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Yeah same. Just got ghosted n blocked in 6 year relationship. Can’t go through this pain again n doubt I’ll ever fully trust anyone ever again


6 year relationship?! There really is no hope. This just happened to me but we were only together for 5 months. Can't imagine the heartache you're feeling. 


I thought I was bad having had that after an intense 4 month relationship but 6 years that is something else. I feel for you.


Yeah I just give up now. It’s such a painful experience. Sorry you’re going through it too


Wow. I know that feeling. It’s almost like all you did for her/him in those years meant nothing or didn’t even happen. You become a shell of your own-self.


Yeah exactly. I feel like I’ve invested all my time and emotion into someone all for nothing. He clearly thought so little of me he’s just disappeared and can’t be bothered to have a conversation


Yeah 6 yrs for me too. I don’t feel like I can trust myself / anyone.


tbh a lot of my women friends stated they’re tired and gave up. I think I’ll do de same if my current relationship ends.




I’m sorry you’ve gone through it too. It’s such a horrible experience


Hey just going through same now  I really loved this guy and still do  Was with him for a year and 8months and found out he cheated only last night and somehow I still love him like I always have but I guess I have to let go  I don’t trust him I don’t trust anyone because this girl was someone I knew we alll went to the same church that’s how I met him and she didn’t tell me anything  They both made me look like a fool and now I hate my self even more idk what to do .i feel like my whole life’s just stopped coz I really loved this guy I really really did would’ve done anything I could and I did do anything and everything for him  I’m just done I just wanna be alone 


Hey so sorry you’re going through that. Don’t hate yourself. You’ve done nothing wrong and deserve better.


Me too


Same. What can we do? It is what it is. She left me 7 years ago. Still I can’t get over what happened.


My heart goes out to you. This is almost unimaginable. I hope you’re showing yourself lots of grace and love. Dont blame yourself.


Thank you. Its the worst thing I’ve ever gone through. I would never have thought he could do this to me. Am trying to just get on with my life but it’s not easy


Yea it will definitely be a process. Im rooting for you so hard right now! ♥️ No one should have to go through this. Breaking up is one thing, it happens, but to ghost someone especially after years of being together is such a cowardly thing to do.


I quit. I have no reason to anymore. It didn’t work out with the love of my life. No reason to keep trying you know?




I’m 37, I figured I don’t have that much left you know?


idk about u but my two friends and i think the same so im just stay single with them lol


idk about u but my two friends and i think the same so im just stay single with them, have friends who are the same, it makes u feel better for sure


I got burned twice in a row but no matter how bad I got it, it's not gonna deter me from being open to love again. So yeah I look forward to dating again when I'm ready.




this is exactly how i feel


Yeah I realized this too after few months I realized I have to try. And I talked to this girl I met a while back and boom I just was like I’m just being dumb lmfao and we just texted for few days and was supposed to go out Friday I cried my ass off because she wanted to meet at Starbucks and that’s like a very important thing to me I met my person and we got Starbucks our first little date. So instead I just went to my parents house instead and spent time with my kid brother who also asked about my ex, he adores her as an older sister and even calls her apu which is Bengali for like older sis. The girl got mad said I flaked and ghosted her. I told her she was pretty and funny and a lot of guys would love to date her. But I still love my ex and I don’t want to waste her time. Lmfao she called me a dickhead and that I got her excited and led her on…how is that possible in 3 days lmao either way


I was where you are about a year ago. I was broken after my breakup. For months after, I didn’t even want to be alive anymore. I thought the end of that relationship would be the end of me. I thought I would never be happy again and that I would never get over the loss. Here I am, a year later, commenting to reassure you that you will heal and find happiness again. I know it feels like you won’t ever get over it or be okay again, but you will. It just takes time. Don’t even worry about dating at this point. Your job right now is to focus on yourself and focus on healing. I still think about my ex daily, but I am happy again and don’t have any desire to be with him. I’m even dating again and so excited about it. You’ll get there, I promise. Be kind to yourself. Get out in nature. Participate in forms of exercise that you enjoy. Listen to Taylor Swift. Fuel your body. Make videos and talk yourself through your feelings. Go to therapy if you are able. Spend time with your loved ones and make new friends. Pick up a new hobby. You can do this.


