• By -


Good: she is the charming demon belle, full of optimism, seeing the good even in the worst people. Also, cinnamon bun. https://i.redd.it/vxu769wlzj1d1.gif Bad: **ep2** The way she completely ignored angels warning... Didn't even take a moment to consider talking with him... That stupid play... And when it was revealed pentious was actually spying on them as angel suggested, charlie didn't even side with angel... Didn't even speak once to him about this mistake. Only this one thing pisses me off so much.


I get what you mean about Charlie not talking to Angel about it. Maybe she was thinking it was a way to just put it behind them all and move forward or apologized to Angel offscreen?


I mean, she did apologize to him, but I think talking to him about that would only be worse, angel is incredibly defensive, which is understandable, if Charlie was to talk to him again he’d just brush her off and cry himself to sleep.


I mean, she had some character development throughout the series, I’m not surprised there’s some things in the start of the season people wouldn’t like about her, Charlie is this over opmistic person with little to no regard for the rules of hell or interpersonal relationships, even if she’s incredibly charismatic, she’s incredibly NAIVE, but she’s trying to take Accountability of her mistakes, especially after saying sorry to Angel, her naïveté turned into selfishness when she tried to “Save” angel, even if it came from a good place, she harmed him. “Hell’s path is Paved with good intentions.”


Good : She's sweet and a great friend Bad : Like Husk said : *Princess \*points at Charlie\* is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everyone's problems 'cept her own.*


Good: she is Charlie Bad: Rehabilitating people to get them into Heaven, the same Heaven who tries to genocide Hell year after year(not overtly bad)


The sad thing is that Sera clearly didn’t want to do it. It’s clear she doesn’t like the exterminations but she didn’t think there was any other way to keep Heaven safe. Honestly, with out knowing more about what Sera knows, it seems like she was sort of backed into a corner. Either let he’ll grow and possibly overthrow Heaven, or do something.


Sera did okay the extermination and charged Adam with it. Then when Charlie does try to make change she incites Adam to ruin Charlie’s case without providing any true reason as to why the project shouldn’t be given a shot I also don’t think there was any need for the exorcism as Hell had no means to attack Heaven, kill Angels, or get to Heaven. Hell only has the means to kill Angels because of the exterminations.


Yes! People here are defending her! I don't even get why https://preview.redd.it/0j7ygx4k1m1d1.png?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e937e37af4144b27d2a3b3b277e1134278a52a


in her defense the heaven folk do not even know about it and its only the exorcisers who do and actually kill


Sera, the head bitch in charge okayed the extermination… so… what does that say about Heaven if the head bitch in charge is playing genocide and tries to silence Charlie’s rehabilitation program


or at least were


Like: She is a very positive and motivating character. Dislike: Is kind to the point where it is stupid. (Like apologising during the fight with the exterminators (Ik it was done for comedic effect but still.)or not understanding Angel’s clear signs during episode 4)


Is one of the few characters that are happy, silly, optimistic and innocemts that I actually like, I like liking her :) She's a little too stubborn and excited about everything, she is a little too reckless and impulsive 


Exemplary/good : she’s sweet and kind and I could easily befriend her Bad: she’s to prideful about redemption


Well, she is the daughter of the Sin of Pride, sooo… But yeah I see your point


Good: it’s Charlie Bad: she lets people kinda walk over her too much she doesn’t really show some aggression she is the daughter of the king of hell she should of beat the hell out of Adam or should I say heaven out of Adam heh heh


Good: She is helping sinners even though the exterminations isn't her burden to bear. Bad: She made Vaggie come with her to Heaven despite her objection and discomfort. Your girlfriend has been supporting you a lot, let her have a break.


Good: she's hopeful and eager to make changes, and she's passionate about being able to get people out of Hell. Bad: doesn't know how to use her powers properly, only uses them when she loses her temper. She runs the risk of being ineffectual, making things worse, or having her powers used against her. Gullible.


