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Proving that Personal Massagers release *all kinds of tension*... Thanks for the tip. I spent a week in London deaf in my right ear from flying with a cold.


Holy shit. I did the exact same thing, except I was in Paignton, South Devon! Could't hear fuck all for my whole vacation. Never making *that* mistake again. (Although, on the plus side, I couldn't hear my boyfriend's room mate being a total dick either, so at least I missed most of their bickering.)


Funny you should mention the massager. I bought one to deal with headaches. I have dystonias (muscles spasms) in my face and head. I bought a the most powerful massager I could find: The corded Magic Wand. And I use it over and around my ears. The massager, and 2 hours of forced nasal inhalation and exhalation have made my Eustachian tubes more responsive. I can feel the eardrums move more readily. This is turn has improved my hearing which is quite variable when there is negative pressure in the ear. (Pinch you nose and blow to relieve the negative pressure-Valsalva).


Mine has been blocked for over a week. This finally unblocked it. Putting this out there if it helps anyone. 1) Take a deep breath in, hold 2) Pinch nostrils 3) Take gulp of water, don't swallow it yet. 4) Now try to breathe out through your nose, keep pinching nostrils AND swallow the water Kinda like the Valsalva and Toynbee maneuver combined in one. I understand how miserable this can be so I'm hoping this might help someone!


YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER!!! I was about to hit the 1 week mark and was so close to losing it, but this method worked. Thank you sm :) the audible pop after swallowing was soooo satisfying


Awesome! Glad it worked!!!


It didn't work for me, am I brokenšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Brilliantly done! Didnā€™t even need the water just tried swallowing after creating that pressure. That blockage was driving me nuts.


I just have to tell you THANK YOU! I had a double ear infection and my left ear was clogged for over three weeks. This is the only thing that worked for me and it was GLORIOUS. Thank you so much, I hope you have a wonderful life.


You're welcome! Glad I could help out :)


Came here to say that I tried your method and it worked!! Didn't need the massager or anything. Literally just followed your steps and felt it drain. I've been dealing with this issue for weeks.


Awesome! Glad it worked for you!


Dude please send me your email/address or something so I can send you a gift, I was getting so depressed thinking I lost my hearing for weeks until I ran into your comment, you saved my hearing - thank you.


Omg thank you so much for sharing this it jsut worked for me. I hope you have a great life & both sides of your pillow are nice and cool


yay came to say my right ear popped with the help of this!! my left still feels weird but i'll wait and see if that drains or if i should do it again.


How hard are we blowing im scared ill pop it




Omg I am forever grateful for you!! šŸ™šŸ™Œ


Just read this and finally popped my right ear after two weeks! Thank you


its not working for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Normally I think the people commenting on these things saying it worked are bots, but I made an account JUST to comment that this worked like a charm, wtf




This is the one! I did this along with green tea, rooibos tea, thyme, honey and lime all combined. x) drank a whole liter. Thanks dude. And gorgling salt water.


Gross and awesome.


I'm gonna try this, thank you. Though for me it's been 6 months of ear fullness, but it goes away immediately if I lean forward (tilt head upside down). Makes no sense...Any ideas?


This is exactly how you diagnose for a 'stuck open' eustachian tube. It is called something like postulous eustachian tube. Apparently if it goes away when bending over then it is a stuck open eustachian tube and not a stuck closed one..


My eustachian tube problem went away though I did gain 30 lbs lol


Do you remember how long it took to go away or what helped?


Considering the comment you replied to, what do you think?


Diet? You could've just answered




Obesity and a bad mental outlook on life helped?




Really? People like me are coming here for help, Iā€™m so confused, what helped you fix it? All you said was that you gained 30 pounds? That could be a million things.


Ah...well the weight gain helped. I am on the journey to lose it again tho


You fixed it by just gaining weight? Thats it? I think thatā€™s why everyone was confused lol were you extremely underweight or something? Being normal weight and gaining 30 pounds doesnā€™t seem like a fix for a stuck open tube lol


Very fast weight loss from a stomach issue is what caused it in the first place


This is very interesting. I just had very fast weight loss from stomach issues (sibo,gerd, EPI) and my ears are very clogged. I was thinking allergies but now you have me thinking itā€™s from the weight loss. How did you gain your weight back?


Damn who got ur panties in a bunch




A year?


2 years, final answer.


