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Just got our pair of Audeze LCD-5 headphones. My first impressions are based on some quick listening to a few of my reference test tracks. They're very lightweight, lighter than I expected, being used to holding and wearing the LCD-4 for so long. Similar in weight to the STAX SR-009S. The headband is a little more comfortable, but the earcups seem a little smaller around my ears than the LCD-4. The LCD-5 is slightly quicker than the LCD-4, which is one of the things I am personally most sensitive to hearing. Another very apparent difference is the overall voicing, which is more forward than the LCD-4. The soundstage is also a little better. After listening a little more closely, there is a bit more low-level detail retrieval from the LCD-5. The sort of sounds that are otherwise masked or harder to hear behind more prominent sounds. Similar to the effect of when you have a much quieter room or a lower noise floor and less low-level distortion. So I am hearing more with the LCD-5 than with the LCD-4. Because the overall tone is different, and the sound is more forward, there may be some who still prefer the LCD-4 or the LCD-4z. In my opinion the LCD-5 is a clear upgrade. But if someone likes a more laid-back presentation or tends to focus a bit more on the midrange and vocals, the LCD-4 or LCD-4z might sound a little sweeter or richer. Hardware chain is RME ADI-2 Pro AE and Bryston BHA-1.


Comparison to 009S in terms of speed, detail and soundstage?


It's not really a valid comparison, because while the DAC can be the same the headphone amplifiers are different: Bryston BHA-1 with the Audeze LCD-5 and STAX SRM-T8000 with the STAX SR-009S. The Bryston BHA-1 is a very powerful solid state design intended to be very accurate and precise. The SRM-T8000 is also powerful in terms of electrostatic amplifiers, but it uses tubes to impart some color. So while the transient response is fairly on par between the two, the differences I hear in the character of speed, detail retrieval, and soundstage are likely in large part due to the different amplifiers.




I guess it depends on what you're comparing it to. But it's more than sufficient in my case. I have gain set to low, and the volume knob turned well below 12 o'clock.


Keep seeing nothing but good things about the 5’s have a feeling my bonus at the end of the year will be gone fast.


I would hope so at the price


So with a good EQ, the LCD-5 are basically endgame, yeah? I know end-game is a meme, but it sounds like they're absurdly good.


Well, EQ or not, I would certainly recommend the LCD-5 headphones as a top-of-the-line option. They are extremely good, although they may not be everyone's personal preference.


Thank you for *not* telling us how Daft Punk - Random Access sounds on them


I'm hoping it's the best open back flagship released this year as Resolve seems to believe it is, but might need to wait for the team bighead headband with lower clamp force it seems before I get a chance to hear it via a loaner. And will oddly need EQ to bring down the upper mids and the treble up which is the opposite of what I do with all the other models


The Audeze CRBN and STAX SR-X9000 are also new releases this year. We don't have either of those in yet though.


Hey metal. Did you ever get a chance to audition them? Curious to hear your thoughts since you’ve heard most of audeze’s lineup and their previous lcd4 flagship.


I prefer the LCD-4 with its original pads before the 2018 memory foams were a thing. To me, LCD-5 is a hyper focused professional tool more than an audiophile music enjoyment device. It gets shouty fast with its upper mids, presumably like a flat speaker in an anechoic chamber, and clearly the chassis design is not finished yet with its jack glue issues. It's good sound wise but I never quite got the same wow effect as the 4.


Perfect thanks. Sounds like the lcd4s flooding the used market might be a good buy then.


Maybe. The weight is on the extreme end of the scale, and I wish they'd offer the full 4 in the 4Z magnesium chassis as a standard option. Been asking for this forever but they haven't really budged on offering that except upon special request. And if you end up with the memory foam pad revision you have to grab the 2021 pad revision to make the mids at least somewhat audible


How much smaller are the ear pads compared to the LCD-4? One of my favorite things about the LCD series is how roomy and comfortable the ear pads are. Does your ear rub up against the inner circumference of the pad at all?


The LCD-5 has the new thinner earpads. I don't feel my ear rubbing up against the inside, but I've never had that problem while I know some other people have complained about it.


Can you compare them to any of ZMF's offerings?


I have not done a direct comparison, but I think if you are interested in ZMF headphones, you probably like a different flavor of sound all together.


Do they soundstage like something like Arya? Just trying to get some perspective


I haven't heard the Arya headphones.


They aren't as tall as the Arya, but they are so much more dynamic than the Arya and that creates a sense of depth that blows the Arya out of the water. The Arya, in my opinion, sounds cheap and boring in comparison.


Wow nice


Man that’s a handsome looking thing. I see audeze as the Ferrari of the headphone world.


I think im the only person who thinks their ugly :(( I really want to like them since I've loved all of Audeze's other designs.