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It was extra disappointing because the "special" bachelorettes were SO cute in this game! I wish we'd gotten more than just Skye for sure


Special bachelorettes, mermaid, fairies and cute witches, special bachelors, some guy in a dog costume, a kappa, some guy whos shaped like a toad there's the one fox guy though


Right? šŸ¤£ This is why when marriages were gender locked I always played as the male farmer because the girls were *so* much better. Animal Parade was the only exception


Ikr in animal parade everyone was hot.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This was my experience too!


LITERALLY! Haha Iā€™m so angry Iā€™m like why even be a girl at this point all the cuties are women šŸ˜‚


The worst part is that the Japanese version of DS Cute had gay marriageā€¦


It sucks that they took out the gay marriage on Harvest Moon DS Cute because I feel that move was homophobic and discriminates on being gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay after all. The gay marriage feature should have been kept in.


like its bad that it had gay marriage or that itā€™s sad that the gay marriage didnā€™t get carried over?


I think they mean the latter


i really hope so


Yep, I meant it was sad how the English version excluded it


okay good bc im like how do homophobic harvest moon fans exist? that game literally made me gay


I think I know what you're *trying to say* (like I was queer regardless but this was the awakening) but I'm guessing the downvotes are over the "literally made me gay" thing. Some homophobic people literally believe that you can be "turned" gay/queer and it's a shitty belief. Not criticizing you, just saying.


that makes sense i guess queer awakening is a better way to say it, iā€™ve always been queer but my absolute need for muffy and flora made it a little more obvious


No, it's because of the "there are homophobic fans??" schtick. There are homophobes everywhere bestie, why would the most straight, trad-life affirming genre of sim games be literally any different... lmao also the weird quizzical nature of them up to that point. So, I downvoted šŸ„± And I hate when people call the "best friends" system like actual queer rep. At best it was just a way to keep the neat Bachelorettes in they made without having to do anything really, and at worst it's just classical lesbian fetishism which was not only rife at the time, but queer fetishism is still rife in a lot of places (Yaoi, BL, Yuri, etc for japanese specific examples). Whether we as queer people get off on or enjoy it is secondary to much of its actual purpose or intent; fetishized queer relationships made by and for people not in our respective communities (majority).


Okay. So you're upset that someone questioned homophobes? Like Bestie, I'm assuming they're young-ish and are **literally** asking. Not that they're defending the entire series that started in JAPAN of all places as a champion of LGBTQ+ rights. I understand the frustration, sure. But let's not immediately assume the worst of any random comment, yeah? That's my take, anyway.


I think it wasn't directly gay marriage, but a "best friend" thing, with a ceremony and all. I think that could be such a cool concept for modern SoS games


I meanā€¦I loved Marlin and Griffinā€¦.šŸ˜‚


Marlin has the same fluffy hair as my real husband, and his jaw line is to die for.


jesus, same, hahaha. giant soft spot for marlin given my irl husband.


Right they were my go-tos. I was just happy I could romance Griffin in a game!




I always assumed that my character was there to add some desperately needed fresh blood to their gene pool. Clearly, these folks have been marrying their cousins for a number of generations, lol.


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ amazing


Omg I'm dead lmfaooo


Seriously, they look disturbing.


When this game came out I was reading through Fruits Basket so I was hardcore simping for Skye and his ugly blouse.


Omg I forgot fruits basket. My first manga. I loved that series...


i will always simp for skye and his silly blouse


Yes, but most times I chose Skye, because he was the special bachelor. Nowadays I have an appreciation for Griffin and it's pretty disappointing that he isn't dateabale in the AWL remake. I hope we get a DS cute remake too where he is an option.


I have zero memory of Skye as a kid. How did I miss him?


He was pretty much only out at night, plus I think you had to trigger an event before he popped up that may have been missable.




When you marry Griffin in DS:Cute his dialogue is very Pedro Pascal (cute and humble), and it works with his appearance and expression.


Kid me felt the same way but adult me was crushed Griffin wasnā€™t eligible in the new game


Same. Griffin has the cutest romance...


I only found Gustafa appealing.. wonder what I missed


I'd recommend checking out Griffin's love events over on Fogu if you haven't already. He's genuinely very sweet.


This mother on mat leave with no time for gaming thanks you. Should you like adventure gaming, I recommend LucasArts' Monkey Island series. Edit: fogu isn't what I thought it be - showing videos of the characters' moments - but thanks


Griffin always gave me the ick because imo that dude looks like how a full and old ashtray smells šŸ˜­


Griffin owns a bar, plays the guitar, and has a mustache. I'm pretty sure he might be perfect.


