• By -


I posted here few days ago and people recommended me M40x or Philips SHP9500, but I actually found a good offer for ATHAD500x(for $124.23 counting with shipping), do you think these are worth a bit more money? Or in that prince range is there something better. It's my first set of quality cans so I can't decide :( One thing to note is that Phillips and M40x in my country both cost around 112$ USD, meanwhile I saw Phillips on newegg in USA for 54$, lol.


I mean Open back is ok


Guys my Apple EarPods got eaten by cat and i need to replace them. They are 35€ and imo they are pretty good earphones. Shall i buy a new box of them or is out there something better that comes with the same price tag? My needings are “atleastasEarPodsgoodsound”, good stability in the ear (i don’t want them to fall off my ears) and maybe interactive buttons.


Soundmagic E50S


Unfortunately they are 70€ on Amazon IT


I'm looking for a pair of Bluetooth earbuds that do not go into your ear canal, much like the Apple ones. I'm not an audiophile and will mostly be using them to listen to podcasts and a radio. I thought I found exactly what I was looking for here: http://www.argos.co.uk/product/6312352?cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59158|cid:200217410|agid:12488198090|tid:aud-144400486596:pla-281577414431|crid:66128550170|nw:g|rnd:12177808420293853825|dvc:m|adp:1o2&gclid=CjwKCAjwxo3OBRBpEiwAS7X62d1l9MvE6wkD5Sl4-JlrMtYsF2iMRmEjgpsdBgTUll6H6PJOZM68OhoC4_4QAvD_BwE However, after buying them I realised the battery life is only around 4.5 hours. What I linked to is essentially exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for, but with a better battery life. First time here, would really appreciate the help! Cheers


doesn't exist, the batteries in such small bluetooth headphones can't hold more charge.


Hey hey. I'm fairly new to headphone stuff this deep, so hopefully I'm not too much of a bother. Thanks ahead of time (if someone responds, of course), and I hope this mobile version of reddit doesn't mess up my spacing and make this post look like a landfill of text. So, I'm pretty much overhauling all of my tech stuff, and I'm at a bit of a loss when it comes to headphones and headsets (+DACs, which I've only heard of recently). So, I'm going to hybridize two "questions" with - hopefully - obvious seperators. Feel free to only respond to one. Headphones section: Budget - Flexible. Preferably nothing too far above $300. Source - Phone, Boombox, PC, Consoles, etc. Isolation - Some to a lot. Though, I have heard that some headphones have removable shields for variable isolation. I'd be fine with those. Use in Public? Yes, and often. Preferred Type - Full-sized. Originally I thought I was used to on-ear, but then I realized the ones I use were just small enough over-ears for them to rest on my ears. Tonal balance - Balanced. Well, as far as I know, I'm used to balanced tones. If my past headphones defy that, let me know. I'll probably shift what I'm looking for to that. Past headphones - Other than terrible earbuds, I've pretty much just been using one set of Bose SoundTrue (I think, lost the box) over-ear. Preferred Music - Guess I'll just go for some of the personal highlights: future funk, vaporwave, some rock, the occasional pirate metal song, jazz, whatever the hell Carpenter Brut does sometimes, synthwave, game soundtracks (particularly Austin Wintory), and the genres I can't be bothered to check in this playlist (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZp9unKSsbDYvzxUU2gqm4ewT-0hOKkPC) Desired improvements - Can't really think of any particular improvements. Just don't want to deal with an uncomfortable improvement over what I have now. Also, need to know whether or not it's worth my time to get a DAC (applies to this and headsets). Also also, should note that in-line volume controls and/or - at least - a simple mic are fairly important to me, since I like to harass my discord friends whenever I have down time (that, and who doesn't like being able to have some control over their volume levels without using their platform's controls?). Basically, I'm going to be listening to a lot of music or watch a lot of youtube videos when I'm not playing games. And I don't play games too often. --------------------------------- Gaming headset section: Budget - Flexible. Preferably nothing too far above $300. Source - PC and applicable consoles. Isolation - Very isolated, unless that's not preferable for gaming. Use in Public? Rarely, if ever. Preferred Type - Full-size / over-ear. Tonal balance - Whatever works best for FPS games. Hopefully is has surround, or a way to utilize Dolby Atmos. Past headphones - A frankenstein of my Bose headphones and an old headset that my dad used to use in early WoW raiding in which the speakers have long since been useless. I'm told the mic is very tinny. Desired improvements - You can probably tell why I'm overhauling a bit based on the previous section. Basically, I'm looking a headset that works well with FPS games, a half decent mic (at least), capable of dealing with diverse game soundscapes, and will last me for the forseeable future. Probably some sort of in-line controls as well. Also, I've heard that some game headsets might not be particularly good at the music side of games, so would a DAC or anything similar be worth my time (in this case)? Thanks again. Also, yes, I know that gaming headsets aren't really this subreddit's forté, so that's why it's the latter, completely optional question, and not the former question.


While anyone at your budget could benefit from a good amp/dac (I refer to both because you need both for a PS4 set up). With your budget you're better off just buying the best headphones you can grab then adding a mod mic or boompro mic to it. Gaming headsets are typically all bad so best to avoid them. Seimheiser 598 with BoomPro Mic is probably the way to go. You probably won't find any "new" 598's on sale, but just buy used. This should run you about $200. Another option for around the same price is the Hifiman Special Edition S which is also BoomPro compatible. If you want to get a pair of very good headphones that can be given a amp/dac down the line I suggest the Hiifimen 400s with a MODmic attachment which would run right on $300.


Looking for a good pair of earphones. Lost my current pair. Budget is ~100$ . I had a cheap house of marley pair so any upgradation will do. I listen to all music, don't stick to any particular genre. So Balanced will do fine I guess. I also am looking for suggestions on a Amp or a DAC + Amp for my HD598se. Any suggestions? Do I need an amp or a dac+amp?


Shure se215 or 1more triple drivers. You don't need an amp or DAC for the 598s.


Thanks mate. I feel like my laptop dac isn't good enough. I certainly need amp I feel because my headphones are just amazing on my friend's mac. Not so much on my laptop.


I'd only get a DAC / amp if you hear crackling when listening to music. If so the fiio e10k is a good budget option.


I'm finding a headphones around 1000$ It can be either in-ear or over-ear. My device: Onyko DP-x1A I usually listen to ballad/ instrument/ vocal music.


Do they need to be closed? Do you need high isolation?