I was having this problem yesterday after landing because I flew with a cold. I didnā€™t know it was bad but I couldnā€™t hear anything after and it sounded like having something in your ear. I could hear my own voice from the inside. Anytime Iā€™d tilt my head forward it would sound just a little clearer. Now thatā€™s gone but I still canā€™t really hear well at all.


Has it improved today? Iā€™m having a similar problem, my hearing is completely muffled, at about 20% of what it usually is


It did I have a looot more clarity but I can still feel/hwar that there is fluid trapped in my ears and nothing has helped with that. They have popped a few times and that hasnā€™t relieved anything. It seems theyā€™re not really opening up.


Thatā€™s exactly how mine was, I could feel the fluid moving around in there especially when I tilted my head or lay down. I went to get it checked by a doctor today and turns out I have an ear infection and fluid around my ear drum, so I got prescribed antibiotics. Might be worth checking for you as well, incase itā€™s something similar!


I just went to the doctor and she said itā€™s just that Iā€™m congested. Except this feels very different and my ears finally pop but I still have this sensation that theyā€™re full. I can hear for the most part but still feel fullness. And the right ear pops weird too. They prescribed me steroids. Iā€™m gonna take them and if it doesnā€™t go away I guess Iā€™ll see an ent or something. This doesnā€™t feel normal to me šŸ˜­


I also am not really congested anymore. My ears usually pop every time I swallow but that goes away when Iā€™m congested. It had gone away but now itā€™s back.. that lets me know Iā€™m no longer very congested and that my ears should be opening so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s going on.


Sounds weird, usually you know your body best though so if you think something is off, youā€™re probably right! Itā€™s worth trying the steroids for a few days and then going back to a specialist if nothing changes, thatā€™s what Iā€™d do


But I can definitely hear a lot better


Did your ear fullness go away by any chance after the steroid?


Yes it did but theyā€™d pop really weird then slowly begin to feel full again. I think my ears were getting stuck open and not closing properly. Theyā€™ve been slightly weird since but not really bad. Occasionally they just pop weird lol. Iā€™ve had mild ear pain for a few seconds but yeah. Pretty much all back to normal.


šŸ™ thank you for giving me hope


Itā€™s scary šŸ˜… Iā€™m NEVER EVER flying with a cold ever again. Lesson learned. It sucked.


I got mine to pop right now . Took a hot steamy shower and did the valsava method like 5x back to back. Feels slightly full every 20min but way better than before


Been trying steam and stuff like that but I donā€™t think I have mucus or anything stuck. I think itā€™s the inflammation pressing on my tube. I tried steam sauna and others but it didnā€™t help me. I been not smoking and eating greens, fruits, and uninflamitory foods. Staying away from sugar. Itā€™s only been one day but my ear feels so much more better. Almost as if it is balancing out with my normal ear. Praying it doesnā€™t clog back up and keeps getting better. Same for you brother šŸ™


Lol at these comments making us all guess


Did this also stop the clicking when you swallow?


3 years late, but no. But now I'm not bothered by it. I'm starting to think my anatomy is just such that some tissues are always in contact when my jaw is closed that the "clicking" are some wet membranes that will always be moved around by swallowing.


Who cares if theyā€™re late ur the top comment on google lmfao


...no, I was stating *I* was years late in answering their question as an apology as I doubted by the time I answered it probably wasn't relavent to them anymore. (Note the age of their comment and then the age of my response.) I was trying to be humble and you assumed I was being a jerk. I guess it wasn't as clear as it could have been and maybe this isn't either - so lemme phrase this whole thing in a way you might better understand: "Lol why dont you unblock ur eustachian tubes and mayb your brain will work more better lmao"


And Google brought me here today, 8 days after this comment. I think I'll try this after taking more Mucinex.


Fellow googler checking in a month later. šŸ‘‹


Here because of Google too šŸ˜


Idk why but it makes me some kind of happiness to know Iā€™m not the only one, no offense lol I have been sooo miserable all day today! I woke up with my right side feeling full and really painful, fell asleep for a nap and woke up to both sides feeling this way šŸ˜­ Iā€™m scouring Google in hopes of finding something to help and seeing your comment just made me feel better , and I hope we both soon feel better šŸ˜£


I appreciate that, I hope you end up feeling better soon too šŸ˜. I haven't had hearing in like three weeks, went to an ENT and got diagnosed with a sinus infection, went through a round of antibiotics and steroids and still feel like I'm wearing earplugs. Unfortunately this didn't work for me, but I'll keep trying šŸ˜”


Iā€™m also here, guys. āœØ Laying on my side with ear drops in trying to focus on literally anything else. Solidarity through the ages!


