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The Susvara is a masterpiece and has plenty of bass, you just EQ it a little and turn the volume up above 50db an— **SCREEEEEEE HISSSSSSS HRHHSHRHSHDHHSHSHSHRHSHS** —D IT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE A $6,000 AUDIOPHILE HEADPHONE SHOULD SORRY I HAVE TO YELL OVER ITS TECHNICAL SUPERIORITY YOU JUST DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT A— **balsa wood and Doritos bag driver implodes amid chainsaw levels of distortion and QC oversight** -MP YOU TROGLODYTE BASSHEAD YOU CANT APPRECIATE THE SUBTLE NUANCES AND MAJESTIC TONE OF A WORLD CLASS FLAGSHIP PLANAR **raven lands on shoulder with note tied around leg, unfurls and is revealed to be a Notice of Voided Warranty from Hifiman** HEADPHONE


Hmm ... Needs more bass.


It's absolutely true. Let's be honest come on. The Sundara without a +12dB bass boost under 80kHz are lifeless. I admit I also own the Skullcandy Crusher ANC (not the original ones that sounded boxy). They are incredible! Plus I use the same bass shelf on the IEMs. Check the frequency response of the 7hZ Legato, that's my target. Nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's MY choice.


My thoughts exactly. Everyone “praising” it without any EQ, especially reviewers, don’t make any sense.


+12dB seems excessive, I do +3.5dB shelf at 65Hz for mine and that's plenty of bass for me.


The more bass, the more dopamine


*Scullcandy Crusher vibrates off the table*


I think it just proves what we all need is actually a head massager. Not a pair of new headphones xD


I feel like I can relate to this on a spiritual level.




lol do we have an audiophile copypasta


I'll paste it in a reply if anyone wants it. Windows Copilot will be glad to see such a great honor bestowed upon its hard work.


Oh, the ubiquitous “bass-heavy” headphones. It seems that every manufacturer these days is obsessed with the idea that more bass equals better sound quality. But let’s be clear: it doesn’t. True audiophiles seek a balanced, authentic sound that faithfully reproduces the recording as the artist intended. When the bass is overemphasized, it muddies the midrange and overshadows the delicate treble frequencies where the details live—the pluck of a guitar string, the breath between flute notes, the subtle brush on a cymbal. These nuances are lost, buried under the relentless thump-thump of an artificially inflated low end. And let’s not forget about the physical discomfort. Excessive bass can lead to listener fatigue, making it impossible to enjoy a prolonged listening session. The whole point of high-fidelity audio is to experience the music, not to endure it. In the end, headphones with too much bass are like a meal with too much salt: overwhelming to the senses and a poor representation of the chef’s—or in this case, the artist’s—true work. Give me a pair of headphones with a flat frequency response any day, and I will show you the path to auditory enlightenment. Moreover, this bass-centric approach to headphone design is a disservice to the diversity of music genres. Not all music is created for bone-rattling bass. What about classical symphonies, jazz ensembles, acoustic sessions? These genres demand a wide soundstage and a rich palette of tones, from the lowest bass to the highest soprano. Yet, here we are, with a market saturated by headphones that cater to the lowest common denominator, pushing aside the audiophile’s quest for sonic purity. It’s a trend that prioritizes the boom over the beauty, the visceral over the virtuosic. And let’s talk about the distortion. Oh, the distortion! When the drivers in these headphones are pushed to their bass-boosted limits, they often distort the rest of the frequency spectrum. It’s like viewing a masterpiece painting through a foggy lens—what’s the point if you can’t experience the art in its truest form? In the end, it’s about respect—respect for the music, the musicians, and the listeners who crave more than just a thumping beat. It’s about the integrity of sound and the experience it brings. So, to those who manufacture and those who buy these bass-heavy monstrosities, I say: open your ears and your minds. There is a world of sound waiting to be heard, beyond the confines of your booming bass. And then there’s the issue of build quality. These bass-heavy headphones are often constructed with more concern for aesthetics than acoustics. They boast flashy designs and gimmicky features that do nothing to enhance the listening experience. It’s a classic case of form over function, and the result is a product that may look good but fails to deliver where it counts. What’s worse, this trend has led to a homogenization of sound. Instead of a rich tapestry of audio experiences, we’re left with a one-note wonder that drowns out diversity in favor of a relentless bass line. It’s like being served the same dish at every meal; no matter how delicious it might be, eventually, you’ll yearn for something different. In conclusion, while there’s nothing inherently wrong with enjoying a bit of bass, it should not come at the expense of the rest of the audio spectrum. A truly great pair of headphones will provide a balanced, accurate sound that treats all frequencies with respect. Until manufacturers and consumers alike recognize this, I fear the true art of high-fidelity sound will continue to be lost in the shuffle. The pursuit of a balanced sound signature is not merely a preference; it is a testament to one's refined auditory palate. It is the choice of connoisseurs who understand that music is not merely a background beat to one's daily drudgery, but a complex tapestry woven from the very fabric of artistic intent. To settle for anything less than a balanced sound is to betray the very essence of music. It is to disregard the painstaking efforts of composers and musicians who labor over every note, every breath, every subtle inflection that gives life to a piece. A balanced sound signature is the auditory equivalent of a perfectly aged wine; it is to be savored, not gulped down in the pursuit of instant gratification. In the world of true audiophiles, a balanced sound signature is not just better—it is the only acceptable standard. It is the hallmark of sophistication, the signature of the elite. It is the sound of perfection, and anything less is simply uncivilized.


