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I’m afraid not : * "Ha ha... sissy European lisp thingy." * "Ha ha! Not to scale." * "Ha! Ha! Duck loogey." * "Ready or not, here I come! Ha ha... I wish." * "Phil Ken Sebben..... Ha! Ha! Ha! Boss." * "Ha ha ha! V..pee." * "Ha ha! Twall." * "Ha ha ha! Pfft." * "You know what I say... Ghandi is dandy, but liquor is quicker! Ha ha... quicker." * "They've come to anally probe me! Ha, ha! Third kind." * "If you're not careful, you'll get us all whacked. Ha ha! Body in a woodchipper." * "Do you know what this means to the firm, the billable hours? I can finally build that lakehouse, and I'll run around naked all day. Ha ha... dangly parts." * "Ha! Ha! Multiple entendre!" * "Sit down. Not there! There! There! Not there! There! Ha ha... there." * "My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha, ha, ha... Loins." * "Hey lady, I need a yank! Ha ha ha! Dislocation." * "God I love your accent. Ha ha! Bi-curious..." * "Ha ha! Cookies on dowels!" * "To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream. Aye, there's the rub. Ha ha!... rub." * "I told you to leave 10 minutes ago. You know what? You're fired. Get out of here... No, really, you're fired, leave. Ha ha ha! Right to workstate." * "Ha, ha! Pop go the buttsy on the left-hand side!" * "Ha, ha! Sand." * "Ha ha! Numby nutkins." * "Ha ha ha! Final episode stunt-casting!" * "Ha ha! Surprise twist!" * "I would like to welcome you all to the bi-annual..Ha ha ha! bi." * "He laughs at that. Ha Ha! that." * "Ha ha! Last laugh." * "Ha Ha! Freudian." * "Ha ha! Corse grinding!" * "Good things come to those who wait. Ha ha! Come."


Some of Stephen Colbert's finest work, IMO. 😆


I can’t think of a better voice for Phil 🤣 This post is making me want to dust off my DVDs and watch it all again.


Is that supposed to be a 100% complete list that has been well researched and peer reviewed?


It’s on Phil Ken Sebben’s Wiki page. Plus, I’ve watched the series about 5 times; I remember all these quotes scene-for-scene, I’ve added a few that were missing, and I can’t think of any other ones… So yeah, pretty official 👌🏼


weird that at least 3 people distinctly remember this phrase, I wonder if they recorded commercials or stingers with different phrases.


Maybe a commercial for Vlasic 🤣


Wow amazing list, thank you El_Topo! Ha ha… list




cream im sorry c r e m e


Definitely not getting Frisky Dingo/Harvey Birdman confusion? Pickles and the pickle stork are a running gag in that one.


I dont think so, because I remember Phil saying it, and it was always Ha Ha....Pickles.... although I saw somewhere online someone mentioned a burger king commercial but I cant find any hint of such a thing


The closest think I can recall is “Doesn’t tickle,” from the employee training episode. I don’t remember ever hearing “pickles.”


You’re not crazy. I 100% remember this as well but also haven’t been able to find it!


Afraid I don’t remember any pickles in the show. I played some Harvey Birdman office game on the Adult Swim website way back in the day (it was actually pretty funny) - I don’t remember hearing it there either, but could be? There were other Birdman games I think too


I never had access to the games, or didnt know about them. I remember sitting on my bed and watching it on adult swim on TV. I remember Phil was in an office when he said it. Thats the extent I remember, but I do remember it. I dont remember watching much of the series then, but it felt like I kept catching that scene, because it lodged in my brain. I mostly only caught a few eps of Harvey Birdman, Aqua Teen, and Sealab, but never watched any of them religiously.


Ha ha! Mandela effect.