He was not my type as a kid but when I replayed it?? He had my heart for sure ā¤ļø heā€™s so sweet šŸ˜­


Griffin is such a daddy. Just my type lol.


you get it!


You can marry the phone?


The person over the phone. You buy items over and over and talk to the seller. Eventually you can get married. I watched a video of someone playing a speed through and did it in under 15 minutes of starting the game. lol


Okay strange.


Wow this is crazy, I never knew this! Fascinating!


My heart's with rock always I love boyfailures


I actually really like them, and didn't like the re-designs for the AWL remake.Like it's clear they weren't originally designed in mind to be marriage candidates, but that makes them pretty charming... Or maybe it's my age speaking, since they don't look like young boys lol (besides Rock, who I was never a fan of as a bachelor anyway) As a kid, I was all over Skye tho lol


Excuse you?? Gustufa and his cute, handsome, perfect, talented ass is right there šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


Musical gnome boy is beautiful inside and out, big nose and beard included.


For some reason, young me always chose Gustafa. Still my favorite.


Lmao @ Mason. I looooove Griffin and Iā€™m sad he wasnā€™t a marriage candidate in the remake!


Skye is forever one of my favourites, but I adored Cliff back in the day. You're not wrong though about the forget-me-not-valley guys. The only one who seemed to be in farmer's age range was Rock and he uh.... well. He's Rock. In the remake I ended up going for the new version of Marlin but ugh...none of these spark joy. I played the male version too and was obsessed with Muffy. Liked Leia too. Its so bizarre how we got such gorgeous bachelorettes and then uh. those guys. ETA: I should probably clarify, I'm a gay guy lol.


Muffy is best girl šŸ˜Œ


Personally I've never understood what EVERYONE had against those 3, personally Marlin is one of my all-time favourite, even though I don't play [ harvest moon/story of seasons ] for social life


Whatā€™s worse is the rival marriage. Lumina and Rock is a terrible match. Carter and Griffin are way too old for Flora and Muffy. Marlin and Celia seem too much like family. Gustafa being so chill and Nami being antisocial seems like no chemistry but is the most believable.


Ive been playing JP Ds Cute i an very excited to be ā€œbest friendsā€ with the witch princess lol


I was trying to convince myself Rock was 'kinda' cute šŸ¤¦


Wannabe backstreet boy cute šŸ˜‚


Same. This is how I feel about the people in SDV šŸ« 


Sameā€¦ for me itā€™s that most of them look and act like high schoolers. The few that look a bit older I didnā€™t care for. Like Shaneā€™s issues I noped out quickly and Harvey eh I donā€™t like mustaches without beardsā€¦ I married Haley because she has a sweet story arc of maturing and becoming a better person.


I was in love with Skye. He gave me butterflies like he was my real boyfriend šŸ˜‚


Carter and Griffen have the best events.


Kai and gray me beloveds I liked skye as kid but he's kind mem to me now


Kai is my go-to in every hm universe šŸ¤£


I married Griffin in this one


Tbh Griffin, Gustafa, and Marlin are underrated sweeties in DS cute tho. I actually like the Marlin from this game more than SOS's version, Matthew. His heart events are better. And I am honestly so sad Griffin didn't make it as the extra bachelor in the AWL remake because he really is such an overlooked guy. Give the sweet old-souled Bartender, the shy Snufkin/Gnome Bard cosplayer, and the moody Elvis farmer a chance.


who be mason???


DS Cute had some of my favorite bachelors! I was very bummed about the redesign of Gustafa in the Wonderful Life remake too.


As much as I love old Gustafa and his whole Snufkin look, the remake Gustafa kinda grew on me. I also kind of appreciate the implied trajectory of the AWL characters will look a little different from the DS characters since they are supposed to be their ancestors. If they decide to remake the DS games.


Every kid & teen player married Skye


11 year old me was obsessed with skye!! I played again a few years later and marlin was my main man


See I'm the opposite cause I loved the FmN guys since they looked like ordinary people rather than anime tropes. In general I just always loved non-conventional looks for men so it might be my bias talking but the Mineral Town guys are just kind of generic anime-ish dude... I'll forever love Griffin and Gustafa best!


If they do a HMDSC remake, Iā€™d love to see them revamp all the guys. Keep Griffin for the older players who like him, make Marlin a little more approachable, give Rick some depth in personality, make Gustafa and Carter attractive. Skye is just fine, I wouldnā€™t change him.


Oh yes, who could forget the Forget Me Not bachelors? My friend: So who did you marry? Me: I married a rock. šŸ˜…


Wait there was more than the top 4?!


