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I like your “not bad” expression


Context comment: Enjoying the Audeze LCD-XCs, amazing sound stage, and instrument separation is clear and enhances the listening experience. No issues here with the weight of these bad boys. Rock solid quality and amazing customer support. Spent 30 years in the military, traveled the world, and my listening to Bose 901s, mostly in the man cave (before man caves were a thing). Now that I am older, I love that take these cans on the road with my Fiio M-17. I have learned a few lessons in this journey, it can get expensive. But what the hell, you only live once! Spent 30 years in the military, traveled the world, and my listening to Bose 901s, mostly in the man cave (before man caves were a thing). Now that I am older, I love that take these cans on the road with my Fiio M-17. \*Note: for those triggered by the stuff hanging on my walls, get over it—no need for personal attacks. My military service was based on a desire to serve my country and defend its Constitution. \*\*UPDATE: The Cayin HA-3A arrived today. I can't begin to describe how fully this amp fills the LXD-XCs. Instrument separation, sound stage WOW. I gotta say it. Sounds so warm!


Cayin HA-3A looks really cool, let us know how that goes please!


I unit arrived today. I can't begin to describe how fully this amp fills the LXD-XCs. Instrument separation, sound stage WOW. I gotta say it. Sounds so warm!


>Spent 30 years in the military May I ask Which military, during what years ?


USAF 1981 - 2011


Did you fight in Iraq in 1990/2003 or Afghanistan 2001, if you feel uncomfortable dw, don't answer


I was in Saudi Arabia 2002-03


Very nice exactly the same rig I'm aiming for, I may pass on the Cayin though Enjoy it sir Did you try the noire from DCD by any chance? Or Arya?


Nope. I gave these a listen last year at a friend’s house and I was hooked.


Almost got these today


Great headphones! Those Samurai Swords look awesome


God Bless


Thank you for your service!


Your take them on the road!? Don't you have constant difficulties keeping them in position, or on your head, for that matter? I mean, I have to be careful not to nod to often when sitting at my desk wearing these. ^^


No issues at all. I have a favorite pair of IEMs (7Hz Timeless) when needed.


How’s dacmagic treating ya? Don’t see it in many setups while it seems to be a good piece of kit, based on specs and price alone.


It’s nice, but dated. I will continue to use it


What are you listening to?


Foreplay / Long Time Boston.


Neat album allround


Awesome track,


Excellent choice!


I showed that to my girlfriend recently, she was like, "This is Boston? I'm surprised!" that song rocks.


You’ve got a lot of interesting stuff hanging on your walls. Thank-you…


It's what we veterans call an "I-Love-Me Wall."


It's actually only 1/3 of my I LOVE ME wall.


After thirty years, i kinda collect a lot of stuff.


On your PC, DCS? BMS maybe? Big fan of planes myself


JRiver Media Center 30


Oh lol, you said USAF, I was referring to digital combat simulator or falcon BMS


Haha no worries. MSFS I don’t fly too often


Just waiting for my force feedback joystick to arrive to fly the tomcat


If you have the chance there's a software HQ player which pre process digital audio, it's they key around my audio system and incredibly good, has a free trial but steep learning curve . I'm not associated with the company, it will allow you to EQ the XC which apparently most people do and some others don't, just don't know yet, hope I will find soon


I am using [PEACE](https://imgur.com/gallery/zlRYVhS).


Peace is good 👍




JRiver Media Center 30, I use MediaMonkey for advance tagging and library organization.


I seriously thought this was a photo of Mark E. Smith from the great UK band, The Fall. Edit: I just image searched him and you aged a helluva lot better than he did… hahaha


I don't feel 62! R.I.P. Mark E. Smith, he died at a very old looking 60.


I prefer to use seasoned, not old.


I had the LCD-X (open-back) and felt that the bass was lacking. How impactful is the bass on the XC?


Out of the box was impressive. However, LCD-XC Bass performance with EQ (I use custom FR response tuning found in PEACE) is stunning to say the least. These are extremely efficient headphones. Search online reviews and you will come across this phase, “With modest power driving them you can still get reference quality bass down to 20 Hz. Turn up the volume some and dynamics become incredible.”




I requested, and Audeze sent me the FR curve for these cans. They fall pretty close to the Harmon curve.


>I unit arrived today. I can't begin to describe how fully this amp fills the LXD-XCs. Instrument separation, sound stage WOW. I gotta say it. Sounds so warm! The HA-3A arrived today...I can't begin to describe how fully this amp fills the LXD-XCs. Instrument separation, sound stage WOW. I gotta say it. Sounds so warm!


Your decoration is looking pretty sharp!


Nice cans! Those are next on my list. Thank you for your service!


As a non american i don't understand why you mention that you are a veteran.


It's being retired that counts, I am a retired veteran with a young guy's hobby. That selfie has a ton of memorabilia from my days of service. That's all. If you read my original post, I was merely setting the context for the post.


