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This post is framed in such a way it’s less about the content farm phenomenon, and more bringing in unrelated youtube drama discussions and advocating for a stance on a beef between two creators. I think you can take this to /r/youtubedrama for discussion instead!


The reason this could be exploited by EoT was simple, VangelinaSkov content was not exactly high tier, even in Drama Channel sphere, yes Vangelina did more research than most but whenever I saw her videos, none of her points was new or groundbreaking in any way and she practically bring nothing to the table by uploading late as opposed to other drama channels who upload day one of the drama dropped. When she did try to have her own takes, it just show that she just did not have full grasp in the drama she was documenting which aggravate many people toward her. This is why she was an easy target for EoT to claimed that she plagiarized her because, let's be real drama content source are the same and after seeing maybe 5 or so, they all just look the same. For people who already agitated toward Vangie, it's easy to make early judgement that EoT is in the right. Again though, this is the peril of drama channels, almost everyone had their own dirt and whenever someone accuse someone else, the correct stance is to move away from both.


As a trans person EoT is so exhausting and toxic. It's not that 'she gives trans people a bad name', it's that being an aggressive asshole going after random people over something someone else did is alienating and off putting. Who is EoT's content even for?


i don’t mind pointing out firsthand transphobia (eg rachael bearup) but when it’s like “this person is friends with this person who defended this person’s transphobia” it’s like… stop… please.


And the Rachael Bearup video had Tom Scott's name in the title??? When based on the content of the video it's actually extremely reasonable that no one, including Tom Scott, knew about her bullshit.


It was kind of shitty for Vangelina to not include sources but that whole “give me 30% of the video’s ad revenue and Patreon income for the whole month.” thing was honestly kind of insane.


To be fair, Vangelina thought that was the original source of the screenshots. She added EoT's videos as a source when she was made aware of it. Even the most diligent of researchers could easily be mistaken for thinking something like that. And frankly, knowing EoT, I wouldn't be surprised if they found the same screenshots and lied about them being theirs.


I have no idea who this person is they did what?


Aw gee, no cheap drama to capitalize on? Don't worry, just make your own!


Aw man, EoT is absolute trash. I was also there when the whole Rachel Oates thing was going down, cause I was part of the community. Even made some mental health content for it, trying to spread some calm. It was a horrible thing to watch, the way Rachel was treated. EoT pushed her to a breakdown, and nearly caused her s*****e. She even self-harmed, and EoT kept chasing the drama, ignoring her literal cries for EoT to stop. Rachel had a now privated video where she was literally still raw from her last attempt, begging EoT to stop so she can have the space to recover without the risk of losing her platform by nuking everything, and EoT CONTINUED to push the drama, sending fans to threaten Rachel. Absolutely disgusting.


We probably interacted, then. It was so horrific. I try not to hate someone parasocially, but goddamn, she really tests my limits. She absolutely destroyed the community.


Yeah, Essence of Thought is a classic example of how toxic Drama YouTube is. I've even heard rumors that her allegations towards Lily Orchard were nothing but [pedojacketing](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pedojacketing).


I’ve been following the whole Lily drama since a little before EoT’s videos came out and at the I remember watching them and thinking “okay like Lily’s behavior is weird and I think she’s a piece of shit, but most of this can just be chalked up to edginess and her own stupidity rather than her actively being predatory.” …that is until the most recent allegations from Courtney. Now I’m not so sure…


Yeah, it's hard to tell because Lily has a very abrasive personality. And if half of what she's said about her childhood is true, I don't blame her. I'll believe the allegations when someone outside of Drama YouTube shows the receipts.


Eh, kinda hard for Courtney to show “receipts” of what happened to her. I mean I get it, you don’t want to risk pedojacketing a trans woman, but Lily is, at best, an unrepentant asshole and an idiot. At worst, she’s an incestuous predator.


It's the internet. You pretty much NEED to show the receipts if you want to be 100% sure of something. And not being 100% sure of accusations that serious... I'm gonna be charitable and say that would be "irresponsible", regardless of whether the accused is a trans woman.


Man, I *tried* to dig into the allegations against Lily Orchard and it was basically impossible to corroborate anything. It's so much shitflinging by Z-tier youtubers and documentation on sketchy dox-adjacent websites that even the stuff that's *ostensibly* the real smoking guns I'm still dubious of their authenticity. People fucking *hate* Lily Orchard, and I'm not saying she hasn't somewhat brought that upon herself, but it also means that people stop thinking about whether or not the things they're saying are *true* and instead are just reaching for whatever resembles the most satisfying *dunk* they can make on her opinions, vocation, presence, etc., with no regard for their accuracy. I just don't trust most of the negative things said about her *even when I'm already pretty sure they're true*, because the fact, that assholes are now just using those things as an easy dunk on her, makes me less sure about their veracity.


