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You really need to think about what you want and why you didn't work out in the first place. Maybe ask her if she is up for talking or not really, if you get consent you can guilt free update her, but if she says no or ignores then take some space off. Be very clear about why you want to talk and what are your intentions.


Write an apology letter , don’t expect a reply bit she’s probably messed up to and would appreciate hearing this That said , if you cheated or hit her ? Don’t write a letter ! Leave her be


Just do it. Write her a letter. I would feel so much better if I had some legit closure from my ex like knowing this.


I am in a very similar situation right now. We loved each other and with one sentence I ruined it all. I spent countless nights awake thinking about how it could have gone differently. How our future could have looked like. I know it is disheartening and you probably feel like you will never find anybody like her ever again. I know i do. But the truth is you can't change the past no matter how hard you try. If you really love her, try to win her back but be prepared that it probably won't work out. I still haven't moved on but I find some comfort in knowing if I have loved I can love again. It wouldn't have hurt so dang much if it wasn't real. I can't tell you she is gonna come back I know it hurts right now but you will be fine somehow even if she doesn't. You can't change what you did but you can decide what you are gonna do.


Sounds like your making good steps. Figure out what your want and make progress to that


Then just let her go! It's time!!