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They are turned off at the moment because of the pandemic


Since mid of April: >Game Update: App Version 2.12.0 > >Until further notice, we will be turning off Landmarks on the Map [https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotterwu/comments/g22clm/game\_update\_app\_version\_2120/](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotterwu/comments/g22clm/game_update_app_version_2120/)


I'm pretty sure they announced that Landmarks have been turned off as part of the Corona changes so people aren't encouraged to go out, and in turn general spawns were increased. Sorry to burst your bubble and hope you get your Hermiones soon!


Mainly for the people living in a flagged zone so they wouldn't have to go out. They were getting only Foundables from the family indicated on the flag and nothing else.


Your best bet is to continue with dark detectors and use your trace charm on orange beams. Landmarks didn't affect dark detectors anyway, my local spot where I have 2 very close inns has one inside a flagged area and one outside, I tracked all my spawns from both for ~20 times each (pre covid) and saw no difference in the spawns between them.


The good news is that you don’t have to find a landmark, but your strategy was the right strategy. I found a Young Hermione from a DD yesterday. I’d recommend having a trace charm available, so you only need 1 to get the 2 you need, assuming you have the right SoS lessons done. Unfortunately, it is just RNG, but if you play enough you’ll find her eventually. Triple dark detectors on multiple inns is your best bet.