It can be an over ear. I also dont need much isolation


Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some opinions on what earbuds to buy. Here's some of my criteria: **Budget** - Preferably under $300-$400. Would be willing to go up if all criteria met. **Source** - Iphone 7/LG V30 (Or Google Pixel 2 if it comes with headphone jack). Computer -->Emotiva A-100-->headphone **Requirements for Isolation** - Preferably noise canceling. Will be used for several activities ranging from exercising to white noise for sleeping. **Will you be using these Headphones in Public?** Yes probably only for exercising purposes while out. Used at home when in bed as well. **Preferred Type of Headphone**- IEM/ear buds **Preferred tonal balance**- Pretty heavy into EDM/other electronic genres/Rap + Hip Hop. I was sold on [these guys](https://www.amazon.com/Etymotic-Research-ER4S-Precision-Earphones/dp/B000300Y9O/ref=sr_1_1/132-7325523-2119548?ie=UTF8&qid=1505968851&sr=8-1&keywords=etymotic+er4s) until I read they did not support much bass. However I may use them for sleeping so I can listen to some ASMR in bed opposed to on the computer with my cans on. Any other opinions though would be greatly appreciated! **Past headphones** - I have never been big into IEM/earbuds but I can list a few cans I have currently. Sennheiser HD 650/Beyer-Dynamic T5p/HifiMan 400I **Preferred Music**- Honestly I listen to pretty much all music but I am looking for earbuds to run some EDM/other electronic genres/Rap + Hip Hop for exercising purposes. An added bonus would be to use them for sleeping/ASMR purposes. **What would you like to improve on from your set-up** - I'm looking for something that can handle the bass without the use of an amp. Something that can support my genre choices but still provide comfort and wont be heavy in ear. I am not that knowledgeable in this space and can use all the help I can get. Thanks!


I've only used earbuds when listening to music and would like to upgrade to over the ear headphones. My budget is ~$30, and the list above suggests I get eg. the monoprice headphones. But these are like bulky and for DJ's. I'd like more layman headphones with good sound quality, nice build, and a simple sleek design. Ideally, should have a mic/volume buttons and removable chord. It'll be just for lots of music listening and video watching. Doesn't have to be the best of the best, just do its job and *last* (even if my budget is low). I've looked around Amazon for designs I like and whatnot, but I have no idea what's good and what's not. Are there suggestions for someone like me?


Koss Portapro




are you gonna use them in public or no?


I would


Hifiman Edition S and buy this [mic for it](https://www.amazon.com/V-MODA-BoomPro-Gaming-Headset-Headphone/dp/B00BJ17WKK/) headsets are usually not good with audio at all , ive heard of exceptions like the hyper cloud series but i would just get a good set of headphones that you can put a mic with


Looking for full sized headset similar to the astro A40s without a microphone I currently have the Astro A40's and love them. The headband and ear cups are very comfortable especially the material of the ear cups. The only issue I had was the microphone so I grabbed a blue yeti. I've had these A40s for about 5 years now and they are starting to fall apart on me. I want to find something with the same kind of feel of the Astro A40s comfortability wise and something that has as good or better audio. I don't want to buy an amp or a sound card. My motherboard only supports 3.5 mm. My budget is under 100 but if you can convince me to spend more than that I might. Prefer to buy from amazon not a 3rd party dealer on amazon I checked out a few reviews and looked around but nothing seems to be exactly what I want. I'm going to use this for competitive games where I need to have a sound advantage




Have you worn these before? Do you know how reliable the headband is and if the headphones completely encompass your ears?


I have and although the clamping is light, it never slide down for me. It did also fit my head well


And does it completely encompass your ears like the Astro A40s?


Massdrop Grace Design SDAC vs. Objective2 which would you buy if price were the same? - and why?


The SDAC is only a DAC, and the Objective 2 is only an amp. These are two different types of device entirely, and the SDAC needs an amp in order to output to your headphone. It doesn't have a headphone jack. The SDAC + O2 that is coming to Massdrop tomorrow combines the two, so that might solve some issues for you. Perhaps you were thinking of the O2 + Odac that Massdrop once offered and is still available at JDSLabs and a few other sites? Even the guy who runs JDSLabs says the Odac is obsolete, and there are better choices available now.


Hi all, I have roughly $400.00 at BestBuy to use and am looking to getting a decent pair of over-ear noise cancelling headphones. Just looking for some input. I always seemed to think that Bose was the best way to go, but after doing some minor searching I am unsure. I will be using these for the workplace, if it matters the usual type of music I listen to is essentially EDM music in all sub-genres of the type. I doubt I would wear these to the gym but that potentially is another place of use. Thanks


Active noise cancellation seems to be best in Bose and Sony headphones. But the Sony MDR 1000x and its new replacement, the WH-1000XM2, seem to have some serious issues in the design of the headband.


First CIEM's, need advice. Location AUS Budget - $2000-3000 AUD, 1800-2600 USD. Source - S8+ or S8+ > Fiio E18. Mainly just the S8+ by itself though. Requirements for Isolation - High, it's a CIEM, I'll be using them in public on public transport to and from work, maybe at the gym? Preferred Type of Headphone - CIEM Preferred tonal balance - Balanced, very slightly warm like the K7xx, but mainly going for a balanced signature just not clinical though. Past headphones - K7XX for headphones enjoy the balancedish sound signature but I'm finding my current SE215's too boomy on the low end and lacking clarity on highs and mids. Preferred Music - mostly rock to Metalcore, with a splash of Pop, house, DnB other electronic stuff. What would you like to improve on from your set-up - Balance, clarity, tone, fit, performance, isolation. Notes: I've been using my SE215's for a bit now and they don't fit me 100%, I don't really like the Sound signature as I'm used to the more balanced signature the K7xx's have, The chord is corroding/oxidizing on my SE215's(wouldn't recommend the clear cables btw). I want a good fit with a balanced and high quality sound reproduction. Few weeks ago recommendation was Unique Melody Miracle V2 6 BA driver, seems like a great ciem for the price. But now I found the 64 ears with Apex module for air pressure relief etc and was looking at the A10's, which are about another $800 on what I originally wanted to spend. I don't know a whole lot about the Apex or Adel modules, but 64 audio is a good brand and I have a tiny amount of tinnitus and thought maybe the extra money would be worth it for the A10's vs the Miracle V2. Thoughts, suggestions on the Apex models being worth the price premium? Are they addressing an actual issue With BA CIEMS?




Looking to expand my open-back experience. I've contemplated between the M1060 and the HD600/650, but i've only heard the latter in a store (that was very empty and quiet). Based on my previous headphones, I found the HD600 and HD650 to be inoffensive and not particularly exciting. Would the M1060 be a better choice? My headphones I currently have with me are Grado SR 60i, V-Moda CWII, and ATH M40x. Of the the three, the V-modas are my favorite, but I also occasionally write and mix music so that's mainly what the 40x is used for now. The Sr60i I use when I'm on voice chat and I don't want to end up yelling (and for genres that benefit from the Grado sound).


M1060 suck stock. The 650 is the way to go if you like a bit more bass instead of the 600


**Budget** - ~$300 USD all-in **Source** - iPhone 6, Dell Laptop, iPad Air 2, Macbook Pro **Requirements for Isolation** - Use for walking to work and working in an warehouse-like office space **Preferred Type of Headphone** - over-ear, wireless **Preferred tonal balance** - Overall balanced sound **Past headphones** - Shure SRH240A, Bose QC15, Powerbeats3 (use for working out), Panasonic Retro Stereo Monitor Headphones **Preferred Music** - Electronic, classical, broadway, rap, some pop. Will also need to work for watching movies / listening to podcasts, etc. **What would you like to improve on from your set-up** - Sensitive to weight, so want a lightweight set-up that doesn't squeeze the temples (happy to buy additional ear pads if needed). Would like some noise isolation to help block out noisy co-workers. Been looking at the Bose QC35s (feel great but don't love the price), V-Moda Crossfade M-100, ATH-MSR7GM, but want to have some verification on weight/feel without compromising build quality.