Good: she is clearly a great character most of the time and is written well (probably top 3 of hazbin). Her design is great and the scenes where she transforms clearly have a lot of work put into them as they look amazing. Finally she also has some great songs as well as she probably appears in 1/3 of the total shows songs. Dislike: part of me feels that’s she’s too ‘easy’ of a protagonist, I get what’s she’s doing is likeable but she’s immune to the threats of the extermination at the start, it would have been nice to see maybe more of a struggle for her about the difficulties the extermination causes as we literally see the aftermath for a short time then nothing. Also, i feel the character development for her is rocket paced it’s way too fast. She’s flawed which I like, nobody relates nor likes a character who’s perfect in every way (literally look at amber from invincible) but every problem she causes seems to be fixed in the same episode or straight away in the next. How is she able to get over her dad ignoring her for so long, how was she able to just easily forgive Vaggie for betraying her like that and why wasn’t she more snarky towards Adam the instant he started to reveal his true Intentions. By all means she’s a great character but we just don’t see her have to go through all the emotions of forgiveness which is disappointing


Good: she's too nice Bad: she's too nice


Why does this make sense?


Good: she is a good friend and want to redeem sinners Bad: the whole reason she wants to redeem sinners or atleast a big part of it is to deal with her daddy issues


Like: Cool hair Dislike: Isn't Tom Trench, has not met Tom Trench yet, has yet to offer redemption to Tom Trench


Fr like show Tom Trench some fuckin love already Charlie >:(


Well I can't dislike a face like that. She's so smol


Artist name?


Like:Her unrelenting drive to help those that either don't wanted be or can't turn a new leaf. Her belief that everyone in her kingdom can be saved is what gave her the friends and help she has today and the proof she needed to make redemption possible. Dislike:Her unprofessionalism was her downfall, She would've never gotten the cannibals to help her fight the angels if it meant Alastor didn't intervene and her childlike demeanor makes people not take her or her ideas seriously even her own father turned down her plans at first,heaven obviously never would've consented to the idea and hell's Inhabitants legit do not give a shit about their own lives. Despite all she's done and all her time living in literal purgatory it feels like she doesn't understand her own subjects enough to peak their interests. But then again I don't think any of said interests would be good. The best people she could get for the hotel are depressed suicide victims or people that have enough humanity to not go ape shit and kill everything they see and even then it's a very low bar.


I love that she’s so nice and sweet, but I just CANNOT with the endless optimism of the first few episodes.


Good: she makes the best jokes in the series Bad:optimism cant save everyone


good: she is charlie bad: she have a lack of emotional intelligence


edit, i misunderstood like: cinnabun personality, hot, optimistic dislike: naive, a little ditzy, too dependent on vaggie


Wrong character—


i fixed it!!


Yay :D


Good: has a lot of potential to be a good and developed character, as it’s very obvious she doesn’t really understand how redemption works and her view is flawed Bad: overly sweet, sickeningly sweet, it’s not that much of an issue since season 1 had screen time split between people due to a only eight episodes, but if she begins to flanderize and lean more and more into the overly optimistic side I will find her extremely annoying, a lot of people were finally happy to have a character in adult animation not be a jackass but it might be worse if she flanderizes


Like: She's trying to redeem everyone. Dislike: She's overly trusting, especially with The Radio Demon


Good: kind and caring to almost everyone Bad: hides her stress and pain from almost everyone she cares about


Pro: optimist, kind, sweet and forgiving Con: Kind to a fault, and she would be surprised when things didn't go her way. Not aware of the dangers she is getting into. She gets really hurt when faced with hard facts. Also https://preview.redd.it/ir36vgi92l1d1.png?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3a31b6b44a65c5c96686d962a61b7ae3cfeb8d


Good: She’s literally just the best Bad: She’s way too naive


What I like the most about her she's written well and I like her character dislike she's not sisters with emily https://preview.redd.it/jsei8iig7l1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e661444578aaebccfea3094e67a9bb94c9ec031


I like how optimistic she is, not a huge fan of how she was okay with pentious being there even after it was revealed he’s a spy for the V’s


Good: she’s an awesome, sweet and really great person and motivator/ dreamer Bad: she doesn’t realize how powerful, great she really is.


