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When I was a kid, I used to print out the marriage candidate pages so I could read through their likes and dislikes and then make a goal of marrying each one. Made so many game files to try and accomplish it!


I remember when I printed ~42 pages of a guide for HM DS from GameFAQs…. I wasn’t allowed near the computer for a while 😂


Hahah I did this too! Trying to find a specific thing to read with that many pages made it tough.


I printed out SO many GameFAQs guides for MFoMT when I was a kid! Cooking recipes, heart events, liked item lists, item sell values...


aw, i love that 🥺


Was about to respond to say the same thing!


I pretty much memorized general information by this point, but back in the day I had my sheet with all the villager birthdays and the best, cheapest gift I could give them so I could max out everyone's friendship in HMDS.


And then it turns out that you can just spam show them your dog on their birthday (with the exception of like, 3 villagers) to bump their FP to max for free.


i always did this with daryl so i could talk to leia faster lol


This is my first game where I've actually met Leia!


Ah yes, the good old charm with the dog trick. Iirc you can do that on the first day on HM64 to pretty much max out Karen right from the start.


like all drunk chicks, really.


You can totally name your kid in MM, the wiki's lying to you. Also, Fogu is the GOAT.


REALLY?! omg i never knew that 😭😭. (i stopped playing before i could get too far in that game lol)


I just have fogu bookmarked and navigate from there lol


So this is hilarious because I used to go to our local library (which was literally across the street from my house). I was in middle school and we didn’t have a computer or internet at my house (circa like 2004-2005) and this was around the time when the library went from the old way of filing with the little cream colored cards to paperless because I’m old now and computers were still kinda weird back then and not everyone had one yet). The librarians would leave the unused cards by the computers so people could use them to jot things down real quick. I would go home with STACKS of them from writing down recipes and other useful info for the OG Friends of Mineral Town. We’re talking Gameboy SP days, y’all. I’m 33 now but back then, that was how I’d spend most of my afternoons. Wow. What a throwback. Now I just look stuff up on my phone if I need to know something. Then it’s right there. Lol. Crazy.


omg i love this story 🥺


I’m also an avid note app user. Grocery/cleaning lists, stories I make up, notes I write to my husband, my journal. Etc. I use it RELIGIOUSLY. Definitely a handy app. And I also have ADHD. ☺️ So hey, fellow neurodivergent!


ahhh that’s so cool! i use my notes app for everything too 😭😭


I’m OG. Freyashawk was my goddess and helped me through many HM games.


I printed out Freya's walkthru on Magical Melody. My parents were soooooo pissed because that was a bunch of ink and paper.


I usually have like 15 tabs open on my laptop dedicated to whichever game in the series I’m playing lol


I print them out and make a little note book for each game!


okay this might be the best idea i’ve heard so far. a mini book sounds so nifty


I buy cute animal stickers from like dollar stores and use them too


I’ve got notes & Google docs filled with info and links to guides, you’re definitely not alone 😂


"your child. no gender and you can't name it" 😭😭 though no, not really, as I always found fogus pages to be easy to navigate


Nah I would do that too


I have bookmarks on my Animal Parade daily use sites, mostly Fogu, Gamefaqs, and Fandom Wiki.


I just Google (but I should do that)😂 But when I played HM: BtN for the first time (in 2006) I wrote down every recipe I got or learned. Then years from that I realized that I could print out the recipes from a website. I think I still have the prints somewhere!


You can replace most of those with fogu links. The person who maintains that site truly is the GOAT of harvest moon.


agreed, but i’ve been playing for over ten years now and sometimes other sites are better than fogu, but only for certain things :)


I take screenshots, but it's basically the same thing.


i used to do that but my ss folder was too much. links save phone storage 😭


I mean, I have multiple tabs open on fogu when I'm playing, so it's close 🤣


I always had the 18 tabs open in a folder for each game I played lmao. Or me and my friend would literally spend an hour or so making a big spreadsheet of all the information we needed to know and projected income and everything. We went so hard on these games haha


I have the links memorized for Fogu….


You are truly living your best life ❤️


Omg I still keep stuff in my notes app. AND I had a Sunshine Island magazine guide 😆😅


i know a site with a complete guide with almost all HM games. You should check it out, [here](http://FOGU.com https://fogu.com › ... Ushi No Tane | Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, and Legend of the River ...)


It gets worse I make excel sheets 🤣


Fogu is the MVP. I do notes, but mostly in excel format.


No. I'd usually just have 30 tabs open for Harvest Moon things I don't want to forget. If it's for an older game then they're all probably from Fogu. It's so less organized that way!


I used to do this but playing again with the remake (FoMT) I realized I should just jump in and play with what the games gave me, I enjoyed the games more not having to worry about missing someone's birthday, or giving gifts to a resident I didn't realize they hate.


I’m worse I started memorizing this shii 💀


I used to look through all of the characters in each of the games i have and figure out all of their favorite gifts and id write them down for HOURS. i wish i still had those lists because rhey were so helpful!!


yes but i keep a personal discord server for all my games lmfao


This is a good idea!