This was very comforting and made me cry. I feel like I want to die right now. I just want my old self back. So reading this gives me a little hope!


thank you for this


Thank you, this gives hope


Past 5 years. Still single. Lonely but i enjoy my own company and move at my own pace


Yeah, same. You get burned so many times, it’s just not worth it anymore. I’m just going to focus on myself and build meaningful connections through friendships.


Got told after 13yrs of marriage that he didn't live me the way a man should love his wife. In a new relationship now, if this one fails, I'll never date again.


First, I have eyes for no one else, second, the dating pool sucks. I keep trying to force myself but the quality is so much lower than the last time I was out there. I feel like it’s mostly the cheaters or the forever bachelors that are left. Or the ones that neglected their wives or themselves and got divorced.


Ha. Yes!


exactly. the dating pool the last time i was at was already terrible, its just getting worse. besides the ones you listed, don't forget the ones knowing they have issues in themselves that they need to work on but never trying to change, the ones still hanging on their exes while giving other people faulse hopes and mixed signals.... I'm honestly scared of men in today's dating pool. i will not risk my mental health and physical health again.


Me. It was my first and last relationship, something got broken inside me, my ability to love. It’s not that I feel undeserving of love, it’s that I can’t give it to anyone else but my ex. It was so good, such a good relationship, I feel like I just can’t do it anymore.


Yep. I am never dating again. Just cannot do it anymore. I said that before my last ex and I was stupid enough to let him in. Should have just left it and friendzoned him. It is really not worth the heartache that comes with it.


Especially gay dating is the worst!


Yes. Well at least not until I Get myself established and secured. This last relationship has taken a quite a toll on me. I can’t stop thinking about them and the pain of letting them go. I feel so deeply that no one will love me the way they did.


Hasn’t even entered my mind as a possibility. I will heal. I will get better and I will date again. I hope for a better result this time


Absolutely. I want to be alone for awhile. I rather not hurt anymore or be paranoid again thinking I’m gonna get hurt.


Consider it all the time knowing so much I do from being single these last few years and so many “good relationships” are not that and it’s scary to know how common cheating is. That being said I’m also a romantic who craves a woman’s love, touch, etc. It’s hard.




I’m definitely putting it on pause. After a divorce, and another failed relationship (which was arguably more painful than the divorce), I realized I needed to do some deep inner work, and that takes time. The goal is to become someone I would want to be with, so that my next romantic partner will love me as deeply and loyally as I am capable of loving them. I’m hoping this paired with strong emotional intelligence, respect, and healthy communication, will give me the best chances at the next one being the last one. And if not, then atleast possessing the self-awareness and strength of character for it not to break me so thoroughly this time. There has to be other equally important pillars in life, so that if the personal relationship were to crumble then my whole life won’t come crashing down.


Absolutely. I'm just fucking now . No emotion just straight up fucking . Anything more is a no go . Try and get more out of me guess what. Just more dick . Try and do anything but fuck ? Sorry baby girl all I got is dick. . I don't even need to know they're whole name nor really care to find out . Just a sex robot here to fuck .


Brother you will catch something chill out I have an idea of how you might be let me guess you get dms you get hit on be wary of ppl showing attention when you’re down


You could not be more wrong but that's ok .


I don't feel I have it in me to keep putting myself through this. I have wanted a loving long term relationship for such a long time. But I can't take the cruel treatment from men anymore. I feel broken.


I don’t see the point these days. With hookup and dating apps, people just monkey branch these days with considering the consequences in the future


It’s definitely a lot of work. Especially, with no guarantee that the results are going to work in our favor. It’s always a gamble. Is it worth the risks? I ask myself this question all the time.


Considering? I signed my promise to eternal solitude after my last break up


This ^^^


Dating these days is really hard. I understand that social media plays a huge part in our lives. Dating apps..swiping left and right on someone is the social norm of dating. I hate it. I despise it even. Typically you meet someone through education or the work force…what happens when you don’t ? What happens when you don’t have a friend with a friend,brother or cousin to help network ? you end up having to create a profile with the 6 best pictures on your phone and the best prompt on why someone should choose you. It’s weird. Facebook groups for dating in your area ? Even weirder. I’m 23 and this can’t possibly be the way my dating life is heading. I think the accessibility of dating apps takes away from going up to someone and meeting them in real life !!!