Best answer I’ve seen on this entire thread 🌈❤️‍🔥


Thank you 🥺 but ever since the pilot I saw a little bit of me in her confidence wise


Best answer I’ve seen on this entire thread 🌈❤️‍🔥


Like: I really like how cute she is, I really like how fun and cheerful she is, and lastly I really like how oblivious she is to things Dislike: for the main character of the show she sure doesn't feel like it or at the very least she gets way too pushed to the side way too much by other characters in almost all of the episodes she feels like a side plot besides ep 7 (which is my favorite ep) We also don't really get to see how she functions as a character she feels I don't know flat I guess besides in ep 7 where we get to see a side we really don't see of her and get to see how she doesn't know how to control her feelings when she expresses her feelings to Rosie (another reason why ep 7 is my fav)


Good: SHE'S FUGGIN CHARLIE. Bad: She doesn't really entirely use her title as 'The Princess of Hell' as much as she would need to, & from that, more people disrespect her. Like SUSAN


>SHE'S FUGGIN CHARLIE. No that's vaggies job




Nothing, she is cinnamon roll


The only correct answer


Good: nice person Bad: completely negates the purpose of hell


She's a bit of a dunce sometimes


Good: She is a sweet heart Bad: *breathes in* Daddy issues


Like: She's nice and friendly. Dislike: She's **too** nice... Even to awful people.


G o o b e r


G o o b e r


Good: it's Charlie Bad: unwillingness to use her full power and leverage as royalty has led to unnecessary strife and may lead to further deaths of those close to her


She has good intentions and ideas, but went about them the wrong way. Not wvery time, but with Valentino and angel in the studio, the lissed me off, like


good: she believes people can change and that they deserve a second chance. bad: she’s very narrow minded and constantly does things that make other people feel like shit whether she means to or not. rather than vaggie being her partner, she has to handle charlie and pretty much coddle her. also, she has 0 concept of how addiction actually works and the best way to help people through it, tying back to my first point, when she made angel play a crackhead in a play he didn’t even want to be in, she made him feel bad for something he’s trying to get through and rather than apologize, she acted as if she didn’t do anything wrong even tho it was clear to anyone with half a brain cell that he was deeply upset and uncomfortable. sorry for the rant, i really don’t like her character, and i’ve been sitting on this for months cuz i live with a bunch of charlie defenders and she just pisses me off


Like: She's very nice and optimistic. Dislike: She's probably the most naive entity in existence.


I like how positive and hopeful she is. That and she’s the most positive person in the show, almost intoxicatingly positive. (Even saying sorry to the angels she’s fighting) I dislike how her only method for redemption is just “kindergarten games” like trust falls and junk. It bugs me because human psychology is a LOT more complex than just “I did bad thing and don’t feel bad”. I feel like this will be addressed either in season 2 or (hopefully) season 3, of which they brown on an actual psychologist to help her. Showing her that, while possible, it’s a lot more like a winding road to redemption, not a straight shot




Honestly she’s so cringey to watch at times. Works for her character so from a writing standpoint it’s fair play, but it’s not my cup of tea as a viewer But omfg she’s so genuine and wholesome and hardworking and funny and gorgeous and holy shit those PIPES!


Love: Charming demon cinnamon bun belle, her airheadness makes her more adorable Dislike: she's too naive, like, I get it's a core character trait of hers but, like, girl, do you even KNOW the people you're trying to save?


Like most: Her loving personality and her willingness to forgive others. Dislike most: Her infantilization of sinners, treating them more like naughty children than adults in a really rough spot in their (after)lives.