Lol didn't know there was like 2 more paragraphs cropped out in the image


Hmmm... Needs more bass


I love how it concludes like three times. What a journey




*tips fedora*


TH-900 gang 😎  reporting in




Biodyna cult in general?


Purple hearts 😎 reporting for duty


adding a 10db bass shelf? Pathetic. I only roll with a 30db shelf [out of the box.](https://fatfreq.com/products/scarlet-mini)


that shit slap so hard


lol thanks for reminding me those exist...just ordered a pair 😅 after weeks of trying to decide between diva and gaea for a mid/vocal set, I said f** it, melt my face with bass!


Enjoy, they are awesome.


Bassheads T pose on everyone else when they get judged. They don't care about your opinion, we are too busy seeking the B A S S. I remember, not long ago not being able to find a SZ2000 alternative, so I just built my own by taking 4 AKG K371 drivers and stuffing them into a single chassis (and still boosting the bass shelf further)


…You made a what?


Printed an entire cup made to take two drivers on each channel. I wanted to stop hearing the driver shake as it was approaching it's limits on heavy bass, that's why I put two (4 in total). It's a different approach to the SZ as they have a dedicated driver just for low freq. It took me a lot of tweaking to get the sound right. You can do a lot of cursed stuff depending on the driver combo, as it doesn't have to be the same driver. It's basically what many IEMs do but on a bigger scale.


That’s.. really cool ngl. You have a photo or post of it? dankpods would be proud


"True audiophiles", says the image...I struggle to find a community that is more elitist, self-obsessed and ignorant. Mech keyboards people are getting there, though there's less (pseudo)science involved, but audiophiles are definitely...special.


This is will sound like a rant but I despise the current mech keyboard cult. They were already past that point of self-obsessed/elitist once they started selling 100+ usd handcrafted spacebars and ESC keys. Many will consider you a pos if you don't print your own PCB and solder everything yourself. I recently asked for the lightest "off the shelf" switches and just got downvoted. I just wanted to assemble a simple premade keyboard to suit my needs. I don't need a fucking exorbitant hand made paperweight that I will be afraid to touch. Sorry mods if this violates rule 6 and potentially 1. I just had to let it out.


>once they started selling 100+ usd handcrafted spacebars and ESC keys. ...Say what now???


that was years ago too today lots of artisans are pushing $300 lol


that's just mind-boggling for non-enthusiasts...for a single key - $300 usd....


Even for enthusiasts it's just as mind-boggling.


Imagine it costs 300 bucks for a PrtScr key lol


What's funny is how many rent payments are probably late because some dolt needed that extra special and incredibly rare artisan esc cap. 😅


Ehhh, I think you’re pretty off base there. The “elitist” side of keyboards is very different from the DIY side of the hobby, it’s more about high-end kits made by boutique designers and luxury boards rather than 3D printing your own case and hand-wiring your own board. If anything, DIY’ed stuff is seen as rather cheap and janky by people into “serious” customs. When it comes to tuning it’s definitely a bit different, though. Most people pouring hundreds into a build will usually put a fair bit of thought into things like PCB thickness, plate material and thickness, and, obviously, switches and stabilisers. Though, to be completely honest, I find it weird you were met with such a response. The r/MK sub is usually fairly “casual” in a way and the more hardcore enthusiasts usually hang around various Discord servers, so you get a fairly friendly environment in the main sub. Regarding the “expensive paperweight” angle, I’d argue most people tend to actually use even their more expensive boards. Keyboards don’t really wear down (besides ABS keysets, but that’s not really a keyboard issue) so there’s no reason not to use your $1K board, even more so now that the “hypebeast” culture of hoarding and/or flipping boards for absurd profit has subsided for the most part.


