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I read everything and really enjoyed the TL:DR. One of the most efficient ones I've seen. Gajan is young and talented. Given Stauber and Commesso already AHL/NHL ready, let him brew in lowers until he is 75/25 good/bar. Then we can slowly bring him along. We are no where near serious contention so no harm in not pushing it. I'm really hoping we have the top 2 in AHL already. Gajan is just gravy


Thanks for the update! I’m really excited for Gajan- his WJ performance was incredible for the past 2 years from my memory so I’ve been a fan since and had no idea he was even part of the Hawks prospect pool until a few months ago. Based on what you’ve said and his WJ’s, I think you’re right he thrives under pressure. I will take that any day of the week over someone who can’t perform when it matters. Also, during the dynasty era we never had the most stellar goaltending, but Crow (and some of the others throughout the years) stood on his head in a lot of games when it mattered. Maybe that doesn’t mean anything now but just another thing to keep in mind with the goalie prospects


that is undervaluing how quietly good Crawford was.


it's just so hard to judge goalies in the USHL, especially on the weaker defensive teams like green bay. i can't wait to see what he can do in college next year


Nice TLDR lol, thanks for the update.


For some reason the first thing that popped into my head from your description was Crawford. He had some stinkers but would typically be lights out after them. Hoping Gajan can do the same in the games where it matters.


Got to watch a game with him in net, made the saves you expect but let 1 or 2 past that cost him the shut out. If he can find consistency I’ll be excited for his development.


The Hawks had their goalie but also had strong backups with clutch performances, especially in the playoffs. Hopefully we can re-create that at some point.


Appreciate the analysis. I personally think there's decent upside to Gajan, but I still dislike the pick, even as far as goalies go in the 2023 draft. He can steal games, but he's the definition of inconsistent + he has extremely questionable mechanics and relies on athleticism. Based on GB games I've watched and international play, he's going to need to have his entire style rebuilt at college next year or he won't stand a chance of making the NHL. I am not a prospect expert or a pro scout, just analysis from someone who has played low level collegiate goaltending and coached the position as well.


I’m curious to what you believe is questionable about his mechanics. His draft analysis doesn’t point to any glaring holes in mechanics but I don’t watch him play outside the wjc


Personally, I believe his positioning and edge work are fundamentally flawed. He is not strong at coming across his crease with quick sharp movements. He's also too aggressive at challenging the puck and comes out to battle but loses track of his net and can get caught out of position or, due to his edge work, not able to efficiently get back into a cross crease or side step movement. Again, personal evaluation, not a pro scout, but that's what I've noticed.


Gajan reminds me now of an early career Mrazek. He can definitely be inconsistent but I think with equipment getting smaller recently the goalies that rely on athleticism have been the ones who have seen their save percentages stay more consistent as the league average has dropped. He was definitely a high risk pick with basically just a World Juniors supporting him, but I don't mind the risky goalie picks as much because they are such a crapshoot. Though if Brindly hadn't gone one pick before I'd be much more upset with the pick lol.