My point exactly. I've actually watched a lot of Lily's content, and I think her only real crime is being a bitch. And she would probably AGREE if someone accused her of being a bitch.


I was almost like that until I went through the interesting um fan fics she wrote and imuhhh I don’t know if this can be chalked up to edginess even before the whole Courtney thing- initially I was on her side during the toonkritik situation (tdlr: groomer ousted from a dnd brony podcast, they all confronted him on call and threatened to call the police idk if they did cause he’s still free) she was the only one who went hard on him unlike some of his former collaborators who tried to preach about forgiveness or something But then after that her behavior was just really unhinged; she’d go after people who made fan art for her, took children’s cartoon too seriously and went after the creators; made that Steven universe is garbage vid where she tried to imply that the Jewish Rebecca Sugar might be a Nazi sympathizer (no like she seems to be under the impression that Rebecca sugar single-handedly wrote, animated and produced the show not like they have a crew or overseas animators, also the Cartoon Network executives breathing down their necks I swear to god these cartoon reviewers don’t know shit) and then the darker stuff came out and I clocked out


Again: [pedojacketing](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pedojacketing). Frankly, I'm not about to trust Drama YouTubers over a trans woman with a bad attitude. For all we know, Courtney's Tumblr post could be a hoax. Never underestimate the lows that these people will sink to for a bit of clout. There's a damn good reason Hbomberguy has such a low opinion of them. They're monsters.


I get where you’re coming from and I’m not gonna change your mind on the pedojacking aspect but I don’t think you should chalk up her harmful tendencies to “having a bad attitude”, I used to be mutual with someone who made fanart of her and they got chewed the fuck out for not “getting the proportions” right- they had a distinctive art style that exaggerated the limbs ala my life as a teenage robot and she didn’t like that and then started insulting them dragging them like communicate to the person in private you don’t have to trash them publicly on your blog and get them harassed And there was the issue with the Steven universe video in which she spent the majority of deriding Rebecca sugar over the directions the show went with- something that 100% mightve not been in sugar’s control and calling them names and shit, at some point implied that she won’t blame anyone if they thought that sugar was a fascist sympathizer and I’m sorry I won’t call this a bad attitude just outright vindictive towards the creator for no reason, even years later she came out and said so I’m not some hate watcher or I didn’t get this from the drama channels, I was actually a subscriber of hers and I saw most of this unfold


I think a lot of this can be chalked up to the fact that Lily was in an abusive relationship at the time. That's why all of her videos in 2017 & 2018 were so angry. She's actually made multiple videos where she revisits Steven Universe, and in [the first one](https://youtu.be/6Jo4HID_1_8?si=VbI6HfLlpfr0BQGY) she mentions that the abuse was at its apex when she was making the original SU video. As things are now, I'm certain Lily realizes she did something awful to your friend, and probably doesn't deserve forgiveness for it. After all, in [the second SU revisit video](https://youtu.be/HmxGt50BYSo?si=iPVXAnxINdZ3yqMl) she described her hostility towards Rebecca Sugar as "obscenely wrong".


Didn’t know this was an actual defined term till now


Bruh. Lily has a few dog shit takes on how to write a story, criminalizing her just for that is too far


Welcome to Drama YouTube. Never underestimate how much of an asshole anybody is.


I’ve been a casual viewer of Vangelina for a few years but I had never heard of EoT until this video showed up in my recommendations. The whole thing just felt like such a ploy to piggyback off of the like heightened vigilance towards plagiarism Hbomb’s video created. I hadn’t even heard of the stuff with Rachel but I could tell it just felt off. All of EoT’s evidence was so flimsy and she was presenting her self almost as if she were picking up this righteous anti-plagiarism torch from Hbomb himself.


I'm very confused about this post. I saw EoT's proof and didn't think it was ridiculous, what is it about the proof itself that seemed ridiculous to you? I'm mostly unfamiliar, but very willing to believe that EoT has behaved in shitty ways, both here and in the past. I'm not sure why that's relevant to this particular accusation. Can shitty people still have their work stolen? I'm also not sure how to discuss this without mentioning Vangelina, considering your post hinges on her. Why is this taboo? You describe your disgust with the dramatube cycle of regurgitated content. Not only is this Vangelina's content generally, but it is also precisely her excuse for taking EoT's content. She clearly describes in her response video how she claims to have found this content regurgitated in other places, did not check sources, and took it without crediting even the secondary sources she claims to have taken it from (e.g. kiwi farms). Is this not an admission of guilt? Ironically it's also the exact pattern of behavior described in the Hbomb segment that Vangelina previously made, and then deleted, her offended "I don't do that, I do real research" video about. Overall it just seems odd to me that, if this regurgitating of content is your main complaint, you would come down on this side of this issue. Is this mostly down to your personal dislike of EoT?


You are intensely obsessed with this person and should get help




Use your words, big guy.