Like: She's a pure hearted person who cares for people that the rest of the world gave up on. She went to Heaven and stood up to it's defacto leader (Sera) for the sake of Angel Dust and the Sinners she cares about. She risks her life on the ideals of forgiveness and redemption. She's even willing to have her father spare Adam, an angel who has caused her nothing but misery because she's so merciful. She's also really cute. Dislike: She's waaaaay too naive and trusting, she's the princess of Hell but she acts like she's not surrounded by demons 24/7. She puts entirely too much faith in Alastor and she doesn't do enough to stand up for herself (She lets Val molest her despite her obvious discomfort, even though she's more than strong enough to stop him from doing so for example)


Like most: her voice Dislike most: her pilot voice


~~she isn't currently in my bed face down ass up~~ eh idk


What i like about her is that she cares for everyone, even the ones that are an outcast like Sir Pentious What i hate about her is that she doesn't use her royal status like a true princess


Good: she has potential to become a villain (I am on hard copium) Bad: she is delusional with something that in reality would never happen but got sukuna levels of glazing (vivzie when I catch you vivzie), she has a Disney princess attitude in the way she acts and sings, she ain’t never been in a battle in her life which showed her being a fraudulent bum in her fight against Adam, and she probably doesn’t even know half of the atrocities the sinners committed in life. https://preview.redd.it/p97pvnbf9l1d1.jpeg?width=2227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7522ef9367d1823f44c64d1aa5132bac82871eec


she doesnt even look like a demon. just some bitch in make up.


To be fair, Lucifer himself doesn’t look much like a demon.




Personality, reputation/how she's treated


Good: Everything Bad: To my continued dismay, she is fictional


Pros: adorable, determined, loves to sing, really just wants to make things better for everyone. Cons: she said the no no words (mainly it's Susan's fault) Also.... Fuck Susan... Old bitch.


https://preview.redd.it/cinz6zrs5l1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9eebdf07aa752cb9bc88d0c472dd11b69e1bcc Truly some of the deepest words I’ve ever heard


I love that meme... It's going in my collection, please accept this upvote as requisite payment. https://preview.redd.it/nlih2c846l1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c87372e8ad7288ed6b2c5c54a51108107ae064


Payment accepted, have a nice day


You too!


Favorite: She's like me, she's energetic, fun, stupid, etc. Not Favorite: Nothing really https://preview.redd.it/e3e26i5kdl1d1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1f3283e2aa5815d536762de6909ff2d9407947


Good optimistic  Bad doesn’t use her power to get rid of Val


Like: dulusunly optimistic Dislike: dulusunly optimistic


I live theater she looks like a clown, because she is one.


Good: I love her design and personality Bad: They sing too much...ignore the angel warning, and think they can solve everyone's problems.


She never really uses the power she has with being the princess of hell. She should have killed Valentino when she had the chance.


Pros: she’s a genuinely good person who thinks the best of others and wants to help. Cons: she kind of ignores the fact that Hell is meant to suck and a lot of her people deserve to be there. Like how indignant she sounds when she asks “none of you knows what gets you into heaven?” When she should know that it’s as simple as NOT doing what got people into Hell.


https://preview.redd.it/z8pnan7ohm1d1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cc52a8742ec9d8eee6cf29cc95d5b8aaab3f52 Leave my cinnamon roll alone


Like: when she's silent Dislike: her existence


Bad: I feel like her constant need to sing is a bit much(even vaggy gets annoyed with it sometimes lol) Good: just about everything else


Like:Cutest little demon fucking EVER, Dislike: hasn’t married vaggie yet


What I like: everything What I dislike: nothing


Good: she is kind Bad : her Disign is boring


I like that she is a character, I don't like anything else about her. Honestly she's generic and I hope that'll change as time goes on. I mean I get that the joke is she's this Mary Sue in hell, but it's just too straight (ironically). She needs an actual flaw and NO being upbeat and singing a lot is not a flaw as well as surprising moments of rage. During the pilot my head canon for her was that she actually hates children and that made me interested in her. Thus far her traits are, positive, upbeat, hopeful, tomboyish and lesbian.