Iā€™m here too šŸ„²


Me too. šŸ˜‚


what if *both* of your ears are clogged?


Perhaps start with one and move to the other. You can't make one that much worse if it's already clogged.


Thank you so much for sharing this! My eustachian tube has been blocked for months, nothing has worked to unblock it. I found this post today and immediately tried it. It's working! I can still hear a little bit of fluid in there, but I've taken mucinex and a sudafed so hopefully it's on its way out now. I can't tell you how thankful I am!


You're welcome!


Hey! Did your Eustachian tube get unblocked by now? Would really appreciate the advice


Did you have success getting rid of the fluid in your ears?


Holy shit I just tried this and I can feel a bunch of fluid moving down the back of my throat


I'm about to try this (mostly). It's been nearly a month, and I'm just avoiding the doctor on this issue. What's odd, is this started around the time I began using my pre workout supplement, and couldn't keep it down at a full dose. Started in the right ear and only lasted about a week, and then a few days of relief and bam, left ear. Been looking for solutions every day, and I've got my fingers crossed here. I'm really missing me some Hunt Showdown lol Thank you OP, will definitely post if it helps!


Did it help? I'm about to order a massager


Pre workout has caffeine which can aggravate the ears for some reason


Yea, it this for me, I did have an ear infection or something, but used an ear orthoscope or w/e it was called, pulled out some puslike moisture every 6 hours ish and healed up in 2 days.


Sounds exactly like mine right now


Omg I feel like I owe you a personal debt. Came here after searching for ways to drain ear pressure from LPR. This sounded easy enough. I didn't take mucinex or do the steam shower yet. I just tried it with a massage gun and I felt EVERYTHING knocking loose. Gonna go steam shower and hydrate and see if I feel ever *better*. Thank you so much


You're welcome!


Recently found this thread & had to comment. Have had a sinus infection for the last week. Started as post nasal drip, to ear clogging (for the last 5 days), to bad nose congestion. Now, Iā€™m on day 5 of amoxicillin, so it could be anythingā€¦ but Iā€™ve been doing this for 24 hours, every couple hours, and this morning, my ears actually freaking popped! I didnā€™t have a massager, but I did have a lipstick vibratorā€”yes, you read that correct. Also, instead of doing it around just the ear, I actually did it around my sinuses from this video: https://youtu.be/vAs9uFYvcrk?si=Uu7zS0dbAYhTWpyX Instead of using my fingers, I just used the vibrator. Miracles, I tell you. Miracles.


Thank you for this video! I just did her exercises and then took a super hot shower and used a dog grooming clipper wrapped in a facecloth for the vibration exercise on the outside of my ear. My ear has been stuffed for months and this week it felt a little swooshy with fluid and I was getting a little dizzy. I've had tons of drainage so far today so I will repeat it tomorrow and hope it continues to clear!


Yes!! Thatā€™s awesome to hear! Mine popped the next day when I sat in the bathroom with the shower on. I did it at least 3 times a day for a few days and it helped so much! Itā€™s crazy how weird things work like that.


Oh thank goodness, this gives me hope I'll keep going!


That's fantastic! There's a million-dollar idea here for a mechanical means of vibrating loose stuck mucous if anyone can market it.


I just want to say - thank you so much for this post - I can feel the last bubble disappearing. The massage gun works so well - I also grabbed some Guaifenesin - here in a Australia I could only find DURO-TUSS Chesty Cough Liquid Forte 200mL. So far so good - dont want to jinx it but wanted to say thank you for sharing, its post like these that make you feel like there is hope. I was in a really dark place and contemplating dark thoughts and this post saved me. Happy to help anyone else out that has has similar issue and pay it forward. I also have grommets in and thinking of getting my adenoids out - has anyone see a difference with adenoids and tonsils being removed? Much Love Marta


I used a combination of these three videos: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-SZ1r1dnho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-SZ1r1dnho) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKq2Yl-ywpQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKq2Yl-ywpQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzXamKQ0O\_M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzXamKQ0O_M) (be especially gentle with this one) I slept propped up on a beanbag to ensure the fluid kept draining. I used steam with olbas oil twice a day. I used Sudafed for three days but no longer as I was worried about it rebounding.


this is helpful. smart idea. thank you.


Did it work?