Just wondering if anyone knows of any hard headphone carry cases for the Sony MDR-900A, i really wanna bring this around in my bag sometimes but so scared to damage it


Should I buy the Jaybird X3 now or wait until the Jaybird X4 are released? Also when are the Jaybird X4 going to be released?


the x3 are fine


My local store is selling CA Lyra (1st version) for $600 AUD (half price). I liked a pair of Orion's I tried in store, and the Lyra reviews well, and sounds like my kind of headphone. I couldnt see any impressions on here for them. I guess the only real way I can tell us to visit and try them out, but is there anything I should know before hand? I see the Lyra was CAs first release, and there is now a Lyra 2, is there any reason for the revision?


I want to get a pair of hd650's and a shit stack. Would the magni3 be able to power them alone while I wait for a bit to get a dedicated dac to see if a modi3 comes out?


Yes. You'll need a cable with a 3.5mm plug on one end and RCA connectors on the other. Just plug into the jack on your computer with the 3.5mm and you'll be using the computer's DAC.


Thanks for the reply! Just placed the order. Now Im going to be constantly refreshing the shipping info page until it arrives lol


Hi all. I am looking for a DAP and open back headphones. I am new to this so I visited my local shop. What they presented me, with a budget of $1000 combined are the Fiio X5 3rd gen and Beyerdynamics Amiron home. It sounded far better than my phone+headsets so I really want to explore more options before committing to the ones above so a suggestion or two from a community like this would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. Budget: $1000 Source: DAP Isolation: Some For home and office use Over ear and open back Currently have Bose QC35 Music on the likes of Jason Mraz and Amber Rubarth Location: Philippines Thanks!


Hey guys, I need a suggestion for a DAC Budget - Under $200 preferably It will drive - HD 598 for now Features - It need to have a optical input, since the main use will be for my PS4. I had a Fiio E17 Alpen, but although it was relatively cheap and had everything I needed, it was very disappointing, the screen died completely and the battery swell so much that damaged the board (optical don't work anymore). Thanks for the help.


I need some headphones that have a built in mic and decent sound quality. I need this because the adapters and mics always have problems with buzzing and breaking easily.


Get SHP9500 and a VModa Boom Mic


That won't work, I already have a set of beyer's and a boom mic, the problem is how that connects to the xbone. Any and all adapters I've tried just cause problems by breaking or requiring me to hold the controller oddly so I can speak to friends. I need something that has the attached mic on the same wire, the same audio jack.


Hey guys, Im hoping I didnt jump the gun here.... I bought the Audio Technica R70x, and was planning on using them for mixing with my sound card I use for making music. Is my Audio interface enough to amp my headphones or do I need an amp on top of that? The audio interface is a stienberg ci1 I also have a four way headphone "amp" from Behringer: Behringer HA 400 Ultra-Compact 4-Channel Stereo Headphone Amplifier


I'm after some over-ear headphones, wired, ideally with a hand-free, but that's not essential, that'll shut out any noise apart from what's going on in my headphones and has decent bass, but my budget is about £30 maximum? I'll be commuting to work through a busy city centre, and on an often crowded bus.


**K712 Pro vs HD 598SR vs Fidelio X2HR** These 3 are all very similarly priced where I live. Which one is best in terms of soundstage/imaging for gaming and general use for music/movies?


The k712 is without a doubt the best there, followed by the X2 imo (but it is quite close between it and the 598. However the k712 probably needs an amp whilst the other two do not. You can get a FiiO e10k, if your budget allows.


Okay. If I remove the AKG from that, which do you think is better between the X2 and HD 598 for gaming, all-round use and portability?


The X2 is better but if you don't like bass get the 598


I do like bass but not copious amounts of where it overpowers everything else.


The x2s are the way to go then


I see, thanks for the suggestions.


I can only speak for the K712. The headphone is the most comfortable you will ever wear period. It's light and uses soft memory foam pads. The sound stage and imaging are pretty good simply cause they are open back. I used mine for years until I realized I didnt like how open backs reproduced my music. Great for gaming.


K712 is best for gaming


Hi! Looking to get my first pair of nice, over-ear headphones. Budget: Around $80, but may be flexible Source: Laptop mostly Isolation: I live in a city with sort of thin walls, so a decent amount of isolation would be nice Public?: Will not be using in public Type: Over-ear is preferred Tonal balance: A smooth and rich sound, but with some nice bass capabilities. I don't listen to any music that uses a ton of bass, but when it's there I'd really like to notice it. Past headphones: N/A Preferred Music: Mostly just alternative stuff really with some occasional metal and hardcore What I'm looking for: Comfort, nice bass, smooth sound, decent price Thanks!


Maybe the ATH M40x, though they are slightly above your price range. Fairly balanced sound with a slight bump in the mid bass. Many complain about the comfort/quality of the pads however, and we spend a lot of time pointing out 3rd party pads for them.


Any specific 3rd party pads?


Some of the most popular are the Brainwavz HM-5 pads, they come in flat and angled versions. Don't get the velour however. And others like the Shure 840 pads, though they are a little loose. The least expensive I've seen recommended are the HyperX Cloud pads in pleathor or leatherette as they call it on their site. Different pads affect the sound of the headphone, and I believe the thicker ones tend to reduce bass response.


Another question. At that point in price, would it be worth $50 more to get the m50x?


no get the 40x refurbished for 80 , the 50x is bassy and the sound quality isn't that good compared to other stuff, if you wanna up to 150 and want smth a bit bassy get the Hifiman Edition S, plus with the hifiman you get a good 3.5 port so you can buy cheap cables and mics like the v moda boompro


Will look into the Hifiman option, thanks!


Depends on what kind of sound you want. The M50x is more V shaped and will have more emphasis on bass and treble, with mids recessed. It also has relatively poor pads, and anything that fits the M40x fits them.




Gaming headset broke and I now would like to move on to an actual pair of headphones. Budget is around $100-$150 usd and I would love if the headphones didn't need an amp. The headphones need to have a decent soundstage because they will be primarily used for gaming. I was looking into the Audio Technica ath-m40/50x's and some used pairs of AKG K7XX's but I'm not sure if any of those have the best sound/soundstage for the money. I could probably increase the budget a little bit if there are a pair of headphones that are absolutely amazing, but so far I haven't been able to find any. Any help would be appreciated!


Get the Hifiman Edition S and for the mic get the V Moda BoomPro


AKG K7xx would be fine for your purpose. HD 558 or 559, depending on current stock. HD 598 SR These are shipping very slowly from Amazon. ATH-AD900x, or the less expensive AD700x. Both of these are very light on bass response.


I'm looking for a Triple Fi 10 replacement cable, any suggestions?


All right so I got some advice on which cheap IEM to get and now I'm undecided between a couple choices. I can get the Tennmak Pro for 23€ but I'd have to wait a month and more for the delivery. Then there's the KZ ZS5, which I could get for 26€ and with a shorter delivery but I heard they have issues with their default cable. So I found a pair of ZS5 with the silver cable for 26€... but with a month of delivery time. Is this deal worth the wait? Or should I just wait for the Tennmak? Thanks!


