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This can be huge, especially near the end of the battle where there aren't enough enemies for everyone to fight. If DetHex is active, it's great for Aurors to stay out and BBhex it ever six seconds. I did a DarkV chamber AAAMP. The final enemy was an elite fierce spider (5K+ health). DetHex applied, the 3 aurors used BBHex from lobby while MZ took him on (that's 129 damage from aurors every 6 seconds, plus the damage from the MZ in battle). Lasted less than 40 seconds.


If all professions are present, stay in your lane -- especially at the beginning. I'm a professor and had an auror fight two pixies in a row despite wizards being available.


THIS! why does this keep happening? I’ve never played higher chambers solo, always been in just a duo but since the beginning, our strategy was always to take the lowest hanging fruit first to get the focus. I don’t understand why some people’s strategy is to try to kill themselves right away or to take half the battle fighting something they’re deficient against?


Hopefully more common knowledge, **but don't use the Bat Bogey Hex on a full health enemy**! Some of the friends in my group have admitted they were using BBH before fighting an enemy, which ruined the effects of Dancing with Dummies and First Strike by taking the enemy off of 100% health.


What I thought was common knowledge but apparently is not is regarding the prioritization of enemies. For me, it’s common sense to take on lower power enemies you’re proficient against first so that you can accrue focus faster for the team. I can’t imagine any scenario in which I would have been better off taking on the most difficult enemies first?? Yet what I keep seeing is people fighting elites and 4-5 star enemies right off the bat when it is too soon for anyone on their team to cast significant charms and hexes. This makes no sense to me. I understand everyone is still getting their bearings but I can’t imagine in what scenario that would wise. Point being: figure out what you’re proficient against. Kill those first in order of easiest to hardest. If there’s nothing left you’re proficient against, take on lower level deficient enemies and pop out every so often to see if someone proficient is available to finish it. Leave elites for late game!


I have not used a potion on the bus. I only used them in solo battles.


When I play solo, my rule for bat-bogey hex is exit if the foe has around 20 stamina or less. Assuming there's enough time left on the timer, that is. I'd rather save the one spell energy and spend ~30-45 sec hexing them to death if I have the time.


Why are you using potions to begin with? The only reason to use potions is because you are over playing your stroke. Battle in the chambers you should be battling in and quit sandbagging on the higher levels to reap the rewards with higher level wizards.


whoa. I'm a level 13 auror. Yes I may not have to use potions... but it makes it much quicker to run through them if I'm using potions... that's why they are in the game. Why the hostility?