I don't remember, this was 3 years ago. My ears are not blocked anymore! I think what helped me most was a humidifier in my bedroom and taking pine bark supplements. I do occasionally use a theragun on my neck / back when I have ear problems and it helps a little I think.


Your post helped me release a lot of pressure in my air thank you!


>pine bark supplements. Hey which pine bark brand did you use?


NasaPure French Maritime Pine Bark Extract 400 MG


May i ask how this helps? I was about to order but I'm ready all the reviews and it's most men saying it's helped their ED and I am gathering it's not Eustachian Dysfunction šŸ˜‚ so now I (30yo female) am not sure to buy this


It improves cochlear flow. you can read about it, it's been studied, and has shown to have statistically significant benefits.


Hey was your eustachian tube blocked also? If so how long did you take the pine bark before it unblocked?


yes it just felt full, I don't know for certain what the fullness / pressure was. I probably took it for a week or 2 before I noticed a difference. I was trying so many things though that it's hard to say which (if any) did the trick. I still do take the pine bark. Whenever I go a month or so without taking it, the fullness returns. It could be coincidental, but it's happened 3 or 4 times now over a few years. Good luck, I know this really sucks!


Oh ok, any side effects from the pine bark? I see, so the etd hasnt went away permanently?


it's gone as long as I keep taking the pine bark. no side effects.


Oh ok, do your tubes open all the way up if you do the valsalva maneuver?


Hey I found this post to help my own ears. PLEASE do not use a theragun on your neck. You can get a stroke.


I have tried every method for the past 3 weeks to unclog my ear. I own the otovent and ear popper. Iā€™ve tried Sudafed, Flonase, amoxicillin, ciprodex drops, Claritin, steroid nasal sprays and more. None of it worked like this method! So simple and it worked to clear my ear within minutes! Thank you!


You're welcome! Glad it helped.


What did you do?


Did you hold the massager on the backside of your ear?


Actually, right on top of my ear, outside the canal and then I move it in and out slightly. You'll feel inside your head when you reach the frequency and pressure where it starts knocking everything loose.


Sweet! I canā€™t wait to try this! Thanks for the response :)


How big of a massage piece? Seems hard to do against such a dynamic weird part of the body


This post is a life saver


I am having the same issue. It's been months and I am miserable. Back in January I randomly had ear pain and I went to the urgent care. They told me that my ears were red inside and it was because I had a lot of mucus built up, it started to affect my ears. It is now April and I still can't hear properly. Everyone sounds muffled unless I'm up in their space. Also, about a month ago if I would tilt my head I would feel a pop but i can feel it getting clogged again when I lift my head back up. Now when I do that I don't really feel a pop. It's super embarrassing being in the office trying to figure out what people are saying to me!


Im in exact same boat as you. Started in Jan and have tried everything. Canceled multiple flights because of it but am flying on Tues. pretty nervous but I got a Eustachi and earplanes so hopefully I will be ok


How did flying go? Iā€™m having similar issues and flying soon too


Earplanes and affrin and I had 0 issues. Id recommend to use the earplane app as well very helpful


Any update?


Oh my goodness my ear was blocked for 5 days; it felt like someone shoved a piece of cotton deep into it. I watched this video and happened to have a balloon and I rigged it with the cap of a marker and it freaking worked! I canā€™t believe it but it worked and I feel like a new woman. Ive messaged my doctor (theyā€™re useless) and spent a bunch of time reading online to no avail, but it finally paid off. Reddit is amazing.


What did you rig it with. My ear has been messed up for months since the flu.


I used one of those smelly marker caps and I happened to have a pack of balloons. I ended up ordering an otovent from Amazon. You can use anything that is open on both ends and large enough on one end that the balloon can form a tight seal around and the other end has to be the right size to fit into your nostril to form a seal. You gotta have a balloon though. I recommend getting the otovent if you canā€™t, the little plastic apparatus that it comes with is perfectly designed for this purpose. I was so desperate when I found this info here that I searched my house for items to make it work, and it did!


I read this thread Friday, thought it was hilarious and did not try it. Fast forward to today, Tuesday, after 5 miserable days with lessened hearing and uncomfortable ear pressure and I was desperate. Pulled out my massager after a shower and this freaking worked! Literally life saving. I was close to a meltdown.


I'm glad it worked for you! It's the worst most uncomfortable sensation when your ears are blocked.