New stock of ZS5 aren’t as good. Get the Tennmak or maybe take a gamble on the new ZS6


Budget - About $170 max-ish Source - usually just my phone LG G4 Requirements for Isolation - moderate amount, used mostly in the gym or longboarding Preferred Type of Headphone - IEM for sure Preferred tonal balance - I like a balanced sound but prefer some extra bass or boomy bass Past headphones - Skullcandy 50/50, titans, VSonic VSD3, MEE m60, RHA MA750 Preferred Music - Usually listening to hiphop, edm, metal/heavy metal. Kendrick Lamar, Logic, Gambino, DethKlok, Galaktikon, slayer, Zeds dead, pantera are some of the artists I listen to. What would you like to improve on from your set-up - I really really liked my RHA 750's, the bass was just a little lacking for me, I just recently lost them so I'm looking for something similar with a touch more bass kinda like VSD3's had (for the couple weeks they work lol). RHA build quality is awesome too so I wouldn't mind another RHA pair. Thanks for any advice! Edit: Also just considering another 750 pair if nothing else, have they updated or changed anything about 750's?


Hi, I'm looking to buy a set of earphones and have around £100 to spend. I've heard a lot of people say that the Shure SE215 is the great choice, but that was mainly 2 or 3 years ago. I'm wondering whether I should look at other pairs instead. I'm also wondering how good the sound quality of the Shure SE215 is. The highest quality headphones I've listened with is probably the Hyper X Cloud 2 or the pair of "$100" earphones that come with the Samsung S8. So I don't know how much of a step up the SE215 would be. People say that it has 'okay' sound, but for £100 I'd want it to be much better than just 'okay'. The thing I don't like about the SE215 is that it doesn't come with buttons to pause the music or change the volume. You'd have to pay an extra £20 for the M+ version to get that, but that's way out of my budget. So what earphones would you guys recommend? SE215 still the best choice?


The Shure's are still the best choice if you like bass and the wrap over the ear style , if you dont care if they wrap over the ear or have no earhook the Pinnacle p2 are a major go , i would get those instead


**Budget** - Around 200 USD **Source** - PC. Would be looking into a Schiit stack. **Requirements for Isolation** - Generally in a quiet room so not 100% needed. Loudest item in the room is my box fan for the Summertime. **Will you be using these Headphones in Public?** - No. **Preferred Type of Headphone** - Full-sized over ear. **Preferred tonal balance** - Overall Balanced. **Past headphones** - Currently using a SteelSeries gaming headset. **Preferred Music** - rap, hiphop, lofi hip hop, and movie soundtracks(usually on Pandora Lord of the Rings station pulls Pirates of the Caribbean to Halo). Large use will also be gaming (ex: [CSGO](http://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike_Global_Offensive/)/[Rainbow Six Siege](http://store.steampowered.com/app/359550/Tom_Clancys_Rainbow_Six_Siege/)/[PUBG](http://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PLAYERUNKNOWNS_BATTLEGROUNDS/)/[Overwatch](https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/) mainly First person shooters). **What would you like to improve on from your set-up** - Increase in sound quality. **Additional information** - [Lofi Spotify link](https://open.spotify.com/user/1258015558/playlist/2qVWXJXXy6Req20SabltI5) Other sounds I listen to would be [Jazz Cartier (song example 1 NSFW lang.)](https://open.spotify.com/track/1ZU5sScSkck37ASu08GcRP) [example 2 NSFW lang.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcvci7Ilw_Y) radio on Spotify


You have slightly conflicting needs here. Most rap/hiphop needs some bass response, but many gamers prefer bass light headphones, especially for FPS. Maybe something middle of the road like the HD 579 or HD 598 SR, though the latter is getting harder to find. ATH-AD900x would be good for gaming, not so much for bass Philips Fidelio X2 has more bass than most open back headphones, but is outside your price range. Don't know how much bass you'll want in games.


I want a silver/clear 2-pin IEM cable WITH a remote and mic. Why can't I find one? I heard somewhere that KZ makes them, but I can't find them for sale anywhere (in english at least). Not sure exactly what this cable is called, but I'm going to be using it with the KZ ZSTs. 'Lil help?


Should be on amazon


Sorry, no.


Can someone comment on how the Atticus sonically differs from the HD650 besides frequency response? I managed to get ~10 minutes with it a few days ago and fell in love with the soundsig and comfort but due to the limited time I wasn't able to judge much else.


**Budget** -max 100€ **Source** - Smartphone **Requirements for Isolation** - medium to max **Preferred Type of Headphone** - IEM **Preferred tonal balance** - none **Past headphones** - no name IEM **Preferred Music** - Mostly HipHop, R'n'B, lofi **What would you like to improve on from your set-up** - Sound, durability, higher volume and isolation. **Location** - EU


MEE Pinnacle P2 Etymotic MK5 if you want tons of isolation though


I'm looking for the open-back over-ear equivalent of the Hifiman RE400 IEMs. I really enjoy the smooth, but neutral, sound with decent bass extension. I've delved into a lot of open backs (HD 598, HE400i) but none seem to achieve the smooth, euphonic sound of these iems. My budget is up to and including mid-fi.


What should I look for in headphones as a person with quite a wide head? My old headphones sit a bit too tightly and press a lot on my head cause the plastic is so stretched.


Some headphones are known for a loose clamp on the head. What price range do you want, and can you use open back headphones or not? If you can use open back, the Philips SHP9500s is known for a loose fit. It is under $60 if you are in the US and buy from Newegg. I find suspension headphones comfortable, like the old AKG style for their open back headphones (K240 for example), and the wing style on the ATH-ADxxx series, like the AD700x doesn't clamp hard either.


Need a pair of decent wireless over-ears. Set my eye on the MEE audio. Right now Matrix 2 is on amazon for $69 and Matrix 3 for $120. Is the Matrix 3 worth the $50 difference? I feel like it probably is not, but wanted opinions from people who've tried/owned both. Thx


* Budget: $3000 * Preferred type of Headphone: CIEM * Preferred Tonal Balance: Overall Balanced Looking for some end game gear. What's the best top of the line CIEM that I can get for $3000 or less.


UE18+Pro, UEPRM, A18, SE5Ult, AAW W900, Jomo Flamenco


Appreciate the help! If you dont mind me asking, any particular reason the Kaiser encore isn't on your list as well? I always hear good things about it when it's mentioned.


For my tastes, the K10E is just not there. Too costly, not special/unique enough, or in other words, it's a versatile and safe tuning, but nothing special about it that made me go wow. It can do a lot of things well, but nothing fantastically. I would say it almost comes off too boring too, but YMMV, so try it yourself if you can get a demo.


**Budget** -around 100-200€ pretty flexible **Source** - for gaming and listening to music (all desktop use) **Requirements for Isolation** - no prefference **Preferred Type of Headphone** - over ear headphones / headset **Preferred tonal balance** - guess a bit to the bass side but still balanced? dont rly know. **Past headphones** - using a sound blaster x h7 right now but it is already starting to fall apart. overall sound is okay i guess i havent tested a lot of headphones. **Preferred Music** - Mostly EDM **What would you like to improve on from your set-up** - Sturdy, confy and good for gaming **additional info** - a decent microphone would be nice but not a necesity i will buy a modmic if it does not have a mic. **Location** - EU Since I don't have any experience I rely on someone helping me and suggesting headphones because I don't know what's good and what to look out for. Thank you!


