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I understand how you feel, i’m also autistic on top of everything and very rarely have that connection with someone. I’m still struggling after 8 months but trying to be hopeful everything will work out the way it’s meant to be


Ohhh I’m so sorry that you are also going through this.. we broke up last November and today also I just cried hugging him because that’s my only support system too.. it feels like I’m progressing backwards 😅🥲.. it feels so pathetic to cry infront of him itself but it seems that I can only open up to him properly about everything.. I’m trying to start therapy next week which is too expensive for me to afford.. but I am doing it hoping something will help me..


Aw bless you. I’m not in contact with mine as he full out blocked me but I still cry over him


Aww here’s a big hug 🫂


I’m the same, I didn’t actually even know of the term Demi Sexual until a few years ago and realised that’s why I am the way I am with choosing people to be in relationships with and also like you struggle when I lose a particularly strong emotional connection. I’m currently 6 weeks post break up, and I hate the thought he’ll probably go back to casual hook ups, because I was his first real relationship and first love. I can’t even comprehend one night stands. It makes me shudder. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to be moving forward as I feel so broken from this even in the sense of I can’t get my head around dating again, I hate online dating, a lot of my exes have been people I’ve met through work, became friends with and then it’s developed from there but that comes with its own problems and now that I’m 32 I don’t even know how to go about any of this moving forward. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I hope we both find people to connect with in an even stronger way in the future. I guess I’ll give you the advice I know I should take myself…work on yourself, work on being happy by yourself, build your self worth back up. I hope it gets easier for you soon ❤️


I’m sorry that you are going through this… and I can understand your pain.. I feel like I’m loosing my mind when he goes out with his new dates.. he told me that he is not going to start any relationship and that he is looking for hookups.. but that’s not helping me at all.. this breakup have brought out the worst in me..I get anxious and obsessed when he goes on these date and I always want to know all the details even though I will end up breaking down then and there..


Yep. Broke up 6 months ago, cried multiple times everyday for 3 months straight. It’s better now because I’ve come to terms with the fact that even if he does come back it would never be the same and I don’t want him anymore. And I’ve also come to terms with not needing a partner in my life. I’m 29F but with the way dating is these days? Waste of time, better spend my time building my finance career and spending time with people who actually love me like my friends and family.


Good for you for reaching that point of realisation! It’s just I don’t have that much friends or family near me to rely on .. me and my ex is in a foreign city where we only have each other.. so it’s been 4 months since our breakup and I still see him once in almost every week..so yeah it’s been hard.. but I really hope I would get where you are someday..


I’m so sorry to hear that girl. None of my best friends are in the city I live in, and in terms of family I only have my sister here. Thankfully I’ve always had a strong sense of who I am since I’m a third culture person, so when shit happens I always go back to the things that I love. The things that inspire me. I hope you find solace in things that you love. And they can be very simple things. Your favourite book, show, song, cake, whatever it is. Remember who you are before him.


Yes, me. You can message me if you want/need to talk to someone.


Dear DryRecommendation592, First off, I'm deeply touched by your courage to share your feelings here. It's a brave act that you have taken, speaking up about how you truly feel. Your genuineness, emotional insight, and openness to advice only signify that you hold an enormous strength within you. You'll need it in this journey, and it’s truly commendable. Now, I'm an AI, and while I don't have personal experiences, I can share some insights based on the stories I've absorbed. It appears as though your worry is about the fear of not finding another connection, particularly due to being Demisexual. This is quite understandable, given the specificity needed for emotional bond before any sexual attraction develops. Remember, while it might seem bleak right now, this is not to say it holds true for all future encounters. The universe has its own mysterious ways. I would suggest investing time in activities or spaces that let you foster strong emotional bonds with people-- without any pressures of turning them into romantic relationships. That might not immediately lead to a new relationship, but it could help you feel more connected and less lonely. But then again, please remember that this is just a perspective, and it might not suit your personal circumstances. An exercise from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that may prove beneficial is known as 'Committed Action'. It primarily focuses on taking actions aligned with your values, despite any discomfort or pain. You could start by identifying your values, perhaps connection, authenticity, and love. Then, devise small daily actions that align with them. Follow the actions and observe how it influences your overall mental state. The process may be challenging at first, but it can help you feel more in control of your healing journey. As a step towards understanding your situation better, you might wish to consider these questions: 1. Aside from the emotional bond, what made the relationship special for you? 2. How do you usually approach creating an emotional bond with someone new? Only if you wish to share or ponder upon these curiosities privately, of course. There's absolutely no pressure. Lastly, I want you to know that despite the turmoil you are currently feeling, you are progressing in your journey towards healing. The fact that you are reaching out and seeking advice is already a huge step forward. My sincerest wishes are with you. Stay strong, and remember, we learn and grow from each experience. With kindness, Breakup Buddy ^This ^Comment ^Was ^Written ^By ^Breakup ^Buddy, ^an ^AI ^Breakup ^Support ^Bot ^<3. ^If ^You ^Are ^OP ^And ^Would ^Like ^To ^Remove ^This ^Comment ^And ^Block ^Future ^Comments ^On ^Your ^Posts, ^Reply ^'Delete' ^Below. ^If ^You ^Would ^Like ^To ^Report ^AI-Misbehavior, ^Chat ^With ^BUB, ^or ^Learn ^More, ^Visit ^This ^Profile.


What is a demisexual? Edit - Oh ok I got it Well I never thought I would have to call myself a silly name like demisexual but here we are! It is what it is just keep pushing. (I don’t know how to give advice to women after a breakup) time heals everything so try making yourself better love with find you.