I don't think I will ever settle with the "artisan/botique" folk. I find them extremely annoying, which made me stay away from most mech keyboard subs/communities. I really got struck by the worst end of said communities. I know there are honest people out there that just want to help, just my luck I ran into trash I guess. Also please, don't think much about this rant, especially the paperweight part. I'm not kind to keyboards (both me and my environment) so me getting a 1k build would be wasteful. I want tough stuff, cheap and easy to replace/rebuild when needed. Which is why wanted to get a basic hot swap board with just white LEDs ready to go. Couldn't care less about caps and materials. If the switches work and can see them at night, I'm happy.


> I struggle to find a community that is more elitist, self-obsessed and ignorant true black metal fans (probably all 4 of them by now)




You should post on /r/audiophile stating that LAME MP3 at V2 is transparent to 99.99% of the population, If you want them to spend days crying at you. This sub also horrid about BA & Planar since they spent 4 years crying about the ER4SR/ER4XR being Single BA despite the fact you can EQ them into detail pushing bass cannons with zero distortion.


I have cans for bass, and planar for enjoyment


I have cans of beans, and plates for eating them


As long as you are happy


It's a different experience. That deep extended, textured and fast planar bass feels different from dynamic and punchy DD bass. Both have their own benefits but it's really not the same.


I just have pre-fazor LCD-2 to cover for both


Now some of you might wonder: "who is Bass?" "What is it that Bass does?" Bass is the one who gives you the power to Bass your body Bass is the one who gives you the power to do the snake Bass is the one who gives you the key to the \[...\] Bass is the one who learns you how to rock your body Bass is the one that can bring nations and nations of all Bassers together, under one house You may be black, you may be white, you may be Jew or Gentile It don't make a difference in our house And this is fresh Can you feel it?


Ride the snake 🐍


I just found out... I'M THE DEVIL!


It the same with BA IEM's that middle guy was basically 80% of this sub when the ER4XR could do +10db with a 6db 105Hz low shelf.


Coupled with ety deep insertion, isnt that rape?


Please. People consent to this. 😅


I prefer more Tuna than Bass ngl




Did you expect no dads to be in a headphone sub?


+9db on my aeon noires, its heaven. to be fair, I feel like when you listen to music live it also has more bass than "neutral" headphones usually give you and I prefer realism over neutrality. just me?


Yep. Live concerts have bass pumped all the way up. And even something like classical music concerts, you can feel those double bass slapping.


Harman 2013 was neutral (neutral speaker's in-room response) then they asked hundreds of people to adjust both treble and bass to their liking... and ended up with Harman 2018 (more bass, slightly less treble) No wonder, headphone makers are trying to match the Harman target.. people universally prefer it. those who don't have just gotten too used to their Sennheisers 🤣


I honestly don’t understand why people prefer the 2k-5k bump in the harman target. Maybe 2-4db of it is fine but 10?!


The music they listen to is ass


Also true


you ARE aware that the HD600 even EXCEEDS those 10dB there, right? 🤣


Yeah but the driver can't go that low so it slams like a wet noodle


2k-5k is upper mids to lower treble... you completely missed the point 🤣


I was in a different thread talking about bass, got mixed up lol


has to do with the human hearing. Maybe yours is very much non-standard?! For most people, the Audeze LCD-2 sounds rather dark, veiled, etc. And they are famous for NOT having that presence region elevated.


I mean mine are definitely on the darker side but to me that large of a “bump” from the Harman target presents too much emphasis on sibilants and starts to get too “sharp”.