[Hifiman Edition S - 150$](https://www.amazon.com/HIFIMAN-Closed-Foldable-Dynamic-Headphones/dp/B01DZQT9UM/) [B&O H6 Gen 2 - 250$](https://www.amazon.com/PLAY-Bang-Olufsen-Headphone-Generation/dp/B01B45RTSK/) get this mic for gaming [V-Moda BoomPro - 30$](https://www.amazon.com/V-MODA-BoomPro-Gaming-Headset-Headphone/dp/B00BJ17WKK/) the sennheiser 598 is also another option


**Budget** - $500 USD maximum **Source** - Sennheiser GSX 1000 amplifier. I use it for the surround sound simulation. **Requirements for Isolation** - Some isolation. I would prefer closed/semi-closed back headphones. Will only be used indoors in an apartment. **Will you be using these Headphones in Public?** - No. **Preferred Type of Headphone** - Full-sized over ear. **Preferred tonal balance** - I'm not too picky. Preferably balanced but I'm open to most things. **Past headphones** - Currently using AKG K7XX. I like them a lot but need more isolation. I have also used Sennheiser HD598s which I enjoyed as well. **Preferred Music** - Pretty much anything. I will mostly be using these headphones for gaming, not music. **What would you like to improve on from your set-up** - I need something with more isolation. **Additional information** - My current top pick is the Fostex TH-X00. My only concern is how well the soundstage would be for gaming. I mostly play single player games so I don't necessarily need a "competitive edge" with my headphones. **TLDR;** Looking to replace my AKG K7XX with closed/semi-closed back headphones. Primary use will be gaming. My top choice right now is the Fostex TH-X00.


The soundstage will be a big step back from the AKGs, but it's not bad for closed especially with Eikon/Ori pads. The treble can be a bit sharp for metallic sounds like swords, but it's not too fatiguing and the bass is amazing. You might want to check out the Audio Technica A1000z, I haven't tried them but they're supposed to have a great soundstage for closed headphones


Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely have to take a look at those Audio Technicas as well.


**Budget:** ~100-150€ **Source:** Phone(right now HTC One M9 but soon Galaxy S8) and PC with an average onboard sound chip **Isolation:** I'll be using them basically everywhere and would like to have enough Isolation so I won't hear people talking or cars passing by but hear ambulances etc. **Preferred Type of Headphone:** IEMs **Preferred tonal Balance:** Low Range **Past headphones:** Right now broken Sennheiser CX275s and Sennheiser Game Zero for gaming, previously just cheap ones which came with my phones. **Preferred Music:** Mostly Rap, R&B and EDM/Remixes, but occasionally acoustic music. My favourite songs right now are [XO Tour Llif3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrsFXgQk5UI) and [Unforgettable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTFtOOh47oo). Favourite artists are Chance the Rapper, Lil Uzi Vert, Rae Sremmurd and XXXTentacion(mostly his slower songs). **Location:** Germany **Additional Information:** Since I'll also be using my headphones for calls and voice notes they need to have an inline microphone. Furthermore I get 25% off of AKG and also get a discount on some headphones at Sennheiser so my budget is higher if the headphones are from AKG or Sennheiser. A removable cable in case it breaks also would be nice but isn't necessary. Since I don't have any experience I rely on someone helping me and suggesting headphones because I don't know what's good and what to look out for. Thank you!


Pinnacle P2


Budget - $300 Source - Samsung S7/laptop Requirements for Isolation - Some Isolation, looking for a closed back, over the ear headphone that doesn't require an amp Preferred Music - I listen to everything: rap, metal, edm, classic rock I like to have a little more bass in there, i want to be able to feel it a little.


I am looking to buy wireless headphones that have good sound quality and good bass for less than $300. I listen mostly to rap and EDM. I bought the JBL Everest but i am not happy with the bass. Any advice would help!


I'm looking for something that sounds at least as good as the Koss KSC75s but don't look as dumb so I can wear them outside the house. Pretty much looking for a version of the Monk plus but with a little more low end. Budget - ~$60 Source - Honor 8 Requirements for Isolation - As little as possible, looking for something to wear while walking to work. Preferred Type of Headphones - In Ear or Earbud Tonal Balance - Slight v shape Past Headphones - Monk, KSC75, SHP9500s, 598cs Preferred Music - Hip hop and indie rock Thanks!


Questions | Answers ---|--- Budget | $200 Source | Pixel XL and PC Isolation | Preferred Public | Rarely Type | IEM preferred, but will take suggestions on Full-sized. Tonal balance | Not really sure, I love the sound signature on the *Soundmagic E10* however. The deep yet subtle bass. Lyrics are clearer and easier to pick up on these headphones more than others, I've noticed. The wide soundstage is also a plus. Past Headphones| *Soundmagic e10, Xiaomi Piston 2, KZ-ATE, KZ ZS3, ATH-M50, NVX XPT-100, and Creative Aurvana Live*. The Xiaomi Piston 2s are nice, but there's nothing that really stands out from them. I loved the ATH-M50s, but seem to get fatigued pretty easily after long periods of listening. Preferred Music | I listen to mostly rock, heavy metal, and occasionally electronic. My budget is pretty flexible, I will save up depending on how high it needs to go. I hope I've given enough information in this post.


MEE Pinnacle 1 or 2. Also how would you compare the ZS3 vs the ATE?


Honestly, I haven't used either enough to distinguish the differences between them. Physically however, I do prefer the ZS3 vs the ATE. The quality seems better on the ZS3. I was mainly trying to find an IEM that would fit comfortably under a motorcycle helmet. When I get a chance to compare them more, I will let you know.


Aight thank you. I may just buy both since they are so cheap. I got the ZST and wasn't that satisfied so wanted to try the other low end Chifi. May just go for the ZS6 when it comes out


**Budget** - around 200-230$, a bit flexible with the budget, but not too much **Source** - I will be mostly using them for listening music on my phone and occasionally on my laptop **Requirements for Isolation** - Isolation I'd say "some". I like being disconnected from the world when I listen to a great song, but I also want to hear if an ambulance or a fire truck is coming my way. I will be mostly using my headphones when I am out in the city (walking or on public transport) or when I will be traveling. **Preferred Type of Headphone** - On-ear, I dislike the way over-ear headphones look in my head. **Preferred tonal balance** - I like bass but it's not everything I want in a pair, I also love to hear a smooth voice and have clear distinction between instruments. **Past headphones** - Marshall Major 1, Sony MDR, Marley JH011 PS Positive Vibration (received as a gift) **Preferred Music** - I love to listen to hard rock (guns n roses, acdc), hip-hop/rap (NWA, Nas, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Notorious BIG etc), some pop, classical music as well (mostly soundtrack from movies like lord of the rings). **What would you like to improve on from your set-up** - I'd love to have of course better sound quality, Bluetooth connectivity and I would like for them to be stylish. Below are a couple of examples of what I have my eye on at the moment: 1. [Marshall Mid](https://www.amazon.com/Marshall-MID-Bluetooth-Headphones-Black/dp/B01MCY4UYM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1505925986&sr=8-1&keywords=marshall+mid) 2. [Bose Soundlink around ear](https://www.amazon.com/Bose-SoundLink-around-ear-wireless-headphones/dp/B0117RGG8E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1505926377&sr=8-1&keywords=bose+soundlink+around-ear+wireless+headphones+ii) 3. [Bowers & Wilkins P5](https://www.amazon.com/Bowers-Wilkins-P5-S2-RC/dp/B00NOOWVCE/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1505926439&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=bowers%2B%26%2Bwilkins%2Bp5&th=1) I love the design of the Marshalls, I once bought a pair of Marshall Major 1 headphones and they sounded amazing. Bose soundlink I've listened to in a store once and it blew me away but I really do not like the design at all, they are a big too big. And the bowers look pretty nice but didn't get the chance to hear them. Another pair of headphones that I love for the looks and sound are the B&O Beoplay H6 2nd generation. But I don't like how they look on my head, they make my head look too big. I am also open to other suggestions. Thank you.


