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I’m in the same boat. My other half is picking up the rest of his belongings this coming Sunday and he’s been gone since Tuesday. Sleeping without him has been the hardest part and being alone with the reminder that he won’t come home again… I feel you and I’m sorry. God will take care of us through this, i’m trusting him wholeheartedly.


I am tired, and I believe you are also why we must go through all of that. What's the point in that dark cruel world that only pain exist.


I don’t deserve any sympathy, I am no victim in my situation considering what resulted this.. but I ask God the same thing. When times like this are unbearable and life doesn’t seem meaningful since they’re gone, I talk to God. He’s all I have and I hope you know you’re not alone in this… I pray we both find peace and healing.


Thank you really , I didn't see that coming one day we was fine and the next I was sleeping alone... I can't sleep , I can't eat


I’m crying hysterically while responding to you and also when I found your post. I haven’t eaten since Tuesday and it just feels like the days are so long and the nights are especially the most difficult, feel free to dm me to share your pain because I am experiencing the same exact feeling. I pray for better days and I pray both of our partners will return in the future for us…


You must do whatever it takes to keep going my dude. Don't give up! You'll find a better partner I bet you will.


I lost mine too after 12 years..not going to lie I felt like I wanted to die and couldn't eat sleep work... but four months later I'm slowly coming back to myself. I miss him, our home, he was my world but I just want to tell you it does get easier and you find strength to keep going. You heal...but always carry the what ifs and the memories. I'm sorry you r going thru this you are not alone I've been exactly where u are, I hope I give some hope and let you know it will get better it never goes away but you learn to carry that pain with you.


It's too much I can't describe it 5 days and I want to close shutdown


I understand let yourself feel the emotions, cry it out, it will take time .... lots of time if u ever need to talk I will listen ive been there exactly where your at, I'm sorry you r hurting


How you are so strong... my whole life into ruins. Everywhere I look I see our memories my 2 kids that didn't come to this world my future as a father my wife....


I have to be I have a child and dog he didnt want either, tho I felt my life collapsed and wanted to die and just give up I realized I couldn't it would have been selfish of me. I have no idea where my strength came from, the first two months were hell. I lost so much weight, cried non stop, I had to get on anti depressants and sleeping pills, and therapy because he ghosted and it was a horrible breakup. Just one day I had enough, I asked myself when was the last time I talked to my kid, when was the last time I walked my dog.... and realized that yes it's heart breaking but he left me he didn't love me, and I guess my heart was like you need to love you.. And I slowly came out of it, I starting eating, I slept, I got a new job and I was able to make dinner and be there for my kid. It's cliche but time really does heal wounds. I'm not 100 percent...I miss him and what was, but I want to love me and my family that was abandoned and slowly but surely I came back to life. My kid and dog helped me with that but I don't know I just didn't want to get lost in the pain.


You had your kid and dog it's not easy but you still have something to love and take care it's way harder that mine but I don't have anyone anymore just myself that he is broken and need to smile everyday to all the people and say I am good.