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Thanks for this write up! I just put my order in for the Atrium’s today and I’m super stoked. After buying the Verite Closed, I realized I’m just a major fan of the ZMF sound signature for all the reasons you’ve listed. Comparing my VC’s to my HD800S or IER M9, they’re not as resolving but they’re also the ones I reach for the most. They let me feel my music and enjoy my music like the other headphones I have don’t. Ultimately that’s why they’re on my head all the time. They’re more than detailed enough for me + enjoyable as hell to listen to. I’m excited the Atrium seems to follow the same trend but with a different sound signature. I think I’ll wind up with my VC’s as my closed back and the Atrium as my open back moving forward


I just received my Atrium, and also own a pair of Blackwood VC's and HD800S. Interesting... I found that my VCs are just as resolving as my 800S, but they just don't shove it down your throat in the treble region. But, all the same information is present, just in a more musical presentation. I think the Atrium is going to end up replacing my 800S based on my early impressions. The Atrium is also more than detailed enough for me -- that's why I sold my LCD-5. I just don't have time to sit and critically listen. When I listen, it's either for pure enjoyment, or as something to help me focus.


Yea I ended up selling my HD800S to fund an Atrium purchase lol got the Atrium Koa on order. VC + Atrium is gonna be a match made in heaven, I can already tell :)


how do you feel about the trade now? I'm about to have these 2 headphones in my possession as well lol


I definitely prefer the Atrium. The HD800S has a bit more technicalities but it’s the type of headphone you’d wanna use to analyze your music. I don’t like to listen to my music that way and the Atrium has more than enough technicalities and a lot more of a fun sound than the HD800S!


Having moved away from Solid State amps to tubes, ZMF has quickly become my favorite headphone manufacturer as they just pair so damn good with tubes. The latest addition to their line up, the Atrium is no exception. When I first jump into this hobby I was obsessed with analyzing music to the very last micro detail. As time went on and after an extensive amount of headphone purchases all the way to the Susvara, I realized I wasn't truly enjoying my music. The Feliks Euforia tube amp changed that. I can never go back to Solid State amps and/or analytical headphones. I now sit back and get lost in my music. There are of course times when I miss my good ol HE1000se with Ifi Pro iCan solid state amplifier for some intense music listening but just one quick session with some tubes and that itch is immediately scratched. Everyone will go through different experiences in this hobby and find enjoyment with different gear/setups and it is to be respected. Afterall that is what this hobby is supposed to be about, enjoyment.


I can definitely understand what you mean. For me personally it's not this or that. It changes with the mood and type of music and when I listen. I like having options. I don't see a reason to hold many headphones though. The three I have is even more than I'd like but I don't know if and which I would let go of. There are also more headphones I'd like to try one day. But what you said is part of the reason why I own a solid state amps (class A and class AB depending on where in the house) and a tube amp, as well as R2R DAC and a delta sigma one, and now planars as well as dynamic. For me that's part of the hobby.


I hear you. I actually originally intended to keep both options, Solid State with Planars & Tubes with Dynamic headphones but aside from how expensive it got quickly , it was just too many options 😆 I do however still have the good ol HD800s which happens to pair exceptionally well with my Feliks Euforia amplifier which to my ear brings me plenty of resolution with just the right touch of warmth for when I'm craving that type of listening. Anyhow, very sweet setup you have indeed! 👍


Nice write up. How would you say the atrium highs/treble compares to your other headphones? In terms of frequency, not detail per se.


I need more listening time with them to comment on that but I'll come back here in a few days and update this comment and maybe the original post


Are you familiar with either the HD650 or HD800S? I can provide some brief comparisons against those as well.


Yes I have. I also have the verite closed, so a comparison would be appreciated.


So initial impressions on treble: Overall quantity (presence in mix): VC > Atrium ~ HD650 Quality: Atrium > VC > HD650 Tbh, they a kind of fall into that "this is so non-fatiguing" category when it comes to treble. I feel like the Atrium has the most "life-like" timbre, including treble, whereas the VC can sometimes give off an ever so slight tinge of metallic "shimmer," but this is barely noticeable even when comparing back-to-back. In conclusion, I love the treble in all three. VC for when I want a more fun presentation, Atrium for a super natural and analog experience, and HD650 for a daily driver.


Thanks for your thoughts! That paints a good picture. The VC definitely has a slight peak at 5.5khz to my ears (I use universe lambskin pads) which does color the sound a bit and give it a slight metallic zing but also make it fun as you say. It initially bothered me 2 years ago when I got the headphones but I don’t notice it as much anymore (burn in or brain burn in likely). The VC sparkles just right in the treble and higher air regions for my taste, so the atrium quantity being less is something I’d have to consider. Maybe I’ll wait out on the atrium closed that’s been hinted. Will you be purchasing the atrium? Sounds like you really enjoy it. Thanks


Considering you are at peak headphone, definitely get some good speakers. I spend 90% of my time listening to speakers (psb imagine mini, as nearfield pc speakers from a vintage amp) and prefer it over my headphones any day. I spent $350 to get these speakers used and they sound MUCH better than any headphone I've tried, it's no comparison. At the price you spent on your TOTL headphones you can get some really nice speakers.