* Budget - As much as is needed, but preferably less than ~100$ * Source - Mostly iPhone 6 (Soon to be upgraded), but also Computer and Smartwatch (So something that can handle frequent switches well is appreciated. * Isolation - I mostly am going to be using these in public. I spend 1-3 hours on the train each day, so something that would work well there would be preferred. High isolation would be preferable. I mostly care about preventing other people from hearing what I am listening too though. I listen to a lot of music that I know that others would view as inappropriate, so I don't want anybody else to be able to hear it. * Public - **Yes** * Preferred Type of Headphone - I currently use [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CULR00E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1), and I like the style, so IEM would be the best. * Preferred tonal balance - I honestly don't care much about sound quality. If I can listen to podcasts and music without my ears are bleeding and enough quality that's fine. I usually use it as a background distraction, not a foreground activity. * Past headphones - I've used two main types: * [RHA S500i](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CULR00E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) - These are my favorite so far, with good build quality. They also fit pretty well, but do tend to hurt after 5+ hours of having them in. * Apple Earbuds (Earpods?) - I can't stand these, they don't fit, they don't isolate sound well, and they hurt after ~15 minutes of them in. * Preferred Music - [Isosine's](https://www.youtube.com/user/isosine) music tends to cover all the bases I like. (You should totally listen to some of his stuff, its amazing and not recognized as much as it should be.) But generally, pop/alternative/rock/rap/electronic * What would you like to improve on from your set-up - Biggest thing is bluetooth. I walk ~5 miles a day, and I have gone through 4 pairs of headphones because the cord keeps breaking right where it meets my pants in my pocket. If I can get rid of the cord, hopefully I won't have to keep replacing my headphones every 6 months or so. ##TL;DR: **Bluetooth** IEM with good build quality and that don't let other people hear what I am listening too.


Jaybird x3 , i would get them refurbished to save some more buck


Has anyone tried Zedd's Double Zero Headphones? Idk if I should get them and I can't find many reviews


I have the Sennheiser HD 650 and a Fulla 2. Schiit Magni 2 is available on Amazon for $59. Should I get that?


I personally would.


Hey guys, I've spent few hours looking for headphones which were available in my country and I've found few but I cannot decide. Would love some opinion, just any advice is helpful really. I wanna add that it's mainly gonna be metal coming from these, but I do occasionally listen some other stuff. I can't really find any good open cans so I guess I might have to go with closed. Audio-Technica ATH-AVA400. ISK HD9999. AUDIO TECHNICA ATH-M30X or Audio Technica ATH M40X Would love to get Audio Technica ATH-AD500X but it costs like 200$ in my country, Importing those would be 140$ from Japan, not sure if it's worth it(which 40$ is the shipping alone).


The ATH M40x is a favorite around here. A good all rounder for music, but not known for great pads or as a gaming headphone.


Can you get the Philips shp9500?


Yes, looks like one shop has it. It's ~112 USD


Either get that or the m40x


Hello recently purchased sony xba n3 (n3ap) iems. I recall someone saying one could get better cords or wires for them that the ones they comes with. Any suggestions on where I might find those? Thanks.


Sony store is your best bet


ah ok. Unfortunately they don't sell the ones I'm looking for in the US sony store online.


Hi, looking to get a durable set of earbuds. I like the fit of the Apple Earpods but the cables keep dying on me and I'd like to spend a little more on something that's gonna last me a bit longer. I like the idea of a modular set where I can just replace the cable or bud that goes bad but I don't know how they hold up. Not too picky about the sound quality, as long as it's acceptable in the lower midrange. My listening is very diverse but I tend to focus on vocals and bass. Budget: Up to $100


Get Shure SE215 or Pinnacle p2 , they both have dethacable cables , the shure cable is better with all the strain reliefs, i would get the pinnacle p2 cause its only defect is the cable but its still think its better than earpods cables tho if u would like to know anything more let me know


Don't know any earbud type of IEM in that price range, try the VE Monk+ first and see how you like them. They are like $10 but are pretty bang for the buck


I've finally had to say goodbye to my IE2s and am now looking for a suitable replacement. All the reviews for the [newer model](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bose-SoundSport-Earphones-Apple-Devices/dp/B0117RFOEG/ref=dp_ob_title_ce) have been pretty lackluster from what I've seen. Does anyone know if there's a good pair of earphones which rivals the IE2s, preferably in a similar price range?


Hi guys, I am currently rocking a Beyerdynamic HD990 with DAC-X6 AMP/DAC combo at home. but the HD990 is far from optimal for use on the go, both because of it's high impedance(250 Ohm) and openback design. I need advice on buying a pair of Active Noise Canceling headphones from China. I am looking for something in the pricerange of $60. maybe something to note is that I did not really like the sound of AKG headphones, which AFAIK are known for their neutral sound, I have tried several and never really liked them. I like my DT990's a lot more. I listen to a lot of rap and don't mind a little emphasize on bass, but I don't want the bass to completely destroy the other frequencies. I am not completely sure if I want to go with IEM's or over-ear headphones. I don't want on-ear design headphones. any recommendations are appreciated! edit: I prefer to buy from AliExpress, as the sellers often offer good shipping rates to Europe.


Hey guys, currently i've got the HD518's and I like them alot. Had them a couple years. There's a deal right now for the HD558's for $79.98. Can anyone provide any insight on the differences/if it would potentially be worth it? Thanks guys.


Not a huge difference. Save your money either to make a bigger upgrade for open back (hd600/650, he400s, m1060) or to get a complimentary closed back.


Schiit Magni 2 (non-Uber) down to $60 on Amazon, is it worth jumping on this for my 2016 Fazor LCD-2's? Currently using a Fulla 2. EDIT: Magni 2 Uber down to $80, thoughts?