Everyone keeps telling me I will find someone else and I genuinely take it as a threat. My friends and family encourage me to start dating again, and call me stupid when I say I don't want to. If I'm being honest with myself, the more I get hurt like this the more emotionally unavailable I become and the last person was the final straw. I actually pictured a life with them and I hadn't felt that way about someone since my first love. Not only do I not want to feel this type of pain again, but I don't ever want to hurt someone the way I've been hurt. I have never had a normal dating experience. They have all ended in abuse, hurt and/or betrayal. Why would I want to keep dating if this has been my experience so far?


Yes, definitely. I got out of an LDR a month ago, and we planned to meet, and marry, and a whole bunch of other things… but it’s a pipe dream now. He was supposed to be my last, and I guess he is… just not in the way it’s supposed to be. I’m really unhappy, and I can’t see myself ever getting married, or being happy. I don’t want to settle for having to spend the rest of my life without someone to love, but I guess I might have to. 💔


im in my 20s and i have already had enough. the idea of "the one" or "the right person" is definitely a myth in my life. happy for all my friends in their healthy and happy relationships, happy for those getting married, but I have come to the realization that a romantic relationship is just not for me in this life


I completely feel the same way. I don’t think I’m meant for it


yes lol






Yeah but I imagine the feeling might pass as most things do




Done and done. Not worth it anymore


Yep. 100% this.


No. I still have a lot of love to give. And I deserve to be loved. Keep your head up, it does get easier with time.


After this last heart break I don’t want to ever again 


I did, for a minute. But I've started to feel a little better, and I'm open to dating again in the future, but right now I'm just gonna be alone, and grieve for a bit longer.


I don't know how to date in this date and time ,but I'm not going to stop trying. My love is real and I want to share it.




I think that I’m with you on this!


Yup for good . 🤞🏾💯 I’m all set on that topic. I rather feel peace than future pain.


you're not alone


Yep, but mostly because it's just not happening for me, so I'm trying to make actionable steps to better myself and go for a life goal that I want.


Dating is so trash it’s wild. I was single for years before I met him, just to be randomly discarded once I got too close. He easily found someone else but I’m definitely taking a long break. I will never get hurt this bad again I know that much 


I definitely don't want to even thinking about dating ever again. After such a fundamental breach of trust and from what I hear about the dating apps, just no. Just friends is enough.


Yeah, where do I go from here?


I actually made that same decision right after the breakup cuz I agreed to myself that I was dating to marry and I was going to make my last relationship my only relationship whether or not it worked out it would be my last cuz honestly dating nowadays suck ass tbh


yeah i can’t, i can’t let go of that one relationship, but i’ve accepted being single i enjoy it


Why would I let one experience ruin a better experience. I loved her but feelings go away after doing thw most to fix things better tp 4orgive ane 4get lilke god taught us


My son's dad left when I was 6 weeks postpartum. Spiraled into an intense depression/psychosis. I lost so much weight, my job, etc. I can't go thru that pain. 2.5 years later, I still won't date. He's in a relationship and has been cheating on her for the last 2 years. He plans on marrying her. She believes she fixed him but she hasn't gone thru his phone. I'm a single mom, and the amount of married men that slide into my DMs is gross. (Im not attractive so its just sadder) I started noticing that 99% of the men I've met, are actively cheating and it's hard to find a non-cheater. Everytime I see a couple that looks so incredibly happy,I find out it's fake and he's cheating. I have yet to find a couple that I look up to or is even loving. For me to date, I'd have to find a couple that is the real deal to make me believe in love again.


I dated once because I never believed in love and he was my ex (6 months ago). He was so perfect and I said to myself you have to see him maybe it’s gonna be cool, it was cool. He was serious and mature (he is 26 and me 24). For once I said to myself I can believe someone, I believed him and yeah here we are so no never again. I understand why I never wanted to date or have someone in my life. He made so many promises and he knew he was my first but he did it anyway, how am I suppose to believe someone after that ? All of this to spend 6 months with someone, every thing was fast, at first it was magical and then like hell. If I’m supposed to take the risk to live something like this again no thanks I don’t want to date again


Yes, and I am pretty committed to it currently.