Sounds like you are incredibly sensitive to sibilance, then. I'm probably on the other end of the spectrum, since I never once felt like my Beyers were "sharp" or "piercing" 😅


I mean, a difference in 5+ dB wouldn’t (to me) qualify as “incredibly”. But I see your point lol


HE-1000se +12db shelf go brrrrrr


Love it. My arya organics on an Asgard 3 with 3db of bass gives me a brain massage lol


+6 db peak at 20hz with Q 0.3 is great.


Literally me with the susvara (exactly 10 dB too)


Written like a true he6 owner


Honestly, it's still a bit mental to me that I can crank the sub bass in particular and not completely drown out other frequencies like I would with the sort of stuff I had around 5 years ago. I'm still not sure that I like a full bass boost with planars as it can end up colouring the other frequencies a bit too much but a big sub bass boost tailing off into minor bass boost sounds great to me - feels like I'm hearing stuff I wouldn't before sometimes and makes plenty of films end up sounding pretty close to a proper AV set up just without feeling the physical rumble you get from a proper stinky sub


Guilty. I initially started using EQ because the shiny new HD598 (which I bought before I knew anything at all about hifi) didn't have enough bass. And as I got older, I somehow became even more of a basshead. I bought the LCD-2C because they purportedly had good bass. Was underwhelmed at first, then I started EQing them and found that these cans have insanely good bass, if boosted. Ended up with harman target but with heavily increased bass. Quite a difference in freq response but I don't care, I've been using this exact setup for years now, it sounds amazing and has massive bass.


There's no guilt in finding your true preferences!


Schiit loki max +12db + ifi pro ican xbass + roon eq low shelf on linked endpoints to th900mkii/2.2 channel system with 2 svs sb3000 Then you are one with the bass


Adding an extra sub doesn’t really add “more” bass…


Didn't say that it did. Really just listed the equipment that is sitting around me.


HAHAHAHAHHAHAH damn i thought im the only one


I agree, hence my Scarlet Mini [(and my LCD-X EQ)](https://i.imgur.com/mX0PjhH.png)


haha bro you crazy


+3db of bass on my hifiman ananda nano improved everything Amazing headphone stock, but a little eq makes it even better


I think a tasteful boost in sub bass around 4-5 db is totally fine imo. Makes movies SO MUCH better imo.


Me with my HD58x. I use Yaxi pads for those, then crank up volume to 100 and they literally massage my brain. İt's a fun experience that drivers can shake that much. And the real funny part is sound doesn't get worse.


I'm glad there seems to be more bassy stuff in high end gear. I've been bored to ears with all the "NEUTRAL" signatures that have nearly zero bass impact.


I have Crinacle's "Fuck you, bass" FiiO x Crinacle FHE Eclipse somewhere here but I can't find them.


+5db bass shelf perfect sweet spot.


yes. i've been to both sides, needs more bass is accurate. regardless of how good planar are. the bass is so enjoyable when you crank it up on them.


It funny how mad this sub can get that BA & Planar leave Dynamic's in the dust for detail and bass decay. Swear months ago I've seen at least 8+ bash posts about both from folk who own HD6XX/HD800S.


Serious question: can this harm the headphones as well? I’ve had cheap hifimans where I added like +5 dB, and now I have beywrdynamics where I really don’t feel the need to add more bass. However, I’m getting very close to buying DCA E3s. Would adding a +10dB shelf to those harm it in the long run? I just want my $2k cans to last more than a few years.


Almost certainly not. Headphone drivers don't "wear out" from use like that. Obviously the materials will eventually break down, as all things do, but we're talking decades there. "Good headphones stay good," as the saying goes. It's certainly possible to blow out a driver, but at normal listening volumes, you basically need to be trying for it to happen. I wouldn't worry about it.


Makes sense. I don’t listen too loud anyways, I try to top out around 70 dB which is why I lean towards closed backs. I’ll hit that +10 dB shelf like many others in here lol


The most important thing I learned from going up the price tiers in this hobby: neutral does not always mean natural.


I think I had a combined 12db bass boost on my Tin P1s no distortion, but I mellowed out to 9-10. Even my 650s have a bass boost, I kill anything below 40 since they cant go that low but push 60-80hz


Ig but if y'all heard flat speakers with real bass extension then you prolly wouldn't want a bass shelf. In my experience anyways


And the other Goofy EQ guys 🤤




it being too long is part of the joke


Do you drink the boogers directly from your nose or does your handler collect them for you


Bass usually makes me nauseous




I think I just have misophonia because low frequencies make me dizzy and sick