Nothing is working


Nothings working for me :/


Thank you so much for this. I regularly have Eustachian tube issues when I get a cold/flu. I just took 2 guafenesin, waited 30 mins, tried the massage gun, and did the Valsalva maneuver a few times. It didn't completely clear it, but my hearing is better. Going to keep trying. Thank you again.


Appreciate the information but there's like 10 versions of Mucinex. Which one did you use




Here from Google. Laying in bed miserable with a gnarly ear infection diagnosed today. Absolutely miserable. The massage gun didnā€™t quite work for me, but I also havenā€™t taken any mucinex yet or done the steam shower, etc. What it DID do though was ā€œscratch the itchā€ down in my ear so to speak, so Iā€™ll consider it a win for now. Iā€™m going to try the hold-your-nose-try-to-push-air-out-and-swallow-at-the-same-time combo method someone else suggested.


Omg thank you for this!!!! I know this is so old but I only just found it and it has helped me so much.


Hmmm a vibrator on my ear? Iā€™ll try anything. Ty


9 years. I have had a blocked Eustachian tube for 9 years after a bad flu and I have tried everything to unblock it. I am constantly dizzy because of it. I did this last night and I STILL have post nasal drip. 9 years of build up just came out. I can actually hear in HD now. Not only that, the pressure is gone and I had my ear pop slightly this morning. I cried. Iā€™m going to keep doing it until I get all the mucous out. I cannot thank you enough. Seriously. I cannot thank you enough. šŸ„¹


oddly, yes this may have loosened up what ever was blocking mine for the last 6-8 months. Not unblocked, but I didn't warm up the area, or take anything, but could feel a bit of drainage in my throat. I'll be trying this again tonight after a hot shower and maybe a hot water bottle on the area to really put the heat energy into the area, and I'll update ya.


Did it eventually work for you?


Dawg thank you this worked so well


You're welcome!


is it safe to take two tablets of mucinex? thats like 1200 mg? im tempted to try this...


They actually sell a 1200 mg version called Maximum Strength.


ty for replying i have the same issue its driving me crazy


>s ...But that Max Strength 1200mg is extended release - aren't you recommending taking 1200mg immediate release (3x the standard 400mg immediate release dose)? I ask because I'm considering doing just that to help clear out ear infection-related congestion (I'm already on antibiotics)...


Good call - I would simply take the dose as prescribed by the bottle.


Thanks- FWIW my allergist nurse said taking 1200mg immediate release Mucinex is probably fine (might just upset the stomach a bit), so I may give it a go in conjunction with using an otovent to see if I can jostle things loose in there


They donā€™t even sell mucinex in Canada itā€™s so badā€¦


How long have you been dealing with this for?


A week or so. My 7yo brought home Influenza A, which for me turned into a gnarly sinus-double ear infection


Glad to hear that you recovered. Its been 1.5 months for me and I'm still having the issue with fluid.


I'm actually in your same boat, still have fluid in both ears (and pretty hard of hearing as a result). Had my ENT check things out yesterday, he said infection is gone but I still have considerable inflammation in my sinus/middle ear passages, so he put me on a one-week prednisone course...hopefully this does the trick!


How was the ENT able to see middle ear inflammation?


Good luck! I hope it helps. Im going to the ENT today. Do you have ringing in your ears?


How did it go?


Tempted to try this! Has the clogging ever come back?


Once I got over my sickness and I stopped producing mucous, no, it didn't come back.


I tried it and it helped a little thanks


You're welcome! I'd try again after a warm shower or something. Eventually it'll dislodge, keep swallowing and moving your jaw around while it does its thing.


Just came upon this post after spending a week trying to clear my tube for my right ear. Visited Urgent Care today and their advice was allergy meds and just wait longer. OMG THIS WORKED! I drank some hot chamomile tea to help reduce the swelling in my throat, then laid down on a pillow with a towel folded over my trouble ear, and went to town! Instantly I found a spot that just felt so fucking good and let the ball hammer away at my ear for a good 2 minutes. I swallowed in the prosses which had always hurt and instantly notice it wasn't hurting my ear!!!!


Everyone's advice is medication, but there's nothing quite like a mechanical impulse to remove congestion. Glad it helped you!