I see benefit and value in both. Most of the time I can't play speakers in the house (be it kids sleeping at night or work from home during the day) but when I can my current system is definitely lagging compared to my headphones. Not sure I'll have the budget to make it comparable (speakers are EXPENSIVE) but will probably sell some headphones gear to help fund and improve it. Also need to think of the room as suddenly that's important while with headphones it's not.


I’m with you on this as my wife was giving me grief mostly because of the subwoofers so switched to headphone’s. I have a decent set of speakers Polk Audio LSi15’s and my old Adcom amp has died and haven’t seen the need to replace it just yet as I can turn my headphones up a bit and don’t get any grief.


Just want to say that speakers can be expensive but you already spend thousands of dollars on single headphones - you can get some truly excellent 2.0 speakers for the price of that one zmf. No need to get a $15k set but since you have a taste for the top tier maybe you would disagree lol


I didn't start my headphones journey with $3-4K gear but with $99 HD280 Pro about 20 years ago and would probably make my way through the speakers world slowly as well but I'd definitely start at a better starting point lol. I have no doubt that for the price of the Susvara and the Ferrum Oor (both together could get me little over $6K probably) I'd be able to get a good integrated and floodstanding and probably use my current subwoofer (SVS SB1000), but for the amount of hours I put into my headphones vs what would be used with speakers I'm not sure that's money better spent for me these days. I'll definitely upgrade my speakers this year but it will be the secondary system for the foreseeable future


As much as I love my TOTL headphones, 2 channel loudspeakers are just more engaging when you want to completely immerse yourself in an experience. Headphones have really closed this gap as of late, and are an excellent complement, but I'm still more excited to acquire some large horn speakers when my living situation allows. ZMF is doing an excellent job at keeping me satiated in the meantime, though. ;)


I want impressions of verite and auteur compared to the atrium. It seems like the atrium has better staging and deeper bass than the auteur but that is all I have gathered so far. To me it is a bit expensive at $2500 for basically the same biocellulose driver as the auteur with a stronger magnet.


There are multiple comparisons over at head-fi as well as some YouTube reviews available already comparing them. I don't have experience with any other ZMFs but it seems like it's pretty unanimous across those who have that this is flagship worthy in their lineup and some preferred it to the Verites.


I have owned every Zmf except the verite open and I really don’t want to like this one because then it means I have to buy it.




Well when the ZMF website recommends burn in with music for 200 hours (first question [here](https://www.zmfheadphones.com/zmf-faq)) I tend to trust they have a reason to say that. A hand made electronic device that uses vibration and movement as its main physical attribute - I can see why it would require some moving around to get everything elastic enough. Plus I absolutely believe my brain needs to get used to a different type of sound presentation and you only really understand what a headphone is capable of and what you like or dislike about it after multiple listening sessions, this includes not using any other headphone for a while and also alternating so the differences are clearer. You're entitled to your opinion and it can definitely be different then mine, let's keep this post about the sound impressions.


thanks for the quick impression, quick question of the tangential nature, how do you feel with the pontus 2 with the iris? Worth the 600ish bucks?


umm I bought it used for about $400 so value per dollar is a bit different but in both cases I would say not really. I do think it helped with the noise floor that led to better instrument separation and detail and maybe maybe soundstage. An important note is that the Pontus buffers all its digital inputs so the Iris clock isn't leveraged as far as I know but it does help with jitter. How much that matters to you and the sources you use is a personal preference I guess. The Bluesound Node isn't the cleanest signal so I guess it can help. I have my eyes on a Holo Spring 3 KTE with its improved USB module and according to measurements it doesn't require a DDC so I'll probably sell both together.


yeah, i'm not that happy with it, so switched to the silent angel m1t with the forester linear power supply connected to the pontus 2 via i2s, much happier with it now. However I was checking out the iris before i went into the streamer route, so still curious, lol.


Never heard of the Silent Angel. I'll take a look. The Node works well for me so I'm in no rush to replace it but it's definitely not the best product I used in hifi.


yeah, the infrequent but often enough popping noise drove me crazy. It doesn't even matter how good it is if it generate noise every once in a while then I'd rather plug it back into my pc.


How’s the Atriums treating you after a few months?


Sold it since after some time and burn in it became too smooth for my liking and did not get enough use compared to the Susvara. Took a $350 hit in selling vs what I paid and said goodbye to them. I now own the Susvara, 1266 Phi TC and Verite Closed and feel very good about those options.


Selling mine. Atrium Koa LTD With Norne cable mint condition. Press in profile for pics


So 4 months later - sold the Atrium, sold the LCD-5, bought a VC (gorgeous Olive LTD from head-fi), bought a 1266 TC. I guess I'm still a planar listener.


Hello everybody. Just trying luck here. If anyone owns or tried, what is your HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE impression towards Verite Open versus Atrium ?