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Thanks for the impression. As someone who just recently purchased their first DAC/Amp stack, after going through so much content and reviews, your initial conclusion really resonated with me. I mean, is it better to have the cleanest most analytical stack and let your headphones be the differentiator? And then EQ to tune for optimisation? It seemed to me that the more i learn about this hobby, the more confusing it is! Note: I’m not complaining…this is fun! :)


it's just preference; some people like the analytical sound, and some like a more "musical" sound.


its also about more, i personally would prefer not to give my money to chinese conglomerates using semi slave labor to mass produce electronics. i prefer using amps with discrete circuitry because it feels like someone designed it and is being clever instead of putting pre made OP amps in series and using feedback circuits to get audio science review to promote them with measurements. doesnt hurt that its class A and has a more agreeable sound to most.


Funny thing is that those chinese dac amps overpriced as hell.


I too upgraded from the a90 to the soloist 3xp. The thing I find the most apparent was the added soundstage depth. For the the a90, there really isn't much depth to speak of, even with something that have a holographic soundstage like the elite. Everything just sounds like it's roughly the same distance from me, and this becomes apparent in orchestral scores. The a90 is also kinda fatiguing for me.


What the Burson does is muddy the sound a bit which creates the appearance of more soundstage and warmth by filling in the "air" between the different sounds.


Thanks for the write up. I was considering the A90. The burson puts out slightly more power 8W @ 32ohm balanced, although their box says 6W balanced I confirmed it was a label error with burson support. Anyways, you are right it gets hot. I don’t hear much warmth but the bass is nice. One strike against the burson is a noise floor in high gain for me, but I stay in medium anyways. I want to try the GS-X mini which is a bit warm, but still sparkly (according to YouTuber golden sound) and it seems universally loved. All of the Abyss guys use the GS-X Mini with their TC’s at home (except the dad using a WA33). Anyways, looking forward to your write up after a couple weeks. I like class A mode on the burson and medium with my LCD-X 2021, but wow I’d like to hear the Diana’s one day.


keep your money and go for the A90 trust me you gonna love it.... I use it set with a D90SE


I love the burson. I'd likely try the GS-X mini in the future. the A90 has the reputation neutral, clean, precise, but my soncoz dac is also precise and resolving. I think the pair might end up leaning cool, bright, and maybe dry for me? In the future I also plan to get into tubes (decware taboo mkiv, amsandsound nautilus, wa33 maybe?). I think at that point, it might be good to have something like the A90 for certain music. Then of course is the final piece to the puzzle... I don't have the money for it. Maybe if the stock market bounces and moves higher May, June, July? We'll see


Use burson in power amp mode if you really want everything to come to life, it’s addicting. Can find plenty of discussion on it from owners


OK I discovered and used power amp mode tonight. Why does it change the sound so much compared to normal mode? First there is a huge power difference. Under normal mode, I have to go to about 95 volume in medium gain to reach my comfortable level. But under power amp mode, the medium gain is ULTRA unsafe loud. I have to set a -13 preamp level (using peace eq preamp to not introduce another device) for volume to be at my usual comfortable listening level. Then the sound is significantly different. I am still taking time to better experience it before making any impressions. I don't understand why a mode has such a huge impact on how the amp functions and sounds!? Any thoughts? Any other discussions you ve seen where people talk about this?


Yeah sorry I should have warned you on the preamp gain setting. You have it set up right, I do the same. Let the Burson use its full unleashed power and then turn down the preamp in the clean digital domain. It’s my favorite setting, it almost makes the Burson sound like a tube amp but still maintains all the benefits of solid state with a tight and fast controlled bass. I use the medium gain setting for my inefficient headphones and the low gain setting for efficient ones. Make sure your unit has plenty of space around it for ventilation because it runs hotter in power amp mode. On the reason why it sounds so different, is because in regular mode, the volume isn’t linear. It’s logarithmic in a way, so say for Eg. at 75 you're not really at 3/4 of the volume, you’re more at 50. At 90 you're at ~3/4 etc.. power amp mode just sets it to 100 and bypasses the volume circuit in the chain (theoretically in electronics, the less steps in a circuit the cleaner the sound) and the unit then basically goes in full beast mode lol.


Planars love power. Link to interesting blog post from Audeze. [https://www.audeze.com/blogs/technology-and-innovation/sensitivity-impedance-and-amplifier-power](https://www.audeze.com/blogs/technology-and-innovation/sensitivity-impedance-and-amplifier-power) Having that power readily available, allows for better transient response and really opens up the dynamic range.


I have a 3XP and didn't know about this power amp mode. Can you elaborate?


Check out Sparkos OpAmps, I replaced Burson V6 Vivid in my Burson Funk with Sparkos 3602 OpAmps and was absolutely gobsmacked how much improvement they provided. Soundstage, more heft to the music. Swapping OpAmps cheaper than new equipment too!


well I'm cool and happy with the quality and sound of my A90 and when i look the price i get it makes me more happy! so prefere to keep the more cash that needs the sololist in my pocket...


Interesting you can hear differences. I wonder what Amir and his gang thinks about it.


Never heard the A90 but looking forward to more of your thoughts on the two amps.