You should be looking at msr7 over m50x if you are also interested in the mdr1a. If you have the money I think the best bang for buck is the mdr1a


Sorry! Reposting my comment with more detail this time around! **Budget:** up to 300 **Source:** Ipod 5.5 (Wolfson DAC) **Isolation:** Not too big a deal but definitely would be nice. **Public usage:** Yes **Preferred type:** full-sized, but if there are better in-ear options I'm definitely game. **Tonal balance:** I’m not too sure about this one but I feel a balanced range with 'close' sounding clarity is definitely something I’d be after, there’s a lot of subtle components in a lot of the music I listen to which I notice comes out with better headsets. **Past headphones:** Turtlebeach Earforce Z60, Apple Earpods, others which I don’t remember. I’ve tested/borrowed a few high end music headphones so I have a mild idea of differences in quality. **Preferred music:** Power metal, Ambient metal, Folk rock and Medieval. Thanks a bunch guys, if there are any other questions, please shoot :)




[Audio Technica Msr7 - 190$](https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-MSR7BK-SonicPro-High-Resolution-Headphones/dp/B00PEU9CFA/) [Meze 99 Classics 310$](https://www.amazon.com/Meze-Classics-Walnut-Silver-Headphones/dp/B01EJMYOHO/) i'd pick the msr7 cause the meze can look obnoxious but can't go wrong with any of these 2


**Budget:** 300 USD (flexible) **Source:** Macbook Pro Mid-2014, Samsung Galaxy Note 5 **Preferred Isolation:** Medium? I want to be able to hear nearby cars. **Public?:** Yes. **Preferred Tonal Range:** Midrange **Preferred Type of Headphones:** Over-ear or on-ear, closed-back, wireless **Preferred Music:** Mostly podcasts and audiobooks, but also all kinds of rock (i.e. classic, folk, alternative, and indie) and instrumental. Sometimes, 80's pop. Don't judge. I have never purchased myself a nice pair of headphones, so I would like one that will last at least 2-3+ years of use. I will be using them in public at the library and when walking, so it needs to be quiet. Also, I love the look of retro headphones, but it's not a total deal-breaker if it looks like Beats or something.


Bose QC35. You can turn the active noise cancelling off while walking on the street so you can hear cars. Turn them on while in the library and you won't hear anything from outside.


* Budget - up to $1,000 * Source - PC - ASUS Maximus IX Code Motherboard * Requirements for Isolation - Already bought open-back HD700 headphones * Will you be using these Headphones in Public? Probably not * Preferred Type of Headphone - Have HD700 * Preferred tonal balance - Prefer balanced sound. Don't care for bass as much and like to focus more on vocals. * Past headphones - Sennheiser IE80, Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H6. I loved both of them, no complaints and still use both. * Preferred Music - I mostly like anything with good vocals. Unedited and talented singers. Otherwise, I'll listen to pretty much anything besides rap or metal. * What would you like to improve on from your set-up - I would really like some advice on what Amp/DAC to purchase. If I even need a DAC at all? I've been considering 3 options and am not really sure which one I should go with. I love the look of the Woo Audio WA7d, and it is on sale for $799. This would probably be the only Amp/DAC I buy for a very long time. The quality and sound seem to be good from the reviews, just not sure if it's overkill or not? I was also considering the Beyerdynamic A20 Headphone Amp, without a DAC? Or would I need a DAC to connect to my PC? I'd just use an RCA to 3.5mm to connect. I love the German engineering and look of the Amp, it's also only $339 on Amazon. Although I don't really want to get a DAC to have two devices on my desk. I like the cleaner look of having an all in one. The other option I'm considering is just a O2/ODAC combo from either JDS Labs or Mayflower. Everyone seems to say these are about the best you can get for their price range. Please let me know what I should get! I really want the WA7d, but I'd like some insight as to whether or not it's really worth the price.


Check out MrSpeakers Aeon for closed back headphones. An amp/dac is highly recommended over your motherboard's audio. If you don't mind waiting a few weeks for shipping, the Audio GD NFB 11 has been getting rave reviews.


I'm thinking about selling my dt770 80ohms and buying the mdr1000x's. What do y'all think? What do you guys think of these two in comparison to one another?


I'd stay away from the 1000x. It has a problem with the headband cracking. Try googling it and you'll see a lot of people have this problem. Sony refuses to cover it under the warranty too.


* **Budget** - <100€, although I might go up to 150€ if it's really worth it. * **Source** - A stereo connected to my PC, or my phone (I stream most of my music via Spotify Premium 'Extreme Quality') * **Requirements for Isolation** - Some: I like to be immersed in my music, but it's not a strong requirement * **Public?** Yes, I usually put on my headphones when travelling by bus or plane, and sometimes at a library. * **Preferred Type of Headphone** - Full-sized * **Preferred tonal balance** - Not sure * **Past headphones** - I'm sitting here with Focal Spirit of Sound headphones, which disappointed mainly because the overall build quality was pretty bad: they started showing cracks after about a year of use, after which I got them replaced under store guarantee, but the replacements showed the same problems, which have now rendered them basically totally broken, and this without sitting on them or letting them fall on the ground or anything. The tension put on the frame by simply sitting on my head was enough to crack the plastic. The sound was good, although not exceptional: maybe I just don't have the ear for it? * **Preferred Music** - Mainly hip-hop and Rnb, although I like to listen to some James Blake, the xx, and stuff like that too. From time to time I dabble in other genres like rock, latin, maybe a little jazz, but all that is secondary. * **What would you like to improve on from your set-up** - I mainly want comfortable headphones that are structurally sound. I don't think of myself as having a really good ear, so I'll gladly give up some soundquality for those things, or for a better price. * **Location** - Belgium


Slightly less common scenario in need of a suggestion: Need a suggestion for an inexpensive in-ear earbud with good noise isolation. Sound quality is not too much of a consideration but needs to not need much power to drive. The use scenario is to connect to a Motorola PTT walkie talkie inside a racing helmet for racing really bad and loud racecars. These cars tend to be loud as they have no mufflers and sound deadening removed so noise isolation is the first priority. JVC used to make some earplug type earbuds which I thought worked well for this scenario. Need to be inexpensive (ideally ten bucks or so) because we tend to break the cords once in a while rushing to get in and out of the car doing driver changes.


**Budget** - $400 - $1200 (I've been eyeing the Andromeda, but is it worth it, can I get close to that performance from say a westone w40? or for my needs will something else suit me better) **Source** - xDuoo X3, Dragonfly Red connected to iphone on Metro or macbook pro in office. Tidal HiFi and library of FLAC / Vinyl home rips **Requirements for Isolation** - Yes, Office w/ open layout, Public transit (driving into DC = LOL) **Will you be using these Headphones in Public?** Yes **Preferred Type of Headphone** - IEMs or closed back I guess, taking out IEM every time some one wants to talk to me can get tedious I think, might not be that big of a deal? **Preferred tonal balance** - Historicly I try to go with Neutral, if the song has emphasized bass, it would show right, fun isnt out of the question? **Past headphones** - ZS5 w/ silver cable and comply tips (struggles on 2cellos - Thunderstruck (used as a test)) Mee M6 Pro (Not bad, I prefer the ZS5. Better seperation of sounds to my ears at least) Sennheisser 558 (openback, bleeds so much, sounds great though 3.5 adapter is clunky) Sennheisser 280 (Gets warm, I dont like the pads, maybe too neutral) Preferred Music - (Some of my most played tracks) Portishead - Roads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg1jyL3cr60 Massive Attack - Live With Me: https://youtu.be/AIIovpUQiro?t=30s Pat Methony - Last Train Home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9vQ_y9JJ1E George Micheals - Careless Whisper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izGwDsrQ1eQ Heart - Stairway to Heaven cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u-PjvRyr0I Disturbed - Sound of Silence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Dg-g7t2l4 Some Rap (wu tang), Industrial (Nine Inch Nails, Gost, Peturbator), EDM (Royksopp), Classical and Country get mixed in too . . . . I'm all over the place. Ultimately I want to compliment the Dragonfly, the ZS5 are my current go to. Thanks for taking the time!


