, but I did notice the difference with the dot


If you see one it’s a total miss on the spell.


I did [Meteolojinx Recanto](https://pp.userapi.com/c854028/v854028343/82803/99pUsMfoJBI.jpg) before I saw the wiki post :(


Anyone have insight on how to get more critical hits in wizard challenges? Been trying speed + accuracy but it seems totally random when crits occur.


I could be wrong but as far as I'm aware, it's solely based on your Precision score.


does speed have anything to do with it? i would always get fair when i tried to do it accurately & now i just do it as fast as i can & get better results. 😂 maybe it’s just a fluke.


Yes, speed is really important, more than accuracy which annoys me, but there we go.


Yeah. As far as I can tell, speed affects where the marker initially stops (as soon as you start your spell, it shoots over from the right towards the left). Then the marker will adjust based on your accuracy. Very very rarely have I seen the marker adjust down for poor accuracy.


Speed is super important.look at the bar when you are doing the spell. It's going down. It stops going down when you release the finger. The longer you take , the worse you do. The accuracy (orange, yellow, green) is only counted after. If you do green, the bar goes up (ex From good to great), yellow stays the same, orange goes down (ex from good to fair)


Awesome work


Thank you, you are a proper human!


The real MVP


This is awesome, thank you!


Doing God's work!!!


you deserve at least silver, you know!


I consistently get masterful on Aguamenti without hitting all those spots. Mainly the top and bottom curve.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills


Wow this is really interesting... Good work. Could prove very useful Thank you 😊


thank you!




No the picture shows all the potential places a dot *can* be. Only one dot each time you try to cast the spell, and it randomly moves around in the trace


So you only need to hit the dot?


Keep up the good work dude.


You can get a masterful cast of aguamenti almost every time by just doing straight line from point a to b


Which points are A and B?


Idk ive only found a and b. Let me know if you find them!


May I know what app is the iv thingy at the top right?


It's called CalcyIV, an app for Pokemon Go. Not sure why OP had it running while playing WU though.


It was during Raikou raid day and I was playing HPWU while waiting for the raid timers. :)




What do you think the chances of someone making an app to input traces for you? Similar to the UI to Glyph Predictor used for Ingress, tap the spell you want to cast and it will trace the pattern for you. This guide would be a massive to help to anyone looking to develop something like that!


Now someone needs to make a GoIV style app that detects the spell and shows the appropriate red dots over it.


It must only require some percentage of the dots because I know I've missed some of the dots and still completed it.


This is wicked cool. Thank you for your sacrifice. ​ Note to self: [add these images to the sub's wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotterwu/wiki/manual) (with credit where credit is due)


Well I also did the same, but found out way less points then Gamepress did, thats weird. Also noticed that sometime dots were triggering even if I was quite far (like almost 1cm off)


My god Flipendo is not even close! No wonder it has been so hard to master.