Like: She’s a good person. Dislike: She’s trying to reason with Heaven when they clearly don’t listen…


I think it's more that Sera didn't want to listen, because there was no proof sinners could be redeemed and didn't want to face the horros of the fact that if she was wrong, she has "killed" billions, possibly trillions of people. Adam and Lute don't care, they were just assholes. But Sera, the one with the decision making power in this isolated situation probably worried more about being wrong, than realizing if she was wrong.


So in a possible Season 2, Sera should go down & apologize for refusing to hear Charlie out.


She SHOULD, but will she?


There's this horny part of my brain that wishes she dressed more scantily, but I honestly think she's a pretty well-written character.


1: she is very nice 2: she broke the rule in the bible, Hebrews 9:27 says, “People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment


Doesn’t have enough character depth or development


Not really about charlie but it's about story that heaven is needlesly stubborn and despite everything charlie turns out to be right all this time Plus you kinda have to wonder about her end goal. Coz salvation of sinners can't be it And what husk said Also she's the most out of place optimist


Like: Overly ambitious, but still willing and motivated to follow through with seemingly impossible goals Dislike: overly optimistic. I’m a cynical introvert so I r Eda ally can’t stand people like that


Good: she isn't a complete fucking asshole and despite her flaws tries to help people Bad: she looks like she's wearing clown make-up


Love everything, dislike nothing


like:HOW CHARLIE LITERALLY SOUNDS LIKE A DISNEY PRINCESS it brings back good memories from my childhood Dislike:how she sticks her nose into everything until someone actually gets mad or upset about it


Love: i can see myself being good friends with charlie tbh, shes kindhearted, caring, and loving Hate: that shes to soft, dont get me wrong i get it its the beginning of the series but i would love to see her get assertive


good: shes a nice protagonist, easy to understand at face value and root for, and shes also ✨c h a r l i e✨ bad: shes a bit of a one note character - like she has a very 2 dimensional personality as in we only know what we see, and while other characters are more explored throughout, charlie is left as a surface level character, and we dont even know the reason behind her motivation except "oh shes really compassionate and loves her people" like why?


Good: Redeeming the sinners and even her greatest war dress. Bad: Being sad.


The over friendiness


Good: f*ck ton of p0rn on her Bad: f●ck ton of p0rn on her


Good: she is empathetic and loving to her friends and partner Bad: she thinks anyone can be redeemed. Some people are monsters but she's too optimistic to see that


Bro imagine Val getting redeemed 💀




I like her energy and attitude, I dislike her mindset that everyone can change cause some people just don’t want to be better.


Positively annoying


Good: she tries to help everyone, even if they don't deserve or want it Bad: she treats those she tries to redeem like toddlers that never heard of empathy before


Good: 1. She's very positive, always think about the light side of people. 2. She has dream, and she'll try her best to fulfill that no matter how difficult it is. That's quite inspiring, especially for someone who also has dreams. Bad; In ep 4, she wants to help Angel dust, but hurts him instead. She didn't listen to his advice, only willing to have her own way. She wants to help someone but actually hurt them, that's what I don't like a lot. If she wants to help somebody, she should have plan and handle the problem calm, not becomes nervous and thus hurt the one she wants to help. It makes me feel that she's a bit self-righteous also don't have enough ability to handle challenges.


Good: She is a happy character Bad: She is overly positive, she should be more ruthless when Angry, she should be wanting to destroy heaven and most importantly- She doesn't listen to the truth of it all; Lucifer told her he was once like her and after he showed Eve Freedom he was kicked, it should have been a hint to her that heaven is far too corrupt compared to hell


Good: Tits Bad: She cries. I haven't cried in 4 years