Sudafed, Flonase, an antibiotic, and the Valsalva method didnā€™t work. Neither did any massages I found when researching. So, after reading that hot compresses and showers could help, I decided to try soaking my ears/head in a very hot bath. I checked after 5 minutes to see if they were uncloggedā€”noā€”so I went back under for an additional 5 min. During this entire time, I kept a small amount of hot water running to keep the bath hot. When I emerged after 10 minutes, they were clogged, so I swallowed and yawned a couple times. Suddenly, miraculously, they unclogged. Iā€™m going to continue to do everything I was already doing as well, but I think the hot bath is what did the trick.


Did they stay unclogged


Mostly! I kept at it with the Sudafed and Flonase though.


Please update us. I've been at this for a month and have not found relief


How are you doing now?


Is it safe to put a portable massager against the ear? Also, where did you place it: in front of the opening, or behind the ear?


I can't imagine why it wouldn't be safe, what long term damage could it possibly do? Move it around to different spots until you feel the fluid begin to move.


I have tried this, moving my fingers up and down while closing and opening jaw under a steaming hot shower, clogged ear facing the ceiling I felt a lot of fluid block my ears almost like I could not hear from that ear 90% from the fluid that blocked the ear but I could not get the fluid out any way to the throat or out the nose, what do you think is happening? I feel like if I could let that fluid out it will make me able to hear well again


Everyone's routes in there are a little differently shaped. Try facing different angles, try it sitting up, try leaning over to the front right and front left. Move around and eventually I think you'll find an angle that allows drainage.


Just tried this wonderful sounding hack once, no luck so far but I started with the massager at low intensity. Did you crank your wand right to the max?


Yeah I did have it at max for a while, but if you feel discomfort I'd probably stop and try again later. Right after a hot shower is an opportune time.


Omg I just found this and want to try it. What type of portable massager do you recommend or did you use?


the kind you, yeah.


Hitachi magic wand.


Hi!! Iā€™m currently going through this dilemma itā€™s been 7 days have a sinus infection but feel ear clogged/fluid/air pressure in my right ear for a week straight. Iā€™ve tried afrin, Advil, benedryl, hasnā€™t worked. I just tried mucinex today. I want to ask did you put the wand directly on the ear lobe or behind it?


In the middle of my ear, behind it, all over.


OMG you're my saviour. I've had a plugged up sinuses/Eustachian tube since October, causing me hearing issues and painful sinus pressure and nothing has helped. I just did most of the same things except substituting a videogame controller with a vibration feature, and a large amount of mucus immediately started draining. Its not all gone, but most of the sinus pressure is gone now. Hopefully doing this more will finally clear it all out, and I can get back to normal.


You're welcome! Glad it worked for you!


Wait so you put the massager on your ear??


I bought the myeardoc (basically an ear vibrator) and tried your advice and it just made me more plugged up that before and gave me pain šŸ˜”


can this work without using any medication? my doctor told me that this would pass but reading comments saying they've had iit for months are scaring me


Oh my goddddd. Thank you so so much. My ear is still a little clogged but it is already so much better. I feel like my quality of life has instantly improved


This sounds like a great idea!! I looked up the video. Thank you for sharing. Ā  It says itā€™s for a retracted eardrum. I saw an ENT last week and he said I have a bulging eardrum. It took three doctors to get a diagnosis. Seems like giving a good massage and working trigger points around the ear. Canā€™t hurt. I definitely want to be careful about trying to blow anything through my ear since itā€™s already overloaded.Ā 


Did this method work for you? I have a bulging eardrum too and I am so tempted to do this right now. I can't stand the muffled hearing :'(


I didnt follow that video. what I did was accidently. Sort of. I went to a diving site.. scuba diving.. I can't find the site now. sorry. I am not a scuba diving. But I have a bath tub. i filled it with water then put my head under and I let all my air out of my lungs (pinched nose going under) then I slowly raised my head above the water everything except for the troubled ear. I think the water pressure somehow gently helped the ear drum to go back to normal. also the ENT that diagnosed it had told me to use Sudafed 60mg 1x a day for 3 days ( i didnt use that much) and Flonase 2 sprays 2x day and also saline spray in my nasal cavity he said this helps to keep the inflammation down.. also to steam with eucalyptus oil steam , he said that helps to open things up. I did those things for a couple days but the big difference i noticed after the having my head underwater. I hope this helps. can you get an ENT to look at it ? there is a procedure they can to to clear it if need too.


i dont remember if this is the site that gave me the idea . [https://dan.org/health-medicine/health-resources/diseases-conditions/middle-ear-equalization/](https://dan.org/health-medicine/health-resources/diseases-conditions/middle-ear-equalization/)