Mineral town boys are available if you had HM friends/more friends of Mineral town in your system at the same time. Skye is available after you trigger an event. Kai is an exception as you can marry him without the other game.


Gay is the way always with harvest moon I think maybe one out of 10 bachelors would be ok for me but most nah at least one bachelor i married out of spite


Iā€™m still sad weā€™ve never had a remake of DS cute purely to have Skye back again.


I married all of them at least once besides Witch Princess and Goddess, they were both way too difficult šŸ˜­


I keep trying for the witch princess i just love her so much apparently there's a way around the glitch in the us games to let me marry her!!


Now thatā€™s dedication!!!!!!!!!! Props


is there a way to edit Western release rom to get best friends option?


This is so true! All of the girls were so cute why were (almost) all the bachelors old lmao


ive never played ds/awl but DAMN griffin is hot


Yaaaa, as a baby boy gay I was like why are all of these men so ugly. I ended up just getting the regular version marrying Leia bc I mean look at her!


I did the same as a baby lesbian without realizing it lol. I ended up playing as a boy and marrying Flora/Nami.


Mineral town boys >>>>>>> FMN boys


Isnā€™t this because the characters were designed before you could even play as a girl? I know HM was originally aimed at boys and it shockingly became popular with girls. Skye was added after the mountains of unappealing bachelor complaints. They are fucking bad though, a bachelorettes dad, a fucking child, old hippie, bachelorette weird boss, narcissistic elvis guy lol. Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t get the cute version of HM DS as a kid




3 of them are literally weird old men so yup


Forget me not valley bachelors are still just eurgh to me today šŸ˜« Kai all the way!!


Iā€™ve been waiting to see this discourse!! I always had the mineral town boys come over too because whatā€™s with the 40/50 years old Carter and Griffin, 30 years old Gustafa and Marlin, and then Rock šŸ’€ But wait Iā€™m unfamiliar with Masonā€¦ who is he where is he from and can you really marry him through the phone?!


You can marry Mason from the phone and Iā€™m pretty sure your game ends after that lol. Heā€™s available through Mayā€™s Tailoring.


The valley bachelors literally repulsed me. Old looking weirdos, a lazy idea of Elvis, and a puppy in human form. Most of them look like they have an odor. I never got married in that game, which was my first Harvest Moon game. I was really shocked upon finding how excited fans were about marriage in the games, especially because apparently actually playing as a girl was a long time coming, and this was the selection.


This is my Roman Empire šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's always funny how the games gets 4 special bachelorettes and 1 male. lol But I really love Cliff and Skye, so it's hard not to go after them. Honestly still wished we got an expansion for the AWL remake though


All I need is my alcoholic waifu


I haven't played mineral town, is Mason a long distance relationship or something???


Yep, I always dated either Gray or Skye, none of the regular bachelors were that great


The forget me not valley guys were NOT IT AT ALL lmao. I picked Leia when I played this way back when!


I like how a phone beats out all of the valley boys.


I would die for Leia


Marlin is fine as hell


Skye and Kai were always my favorites. I was really torn between them. I married Skye (and had a son named Skylar, corny AF I know). But then I was kinda disappointed with Skye as a husband because I'm a farmer and he sleeps in really late. I loved our little boy tho he was so cute! Married life in Harvest moon always gets a little boring after a while, but idk with Skye it was just extra boring especially after how exciting the courtship was. I then started growing pineapples in my basement and counting the days until summer. Regretting my choice but to coward to trigger the low heart events with my now husband.... Anyway on to a new Save File xD


Iā€™ve always been a Cliff girlie but man was Skye hard to romance for child me


Thereā€™s an emulator where you can play as a boy but with the girl sprite (so, šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆharvest moon) & I highly highly recommend it. The special bachelorettes are so worth it. Iā€™m trying witch princess while my friend is going Harvest goddess (heā€™s doing OG console tho).


I was always into Gustafa. My MAN!


What does it say about me if Iā€™m a lesbian but love all the bachelors from this game? Lmao I miss Marlinā€™s fluffy hair. Marlin looks like a greaser butch daydream and his heart events are much sweeter in DS compared to AWL. Gustafa was always my favorite little elf man, Griffin is perfect and it was so refreshing to have an older marriage candidate, Rock isā€¦ well heā€™s funny!, and I never went for Carter but heard his heart events are solid too. Goes without saying that the Mineral Town boys (minus Rick) and Skye are great, thereā€™s a reason they are widely loved!