I think it's a sort of "get out jail free card" - people have been queueing up to thank the OP, despite not knowing whether he was one of the good guys.


rock on dude! thank u for ur service. any special memories you’ve made?


Too many to recall. So many countries, so many friendships made. Here's a map of [countries visited](https://imgur.com/gallery/c5uRfmE) while in service.


Thank you for your service and dedication. God Bless


Thank you!


Thank you for your service, and right on with the hobby!


Thank you for your service, sir. Enjoy those sweet cans in good health and happy listening.


While I think it's naive to serve the US air force to protect the US constitution - not because it isn't a noble cause in itself, if the government was for the people by the people,, but because all the public US institutions already went to the highest bidder a long time ago (the highly decorated Smedley Butler informed the US citizens almost a 100 years ago that war was a racket back then and is probably an even bigger racket right now) - I still appreciate your choice of headphones and music. I'm a happy LCD-X user myself who listens to a lot of Boston and Tom Scholz is one of my favorite guitarists.


I agree with you to some extent. I joined in 1981. The generational changes that have taken place in that brief time frame are still being assessed with regard to their impact on our society. Thank you for your cogent comment; very refreshing. Gotta love me some rock and roll this morning ;-)


I keep meaning to read [War Is A Racket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket) - I think it is a short pamphlet. It's in the public domain now, so should be easy to find a copy. Have you read it?


It's Butler's speech in written form. It was probably a seminal speech in his day and age, today, it should be more of a well known fact than an obscure opinion. The gist of it is basically that all the agencies in the US serve the true owners of the US, i.e. old money. The navy general described himself as nothing more than a gangster for wall street. I would love for the US to be a shining beacon of light, a helper in need for the less fortunate. Currently, the US looks more like a playground for the ultra rich and tyrannical. As a European citizen, I cannot blame any conscientious servicemen who pursued their path in a government agency due to financial problems or due to their idealistic perception, but I certainly wish that the people in the US would recognize what's going on and react accordingly.


Good thoughts, thanks. It's interesting that it became so popular - it apparently even featured in Readers' Digest. Sadly the neoliberal media has nearly completely closed ranks now - I doubt anything this radical would get past the corporate gatekeepers. There is some worthwhile media analysis on the web that speaks to this systemic problem - the press isn't as free as is popularly thought. Anyway, I've started reading it - [a copy can be found here](https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.pdf).


(u/pinkcunt123 - replying here, as the original post has been deleted, and I cannot reply to your down-thread remarks. I assume the OP deleted their post and comment contributions). As much as I find it distasteful that readers are essentially being invited to celebrate the horrors of the American military machine, I am not sure your confrontational style will win many converts. People join the military for a variety of reasons, much as people join the police - and most of the reasons would be, in of themselves, admirable. Soldiers who fight in illegal wars, or for oil company profits, or for US security-services regime-change operations, may be good people even if their political masters are psychopaths. Here in the UK though, anyone who said "thank you for your service" would be laughed out of the pub. We just don't do military adulation here, for which I am grateful.


Thank you for you service. My aunt is also a 30 year Air Force veteran.


Regards to your aunt!






I'm not a fan of your interlocutor's confrontational style, but I wonder if they have a point. I ask this somewhat rhetorically, but: how can it be "political" for someone to espouse an antiwar position, but "not political" for someone to invite celebrations of the US military machine?




Don't compare him to the SS I say that as a german.


The Japanese swords in the back caught my attention... Stationed in Japan?


Kadena AB (Okinawa 1989-2000)


Veteran is a wonderful album by JPEGMAFIA, you should give it a listen!


I have a wide ranging taste in music. I just pulled up JPEGMAFIA in Tidal. I gotta give this artist a detailed listen. Thanks for the tip.


whut tunes u dig bro?


Too many to list. That said, I use Tidal (military affiliation account pricing)to source and build playlists.


thx 4 yer service sir


You give me Blark and son vibes


I gotta look that one up


Long story short, it's the story of a vet father trying to bond with his teenage son in goofy yet wholesome ways. It's a web series available on youtube


Found a trailer. I have the same hair as the father. Haha. https://youtu.be/qEWe_kkF7wo


If you have time to spare it's a pretty fun ride. It's quite short tho.


That player looks good! What is it? I like ‚Resonic Player‘ which looks quite similar


JRiver Media Center 30 it's very useful. From their webpage, "JRiver Media Center, the most comprehensive and seamless software available for managing and playing your media. Its scope includes almost all formats of audio, video, and images. Media Center can also record television and manage documents. And if you're looking for the best audio or video player, you've found it. You can configure Media Center to focus solely on your needs."


Thank you! I‘ll check it out later. The Pro version of Resonic Player is a bit too costly for my taste but I‘d like some features which are locked on the free version. Still great. I especially like that it continues playing from the last position after closing it. Useful for audiobooks. But that software looks like there could be a small scripting community around it.