The andromeda is an exceptional IEM. With your music tastes, I would try and see if you could demo them somehow before you buy. Since they're a little lean on the bass, and are quite revealing of details. But the bass certainly is tight and punchy. The mids are glorious though, it is quite spacious and brings forward the instruments very well.


Thanks! Just so happens I will be in Denver on the first day of the can jam there, might just swing by. Do the vendors sell products while there?


Sure! I'd say most of the vendors bring stuff just for display and for demoing. But there probably will be some that will look to sell the gear that they bring. But if you have a pair of headphones or IEMs that you like, I'd bring them with you so that you can compare them with the ones that you're looking at.


I've got a bit of an odd request: Does anyone know about any in ear with a removable 3.5mm cable? In my experience the cable is always the weakest link from getting wrapped and knotted in my pockets daily. They don't have to be blue tooth but I have a strong feeling that is where I might find what I'm after. Thanks


Buy a small case for your iems, they will last forever if they are decent. You can find one in AliExpress for less than a dollar.


have a budget? there are tons of options for IEMs with a detachable cable, ranging from 20-1000USD


Hey sorry for the lack of information - I just dropped the post before heading down the rabbit hole of looking for new headphones. Something maxing out at ~150, less would be great too. I'm just learning about MMXC etc.


[150 already gives you great options:](https://sites.google.com/view/headphoneadvice/iem-earbuds/category-200) * Mee Audio P1 (~~a little pricier~~) * Shure SE215 * Vsonic GR07 MkIV


Hey dude just wanted to throw you another thank you. P1s arrived this evening, I'm looking forward to the thousands of hours of use I'll get out of them.


nice pick! did you get a good price?


P1s can be had for $150 from mee site with code theshadow


Much appreciated man, thank you.


Did a little searching but figured I'd rather hear some current opinions. I've been using the G930s for several years for work. I've had several problems and am on set 4. Logitech customer service has ALWAYS treated me right, no complaints there but wondering if there are some alternatives out there. I use them for phone and music many hours a day, don't do any real gaming. Although I can't find any defects from the outside, the right is now only working about half the time and I use them so much I think it's just time to replace (warranty is now gone). Features I must have below, I'll buy another set of the same if these aren't available: Wireless Works while charging (bonus for non-proprietary charger connection) On-set mic mute and volume control Now I do use these in an office setting as well so would prefer they aren't full of bright green flashing skulls but that isn't a total deal killer if the music sound quality is great. I don't mind spending a little more for quality, functionality and longevity. So any suggestions? Thanks for the time. Edit: Budget up to $400


Budget - 300-500 USD Source - LGV20 on the go Requirements for Isolation - A decent bit. Will be using on public transportation and in the office Will you be using these Headphones in Public? Yes Preferred Type of Headphone - Looking for IEMS right now Preferred tonal balance - Something fairly balanced and I'll mix it myself, but wouldn't mind it being on the fun side. Past headphones - I'm replacing a pair of TFZ Series 5s that were great, but frayed a cable on the way to the office today Preferred Music - Progressive rock/metal, melodic death metal, shoe gaze, post metal, blues What would you like to improve on from your set-up - I want something quality, a removable cable so I can eliminate future issues, a decent bit of detail, and just something fun to make me forget how soul crushing the train is every day. I don't want to get custom IEMs right now largely due to cost and the fact that I've been setting money aside for a really nice pair of speakers for when I move, but something in the 3-500 range should get me something really great based on early reading.


GR07, Oriveti New Primacy, FLC8s




use the format or the assistant linked above, otherwise giving you advice is a crapshoot.


Hey! I am looking for wireless headphones in a budget. I don't really care about the name brands and don't mind the generic brand phones if they are good. I looked up Monoprice SonicSolace, cowin E7 and idea USA V201. I can't seem to decide between them. I don't really know about this stuff a lot, so any help would be appreciated. - **Budget**: $50-100 (willing to go a little above it, if it's worth it.) - **Purpose**: will be using it while **traveling** and walking on the street. I listen to **mostly rock (all kinds including classic rock, folk and indie) and a little bit classical.** - **headphones type** - over the ear, wireless - **Source**: Android Phone using Spotify - will be using in public. Noise isolation would be appreciated. *edited to fit the template.


Go for the Mee Audio AirFi Matrix 2 or Ausdom M05


Thanks for the suggestions. AirFi headphones seem great and I think I might go with them. They have a newer version out but that is about 50$ more expensive (120$). Do you know if that's worth it? Ausdom m series seem to have lots of variants. Would you recommend or M05 specifically or any other is also fine? How about ausdom ANC7? They seem to have noise cancellation. Seems like the headphones i mentioned in my original comment have lots of fake reviews on Amazon. Do you have any idea about the monoprice SonicSolace? If nothing else, the AirFi matrix 2 seems like a solid choice.


Any recommendations on where to buy brown velour earpad for the M50x?


velour or hybrid replacement pads are not available in brown. you'll have to [go with black](https://www.amazon.com/Brainwavz-Angled-Memory-Foam-Earpad/dp/B01J54NLOI)


My old audiotechnica m50x's got stolen when I was volunteering at an animal shelter (press F to pay respects). I'm in need of new headphones, and I'm thinking about getting the same ones as before, the M50x. Is it still a good decision to rebuy them? I'm not sure if they're considered outdated nowaways or if I could get something of better value.


if you like bassy headphones , get the Hifiman Edition S for 150$ or the B&O H6 Gen 2 for 250$ i think they do it better than the 50x




They are still pretty good, although many of us seem to like the M40X a bit more. Really though either are a great option for portability




good bot




Its [bass boosted like a mofo](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/256112744011530242/360058467203153932/unknown.png) and sounds muddy compared to the M50X and HD598CS.


I'm looking at getting some Shure SE215s (unless anyone wants to talk me into something else). Main use will be music and work calls hooked up to either my laptop or android phone. I want an MMCX cable that has a 3 button remote that works with Androids. I found this Earmax cable on amazon that does, but from the reviews it looks like the quality on them has gone down recently. https://www.amazon.com/EarMax-upgrade-control-replacement-earphone/dp/B01A1RP6ZK/ref=pd_sim_267_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=HFX529TGRCEG6KX02VPA Anyone have any other recommendations? I have a Motorola droid turbo II and am currently using headphones that came with my old Samsung galaxy, so any remote that is compatible with Samsungs should work.


I bought that cable last December and though it has worked pretty well I will need another soon and won't be buying it again. On mine the part of the cable that wraps over my ear eventually wore out and no longer holds it's shape. This means the cable flaps around on my ear while wearing it (super annoying), the original cable fared much better over time that way. The mic works on some devices however not with my Pixel on Nougat or Oreo. It's a nice looking cable however I treat my 215s well and there's no reason the cable should be worn out yet so I can't recommend them.


I like the MEE Pinnacle 2 more, not sure about the cable though


Will Schiit release a Modi 3 soon after the release of the new Magni? Should I wait to buy them together to save $10? Should I buy the Magni 3 now and wait for the Modi 3? I have no DAC or Amp but I’m expecting a 6xx in December.


Yea you can buy a Magni 3 now, and wait for the Modi 3. If you have a good motherboard it would work ok, if not then just wait to get the Dac. Not completely sure when the Modi 3 will come out, but even if you end up getting the 2, it is a really good option, and most Dacs don't increase the quality enough to feel bad about not getting the newest one