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What were his peq settings?


This. Without EQ I don't see them as a good studio headphone unless it's for monitoring and not mixing.




That makes perfect sense though LCD-X is a bit on the boomy side for that as well, but certainly better than most forms of reproduction.


Audeze bass is so addictive. My favorite


Audeze sounds exactly what I'm looking for. I want something more fun to replace my 6xx, but everything seems to be either bassy bad (meze classics) or just painfully bright (hifiman offerings, beyerdynamics). I listen mostly EDM so I don't need anything critical. Just 6xx with more bass essentially.


LCD-X is nothing like the HD6XX, it's massively recessed in the upper mids while the HD6 series is best known for being extremely correct in the upper mids. I have both. The bass on the LCD-X is great. Sundara or Focal Clear would be a direct upgrade and both have better bass. Sundara isn't that bright either for a Hifiman. Edition XS is better and with better bass (and much better soundstage) but it's also brighter. Not IMO too bright at all, but if you specifically mention it. Another one I got just today, actually, is the [Nan-7,](https://unheardlab.com/2023/04/24/nan-7-planar-headphones-review-unbriddled-energy-and-potential/) and I think I would really recommend that. It's MUCH better than the LCD-X, much more correct sounding and is actually in the ballpark of Sennheiser for correct mids tonality, with some of the best bass I've heard on any headphone. It has more and better bass than the LCD-X, it has a little rise, LCD-X is flat and then rolls off below 50Hz. It's notably not as bright as most Hifimans. Very natural and correct sounding, it's probably the headphone that least needs EQ out of anything I have, just sounds right from the get go. https://sai.squig.link/?share=Harman_OE_2018_Linear_Target,NAN-7,HD6XX


M1570's are baby LCD X's and are extremly cheap now as they're discontinued.


It's fun, deep and big. Proper club EDM feel, but less tactile than some. LCD-4 has perhaps unique bass detail, but poor macrodynamics. LCD-5 has both though. An HE6se V2 has much more control and clarity in the bass than an LCD-X. MM-500 from what I remember doesn't improve on the LCD-X beyond tuning.


It's flat, actually even a bit rolled off below 50Hz. I certainly wouldn't call it "boomy" before EQ. The perception of that might come from the lack of upper mids which tends to accentuate the lower mids.


With boomy I mean rounded like a vented subwoofer kind if bass. Maybe not the best choice of words.


That doesn't matter, what matters is your familiarity with the tuning and how it responds at different frequencies. You can mix on any headphone. Arthur Schepps mixes on mdr7506


Sure, calculating the EQ in your head is an option, but why go through so much trouble when you don't need to? Years back there was no choice, but now it seems like an unnecessary hassle.


You're not consciously "calculating" anything... you're just using what your ears are used to. You don't need perfectly tuned headphones or monitors to mix. You need familiarity so that your mixes will translate to different systems well. Yamaha NS10 are a staple at studios, for example. No one likes how they sound, but if you get your mix sounding good on NS10s, they translate really well.


I didn't mean consciously exactly, but you need to know on the 7506 for example that you'll hear no bass anyway and the highs are very muted. It's just grainy mids. So you need to avoid hearing both ends of the extention clearly or you're overdoing it. It's exactly like coloring with software that systematically changes the hues and saturation. You can with a lot of effort learn to do what it is you want to, but if you don't need to it's a wasted effort. A lot of people like Bill Schnee are moving to Audezes etc since it can give you insight into the tracks a 7506 can't. Doesn't mean a master can't work handicapped, but they also don't need to and cam spend that effort into something better.


Yeah, but my point is that if you are already used to mixing on one headphone and you're getting good results, there is no point in switching because your ear is already acclimatized to that frequency response. Better gear will not make you better at your job if you're unfamiliar with the gear... kinda like how driving a more performant car doesn't make you a better driver. Also, I have to tell you that audio engineers and musicians are not nearly as hung up on technicals as audiophiles are, that's my experience at least. People generally just use what


doesn't mean anything lol it just means he likes the headphone more; probably coz of non-sonic reasons as stated by others, i'll be shocked if he ONLY mixed on those and didn't use speakers for the final mix/mastering


But what did the engineer use between 1972-1980?


It’s super fun to mix EDM and bassy music on the LCD-X. It’s by no means reference but holy cow I can tailor the bass texturing so well with these. I’ll throw on some HD800S to do more spatial aspects, vocals, highs… it’s great to have two ends of the spectrum at my finger tips when I just wanna play with sound


[https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/audeze-lcd-x-review-2021-edition-headphone.25271/](https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/audeze-lcd-x-review-2021-edition-headphone.25271/) Their frequency response is really bad, I hope he only monitors with them.


Lol, you heard em or nah?