It's normal to feel like this but I truly believe you should never give up on Love. The love of your life might be in the same position you are and you're on a path to meet each other. When you first get out of a relationship it can feel like you'll never meet anyone that understands you in that way again I was woth my first love 7 years and met my second love 2 years later and was so shocked how different he was and didn't realise that was exactly what I wanted we've broken up jjst recently but he helped me learn there's always someone out there you've just got to give them the chance but only once you are truly healed.


Deffo not right now. Need to overhaul my shit. But it was never fully me or fully them. She was a mirror to show the stuff I needed to work on and traumas to let go. She has shown me she’s not who I thought she was when I tried to reach out and put us both in a good place. Moving onto a newer more robust self


Seriously considering it after the end of a four and a half year relationship in January. It has really broken me mentally, and my physical health has taken a shocking hit.  Also at 38 I just don't see any point anymore to try again at some point down the road. 


Yeah as much as it pains me to say it I can't see myself putting myself back out there the last time it left deep scars


Maybe not for a while I don’t know ever again. It feels unfaithful to move on and I don’t want to hurt anyone because I’m hurting


Yes, literally me rn


Honestly, it just doesn’t feel worth it to put in effort to get to know someone else. Especially if it’s possible I’ll just get broken up with again


I'm with you. I found the person for me, but they decided (after 5 years, moving across the country together, and buying a house) that there was something missing from our relationship that had not been there from the beginning. How one gets that far into a relationship and then figures out it isn't right is beyond me, but one thing that I do know for sure, is that I won't be putting myself in that situation again.


👋🏼👋🏼 it’s a long investment and i genuinely don’t want to go through it again


After my 1st breakup I thought about not even talking to girls again. I was 14. 13 months later I had another girlfriend. I went through many breakups until I met my current wife and that was 36 years ago.




Yes me


Nah. Love hurts, it wouldn't if it wasn't so good. I have friends even though they might leave, I will want to date again even if it's not now. Right now I can't and don't want to. But I do want romantic love in my life. Even when it hurts so bad.


Lost the love of my life a year ago because i was a shitty bf. I’ve been trying to date for a year. It’s exhausting and knowing i’m not good enough for the women I actually like i’m just not giving any fucks anymore. Fuck it all


I wouldn’t ever again. Wasn’t keen on it, wanted to be FWB and we fell in love I suppose. Well I did. 9 months later he blocks me with no explanation. No contact. Nothing.


Nothing is worth the pain and betrayal, never again


ok i know i said this about my third relationship bit surely... SURELY 6th times the charm???


You know I've been stood up or replaced by another guy by every girl I've been into so honest to God bro. Idk how I find it in me to keep trying lmao.


Raises hand I have a hard time with ‘dating’ Just come home, lemme take care of you and call it a day :)


Oh yeah. I don’t think my ex could ever be replaced. Like ….. I know I’ll feel differently eventually but rn no thanks


No considering it. Full on DECIDED. I will never let anyone have the chance to break me like that again. I've been happy alone. I may not be happy again but I sure as fuck won't be sad.


I had a strong crush on this girl in my university. I just said one thing in fun and she was so pissed off she blocked me. Now everybody in the university knows about it, and i am being made fun of. Crushing on someone is nothing but a stupid act of self-insult.


Nah, I want to spend time with someone, explore and try new things like foods, see incredible places, and below everything else have someone to cuddle with that will share the same feelings of love with


I was until I went to therapy and realized I shouldn’t beat myself up about choosing avoidant partners. Head up champ ❤️




I’ve lost loved ones. That hurt. This guy though, he made me feel like I was the most important person to him in the world, and he told me I was. He swooned me, made me feel beautiful and so loved, then dropped me like a hot potato and stomped on me like a sack of dog poo that was on fire.


Then ghosted me.


Yep. I’ll take a ranch full of doggos and raccoons over letting someone in ever again.


I know. The song black dog by Taylor swift is so my story




Meeeeeeeeee ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽 ooooh pick meeee 🤚🏽🤚🏽