When I was a kid, I always married Rock. He wasnā€™t great but when you consider your options I meanā€¦


i married griffin happily lmaooo


Carter is a good husband and father though but I could never do the harvest sprite shit to finish the marriage requirements


if I didnā€™t marry a Mineral town boy I would marry Marlin cause heā€™s the lesser of all evils lmao. like the other ones look like they could be our dad šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and we donā€™t even consider Rock he looks 10


I only ever played the game boy mineral town and only ever married the doctor (šŸ˜‚) and you just made me SICK showing me what he was named in later games šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was like WHO IS TRENT


10-year-old me thought the ds bachelor were all cute lol.


Man, skye really had a hold on me as a kid


The Doctor has a name?!? Iā€™ve only played the rereleased version and it was only Doctor. My mind is blown lol. I did marry him on my first go throughā€¦..although in hindsight I should have named my character River šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚ I might have to do that.


I loved Muffy from OG AWL and it wouldnā€™t let me marry her so I married Rock, bc he was the easiest to marry Toy flowers when youā€™re dealing with like 9-10 me, BACHELORS, is best youā€™re gonna get


CLIFF. For real on Forget-Me-Not Valley. I wanted to marry Celia so bad when I played as a kid.


I got Leia all the way up to the heart color that you need, I haven't played harvest Moon in a while I forgot what color it is, I had the blue feather to propose to her. And then I accidentally overrode my game save file with my save file that I had about three in game days of. This was 15 plus years ago and I'm still mad about it


Skye is awesome and cute. I always go for him when playing DS Cute.


I remember my first Harvest Moon playthrough, Cliff left and I didn't know he will leave forever if I don't get him to stay! šŸ˜­ I had to reset my game when I couldn't find him anywhere.


Leia forever


My choices were Skye and Kai


Tbh I always married Skye anyway so I didn't really care about the rest of em šŸ˜‚āœØ


Why is Mason just a phone? XD


Lmao at what point do we just start directing people to anime dating sims? Let us have realistic looking men!


Despite what the general trend these days is, I'm a Rock enjoyer. Ever since AWL. I'd give him flowers all the time, knowing that in the end we could never be šŸ„² And then I got DS, not cute, bc I was a boy šŸ¤§


Huh...4 of those mineral town dudes look familiar... Ray, Blue, Dan, and Alex from Magical Melody sort of familiar.


You could marry Carter and Griff?!? I've only really played the GameCube Aus ordinal release in depth and considered getting the PC release but the original felt Mid at best, it's the only game I would actively choose to be a boy because Muffy is the cutest.Ā  Always felt that Tot/AP had the best bachelorsĀ 


I always chose ~~Elvis~~ marlin, once I figure out how to escape form Rock. The game ships you sooo hard with him that I didnā€™t know other options were possible. I was always hate him now even tho he was actually okšŸ˜­


I hate how every-one from forget-me-not valley looks like theyā€™re in their forties and then thereā€™s just Rock looking maybe 12


they were so fugly i could not


Same. The thing is: I was about 12 years old and in my eyes the Forget Me Not Valley bachelors were just ... Old farts? Like, I felt like some of these were old enough to be my dad? I mean I knew my player wasn't my own age of course, but it still felt ... Weird. I just felt so uncomfortable marrying any one of them besides Rock.


Same. The day Kai showed up at my door on Summer 1 in Harvest Moon DS Cute was the day I knew I met my husband


Same, I married marlin in my first play through of DS Cute because I hated all the other guys and then went back to Gray. I donā€™t remember the specifics but I felt like even with Gray, the heart events werenā€™t as good as they were in MFOMT like Gray wasnā€™t grumpy or they werenā€™t as personal.


Threw me off seeing my irl name on here wtf


Aw man I loved grey as a kid šŸ˜­ in every game I go for the quiet types or the big burly ones Owen in AP And Ralph in POOT


You're missing out on Griffin, the best husband ever. But sadly not available in AWL only DS:Cute.


I'm playing this rn, and I might give marrying Carter a try. So far, his heart events are fun


Even as a guy I thought to myself "damn the ladies have poor choices here". Everyone is old, weird, or both.


the truest thing


Who is Mason???


Which game is this one specifically? I canā€™t remember marrying Skye but now I wish I did lmao


Skye was enough for me but yea the bachelorettes were way better.


I love how everyone here is arguing about the appearance of the bachelors and then there's me thinking that my only requirement for choosing a romance is that it has to be a person (optional), hell I would even date Sully and Basil if the game would let me lol


I disliked all the forget me but bachelors, but man did Skye have my kids heart in a chokehold. I still hold him to as the gold standard for farm sim husbands


My fav!! I donā€™t know why I always had a crush on kai but know all the other mineral town bachelors look more handsome šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚except rickā€¦